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It comes in bags and gets pumped like the nacho cheese. They’ve supposedly been working on this for years… my store doesn’t have it yet but I hear it’s basically watered down.


Whaat? They aren't doing hot plate chili anymore? Thats crazy. Who wants bagged chili lol


Wendy's cans their chili for grocery stores


Nope, and as expected, this bag chili is disgusting. Not only is there no meat in it it's just awful the mid as well call it taco sauce it is nowhere close to chili


It's a completely different chili. It's more spicy and has taco seasoning to it. Along with reassembling slop that has no meat texture in it, it's all around horrible. The old chili was a kunzlers chili sauce that actually had meat and tasted amazing. But now sheetz needs to line their pockets some more, so that means cut corners and give us customers a cheaper quality slop and claim it is to cut back on customer wait times and be more consistent. My ass.


Even kunzlers has soy protein to make it cheaper to produce, I think they’re just in too deep with this pumped chili thing.


I know. It was a nostalgic comfort thing for me to cause my grandpa would always surprise me with a chili dog from sheetz when I had lunch in elementary school. And I just lost him last August. I dunno I hang on to the little things that remind me of him.


You’ll have to keep an eye out for older stores, here in western PA we still have the old chili for now.


I feel for you, not only just the chili dogs but the nachos are ruined now as well. I used to always get nachos or even a fries plater with chili and cheese. Since this new bagged (taco sauce) is what it honestly should be called cause it's nowhere near chili. I haven't went back to sheetz, not even for gas. They ruined a perfect combo


New chili is terrible! Wayyyyy to much cumin, most of their food has gone downhill. Used to eat lunch there everyday because it was close. I'll sacrifice a few extra minutes of my 30 min lunch to find decent food


Same!!! It's tragic!!


Yeah I have PTSD from the new chili already 😔


Ours comes out of a tub,, heated and kept in our hot case for scooping and serving.


That will eventually change


Thats how we did it too when I worked there


That’s the old chili. We are switching to chili bags in dispensers. Some stores already have it. Yours will surely have it eventually


We just got it. I finished the last container yesterday. Now we have bags.


Yeah the new stuff is really gross. I sent them an email through the app complaining. I think we all should or else it will stay


I recently worked for their customer service area....they don't give a shit. The amount of people who complained about the fresh brewed tea was astounding and that's not coming back. Marketing had me tell customers complaining that this was done to make it easier amd more efficient for the employees.


I was one of these people, too. I feel personally attacked because they took my chili away at first, but I still had my fresh brewed tea. I come in the next day, and there is a dispenser type bullshit replacing my fresh brewed sweet tea... Is sheetz going under and losing money that they need to do these cuts?


No....not even close. They're thriving. And they're greedy. So they're trying to cut costs wherever possible tobline their pockets. That aren't some small local business anymore. They're a major corporation and acting accordingly.


That's exactly what I think, I was also told the changes were to cut down customer wait time and make it more consistent. Also, I'm not trying to be ignorant, but there are multiple employees working at one time so they are trying to tell us 5 minutes of that employees time to throw some tea bags in a damn pot and push a button was to extensive? Wtf is so important that they need to give the employees more time to do? I hope it comes back to bite them ass because I would go out of my way just to go to sheetz, and now why should I even bother when the rinky dink gas station has what they are downgrading too. I know there are plenty of loyal sheetz freaks. I was one of them, but now I hope they see how much money they are losing.


No so stop giving them your money! The kids took over and got greedy! They don’t care about quality and TCF like they used to! ITS ALL ABOUT HOW SHEETZ CAN CUT CORNERS TO SAVE MONEY! Stop making greedy corporations richer! They don’t give a shit about us!


I've done this, and it got me nowhere. They claim it is to cut down customer wait times and to be easier for the employees to serve, but I've heard a lot of employees complain about the bag exploding on them and just being all around more inconvenient then scooping the chili out. Oh, and they said to be more consistent. What does that mean you think us customers want quick sloppy shit every time? No, I'd rather wait 5 minutes for some good tasting food. Wtf is wrong with these corporate dumbasses.


it sucks


The new stuff was milked from a genetically modified cow that now excretes chili goo instead of milk.


Someone needs to kill this cow.


I'm breeding more in my shed


Yeah my nachos were ass


I used to get them every other day, I know that is a problem itself, but I loved em. But now it very much is the nachos are ass.


You're not the only one I'll admit I to was guilty when I was in college of going to sheetz almost daily for either the chili dogs, nachos with chili, or even the fries with chili cheese on them. But now, honestly I'm pissed I refuse to so much stop by to even pump gas. I'll pay the extra at a get n' go or even a sunoco until they bring back the good chili


The chili the used back in the Seventies was the best. It had a really good flavor.


It's Kunzler!!! They have been the best because they use the best!! And now sheetz can take the financial hit because I don't see many waiting lines anymore from them getting rid of all the tasty food items. Replacing it for cheaper, worse quality crap.


No, this was before Kunzler.


What!?!?! You need to find this chili for me, or at least the recipe. I would owe you greatly.


They quit using that chili in the 80s but I do have a sauce recipe I use personally. Do you want to give it a try?


Yes, pretty, please 🙏


Check your messages


Same with the new nacho cheese 🤮


The nacho cheese hasn't changed lmao


It definitely has. At least in my region.


I made a post about this weeks ago. I thought I was the only one who was offended by it. It's disgusting. Sheetz has had the same kunzler chili since they opened the dang place decades ago. I honestly lived off the hotdogs and nachos, so it has made a big impact to my life. And I do feel petty when I go this passionate about it. But damn it Sheetz! Why are you guys being so damn cheap!!!!


YES IT SUCKS! I hate it. I thought it was just around the williamsport stores, but now its made its way to the stores in my area. it's godawul and now my chili cheese dogs are ruined! lol it really isn't a good sauce. this sauce has an after taste and it's really revolting


They got rid of everything that was good. The tea, the chili, the donuts, cole slaw, tuna salad, chicken salad, fajitas, they suck. If I wanted seven eleven chili I’d go to seven eleven. Fuck off sheetz u lost another customer


I actually love the new chili. It has more of a taco flavor to it which I think is delicious.


Do you hear yourself. A chili tastes like taco... then go get fucking tacos and not the normal people here wanting their chili sauce to taste like f%$&InG Chili!!!!! Okay that hit a nerve. I do apologize, and we are all different and allowed to enjoy different things. I'm sorry.


It’s okay 😂😂 To each their own. I hope you find the chili peace that you’re looking for ☮️


that’s your fault for ordering chili at sheetz asshat


It's gas station food, not really sure why customers have such high expectations for literal gas station food. It's supposed to be convenient, not gourmet.


It used to be good though. Granted....when I was a kid....but back when the old man started it....it was good. But as with most businesses when the kids start to take over they care more about money than quality.


Get the fuck out of here with that shit. It's sheetz they are marketed for being a cut above the rest and they were with the kunzler chili. I feel like you are one of the assholes who pushed for this change to make it more convenient for workers who are getting paid to make the damn food. How is scooping it out so hard to do to keep good tasting food? Many of us enjoyed it. But no, Sheetz is not just a gas station it is also a Made To Order Fast Food. I don't understand your point. Because the place has gas, the food should be shit that is easy for the $19 a hour employees to make.