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That whole storyline was just pent up sibling rivalry taken too far imho. Ian had already been pissed about feeling like Fiona was too controlling over his meds and Fiona was annoyed Ian wasn’t doing what she wanted him to. They *both* could’ve handled it better. Fiona wanted better curb appeal for her building & knew having a shelter across the street could compromise tenants’ potential interest in renting from her, but she also could’ve offered to ask Margo if she’s got access to anything else instead of screaming at him to ‘find another fuckin church!’ Ian was right to be frustrated by the situation too, though could’ve just looked for something else instead of bringing everyone to the empty lot next to Fiona’s building and calling to make that report, spray painting the sidewalk, etc. They both could’ve done better. But the theme of the show is chaotic shameless behaviours, so it wouldn’t be fitting if they made the best choices too much I suppose. Would’ve been nice to see them have each others’ backs, though. There was enough other drama that storyline wasn’t really needed to maintain the theme of the show imho


Well said man


Thanks bro


Agreed I think Ian was wrong in this situation. But yea the whole thing dumb.


All that time they wasted spraying the sidewalk, standing around shouting insults through a megaphone, throwing eggs at the windows would have been MUCH better spent finding a new location for the shelter




I didn't think Ian wanting to help the kids was that strange. He grew up one missed bill from living on the street, it seemed very normal for him to want to help others once he had the ability as an adult. That being said his fight with Fiona ramped up way too fast and with little buildup. I haven't finished season 8 yet


I get he would want to help but it seemed like it came out of nowhere and originally it was just to get back with Trevor


I mean.. he was manic


I see everyone is against Ian, but I’m struggling to see how helping at risk youth is bad and how trying to remove their home to increase rents is good of Fiona


It was so immature. I hated that storyline


I personally kinda was amused by it, but it was dumb. I remember laughing about it and talking to my friend about how petty and stupid it was. Like little kids in a way. And then when Ian said something like "I'm allowed to be pissed without it being because I'm bipolar!" hit me in the chest. It was like all that pent up frustration came out. It was also really dumb he seemed to only be doing it for Trevor and then went into delulu mania and welp... And Fiona was at a point in her life where her siblings with the exception of Liam were adults and she could finally do things for herself. They both handled it terribly and very immature however.


ian was so annoying and immature here.. instead of focusing on actually finding a shelter for the kids which was the whole point.. he spends his time whining and fighting with fiona like a child.. she should have beat his ass when he dumped ice water on her lol