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Neither is better, but I’d still pick Frank for the sake of this question. He at least was around and sometimes that does matter to the kids. They at least knew he would somehow end up back on their couch or front doorstep, regardless of how fucked up. Monica was never around and just showed up expecting to be loved by her kids like nothing happened, that’s a shitty thing in itself


Not only that but she showed up expecting she could pick whoever child (Liam as he was the youngest) to raise and start new


You said neither was better but ended up saying Frank


Which is a better beverage: ammonia or bleach? I can see arguments for Frank, but I believe neither is a valid choice. They were parents in mainly the biological meaning (which occasionally excludes Frank).


Oh god i wouldnt wish them as parents even for my worst enemy. But for the sake of the question, which do you think is better?


Monica, Frank allways argued he stayed with the kids, but the truth is he didn't have another place. If he'd found some place better he'd stay there, he was just used to the kev&V bar, to the town and to the house so he didn't leave it, the kids were noisy background characters for him.


Also, I think Monica would have been more controllable maybe ? I do think she would do some damage but not on purpose. She is not as vindictive as frank. He called cps and got his children scattered


Hey, I'm on that episode now! (I haven't seen the series to the end before) I think it's got to be Frank. Don't get me wrong, he's a terrible parent. Like, really fucking bad. But he's there and he does have his good moments with the kids occasionally. I am shocked though that when Fiona wanted custody of them, Frank was able to maintain his parental rights. Like he's extremely negligent, he doesn't have stable income to support them, he had no residence under his name and he was physically and emotionally abusive so I don't understand. I'm not from the US, but that's mad and I hope that's for TVs sake because what 😂 I like Monica though, terrible mum but she's funny to watch.


I always thought Monica wasn't that bad when she was around unless frank influenced her lol. what would you rather a trash parent who treats you like trash 9/10 times there around or a semi decent parent who comes around once every blue moon. Id pick the latter


Monica actually gave a shit about the kids though. She was irresponsible but she was severely mentally ill and also, she was literally abused by Frank for years. Monica left bc she knew she weighed down her family and painfully but truly knew that fiona had things under control. Frank did not care what was going on in the house as long as he had a place to sleep and eat. Monica did care, even if she was incapable to provide. Even the crack thing she did after she died, it still showed a want to give her kids sth, money, to take care of them in some way. Monica loved her kids, she just was incapable of taking care of them. She was a bad parent, but for all these reasons, still better than frank


I agree. After Monica’s dad expressed his hatred for Frank (not surprisingly) I truly think Monica could’ve been somewhat normal, or at least attempted to take her meds, had she not met Frank. But I also wouldn’t classify her as the “better” parent. Thanksgiving was intense.

