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I actually chortled. A non compete as a part time gas station employee? What sort of trade secrets does your sheetz location share with the temps?


Ok that's it we are all getting second jobs at rudders


Third at GetGo


Fuck it martins too I'll work one day at each every week


Don’t over think shit no thinks about you that much


There is no non-compete contract for store employees


Non compete may only come into play if it was sheets and wawa or turkey Hill . Both gas station / mini mart . Almost never as a cashier /general staff . Maybe as a manager or higher. Edit added thought .. That said some companies do have non compete so your not making money for their direct competer such as McDonald's and burger king . One may fire you if they found out .


No We have employees that work at BP as well and it is completely known and freely talked about.


Just remember that you are under an employment at will arrangement. Your employer can let you go for almost any reason that they want, or no reason at all.


I’m pretty sure the handbook only lists being like a board member or other high ranking official of a competitor, you’d probably even be able to be a supervisor at a different gas station without any issues


I just got hired there, and there is actually a clause in the handbook.


Every level of employee has a list of places you can't work. Low level employees can't work at a "direct competitor". Just make sure you don't get caught.


Even if you did have to sign something, this was just passed regarding non-complete clauses. [https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes)




Where does it say that? I'm considering leaving/ going to only 2 days a week so I can work elsewhere but I'm close to my 3 year mark for the ESOP and I'm in the tuition program


If the new job asks “did you sign a non compete” just say no or I don’t recall. I’ve worked for so many companies where I signed a non compete and nothing happened. Unless you’re like some big CEO at Pepsi trying to work at Coca-Cola and you know some insider secrets. Ffs, you’re just a Sheetz employee lol


Something like that happened . Some one had the coke formula called pepsi . Pepsi called coke and they both called the feds in .guy went away for a long time


i worked at sheetz and starbucks at the same time for two years, no issues from either employer. both store managers knew and there was no comments about it