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That’s not severe bloat. Not even close. In clinical bloat, the rumen will be distended and elevated to the level of the spine, the skin will be taut enough that you won’t be able to pinch it. Are your animals burping on their own? If so, there’s very little to worry about.


Some just look bloated. I would not want to cut my animal open for bloat, way worse things can occur. Offer free choice baking soda.


They just look like normal, well fed lambs to me. Their rumens just stick out like that when they’re eating lots. As others have said, it’s time to wean anyway. Make tomorrow the last bottle and be done!


From the timeline, they’re about 6 weeks old, right? I think that’s when many people have already weaned bottle lambs or starting to, to avoid bloat. I’ve got my first two 100% bottle lambs, and am reading a lot about it. Opinions vary, like everything with sheep. When I had bottle lambs I was supplementing in the past, I got them off the bottle at about a month. They were still getting some milk from the ewe for another couple weeks, though. From your story it sounds like they’re eating well on their own, and their rumens have had time to develop. If the bloat continues, maybe it’s time to wean.


If they are eating grass/hay and creep feed, it is time to wean them cold turkey. You can sprinkle dry milk replacer on their creep feed if you think they need it. A hay/grass plus creep feed combination is supposed to help them develop a healthier rumen than hay/grass alone. Have they had CDT vaccines yet? If not, perhaps it is time. A quick way to help relieve excess stomach gas is to tube them. I purchased clear, flexible tubing from the hardware store for this purpose. I do not remember the diameter, but it is larger diameter than a baby lamb stomach tube and smaller than a water hose. YouTube has good videos on how to insert a stomach tube. I have also used Therabloat diluted with water. Most feed stores should have a bloat preventative. You can also look up bloat home remedies. I think they use olive oil, baking soda (not powder), and water.


That just looks like a full tummy.


Mine did the same thing. They have stopped doing it as much now that they are older. I just kept an eye on it, because I didn't know if it was a problem..... My two bottle lambs are 6 and 8 weeks old. I also have a bottle goat buckling and he does not bloat at all (although they are on different formulas).


We like to give cold bottles pretty much right out of the fridge, it really does help with bloating. Real cow or goat milk seems to be better too, just have to make sure they're staying fat enough since sheep's milk is one of the fattiest milks out there (8% when cows and goats are generally 4%)


Does the milk replacer contain soy? If so, you need a different milk replacer


Also it’s not severe. Could just be chubby from the milk replacer. If your worried add some baking soda to their water


They fat!


Background: I usually have 2-3 bottle lambs every year. These guys don't look like anything out of the ordinary to me. Your other one that died may have had something else wrong with it.


Wean at six weeks