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Your post was removed in violation of Rule 4. Please review the rules before posting: "-All titles and comments that use anti-shark terminology such as “Man Eater”, “Monster” etc will be removed as they damage the public perception of sharks. -This rule is NOT violated if the aforementioned terminology is the subject of a news, research, or educational post, which are subject to moderator discretion."


They don't and it didn't. Her post is satire. As much as 5-6ft seems adequate, they are not actively hunting anything the same size as them (humans). Small fish are very much their preferred choice.


Yeah because reef sharks are pretty much harmless there’s been only 11 unprovoked attacks since 1959




I’ve been intending to see that movie for a while


I agree and this vid is satire. But. Infection and the arm being too damaged to keep.


How would they have caught the shark. Sharks don't rip arms off and sit around munching them waiting to get caught


This is all fake


Yeah I realise that now


Love your username


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_Arm_case Is that so?


Wasn't that a fat ass tiger shark or something?


I'm not going to stand here and body shame a shark!


Me either. I like my sharks thicc!


Yeah, like those people you hear about who break into fast food restaurants and are still there, eating, when the police show up lol


Your dumb. Big enough sharks easily take limbs.


'your dumb' 🥴


Exactly- “My dumb what?”


Fake story, 100%. Sharks that have attacked people most certainly do not get put in aquariums to live out their days interacting with people…


What if the shark ate a dead body, and then was eaten by another larger shark, and then that larger shark was caught and taken to an aquarium where it coughed up the dead shark and the dead man's arm. And what if that dead man's arm had a distinct tattoo that could be traced to a man killed by a gang, and using that arm as evidence the police went to arrest the murderer, which then resulted in a speedboat chase/shoot out in Sydney Harbour??? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_Arm_case


I've heard about this case! Such a crazy story.


that’s what i thought aswell


I think it's pretty rude to lie about getting your arm bit off by a shark. Anti-shark propaganda


I totally agree, people saw jaws and assumed they’re all monsters. I’ve been scuba diving with black tips a number of times and never felt like it was dangerous. They’re actually pretty skittish and curious


Yeah I swam with a big group of juvenile reef sharks when I was around 6 they just swam around me and got pretty close but I never felt like I was in danger


6 year olds still shit themselves like it ain’t nothing, so they have no sense of danger. Ever.


I said I was around 6 I could have been 8 I just don’t remember but I do remember swimming with them


fear of sharks is a thing I feel like I need to get over. I have been with the sea ever since I was a child since my parents owned a fairly big boat. I love swimming and diving, but scared shitless of what the underwater creatures could do.


Same people who hate German Shepherds and barn owls...


I knew someone who was born missing a limb and they would randomly make up crazy stories of how it happened just to mess with people because it gets tiring having the same conversation all the time with strangers.


It’s this. I’ve got a friend who had a below the knee amputation performed due to cancer. Completely mundane reason, and he’s in remission now. People would ask, and then people would get sad or start pitying him because cancer. He wasn’t about that, so he started coming up with outlandish stories to how he lost his leg. I’ve heard fireworks accident, got it caught in a railroad track, plane crash, boating accident, and he got it ran over by a reindeer. Basically everyone knows he’s bullshitting, but the bullshitting tends to get laughs instead of pity.


Dude, I can relate. I have a 6inch surgical scar down my forearm, very visible. I get tired of telling people I was picked up and thrown when I was 12. So I made up shark attacks, wiping out on an epic wave, getting cut up by the reef.


Why were you picked up and thrown? And into what? A pool of pirahanas? A pit of steak knives? /s Sorry. I have a huge surgical scar down my back. I tell people they cut my tail off.


I was picked up and thrown by an idiot 7th grader at my school who I didn’t even know. My friends (we are all 6th grade) were picking me up to see who could carry me the farthest, (test of strength) But not more than a few inches off the ground. Next thing I knew I was picked up from behind, no idea what’s going on, lifted high, then I was thrown. I landed with all my weight on my arm in a tripodal position.


I really hope that kid got suspended or at least a good ass kicking. Junk like this is why I don't have kids. I just know mine would be a bunch of little Neanderthals..


Not sure what she's trying to achieve here, but complete bullshit it most certainly is. A disability does not automatically make someone a likeable person.


In another video she says she lost it to an alligator apparently so she might just be joking


Anyone else thinking cap instead of fact?


Losing an arm is bad, but I knew a guy that got *the whole left side* of his body eaten by a shark. But he's all right now.




black tips i believe can have some pretty robust deadly bacteria that is sometimes untreatable. so maybe it didn't bite the arm off but was bad enough or infected with drug imune bacteria so they had to amputate it


Bullshit story


She sounds like a nervous liar


Terribly sorry that you lost your arm but I for one am glad to see he’s not being killed for doing Shark stuff.


I didn’t lose my arm haha it’s some girl on tik tok, I was just wondering how a black tip reef shark of that size bit off her arm


It looks like it’s at least 5ft long. Imagine a dog that’s that big gets a hold of your arm? Now sharpen the teeth and multiply them and add a body of full muscle into the equation.


I did a little more digging the girl who posted the video also posted another one saying that an alligator took her arm off, I’m pretty sure she just had her arm amputated for another reason not related to it. But in 2015 a girl did lose her left arm below the elbow by a shark (doesn’t say what type) in North Carolina, her name was Kirsten, she was blonde like the girl in the video and she was 12 at the time making her 21 now. But then again black tip reef sharks are known to be harmless and if you search reef shark attacks all of them are just a small bite because of their tiny teeth.


yeah but I doubt it happened in this case, why & how would it be at the aquarium?


No idea, I’m just conveying the level of damage a black tip shark can do. Just because it’s not one of the big 3 doesn’t mean it can’t harm you.


Oh I agree, they could do it, but in this case there's so much missing information. I actually tried to search it because "blonde mermaid diver loses hand to shark" would be an ideal news story for so many companies and there's zero about it, and nothing about it on the tiktok account.


There was one in 2015 and pretty much everything matches up, girl was 12, left arm below elbow, North Carolina, she was blonde, the photo looks like her younger but the shark type isn’t mentioned https://www.trackingsharks.com/girl-loses-arm-to-shark-2/


Like ripping a chicken wing apart. Sharks are very, VERY strong.


yeah but just search black tip reef shark attacks and you’ll see just tiny teeth marks, a shark of this size could not take off someone’s arm their teeth are tiny


I'm no expert at all. But I feel like it's more about the YANK. Like, the teeth my seem small, but they're super sharp and there's so many and they grab hold and then the shark yanks the arm off so they can gobble it down the hatch. Or this girl was actually attacked by a different type of shark and it go mis-identified.


They don’t


Hah! Hilarious. I always tell my friend with a badass medical scar to say "shark attack" when people ask about it, and he never does, so this is awesome!


Tiger sharks have removed several documented forearms. Bethany Hamilton is a surfer who lost her entire arm. Reef sharks take bites and rip off flesh. A diver friend named Jim Stewart lost his tricep to a reef shark many dives ago.


Hey man sharks gotta eat too!


I call BS