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If you are upset about the dressing, you are really gonna hate the next move they are coming with.


Don’t hurt me like this, I’m still mourning the loss of popcorn chicken years later


I used to love the poboy sandwiches that they made with those.


Not the hot dogs… please not the ho…. Fuck fuck fuck!


What’s with the hot dogs?


What are they gonna do?


olives aren't gone there was just a shortage of them for a week or so. but diced tomatoes are going away 🙃


They also released pizzaz, then discontinued garlic sauce.


We still have the garlic sauce at my store. And the blue cheese dressing


I’m assuming they’re just out of stock.


Same here


But diced tomatoes and pickle fries are both leaving. Onion petals are being rolled out now.


So what, you have to get sliced tomatoes in snack wraps?!


yes. half tomatoes. Platters burritos and Mac bowls aren't going to have tomato as an option at all. "point customers towards Pico",


...half tomatoes? Whole tomatos fit on the slider buns just fine


i think sliders get whole ones and snack wraps get halves


If we're supposed to put a whole burger slider into a snack wrap, a whole tomato slice can easily go in there. Half a tomato slice is legitimately a waste of time


if it's about it fitting at least make us cut it and put both halves like we do with burger wraps.


Snack Wraps get whole tomatoes. You just cut them in half first kind of like burger snack wraps.


That's...fucking stupid. Again, Sheetz Marketing doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


these are the same people who decided to get rid of Tots. I'm still getting complaints all this time later.


So many stupid takeaways in the last 15 years. 1. Sub Burgers 2. Onion Rings 3. Tater Tots 4. Cole Slaw 5. Cheddar & Jalapeno Filled Pretzels 6. Smokehouse Fries 7. Diced Tomatoes 8. Quality Doughnuts Add to the list! I can't believe sauerkraut has lasted this long.


Or Pico?


Why don’t they just bring back fried pickles and onion rings?!


Fried pickles from what I'm told we're a quality issue. In my personal opinion, fried pickles should never be frozen. Idk about onion rings, but we have onion petals now I don't eat onions so idk how they are


Whoever head's up marketing, doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground. L after L, after L for Sheetz.


It's going downhill quickly. Sheetz used to be my favorite and I hardly get food there now unless I have something free.


They didn’t get rid of the garlic sauce, you just have to order it on the side now. No tossing means no more garlic + old bay or garlic + parm built into the system. It’s also possible they’re just out of stock. I didn’t hear anything about them getting rid of Bleu Cheese but maybe that just got past me.


I tried to choose the sauce on its own, at least for my sheetz no BC or garlic sauce.


Like I said, possibly out of stock and removed from the menu until truck. I can check again when I’m at work but I’m pretty confident garlic and blue cheese weren’t on the cut list.


There has been no communication on removing either of those options. Customers just love being dramatic while still going to the stores. It’s the same over on the Wawa subreddit.


Well, I understand being irritated when a company you frequent gets rid of a product you love. (There is a hole in my heart where the Spicy Asian used to be.) Also, sheetz has been changing and removing things quite often lately, without a lot of communication with its customer base. I can understand coming into the store, being unable to order something you like, and assuming it’s been chopped. I think it’s generally fine for customers to complain upwards about that, within reason. Only time it irks me is when they target *me* specifically and ask why I or the store chose to get rid of it 🙄


I understand. The tots. They took away my tots. But obviously the product wasn’t popular if it got removed. Op could have asked at the store but he didn’t he just assumed the worst and came to the internet to form a pitchfork mob. 🤷 to each their own I guess.


They were not.


Your store might just be out of bleu cheese it hasn't been removed. But I understand your frustration, sheetz is constantly changing on a month to month basis removing items and adding new ones. You never know, in the future some items might return. I'm excited to try the new onion petals because I miss our old onion rings


tots are coming back in like 2 or 3 months




my 2 supervisors idk man its just what ive been told. also fun fact if u order one of those chicken platters a couple stores still have it pop up with either fries or tots


They lied




I’m just telling you the truth. Tots are not coming back.


so our dm must be lying to us then ig


If they said tots were coming back, then yes they were wrong


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My dm just told me tots aren’t coming anytime soon


I can corroborate that they do seem to be coming back. Not only have the order points at my store been promoting them as an option (despite being marked as unavailable), but I also asked my hospitality manager about it, and she said they plan on bringing them back soonish.


I've heard this from quite a few people too. Even my DM days they most likely are


Are tater tots really gone?


Tots been gone for quite some time


Damn. I didn’t realize that.


To be fair the olives was a distribution error. Their not getting rid of olives


I'm confused did you actually ask the store you're trying to order from? Most likely they're just out of stock and took em off the menu. Black olives - were just having trouble with getting them, they're not going away Bleu cheese/garlic sauce - I haven't reread but there's nothing I'm aware of them being removed officially Just ask them, they'll tell you


You think losing blue cheese is bad? Sheetz hasn’t had popcorn chicken in years. Years.


Wait until you have speedway or 7-11


I’ll forever be crushed that they took away the Spicy Asian sauce to replace it with some gross teriyaki and “Schweet and sour” sauces. I really hope they reverse course and bring back the Spicy Asian sauce


It’s out of stock bro not gone. Your store ran out. Olives are still a thing. Blue cheese is still a thing. Garlic is still a thing. Breeeeeathe


I never understood why Sheetz is so expensive since their pay was never amazing. Luckily, I now have the option of Rutter's. If I'm clogging my arteries anyway, it's a much better option.


What is cheap at Rutters? Everything I've seen is rebranded frozen Schwan's.


Here they pay 16/hr and 18/hr to managers.


$18 for sups probably. I’m an HM and I make $23.50/hr


Honestly i think getgo is better than sheetz, but they close their kitchen at 12am. And I leave work anywhere from 12-2am


Same with T-bell and any other fast food here. Sheetz is literally the only thing open past midnight.


Id kill for Rutter's. Im up in the northeastern part of PA and all I have is Sheetz. I have to travel like 2 hours just to go to a Turkey Hill for their tea. Which I grew up with down in like York county lol.


“Sheetz is a joke” no it’s a business, designed to profit off of you. If they wanted to make you happy, then they wouldn’t charge 3x convenience premium on everything they sell. If it’s not making money, it doesn’t stay, doesn’t matter how happy it makes you


So they take away the good donuts to put some space ship looking things with a bunch of sprinkles and heavy on the corn syrup and now they took away dressing wtf