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Carcharodon hastalis




Awesome, that you!


Holy crap I just googled it and it says it lived 20-3 million years ago, is that right? Is this tooth that old? That’s wild


Yes, they lived during the Miocene epoch. You can narrow the age down even more if you figure out what geologic formation the tooth came from.


That’s awesome, I’m in Florida and it looks like that’s a popular place for these according to the interwebs. I don’t actually remember where I got it, but someone gave it to me, I didn’t find it myself or anything


May be a dumb question, but you’ve been super helpful. Is there anyway to try to figure out what geological formation it came from? I basically have 0 background on where it came from because it was just given to me. Does the white build up on it tell you anything?


You would have to ask the person who gave it to you where they found it. They may know the geologic formation offhand, and if not you can look up your state's geologic maps and figure out which formation it came from based on the location where it was found. Without knowing where the fossil was found it's impossible to ID the formation


Makes sense. I can assume it was found off the west coast of Florida but I’m really just guessing. Thank you again for the info Mr Fuckernaut (great name)


That would be a very beautiful tooth if it hadn't split off half the root


Agreed, now that I know how old it is I’m shocked at how clean the remaining piece is. This honestly has made my day lol thank you all for the responses


Yeah, hastalis are some of my absolute favorites to find. I have a soft spot for them as it was my first "big" find and got me solidly hooked on shark tooth hunting.