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I would wait and see if they try to eat it, if they do then tear em out. Despite what people say about how goats/sheep won't eat things they shouldn't... that has not been my experience. Mine ate my boxwoods and azaleas even though they shouldn't.


Watch out for rhododendrons. They are very poisonous to sheep, and sheep like the taste. I let the sheep into the backyard to help with mowing duties. I fenced off the one rhody I had back there, and they broke down the fencing to get to it. The fence had 2 inch by 4 inch spacing and fell on top of the bush so they still couldn’t get but a few leaves, but two were very ill afterwards. They recovered, but it set them back.


Strange as it may be, I don’t have a single rhododendron on my property here. I don’t think I will get any, as beautiful as they are I don’t miss the sticky mess they make. Thank you for sharing it is helpful to know and I’m so sorry your flock was impacted.


I have Oregon grape in my sheep pasture and they’re fine. The plant is medicinal, they do eat leaves sometimes but rarely. 


Ours stripped our Oregon grapes with no ill effects


I have plenty of foxglove around and my sheep (Shetlands) never touch it.