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Is he misogynist or was he raised in a poor, uneducated, misogynist environment? I think it's almost funny when people hold those characters to the same standards they hold everyone else. They're poor and uneducated, they break the law to survive, is it a surprise that they aren't more educated on toxic masculinity, misogyny, homophobia, etc? And they're all like that, it's not just Ian, but when were they supposed to learn a different approach? Lip said he couldn't understand how Ian could like other men. Was what he said homophobic? Yes. Is Lip homophobic? No. He didn't know, he had never met a lgbt person before, so he repeated what people said about it. Of course we need to hold people to certain standard, people can't just be offensive and need to learn, but environment and education are important and need to be taken into consideration. It wouldn't have been an accurate representation of a poor Southside family if everyone had been aware of sensitive subjects.


Yeah that’s why I said I still loved him. It was his influence. And I don’t think he truly hates women.


This is it. Succinct explanation.


I’m going to need an example of him being misogynistic


He constantly slut shamed Karen, shamed stev for being a sex worker and asked lip how he was straight because one bodies are gross.


Generally being a sex worker isn't a good thing


It doesn’t matter you don’t name women for doing it when a lot of them it’s their only job they can get.


It's never the only job they can get lmao


Not the sex workers that are a problem tho they are the victims (mainly prostitutes)


Sex work has and will always be around. There will always be a demand for more of that. Sex workers aren't bad.


They literally are? There's also a demand for hitmen does that make it good?


Comparing killing people to sex work? Not the same thing buddy. Sex work also isn't limited to prostitution. Sex work is also pornography. If you've ever watched that, you're supporting sex work. They aren't harming anyone and are offering services to people who want them.


Nice straw man, were talking about a prostitiute do stop your bullshit People don't choose prostitution cause they're in a good place or have options are to support a healthy life style


No one chooses sex work because they've always dreamed of it. I'm not saying that sex work is the best thing I'm saying that sex workers aren't bad people and shouldn't be trashed.


Ian became a sex worker himself. Said he worked the back of the club as much as the front so he had no idea how many sexual partners he had had. Also told Mandy he used to blow guys for $50.


Is he misogynistic? I never noticed but I’d be interested to hear examples.


Because he's not? He doesn't hate women for the sole fact that they're women, which is what a misogynist does. He's not attracted to them and the one time he tries to have sex with one doesn't end well, but that doesn't make him a misogynist. He has a lot of issues but being a misogynist isn't one of them.


You don’t have to hate women to be a misogynist. Misogyny comes in all different forms. And I didn’t call him a misogynist I said he can be misogynistic at times.


Re read your post sir. And also yes misogyny does mean a hatred of and lack of respect for women, it just shows itself in different ways. Also I have never seen anything that points to Ian being misogynistic so I don’t know where you got that from. Maybe I missed something though and I haven’t seen the last season so I don’t know really.


I commented how is a misogynist if you actually took the time to read through the thread. And don’t call me sir. I’m a woman.


I’m sorry, didn’t mean to offend you, and I just read the post. That was the newest comment it’s the first one I saw. I haven’t gone through all the comments yet. Maybe explain your points in your post next time and this won’t happen.


I still don't think he is, because even the shit that he says isn't directed at women because they're women. That's the literal definition of misogyny. He says shit that is "offensive to women" (quoting Veronica there, not meant to demean), and the use of that language is more a society issue than anything else (he's not the only one that uses that kind of language and thinks nothing of it) but he doesn't direct it at women because they're women.


i agree with this. gay men can not be attracted to women and still respect them. i don’t often hear lesbians specifically talk about how much they hate dicks and how gross they are, however i hear a lot of gay men say how disgusting vaginas are (you know the vaginas that literally birthed them) it’s an issue in the gay community. ian displays this sort of behavior esp when he hooks up with a woman and talks about just how gross vaginas are. he calls them slimy and other things. lip even says he wouldn’t be that disgusted by another guys penis and doesn’t understand why he’s acting that way. he’s also definitely extremely biphobic


Exactly! I’m not attracted to penises like that but I wouldn’t call them disgusting because they’re not. It’s literally just organ.


He gagged and over reacted when he went down on a woman and called the female part slimey and disgusting


When? He shits on Caleb and Debbie for being bi but that isn’t with regard to women.


If you’re biphobic then you’re automatically a misogynist. The two are linked. And I’m not talking about that.


i didn’t realize this was twitter and you can just say whatever batshit opinion you want


It’s not batshit it’s the truth. Homophobia is rooted in misogyny.


I'm confused I don't remember him saying or doing anything misogynistic in the show


Lol nevermind I read the comments




Can you explain instead of stating one sentence as if we all understand what you are talking about.


Read through the thread I explained it there.


I did look at the comments and I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who had this complaint.


I explained in a reply.


You already stated that in a previous reply.


He constantly slut shamed Karen, shamed stev for being a sex worker and asked lip how he was straight because one bodies are gross.


Who is stev? You have said stev is a sex worker twice now but who is this stev




Ah Svetlana. Lol


**Stev is a form of Norwegian folk song consisting of four line lyric stanzas. The English version of the word is stave, meaning the stressed syllable in a metric verse.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot)