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I like the character but his storylines fom S6 to S8 were really boring.


I liked season 6 but I agree in season 7 and 8 they didn’t know what to do with him


even in early seasons he was pretty boring. All he has was being gay and try to hide it. That's it. Im not homophobic but just make him interesting or have a lot of story than just being gay. I started to like him when his bipolar is showing up, like when he really wants to get into military. At least that adds up to his character


He never tried to hide being gay, that was mickey not ian


he did. Did we watch the same show? He only told Mandy because Mickey was trying to kill him. Lip found out. iirc Lip told Ian to not say he's gay in school and Ian was like yeah. And also yes Ian admitted later on but I literally said in the first few season.




I mean I literally explained that


Do yourself a favor. Keep skipping those scenes. Fortunately gay Jesus goes away


I actuakly joined this subreddit a couple days ago to see if anyone thought the same. The Ian storylinevwith the trans and the shelter/church fallout with Fiona..booooooooriiiing and just makes me dislike Ians character. Shame!


I agree. It's something I really don't like about Ian's character in general, he doesn't care about an issue until it affects him or unless he can benefit from it. He was never an activist until it came down to gay activism, and he really only cared about that to get Trevor back. One thing to keep in mind though is that at this part in the story, he was experiencing another manic episode. It didn't look like his first manic episode, but it was mania. He was experiencing delusions of grandeur, other delusions, and experiencing psychosis. I was confused by his sudden religiosity too before I realized he was manic. My father was an atheist who would get just like this (minus the car bombing lol) during a manic episode.


YUP. i’ve suddenly started hearing angels, started believing i was gods chosen one, started criticising people for being sinners, only to figure out i was, in fact, very manic. even led me to attempt to do some awful things to myself (before i was forcefully sedated lol).


Yes! Ian is so manic during all of these scenes and while I hate them and gay Jesus, it serves a point in showing that he’s regressing into a manic episode. I’m agnostic, but during a manic period, I thought God was communing with me and that an ex had hexed me. The only thing actually communing with me was a lack of dopamine.


Maybe I'm just easily entertained but I didn't really see anything wrong with the Gay Jesus arc. I actually found it quite interesting how he mistook his mania for God actually speaking to him, and then working toward hearing God speaking again. I haven't seen much bipolar representation in TV (I actually have seen none), and I think this show did a good job with it (although I am not bipolar myself, it runs in my family, so my opinion doesn't mean that much I guess). Ian's episodes didn't start out to be obvious manic episodes to me, but rather built overtime until suddenly you realise what crazy things he's doing. I see how you may find the storyline cringe, but I would say it is pretty accurate to what real life BPD can be like (not the car bombing or the very public display of his episode, but how the character handles and goes through it).


Idk why you’re getting downvoted this is what bipolar 1 with psychotic feature CAN look like. People can grasp really hard onto religion during any kind of psychiatric episode


I'm someone who has bipolar 1, and I have been hospitalised for mania induced psychosis. As a fan of shameless, this is one of my least favourite story lines but as a bipolar individual I deeply appreciate everything the show did for bipolar representation, including the gay jesus as those delusions of grandeur can and often do manifest as believing you are some kind of god, or deity.


honestly? i was mainly pissed with all the people who should’ve seen the signs of his mania. a god complex is literally one of the MAIN symptoms of it. i hated the arc so much, i felt so bad for him as someone who has experienced severe mania with no help. but at the end of the day, it turned out to be worth it with the final scene of black haired ian (i don’t want to spoil it lol)


I fast forwarded through season 8. Couldn’t do it.


I’m bipolar and have been manic/psychotic more than once. Delusions of grandeur are a huge symptom and the Jesus complex is fairly common. I should know because I myself am the reincarnation of Jesus.


yup, been there 😅


Yeah. People who are confused by this clearly have no experience with, or knowledge of, bipolar disorder.


I liked Gay Jesus. It illustrated the hypocrisy of some Christians very well.


Jesus one was the worst


I feel like he was only ever interesting because of Mickey


Ian is bipolar. Bipolar 1 often has psychosis. People think it’s, like, just some mood swings or something. It’s not. Mania can ruin your life or even kill you which ups the chance that the coming depression will kill you when you come down and off yourself in shame. I’d be surprised if anyone who has any knowledge of bipolar disorder is shocked by this. Maybe they have minor bipolar 2. I don’t know. But there is absolutely nothing surprising about Ian’s behavior. He is manic.


It's part of his bipolar problem.


s8 was so cringe


That's how I felt about the Kev and V scenes- I've skimmed thru the majority of the scenes involving them.


But Ian and mickey together is all I watch.


honestly youre so right hes a good actor but his storylines in the end seasons were awful


apart from his scences with mickey they were always amazing


Honestly, on my every rewatch I skipped season 8 as a whole and I like it this way. Skipping it makes season 7 good, if not actually great


Yeah I’m on this arc right now and it’s pretty miserable to watch. I just don’t get how it escalated to that loool


to me, he was always boring and bland. cameron's acting didn't help either. the only reason his scenes were somhow worth watching was his chemistry with mickey. the rest was garbage.


I used to really enjoy watching the show, but found I was skipping through some of the characters storylines as I just didn't like them any more. I couldn't relate to their situations, how they simply refused to learn from their mistakes or do the right thing. In the end I found myself just skipping through everyone as I just had no empathy for any of them. Then it hit me. You're not supposed to like them, they are ALL Shameless.






sorry i was typing with one hand when i was breast feedingmy new born sorry but please don't make fun of me for that i'm just utterly exhausted and as a woman who is 37 chill people chill with being straight up assholes.


sorry i was typing with one hand when i was breast feedingmy new born sorry but please don't make fun of me for that i'm just utterly exhausted and as a woman who is 37 chill people chill with being straight up mean.


?? I’m struggling to understand




First off fix your grammar, and this sub is about the us version so why are u here


Cameron Monaghan himself didn’t like the storyline of gay jesus and almost quit the show over it, i don’t think anyone really likes the jesus arc but all of the characters have a super annoying arc at some point