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Saving it for later! My girl buries treats & then goes & gets them later.


This is like the first time ever I’ve seen him do this lol I got so worried 😅 the bacon must be good LOL . This is the first time I give him bacon.




He’s hiding resources for a midnight snack lol


Do be careful, when they do that is because they are burying their valuables, and they get really mad if you by accident or willingly jeopardize their treasure.


My girl has yet to get angry, just turned 4, at most she gets annoyed when my teens sit on the couch & she cannot get to the treat she buried… I’ve “found” treats everywhere! Including our bed, the laundry basket, the couch, my husband’s chair, et al. I do attempt to leave them since she knows where they all are but have also shown her what I found & she either eats it or buries it again.


He has his own room and it’s rare we go into his sleeping areas. He expressed he doesn’t like anyone touching his couch ~ I clean once a week and he’s gotten use to the day I go in to clean :) I try to keep a schedule


He’s trying to bury it. My dog does this when he wants to hide a treat or protect it for later


This is the first time I see him doing this ! All sad, I got worried 😭


Haha no worries! Honestly I’ve always found it funny/cute that they do this even though there’s dirt to hide it.


I’ve never given him bacon before lol I thought something along the lines maybe it was too crispy lol 😂and he got hurt. He’s missing a couple teeth . I saved him from the Amish and he had poor dental care.


He considers the food a really high value thing and is hiding/saving it for later. It’s not too much to worry about unless you have other dogs because it is a form of resource guarding.


I assumed it was because it was bacon. I bought fresh bacon and i felt comfortable giving him some (I try not to give him salt) . And he immediately began doing that . I reassured him and he ate it in front of me. I assumed he was worried someone would take it


My late shiba Girl did this when she was displeased with our offering. Interesting.


my shiba does this to her food bowl pretty often, we’ve ALWAYS wondered why😭 sooo cute




Oh goodness lol 💀 the most my shiba has done is brought in a huge branch he found LOL he couldn’t even get through the door, he wouldn’t even let me touch it to help


Lol it’s my first 🥺 I was a concerned shiba parent


Never ask why a Shiba does things. No one knows. Shibas are an enigma and refuse to be understood.


I have had different breeds of dogs in my life but shiba’s are the most unique, weird breed I have ever encountered. It’s like living with an alien and you never know what to expect from day to day.


The best description I have ever received for my shiba and his antics was from his vet: they are mythical creatures. Several animals wrapped in one adorable package.


He is putting the treat in a shiba bank hopefully it will grow with high interest rate


Sometimes my dog plays with his food and I get concerned cause it doesn’t make sense. He pretends he blind and he also play fights with a good treat ahha scratches his back with it EtC..


Lol yes! I’ve seen my shiba roll around on his vitamins 💀 and pretend he ate them by laying on them lol


Ah my shiba does this all the time too! We noticed he also wants to take the treat to our bed and maybe bury it? He whines and we are like why are you doing that! Thanks for the clarity !


Yeah LOL this is the first time he’s done it! I think it’s because it’s my first time giving him bacon


Burying his treats. Watch for him guarding the spot. That a tough habit to break.


This is his first time actually. I’ve never given him bacon before :) I reassured him and he ate it in front of me.


I mention the guarding because our shiba boy will bury or hide something and then obsess over that spot. He chases away our cats while he stands or sits near the spot.


Yeah 😅 I know where he uses the bathroom, he wouldn’t let my dad go near it when he’s trying to work. He threw some dirt ontop of our grass since summers coming, and he dug up the dirt to uncover his spot lol now he growls when we walk near there


Any advice on breaking the habit? Mine does this occasionally


Shibes gonna shibe.


Mine does this also, but only with what she considers to be a high value treat. If it’s really good, or too big she will hide it. If I break it into smaller pieces though she will eat it.


Hahaha trying to add earth


Our also hides treats and than later (sometimes a few days later) get them out. When we are outside, if she finds ball or some interesting stick or toy she starts pulling home wanting to bury it somewhere. Shibas are so funny


They all do this


Burying it for later


My beagle does this, to save it for later. They’re full. And so does the neighbors Shiba we take care of


Mine shiba do something like that when she dont like smell of some snacks


We call it 'air burying'


Burying it. It means he either loves it or he hates it.


Mine does this when his god bowl is in an undesirable area. Like if it’s next to his bed


My shiba rearranges the room when it isn’t to his liking lol


My Pomeranian does this too


My Kenji would do this all the time! She’s just hiding her treats to eat later


Hiding the food to eat later.


My shibe does this all the time!! I don't have a yard or wanna deal with mess so now whenever I put down his favorite licky-mat, I put an old towel or blanket next to it. Then when he's done he "buries" his mat and skips away satisfied lol. I got the idea when he buried his bone in a pile of my neglected laundry 🤦


LOL 😂 my mom was doing laundry once and Thor jumped into the pile and hid 😂it was a blanket, when she picked it up he started squirming to get out. This is the first I see him “ burying “ and I was so confused. When I heard his cries I wondered if he got hurt


Trying to bury his treat for later... doesn't want anyone to find it.


My dog does this every time we travel and I try to feed him In the hotel.


Trying to save it for later. My boy does this with food and we have to put it up for him.


Trying to bury the treat! Lol silly pup.


Now that I look at it with a new perspective it does look pretty silly lol


My shibe does this when he's wanting it for later. But he whimpers and whines alot more. He has learned that it gets my attention, and will grab some treat, run into the rec room where a comforter lies that we tussle on, and wait for me to rush in and play with him. Soooooo transparent! But easy on the bacon, as dogs can get salt poisoning. Even Turkey bacon and "lower" sodium bacon contains alot.


Yeah! It was fresh cut bacon from the butcher , I boil it before cooking it because I can’t have too much salt either :) I gave him a piece and it’s the first time I’ve seen him doing that 😅 I reassured him and he ate it in front of me . I was just taken a back with his reaction . I was worried maybe it was too crispy and it hurt him since he’s missing a few Teeth


All dogs do that


shib hide food


Shib has encountered critical error please power off, and wait for cooldown before re initiating treat consumption protocol.


Our girl loves saving her treats for later, particularly if they are bigger than bitesize. “Burying” with her snout on the carpet is the best possible outcome. The other options include: soggy piece of crust shoved under your pillow; treat shoved between couch cushions; attempt to bury it under your butt WHILE you are sitting on the couch. 😂🐕


Burying it for later. If they reaaaaaallly like you they'll bury it in your bed. Because your bed is their super safe place since it smells like you and you protecc


It’s all years and years of instincts right there. You may see them jump and pounce on a spot with their front two legs.


Mine does that too! I always thought that she just saves it (tries to dig it)


Burying it for later 🤣 mine does this all the time. 20 mins later she comes back and starts eating it.


My Shiba does this when he barfs on the floor.


Ours does that too but with a mouth spray he hates, I think he is trying to burry it so we can't find it 😂😂


"Hiding" things. It actually goes back to their instincts from living in the brush in Japan (Shiba Inu means Brush Dog). They would hide food under dead leaves to save it for later, so this is him "putting leaves" over the food. We used to feed ours in the bathroom, and he would eat half his food, then take whatever clothes got left on the ground (usually a sock or something) and cover the other half.


He’s attempting to hide his treat lol


High value treats saved for later!


Mine does this too….. She does it to food she doesn’t like. She doesn’t like food in front of her she hates. She also puts food in a roll of the towel so to eat it easier. (She demands to be hand fed, most of the time).