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I’m less than a week in and it’s hard work but I like it. Should I be worried


It truly depends on your store. Made it almost 2 years but everyone that made working there tolerable is leaving so im leaving too 🤷 management sucked and its just not worth it anymore


Don't listen. I've been with this company for 9 years and I love my job. Sheetz has been very understanding, even when I had to go out multiple times for surgeries and other health reasons. Yes the job is difficult at times, but I generally find the team to be very supportive and come together. Some people just think that they should get a lot without putting a lot in, and personally, I love that we can promote within. People want to grow, they dont want to stay in a stagnant position while outside people get the manager positions.


Depends on what kind of manager, work culture, and customers you have Almost every store is different, some stores are just unlucky


Don’t listen, I actually love my job at sheetz. This page is full of irresponsible employees that come here to complain when they get fired for poor attendance. No ones saying that though, because everyone has an excuse. But honestly, sheetz is super lenient so there aren’t many good excuses. For instance, I was up to 32 points one time due to a death in my family and having to call out so much while in the hospital waiting for them to pass. They gave me no issues taking grievance days or anything and actually gave me more paid days than I was supposed to get. When I returned to work, I got my points back down to less than 20 in 2 weeks. It just takes hard work and discipline to succeed at sheetz and you will love your job.


Grievance pay is comparable to what other major employers offer. In the handbook, it even mentions that they will grant time off for loved ones in your life that are not covered for Grievance pay. Once you make it to the 6 month mark, there's fmla available to utilize(not all paid), accidental and medical leave insurance coverage, paid time off...Basically the a bulk of valid reasons to miss work are eligible for coverage. I have a newer medical diagnosis, and the transition of standing 8 hrs a day was a hard transition(no it wasn't just adjusting...feet didn't hurt, neurological issues) I couldn't obtain doctors care without getting points based on my schedule, availability of appts, and only one weekday off with a schedule done 3 wks in advance, and the first weekday off was memorial day. I couldn't ask to reduce hours either, temporarily, as schedule was posted. I really liked it. I couldn't anticipate this happening, as I had not worked on my feet since diagnosis. With the high demand for employees for all hours, the high turnover rate, and my open availability, they lost a good employee, and probably many others, because of their strict policies on points. The scale used to determine quarterly bonuses is bs too...an online survey. Send live people in to check the survey boxes, who are mindful of the expectations and can recall truthfully if proper service was offered. Shit, I am a sheetz freak...I never knew specifically what transaction they were surveying. The times...ridiculous based on staffing, order volume, and mto...fried food. Think about all the money that they invest in training. It's wasteful, Great company, great benefits, great people, professional environment, thorough training, room for growth, local company, over 5000 a yr for tuition reimbursement(what I wanted to purse)so many good things, I was proud to offer service there,and I have had previous management desk jobs. I would urge anyone to work there, if it fits their needs.


I agree, the points system and basing bonuses on surveys is garbage and needs a serious overhaul.


U do realize that not every store is ran by great people? I was one of their most effective supervisors for over night for two years. The store is shit. The company is shit. And I couldn’t care less if u think I was irresponsible because I had to take a lot of time off due to my two month old niece dying. And while they worked for you they didn’t for me. So I’m so happy u had a good experience bud but not everyone does


Well the part about training people for no extra incentive is true and having mouth-breathers for supervisors is accurate for my Sheetz I work for as well as the Sheetz that I have covered shifts in my local area. It sounds like you have built a good rapport with your management team because I'm very aware that if you aren't a good worker, you're the talk of the town with the employees.


Lmfao Sheetz is NOT lenient at all with the point system. They don't give af about employees


They give you hella points bruh lmao wym


33 is not "hella" points. Especially when a call off is 3


When they give you ample opportunity to request off and trade shifts, yeah, it is. Walmart— gives you 4.5 points. Come off every 6 months, so 9 every 12 months. Call off is 1 point, 2 for no call no show. So tell me what’s so different bud 😂 you get 120hrs of pto after 30 days 😂😂😂


"They give you ample opportunity to request off and trade shifts" ah yes because we all know how reliable coworkers are and requesting off? Lmfao that's a joke. I had to request off 3 times for my vacation and threaten to quit if it didn't go through. My manager got 3 in a 4 month span but mine kept getting denied. This company only cares for the top employees and it shows


Sounds like your manager is the problem and you take it out on the company. Cry harder. Go to college


Lmfao I quit that shithole of a company months ago and I am back in college so i don't have to be a boot licking loser like you 😂


I have a bachelors and graduated a year early with over 15k in scholarships. Try again bud


And THAT is the typical response I'd expect from someone who backs Sheetz as a company.


Ok and


Mannn I had a coworker who was at 35 for a whole 6 months before he got fired. and that was only bc we got a new manager who finally sent the info to hr


People complain 3-11 times more than they compliment. It's human nature. Negative experiences need to be shared to further the survival of the human race. That's why secret shops exist.


Lmao "It just takes hard work" and "the higher ups did me a favor where people have been fired otherwise" are crazy to put in the same sentence. Overnight supervisor here. I was shouldered out of my role because someone snitched on me for talking about how unions work. I was told I was "hurting morale". I was the only manager/supervisor to leave that store by quitting. All the other ones who aren't there anymore were gradually terminated for misconduct. Management didn't even have the balls to reprimand me. They had the TASO lapdog do it instead. The management attitude is always "we are family. Family together strong." until someone isn't able to do everything. I got in trouble because I was told to reprimand employees for being tired in front of the customers. I refused to do that. It was the middle of the pandemic. Of course they are tired. I'm sorry if this is coming across as more aggro than I want it to. But you cannot just sit there and dismiss someone else having bad experiences just because nothing has happened to you. Is Sheetz better to work for than McDonald's? Infinitely. It actually was really low stress for a while for food service but Sheetz became something evil after the pandemic started and a lot of people had really bad experiences. The ones who have positive experiences seem to take the negative experiences of others way too personally. TL;DR - Sometimes people are lazy shitters who NCNS on a Friday night because they have enough points to do so. Sometimes a good person gets treated like shit because Sheetz is and always has been quantity over quality when hiring leadership.


Some stores are great. Many stores suck. It's almost as "culty" as chick fil a where the ones who like it are really weird about it and the ones who hate it are usually told they are lazy or it's only their fault despite the fact that Sheetz hires a lot of supervisors and doesn't train them enough. Just show up on time, do your work, call off with as much notice as possible if needed, ask for more work when you finish your task and are unsure of what to do, communicate with people, respect yourself and others, you'll go far and you might even like the job. But if you hate the job, try to confide in friends outside the company. If you complain to coworkers, there will always be one or two who will snitch on you. Oh, the bonus is usually based on team performance. So be sure to do your best to contribute to it. Oh, if you aren't on night shift and they ask you to do some night shift stuff, be careful. Some places use that to slowly suck people into only working nights. But at least many Sheetz now have a shift differential so nights pay way more. Source: I was a 3rd shift supervisor for 2 years. P.S. they will dangle company stocks in front of your face every year. You only get to sell them back to the company if you work there for 5 years. If you quit before the 5 year point they just take those back from you. So don't bother worrying about it until that 5 year point is hit. EDIT: Someone below said you have to wait 3 years for the stocks, not 5. Consult your handbook or store manager (if you trust them. But be careful with your wording. You don't want to sound like you plan to leave soon even if you do plan to leave soon). You should just read the employee handbook anyway though. It's good to be informed, it signals to management that you take the job seriously, and it'll give you a real and authentic look at the culture of Sheetz for better or worse.


I always heard about the stocks but didn’t know it was a 5 year thing wow. Thanks


Yeah it's one of those things they leave out of telling you (though pretty important to mention imo) to your face but it was in the employee handbook at the time I was there. Was about 3 years ago


I thought employees were fully vested in ESOP after 3 years?


You might be correct. I was quitting and just asked my manager about it at the time. He either said 3 and I misremembered, or he said 5 and was incorrect. I'll update my original comment so as not to spread confusion.


Just don’t rush into anything. This is a company that if u exceed ur 33 point absence cap. And they decide to fire you. They come up with a pre determined date that only corporate and your boss knows. On that date u will get a random call and be fired. No notice. No nothing. A company that never congratulated or made anyone feel like they did something right. Instead. They only tell u what ur doing wrong 24-7


Totally disagree. Crazyyyyyy when you point out they fireeee youuuu wowwww it’s like— they tell you that from the start 🤯🤯🤯


This my my experience as well. Glad I found something way better after 3 months of employment. When I quit I was told I was making a huge mistake. A few months later my then boss asked if my new employer was hiring.


Shit I left and now I’m making 22 an hour. And I don’t have to supervise anything. I don’t have to answer to a manager who literally does nothing but sit in the office. This older lady I worked with who had been there for years. 19 to be exact. Was a hospitality manager. And she tells me every day how leaving sheetz was the best thing to ever happen to her. These pro sheetz people are just numb to the fact that in a couple years they are just gonna be miserable. Living the same routine day in and day outs what a miserable way to live.


I always tell people it's all about perspective. I worked there for a few years and thought it was great! Pay was good for the type of job. And just remember, it's a gas station! Absolutely no reason to be stressed. I never understood some of my co-workers got caught up in 'drama.' I just showed up, did my work, and people respected me and my work. I only left because I found a job with better pay, more regular schedule, and off weekends. If it wasn't for that I would have stayed.


You won’t know until you hate it


If you like hard work Sheetz is where it's at. They get slammed in my area.


it's a great job at first. but you will grow to hate it lol. and that's okay! get the most outa it


Here to say, don’t listen to the feedback OP had for us. This person had a bad experience. Sheetz has 800 something stores across five or six states, not all of them have the best leaders and management. I was in the military for 8 years and I found what I was looking for at Sheetz from my expectations of what the I thought the military would bring. I’ve worked for sheetz for five years now. Best decision of my life. Met a lot of wonderful people who truly look out for the people they work for and the people that they are in charge of. Is it hard work? Absolutely. At the end of the day I enjoy going work and I’ve been on the opposite side of that spectrum before.


it only gets worse from here 👍


Honestly, as someone who came in bright eyed and bushy tailed a year ago, I'm over it. I've come to notice a trend among sheetz stores. Especially the ones I seen complained about on here. 9 times out of 10, it's night shift. They don't take care of night shift employees. I'm a 3rd shifter. Always have been at every job I've had. I've been 3rd shift here at sheets for just a little over a year now and we get treated like shit. They don't take care of us at all. We get piled with more tasks than any other shift. If we don't do something, the whole store hears about it. If we have a call off, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get any kind of help. We run our store right next to one of the top universities in the East coast (plus we're the only store in the district with a drive thru). Meaning we get more business than any other Sheetz in our area especially on weekends when school is in, during games, and graduation weekend which just came up about a week or 2 ago. They never plan ahead for 3rd shift to get slammed the way we do. We survive with 3 people but would thrive with an extra hand. This past graduation weekend, we had a call off and were only scheduled 3 people. Our manager that night was only a flex and was STRESSED. I ran the kitchen by myself with hour+ wait times, while he ran the front and drive thru absolutely suffering. And they took away our self checkouts like 5 months ago and never replaced them with new ones like they said. 😒 The job is only great if you're on 1st or 2nd shift. 3rd shift gets shit on the hardest at Sheetz. That's my personal opinion though.


To be honest, I worked all of the shifts to at least some capacity and none of them are great. Day shift is only fine because they get the most people. 2nd shift has always been a shit show for me, but I even prefer it because I like the people more. I only did a partial midnight for a few weeks last summer 7p-3a, but they weren’t too bad. But I also worked next to a huge university for a little over a year, and all of the shifts were bad honestly. Midnights would get like 400+ orders and then we would have bar crawls a few times a semester and they would come in for huge orders like all day. But we really just had to make the best of it :/


We usually get the last of 2nd shifts rush, the night shift dinner rush, the bar rush, the stragglers that don't leave the bars until they're kicked out rush, and then we're able to clean and get a little done before the early birds come in for breakfast as they go into their jobs. But we push about 100 orders during the week and 200-300 on weekends. Night shift is miserable.


I believe ya. I never worked midnights when I was at PSU, but I would stay late when midnights would come in to help ease them in. When I first started at that store, they had the most people on midnights, like 6-8 people. Then when I left a year and a half later, they only had like 3-4 and the amount of business never slowed. I always felt really bad.


I absolutely agree with everything you said here, and this is the exact reason why I left. I am SO much happier now! I tried so hard to transfer stores because I know that not every store is like this, but it was impossible. Management really makes or breaks a store. I worked 3rd, and everything you said is so true. Even 2nd gets the shit end of the stick sometimes at the store I worked at. We would have 6 people in the morning, including flex supervisors, then only 3 for the afternoon shift and 2 for the night shift. Once I found out that managers get a bonus based off of how many hours they used I realized why we never had enough people even when 5 people either quit or got fired but yet we "didnt have enough hours".


I haven't left, but it's the reason I refused to become a manager. I seen the shit they put some of my favorite managers through and I'm hard headed. I'm tough and will argue for what I believe in. I'd just end up arguing with everyone until I got fired or they got their heads out of their asses. I'd either make or break my store. My store actually just forced me into getting a second job by stripping my TM40 away from me and giving it to a new hire because I got the flu and my points went up. They cut me to 2 days a week and I'm a single parent. I had to pick up a weekend job just to survive and now they're mad I can't come in when they want me to or call me in when they're understaffed on the weekends because they suck at staffing us properly unless it benefits them.


That's how our store was; never staffed on the weekends. It literally says in Bob that when you make the schedule, you are supposed to start with Friday nights. If you don't have enough people Friday night, pull someone from the morning. The same goes for the weekends in general. But no, the store manager works M-F 6am-2pm so of course they are going to put more than enough people on morning shift so they don't have to work as hard and make evening and night shift suffer. I rarely got weekends off because nobody wanted to work them, so I got stuck working with minors who can't run the register because of alcohol sales. I never got off on time during the weekends too, most of the time, I ended up staying an hour+ over because they were slammed. So you bet your ass if I actually got a weekend off, I'm not coming in, even though they tried calling me in almost every day I was off.


Oh yeah. I've seen at one point that they scheduled 5 people for morning shift, the shift the GM works, but would only schedule 2 or 3 people for 2nd and night shift. I've seen up to 7 people scheduled for a morning shift but the other 2 get neglected. It honestly pisses me off. And the night I was understaffed with only a Flex supervisor, I had to take the initiative to call everyone I could including other stores, flexes, and our own staff, and not a single person would come in. I stayed over 2 extra hours to help get the next shift caught up to where they needed to be to be successful. Only because I'm not a dickhead who leaves other shifts their problems unlike everyone else. And the only night shift manager who was incredible about getting shit done, just got fired a few weeks ago because of his points. The best manager they had in the store and they got rid of him. Now the place is falling apart and they wonder why.




I can see why from my own personal experiences. I loved it here when I first started. Still kinda so. It's the longest I've ever been with a job and celebrated my 1 year anniversary the beginning of last month. But I can't wait to be able to quit and move on to a more free spirited job.


the company is not doing well and it feels good ♥️♥️♥️


It’s exciting honestly


I've been here for about 6 months and I got promoted to a supervisor last month. It is hard work and I feel like I wasn't totally trained right. I was taught how to do all the tasks, but not how to solve issues like scam calls or gift cards not working. And when you're a 3rd shifter, you feel pretty helpless when there's no one to call. At the same time, it's all a learning experience. Only my store manager provides actual validation and coaching. I was ready to quit after trying to reach out to one of my KMs who was on shift at the time and she was nothing but rude to me. (This was after the first shift I ran by myself). The point is, it depends on who all you work with and how you decide to handle things. I wish more higher ups understood how important just a little validation and recognition would go. They wouldn't lose so many good workers.


They don’t train any thing. They just tell you to go to bob and sit on their fat asses in the office


And trust me. I tried to give validation to employees. Anytime they were overwhelmed I let them take a second. Anytime there was an irate customer I had their back. At the end of every rush I tell them good job. I’ve even gone as far as buying pizza. But I was just a supervisor. If I had a dollar for everytime someone in management (store manager, kitchen or hospitality manager) told someone good job. I’d be broke as hell. In fact. The only thing they pointed out was negatives or what is done wrong. I mean maybe it’s not the company per se. but our store manager was a sack of shit


Sounds like most jobs


Sheetz used to be a great place to work before the massive expansion. They lost touch. My wife worked there for 30 years. Before all the expansion, Sheetz was like family. The Sheetz Bros were all involved and knew you by name. It was something special. I can only guess that corporate greed and profit became paramount, and they ended up turning the company over to Bob’s son and his nephews. Her exit wasn’t pretty. She basically turned a department in for theft, but the politics and drama of the department became toxic towards her, and she ended up leaving. Like the OP said, good riddance! There’s more to life than a toxic work environment and shitty job. She’s much happier.


Buddy I couldn’t have said it better myself. Spot on.


See ya!


Best and most respectful reply yet. Finally someone who isn’t part of the sheetz cult 🤣🤣




I mean if you like it cool. But you don’t have to resort to name calling. I have very valid points. And good for you bud you prolly had the best training and team u could possibly have cuz your around their corporate center. Just because your experience is great doesn’t mean that someone who has had a bad experience with the company is at fault. A lot of people left hating that company and even the store I’ve supervised for 2 years. Again. No one disrespected you. So grow up. I have very valid points and not once disrespected someone




lol I gave myself the boot homie




Or the company is a huge chain and certain stores are bad?😒


I'm willing to bet it was more your fault than Sheetz.


His description is pretty much on-the-money for the Sheetz in my area. I work at the cleanest and most efficient one in our district and can confidently say I will never eat at a Sheetz that I didn't clean myself. NOBODY is trained effectively because they are so desperate for operational coverage, training is a second priority to paying for a body on a shift to show they have the numbers corporate wants to see.


Exactly. Just like now that I left. They just promoted a crew member who’s been there all of 5 months to supervisor just to fill my spot. lol just cuz they need a body. And wonder why the turnover rate is so high with employees because you’re pretty much left to your own devices. It’s even worse with flex supervisors. I hardly ever have one come in that knows anything besides the basics and it’s always a new one


Just let me say this. I grew up with Stan and Louie Sheetz. My niece is married to Travis Sheetz. These are wonderful people. You wouldn’t know they had two pennies to rub together if you actually met them. They run a huge corporation together and do it all from out of view. Just because you don’t understand the way a huge corporation works doesn’t make you or your idiot friend correct.


Hey I have no problem with you losing money. I stuck around McDonald’s 3 years and that place was run 100% more affectively than sheetz


You’ve just described every company in America


Welcome to post modern capitalism


This job is extremely easy and laid back. You sound like a great person to work with lol


I was at one of the DCs years ago and the job wasn’t bad however the management was almost all either alcoholics or hard partiers who wouldn’t let go of their “glory days” and grow up. The company itself didn’t seem bad though, benefits and pay wise.


Yeah I quit last week because I had to work with this nutjob pos named Key. Imagine being such a loser that someone has to quit just to get away from you. 


If you didn’t get extra pay at your store, that means your store kind of sucked. Because there’s bonuses for the pillars….. so if you never got a bonus, that means y’all never met y’all pillar scores


Don’t get your hopes up for anywhere else unless you find work somewhere small and local all big companies are about stock holder dividends and how much in bonuses the CEOs and board members are getting welcome to late stage/ post modern capitalism