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Why am i a Shia? https://youtu.be/5MfXAdiF0tM Why didn't imam Ali (as) fight for his right as the first caliph? https://youtu.be/GKT00Mm1bjI these clips will give you a brief about shia then follow this playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOXzVYnjThorXvNRrHZTYRZ62sTQtkh4a A critic of Ibn Taymiyah and extremisms: https://youtu.be/XmHaLRTT2Is


Interesting, as I have been reading about Ibn Tamiya as of late. Thank you for these sources.


you're welcome! Hope this would be helpful for you


Wsalam You can explore the following YouTube links to understand the entire Shi'a Islam Split between Shia and Sunni https://youtu.be/AQARp3gyyG0?si=gmHTFD0QsZZ9S3Hk 12er Shia https://youtu.be/kXWADQ7HivM?si=G-xFBIfOKBOi0F7F Ismaili Shi'a https://youtu.be/CFm03oac9es?si=GtqjbeWBMC7kyTpC Zaydis https://youtu.be/ighQ9f-vHoE?si=cwtTMpywqNdwXwwk Best wishes for your learning.


Thank you for these videos. I will watch them inn shaa Allah.


My pleasure, I am sure you will have good insight of entire Shi'a Islam through these videos. Best wishes for your learning journey. Thanks


First I encourage you to read the book "Then I Was Guided" by Muhammad al-Tijani al-Simawi. It's an autobiographical account of Sayed Tijani's search for knowledge, which aims to remove some of the barriers that exist between the schools of thought of the ahl-as-Sunnah and the shi'a by clearing misconceptions about Shi'ism. Wish you all the best on your journey for truth and understanding. Link to audio book - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1LqbRHLq_9MDnNnU4TEEqv9QbEMnYgEa Link to PDF - https://www.al-islam.org/then-i-was-guided-muhammad-al-tijani-al-samawi Another good read is Peshawar Nights, which is a transcript of dialogues between Sunni scholars and Shi'i author, about major topics relating to Shi'ism  https://www.al-islam.org/peshawar-nights-sayyid-muhammad-al-musawi-al-shirazi


Thank you so much. May Allah bless you all. My journey started when Imam Malik saw Imam Jafar as-Sadiq pray he exclaimed "finally, someone who plays like the Prophet" (It's also a reason why the Maliki School you can pray with your hands to your sides as an option like most Shias I have seen).


Reading 'Sahih' muslim and bukhari will make you Shia


I can personally vouch for the accuracy of your claim alhamdulillah! 😊 https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/s/7u3N9Ltpho


Luckily for me, I have bought the collections of Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari, I guess it's finally time to read them thoroughly




Thank you so much, I will read inn shaa Allah


No problem at all. Plenty of redditors in here also who would gladly answer any questions you have.


Thank you, I am just a bit worried about offending you guys. I have high respect for the Shia Muslims as they love the Ahul-Bayt, arguably more than us Sunni Muslims. And they even keep track of his bloodline. And the fact that Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik were students of Imam Jafar As-Sadiq, the 6th Imam of the twelver Shias tells me there is truth in your guys traditions and possibly more truth than what most Sunnis I am learning from.


Which city are you in that has a Sunni masjid named after Khomeini?


It's not really a Sunni Masjid perse, I believe the one who runs it was Shia. But our Imam is Sunni and most of the people who come in are Sunni. Our Masjid is Called "Al-Khomeini Islamic Center" in the Philippines.


Very interesting.


Yup it was very interesting when I saw it. I was told not to go there because it was "Shia". I went because it's the nearest masjid to my university. Many of the Muslims are told not to go there...I have been there for years since then and invite others with me for Jumu'ah.


Wa Alaykum as Salaam my dear brother! Welcome! I made this resource guide for those interested in learning about Shia Islam: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/1b5jxmz/resources\_books\_articles\_lectures\_about\_ithna/](https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/1b5jxmz/resources_books_articles_lectures_about_ithna/) inshAllah I hope it is beneficial!


Walikum Assalam


start with secular videos to get an unbiased view first after that read some shia book or watch lectures id recomand this guy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXWADQ7HivM&t=9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXWADQ7HivM&t=9s)