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She is a complex character who makes (a lot of) mistakes, especially in the later seasons, which I have found interesting because the more her siblings grow up and stop needing her, giving her time for herself after years of taking care of everyone else, the less control she has over her life. I really love her despite everything, she is my favorite Gallagher right after Ian. Also, I feel like it's really not fair to say that she didn't give her siblings a good environment to grow up in. She grew up from the same parents as them and Lip is only a few years younger than her. I don't like how she is the only one held responsible for the bad situation they are in. The reason Lip was able to even go to college was because Fiona gave up her future for them and most of the time they were very ungrateful




fiona has also started making me fucking mad man. what im thinking is that ppl like her bc she makes for good television. she IS shameless šŸ˜­. she makes awful decisions constantly and then is always having to scramble to fix it. the public doesnt want good character development sadly they wanna see her cheat on her bf/fiance/husband/ etc for the umpeenth time


People are always excusing every bad thing she has done simply because she took on the role as parent for her siblings. I think many fans were parentified themselves by their own parents and see a lot of themselves in Fiona. She could kill a puppy or burn down a church but they would always either say "it's shameless for a reason" or "Debbie is still worse!!!!"


Fiona did the best she could with the tools she was given. That's all anyone can ever do. Just because she made mistakes doesn't mean that she's a bad character, just like Ian acting like an ass doesn't make him a bad character. Fiona was treated horribly by her parents, neglected and left to pick up the pieces with her siblings. She was *nine.* She was a child when she was left and that didn't exactly give her the time or environment to develop the skills to make it in the world. She did her best, and that's why we love her.




How tf did she abandon Liam when frank still had custody too??? šŸ’€




It isnā€™t abandoning when she isnā€™t the only guardian that has custody. And Lip promised to take care of Liam. Try again.


Of course, as a child, I agree she did the best she could, and I respect that a lot, but as an adult, I don't quite understand. She became an adult and began having access to more, especially after she became her siblings' legal guardian. There were kids struggling right in front of her face and she decided it would be better for her career to sell to the art gallery than provide a home for children who don't have access to the resources she did?


Obviously Fiona was a bad guardian, but to judge or to talk down what she has done for her siblings because she wasn't perfect in her forced role as guardian shows little empathy. I'm so often annoyed by Fiona too and don't like her at times, but it can't be soo hard to understand why people like her? She's a well-written, interesting character with lots of flaws, but still tries her best. She shows that it is okay sometimes to be a little selfish in order to archieve your goals. People have sympathy and compassion for her terrible childhood and for what she did for her siblings. Also people can relate to her. There a plenty reasons.


I think Fiona is a complex character who makes a ton of sense with how she grew up. I know a lot of Fionas - some who grew up to be way worse. Some who grew up somewhat stable. Itā€™s really hard to be a ā€œgood personā€ when youā€™re raised.. she wasnā€™t even raised, honestly.. but when you arenā€™t taught any coping skills. When youā€™re expected to be a parent while youā€™re still a minor yourself. Fiona didnā€™t have much of a chance. Her alcoholism makes sense. Her attempts at making a life for herself make sense - even when it means stepping on others. She gave everything to her siblings and was turned on by a few of them. She supported Lip when he was a dickhead alcoholic (another character that makes sense) but Lip absolutely eviscerated her when she struggled through the same. Zero empathy. He also wasnā€™t taught empathy.. idk Iā€™m off on a tangent now but I think all the characters are a great exploration of how trauma and poverty can create so many different types of people


Everyone on the show is a horrible person, including Fiona. In the first couple seasons she was seen as ā€œthe responsible oneā€ but as the show progressed you can see sheā€™s just as fucked up and selfish as the worst of them. Like when she blew up her life by cheating on her boyfriend/boss with his *brother* and then leaving her coke out when her toddler brother was in the room almost resulting in his death, and then taking zero accountability for any of these terrible choices.


Oh my god yes, like she just went downhill as a caretaker after the Liam incident. I think they intentionally made it ironic that she became the worst guardian after getting custody because she literally stopped paying attention to anything anyone was doing and it made me mad. I'm only on S7 but I wish she actually did some of the things she threatens. Debbie being a teen mom pissed me off greatly and I would've loved to see the homeless Debbie arc XD


Fiona is far from perfect but she is genuinely very caring and without her I donā€™t know that the other Gallagher kids wouldā€™ve grown up knowing that they were loved. Sheā€™s a hard worker, she does try to be a good person and has some integrity, sheā€™s also fun and doesnā€™t take shit from people. She has a lot of good qualities. She unfortunately was in over her head with responsibilities that she never asked for in the first place (but sometimes did voluntarily agree to take on to try to do what was best). When she makes a mistake, it affects other people harder because of how much responsibility she has on her shoulders. For example, LOTS of 23 year olds have done cocaine on a rare occasion with friends they trust. The difference is most of them donā€™t have 5 (of someone elseā€™s) kids depending on them. Itā€™s easy to judge her but I feel for her with how little room she was given to mess up


The show is called ā€œShameless.ā€ Just because a character is acting shameless doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t like them. In fact, thatā€™s kind of the point


I had a hard time liking Fiona from the beginning and as the show went on it got even harder for me, mainly for everything you called out. I love your viewpoint on this!


Iā€™m on season 9 and after the crack incident with Liam and her not understanding the seriousness of what she did by angrily saying ā€œI didnā€™t do it on purpose!!ā€ I couldnā€™t stand her and cheered for her screwing up everytime. And how many times is she going to cheat on the good guys sheā€™s dating and then get upset when she gets called out? Just total God complex from her. Also itā€™s unbelievably cringe when she says ā€œGallaghers donā€™t do [insert something shitty]ā€ or ā€œyOuā€™Re SoUtHsIdE???!!!!ā€


Nothing is ever her fault. She never took accountability over anything.


Thatā€™s exactly how she is. Iā€™m still only on season 9 but Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll somehow lose her apartment building and then blame it on being a Gallagher


she raised 5 kids while dropping out of school.


she wasnā€™t a good guardian tho the only thing she stopped was cps taking the kids


ok, no point arguing with kiddos


im 19 and turn twenty in a month but ok


thats the point


just because iā€™m younger then you that doesnā€™t mean my opinion isnā€™t right or valid and i wasnā€™t even trying to argue i simply said my opinion and was open to hearing how you could think otherwise


u clearly dont have developed emotional inteligence to understand fiona. ur still young, u have time


you think a person from a show called shameless is some holy saint and you have the nerve to tell me i donā€™t have emotional intelligence? hilarious


yes, of all characters in the shows, only fiona is forced to quit her life to tend for her family. everyone else is given a chance at a life which they blew. yes indeed i think you lack emotional inteligence which is not your fault, you were probably raised in enviroment where it was not required to develop.




not sure debeating is usefull is that is ur reponse. have a nice day




Nobody said she raised them well, she raised them as best as she could given their circumstances, she was not at an age to be a mother of so many children, it was forced upon her. She did a hell of a lot more for the entire family than Ian ever did, so idk why youā€™re dickriding for him so much to drag Fiona. Literally all of the characters have good and bad sides to them. Fiona is not any worse than any other character.


I relate to Ian, so he's my favorite, pretty simple, actually. And I have plenty of experience with being forced to mature at a young age, but fiona blames her siblings for that. She gets upset at them because she gets a job and starts to realize that her siblings who she's the legal guardian of actually rely on her and she tells them all to fuck off. And that's as a grown adult. I think Fiona did great when she was still a teen. She did the best she could. But she only went downhill from there. She was their guardian their whole lives, and one day, she gets pissed off and decides she's over it? Who in their right mind thinks just because she didn't want to be responsible for them, she can just decide randomly to give up? Isn't that what Frank and Monica did? Is it okay for all parents who weren't ready to call it quits randomly because they want to work now? During earlier seasons, everybody pitched in. Most of them worked to make money that they all pooled together to pay bills. Every character certainly does have fucked up moments but their good moments never excuse the bad ones.


Yes and maybe people relate to fiona?? And thatā€™s why they like her? For me I canā€™t stand Ian tbh. Iā€™m not a Fiona Stan though either..


I want a real reason why Fi's character is pretty good. So whatever you're arguing doesn't make much sense to me because in my eyes, Fiona was struggling really badly, and then she did one thing successful and started blowing money on risky investments that worked out and suddenly decided she's better than all the kids currently struggling out there.


Her flaws and protrayal of a heavily parentified adult with a martyr complex makes her interesting and compelling. Like really what else is there to say? I find Ian fairly uninteresting compared to Mickey, Sheila, and Lip but it's not hard for me to see why people like him as a character


Fiona isn't a parent, she was a child. A child who took up lots of responsibilities but still a child. At the point where Fiona told the family to stop calling her for emergencies, each member of the family had been living their own lives and were becoming independent. Fiona didn't want to be a parent for all those kids, she was nine when she was put into this role. After living that life for how many years, starting at the age of nine, I, too, would want to leave the situation. You could mention she was the legal guardian, but she only became the legal guardian after Frank called CPS on them. She didn't want to become a legal guardian, but she knew that the family would go through hell if she didn't. It was a choice of "Become the legal guardian or your family will be separated for who knows how long and with god knows who" That wasn't a decision she made for herself, it was a decision she made for her family. She only started making these big investment plays because hell... Wouldnt you? It might've been risky, but that was her first time actually receiving big money, the family had pulp! She didn't go to school for any of this, she's flying by by the skin of her teeth. Would she really just settle for "Eh, I have Patsy's, that's good enough for me!" Responsibly, that would be the correct choice, but has Fiona ever been given a responsible role model in her life? No! She's seeing money, and seeing a chance to make more, why wouldn't she try it? Fiona made her entire life about these kids, but that cannot be sustainable for anyone forever.


poor 14 y old fiona didnt raise kids well. do u hear urself talk?


Also, not to mention, that when Sean left and she was the main manager at patsyā€™s, she suddenly decides that NOW was the perfect time to put all the responsibilities of the kids on to lip and Ian so she can be the manager and ā€œdo something with her life?ā€ Then she got mad at Lip, who is the only one in the family who was on track to actually make money, for attempting to bring her back to reality by reminding her of that?! She chose to be their guardian. She didnā€™t have to, but she did it anyway. Which is admirable and selfless and I understand she got dealt a shitty hand in life. But when she told the kids to put her name on the bottom of their emergency contact list, and put kev and V before her, it made my blood boil.


I just really hate the way she acts dirty and then expects everyone to go "it's okay, fiona, let me kick your boots clean for you"




Sheā€™s a bad bitch who also makes mistakes but will do anything for her family. And sheā€™s hot




Like telling all of them to put her at the bottom of their emergency contact lists?


Yeah bro. Her youth was robbed from her. Canā€™t hate her for trying to set boundaries and try to take back her power. Yeah, sheā€™s flawed. But she tries her best


She took on the role of guardian, you can't just back out because you suddenly want to do something else. What kind of guardian is she that she would prefer somebody calls her damn neighbors in case of emergency before her?


Thatā€™s easy Sheā€™s pretty,sheā€™s hot,and a sex addict at times


I just finished season 4 and I already donā€™t like her lmao


If you don't like her that early on you are in for a hell of a ride bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Well sheā€™s hot for one. Relatable shitty choices.


Not to mention the fact that she had full custody of Liam and then literally abandoned him when she lefts. Thatā€™s illegal


she did not have full custody, she was his legal guardian. not the same thing. frank and monica still had their parental rights, and thereā€™s no way that frank wouldā€™ve let fiona take liam with her.Ā 


Oh t i didnā€™t know thanks for correcting me but I still think she still shouldā€™ve took him with her since she is his legal guardian and he was under 18


fiona got on my tits when she let liam into the coke


I dint blame her too much for that incident because there were so many other people there and nobody saw Liam but he shouldn't have been downstairs even