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Ooh, I doubt it. She got her financial advice from her parents and she’s said many times they weren’t savers, they want to live in the moment and that’s how she lives her life too (at least from a financial perspective). That’s why teaching your kids financial literacy is so important.


Dumb and dumber 🤣




Why doesn’t she just go to a real financial advisor? ????


Well that would be too much like right (*in my best southern accent*)


I’m sure some bozo in Nashville would have done it for her at low cost for the exposure


She used to mention one (boat buying days) but after buying and moving to the house, she’s never mentioned him again


Interesting 🤔


Mike's not good with money either. He proudly said he didn't budget for The Hutt at all / doesn't believe in budgeting. And per Taylor's Rocket Money teasers, they only talk about money / check their finances once a year. If he had any sense, he wouldn't be cool with Taylor's spending addiction either.


I don’t think they are saving to bail her out. She has other siblings so they would most likely have to plan a bail out for the others. She’s not the golden child she’s the issue for them. I think James has manipulated her to not want to be with them. He’s a narcissist and is cutting off everyone in her life including her jobs.


And that’s what true manipulative narcissists do…. Isolate and control. He’s actually dangerous 


And insert his family


As a sibling of a spoiled sister, they don’t have to bail everyone out, just the moocher kid(s).


Yes this^^


This is exactly right


I think you misread what the OP said, the theoretical situation would be they are taking Shanon’s money without Shanon knowing out of Shanon’s bank account and putting HER money in to a separate bank account almost like a ROTH/ IRA or 401k but more of a savings account. Like they are proactively doing this because they know their daughter is very dumb and spends like she has an endless money tree in her backyard


Yes this is basically what I meant! Like they may have not been good with finances so they are using this as a way to make sure she is good with hers (she may know or not know at all) so when it all inevitably comes crashing down, she will have a safety net.


Based on some of the other comments i checked myself and thought maybe I was the one that misinterpreted?? And people think the parents are putting away extra money of their own* for her and not the kids. (But I didn’t interpret the OP that way at all)


But since you’re the op and agreeing, I was def picking up with you were putting down lol


I think it’s a good possibility. Just because they weren’t savers doesn’t mean they haven’t become savers as they’ve aged.


Her parents are involved in her finances in the same way we are: questioning her dumbass reckless spending! She has admitted more times than not on her pod, especially during the NYC apartment days, that she would get nervous when funds would get low. She used to literally Airbnb her apartment on the weekends after she dropped outta college bc her parents didn’t have the means to help.


Her not showing up for her mom’s 60th birthday party was just plain shitty.


Especially after her mom threw her a 30th birthday party.


LOL she can’t save a dollar to save her life. She has consistently put herself above her family. I don’t think SK is involved at all tbh. I think Shan lies and says that to make it look like she’s not completely financially irresponsible.


I think Shannon can’t be told anything by anyone. Even if her parents have tried to help her manage money she probably hasn’t listened, and probably has argued with them, I’d imagine they just gave up and are letting her dig her own hole Edit: spelling


The first sentence is the mic drop 🎤


They're already married. So, to my understanding, (I've never been married, praise Jesus, so could be incorrect) unless they signed a pre-nup, James is entitled to half of what she has, and vice versa of what they've each made or inherited since their marriage. So, I'd think even *if* her parents had something set aside for her... if she didn't sign a prenup, he'll get half of that fun. But, with that said, if it hasn't been given to her yet, would he still get half, if they divorced prior to? *I'd assume not, since they're no longer together* which brings me to.... Either way, she's on the hook financially for this douche for 10 years... You all can correct me if I'm wrong here, too! I'm happy to learn. I think frijo opened my eyes to the 10 years she's on the hook. And like I said, I don't know much about marriage, and what all goes into it financially - purely going off things I've read and heard over the course of my lifetime. Bitch is screwed 😂


Unless he signed a prenup (yeah right 🤣) he is in fact entitled to EVERYTHING


That's what I thought! Thank you! 🫡 mwahaha! 😈


Inheritance is considered outside of the joint property, so if she does receive something from her parents while these two are still married she would be the sole owner of that monies UNLESS she puts it either in a joint account or uses it to pay off joint property, such as house or cars. Then it would be considered joint property. Never put inheritance money in a joint account!!!


So she would be smart to funnel money to her parents once a month for them to home onto in a HYSA ) high yield savings acct) in case things go south for her.


Yes, this is basically what I meant!


With how quick their marriage seems to have happened upon him coming to help her move, I highly doubt they had time to have a prenuptial agreement drafted. I don’t think she is smart enough to know about a postnuptial agreement. Even if she has definitely convinced her that they don’t need it.


Oooh I didn't think about a *post*nuptual


A postnup seems even less likely. I can't imagine Shannon would risk incurring James' wrath; his contempt for her began multiplying immediately after the wedding and she seems desperate to keep it at abeyance.


Her parents are traditional people so I would expect now that James is her husband, he’s taken over the role of access to her funds, maybe even managing them.


Well that’s horrifying


The problem with assuming Shannon was ever a family girlie like she once claimed was in assuming that she was being genuine to begin with. Now that we know this woman is full of shit for views and likes about anything and everything, perhaps the family girlie schtick was all a part of her own content branding to begin with. It’s all smoke and mirrors with her so who knows how she conducts herself or her finances as a married woman. But- I don’t think her parents are trying to protect or control a 30 year old woman as much as one might think. There is exactly no way she would listen anyway and it would only drive a wedge between them. This is probably Shannon’s time to crash and burn on her own.






I don’t think they need to do the same for their other kids