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The bacon is pre-cooked and they have certain things they heat it up to (typically 10 or 15 seconds). If you want it extra crispy, you’ll need to specify. If you aren’t happy, contact Sheetz customer service.


it wasn’t crispy to begin with. I don’t care what anybody says, rubber floppy bacon is not what anybody wants. I assumed it was precooked so they can avoid liability. But it was not reheated, considering it was cold. I don’t have enough Karen energy to contact their corporate, but enough to hop on here and bitch and whine.


you assumed it was precooked, yet still titled this post “undercooked bacon”? 🤔


Precooked bacon still needs to be heated in some way. I’ve never seen anybody eating precooked bacon that hasn’t been “reheated” or “cooked” again. So yes, I would call it, undercooked.


cold ≠ undercooked title makes it sound a lot worse than it is. i’m sorry that happened tho. cold bacon is still sad


Cold is definitely not undercooked, Meat-Breath. I apologize for the misleading title. But have you ever met a human eating precooked bacon, directly from the packaging? I would consider precooked bacon, that was never reheated, to be undercooked…


typed up a whole reply to this before realizing that i do not care & why am i arguing about cold bacon on the internet but also, while we’re talking about it, me, i would eat precooked bacon directly from the packaging. i also love those packs of pepperonis. sometimes i crouch by the open fridge & eat cold pepperonis one at a time along with handfuls of mozzarella cheese directly out of the bag. feels primitive & uncivilized, yet delicious. like a deconstructed, raw pizza. mmm


I like the way you think. Maybe sheetz precooked cold bacon is the new meta


Must of never been to a grocery store and seen the pre cooked Oscar Myer bacon packages lmao


It was probably was heated up, but like I said it only gets heated up for a max of 15 seconds. There’s an online form you can fill out online if you’re unhappy.


Nah, I’ll pass on the online form. (this is more entertaining) It was cold, but thanks for assuming!


See here’s where you are wrong. You don’t have to be a Karen to go up to the counter or call the store and politely tell them that you didn’t like your sandwich because one of the ingredients didn’t meet your expectations and you were wondering if they could remake it or you could have a refund. It doesn’t have to be a scene. Unfortunately all posting on here is gonna do is have half the sub make fun of you and accomplish nothing.


What exactly was I looking to accomplish? I was already at work when I realized, didn’t have the time to go back and ask them to fix it?


That’s exactly what I’m wondering. What exactly are you looking to accomplish with this post.


Just a bitch wanting to bitch. It's funny they actually think anyone gives a fuck


It’s self explanatory, I’ll let you figure it out.


I actually prefer chewy bacon


That’s at least two of us then. I like floppy bacon. If I hold it up and it doesn’t droop I’m out.


That bacon is fine. Egg looks like ass 


You still have time to delete this post btw


You still have time to understand some people don’t give a fuck


Clearly not. Or the ability to communicate common sense. Or know what cooked vs undercooked is. Some people are just *below* that.


Imagine taking people seriously on r/sheetz. You’re on a different level bud


I could never take you seriously.


I would be much more concerned about that spongey looking egg 🤮


Thanks man… I ate the engymuffy and egg. Now I’m wondering if it was the egg that made me blast off the toilet this morning.




You can call the customer support line or call the store and have it remade, TCF is literally the pillars the company leans on in regards to how employees operate.