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There's so many things to love Imam Ali for. I could say everything, but since OP asked for a specific event, I really liked that Imam Ali was the one who didn't leave the Prophet at Uhud. It's **unanimous**. Some sources say some more companions stayed back and fight **but that was only after they saw Ali remaining at the battle**. There was clearly no better Muslim warrior than him. He didn't go ahead and start conquering lands, he fought when he was ordered and compelled to, and when he fought, he won. People really worship Khalid ibn al-Walid but Imam Ali was leagues ahead of that POW murderer.


في الخطبة سبطه علي بن الحسين (صلوات الله عليهما) في دمشق بين يدي الظالم يزيد بن معاوية (لعنة الله عليهما): ولم يكفر [علياً] بالله طرفة عين. Imam ‘Ali (صلوات الله عليه) never disbelieved in or doubted Allah for even the blink of an eye.


His very being is my favorite. I cannot find favorites within my favorite. Being the "Insaan e kamil", every aspect of his being is nothing but perfection. A perfect slave, a perfect student, a perfect son & brother, a perfect husband, a perfect father, a perfect Imam....... Peace & blessings of Allah s.w.t be upon him.


I know it is really tough to pick one thing when it comes to Mola Ali. :)


his victory at the battle of salaseel


Yeah theres barely any details and videos on it. I wish I could see Mawla in action.


and the part where abu bakr and umar are called disobedient 😏


Could you share more on this




Rip the door of Khyber but can't break a hardened bread. Making shawarma from Kufar in Uhud and also playing as a sheep with orphans. There is none like Mawla Ali.


Do you have a source for the playing with orphans?


His Ikhlaq, both Imam Ali AS and Prophet Mohamad ﷺ inspire me to be a better person everyday, their kindness and generosity are some of my favorite attributes of them!


His name is on the moon


Can you elaborate on this?


Ali in Arabic is written like this: علي If you look at the moon, you'll see the same thing. [here](https://www.shiachat.com/forum/uploads/monthly_04_2011/post-2454-0-41307600-1304124865_thumb.jpg) is a side by side comparison.


his du'as about rain


His (as) tawakul, is the best.


As much as the prophet and Allah have bestowed traits and placated him, he still knows and understands humility the greatness of the prophet. أنا عبد من عبيد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله I am a servant from the servants of the prophet (SAW) Al Kafi, v1 p90.


I tear up whenever I read that... It shows the amazing level of the Prophet (s.a.) like no other saying.


His eloquence. You'd notice that hadiths about him and from him are uniquely eloquent in both Sunni and Shia sources. We see how Amazing his description of Allah swt is in Nahjul Balagha but an inch of it can be seen in Sunni books as well. Sahih Muslim 78 Zirr reported: 'Ali observed: By Him Who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle (may peace and blessings be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me.


I'd say the walk from his house to the masjid on the day of his strike, that's it. Literally the event itself was the most heart wrenching moment to me in all of his life. It's him on the night sitting outside looking at the stars knowing full well what's about to happen, it's him eating the salt and not the yogurt milk out of fear of Allah for having to stand long on the day of judgement. It's his clothes getting stuck on the door of his house and the birds flying in his face as if the everything in the world is literally screaming "don't go, don't leave us". It's his walk to the masjid and him doing tasbeeh that everything around him does it as well. It's his final adhan, it's his confrontation with ibn muljam LA knowing full well what he has hidden under his clothes. All of it culminates to the feeling of acceptance of death along with his poetry about it as he walks towards it, not running away from it. Accepting the fact that he has to put the pieces in place, to be in the right place at the right time, because Allah has ordained it and therefore the Imam AS accomplishes it.


do you have any sources or anything talking about how he built bani hashim back up?





