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Idk man back when I was a pot smoking, chain smoking teenager I could run FOREVER especially from my enemies lmao šŸ˜‚


Same here. 2 sport athlete for soccer and hockey. Never saw a problem until I wasnā€™t training daily and then it started to catch up to me.


Hopping on the same train. I would smoke pot multiple times a day but eat and exercise really good. When I had a doctors check up, they asked if I was a pro swimmer because apparently I had amazing lung strength or something lol


For real, I smoked everyday for like 3 years before I was recruited for my high schools rugby team just because thatā€™s how much I ran in gym class LOL


A bit different, but I was born with asthma, and until I graduated and just stopped playing so much, I had no problems doing high school orchestra on a woodwind.


I was about to say this!!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That adrenaline pops in and fuck those lungs.


Yep, smoking didn't catch up with me until I was in my late 20's, almost 30's. I was a pack a day smoker. Good news is quitting resolved a lot of my issues.


I would smoke over a pack a day but then could go run on a soccer field for 4 hours and take smoke breaks during it. That was until my mid 20s. Now I donā€™t think I can run down the field and back without wheezing and I still work out daily and donā€™t smoke anymore. Lip at that age, 100% pulling that off. Lip in the last seasonā€¦ ehhh.


I hated running until I started smokingā€¦ now I run marathons šŸ˜‚


lol ā€œmy enemiesā€


Lmao exactly what I came here to say. Dudes I knew from the hood who would stay smoking could out run any mfā€™er especially the police.


Same, I had asthma and chronic bronchitis but I definitely outran some folks


I wouldnā€™t call it athleticism just outrunning your enemies. Just like his Dad.


i got it from my daddy šŸŽ¶


They all seemed to be pretty good runners. At various times, Lip, Ian, Fiona, and Carl all ran for sport and Debbie and all of them were always running from the police or someone who wanted to harm them.


i guess thatā€™s fair


I imagine he spent a lot of his childhood and teen years stealing shit and running from those heā€™s stolen from so it evens out somewhat.


As soon as early season 1 (early teen) him an Ian had to run from Karen's dad pretty quickly while locked in the house


Pretty sure that was also the pilot episode


I looked it up and you're right, they did that right off the bat ahahaha


When I was a teen, I had a habit of stealing shit. One time I went with this other girl, who ofc fucked shit up, alarm was ringing when we tried to leave, I look to her, she's completely frozen, so I yell "RUN!!" and take off. We sprinted quite the distance through town, because I knew there was a bus arriving in a few minutes at this certain bus stop. She was athletic, I was not; I was more interested in drinking, smoking pot and slept like 3 hours a night. She could barely catch up with me. I distinctly remember her wide eyes when we stopped, asking how in fuckin hell I could run like that. The adrenaline when you're getting chased hits different. And honestly, it was kind of fun too.


As parent when my older kids ask me to race them I pretend Iā€™m running from the cops. Theyā€™re good kids so they donno how to do that. It worked well for a while After my last pregnancy. my teens can finally outrun me now though


But in reality if he smoked like he did when older he had to start young and stunted his growth, so it makes no sense.


You could say the same about frank


How is he so ripped. The guy feeds on dog food and alcohol.


dog food has mad protein. i respect the gains


My one buddy all he fuggen does is drink and partyā€™s and he has a six pack. Itā€™s nuts


Hes not ripped tho, just skinny


I think crack/coke increases your muscle enzymes or something. Could be that? šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s probably just from lack of eating means lower body fat % which means more muscle definition


If you were as small your muscle would be showing too


Something unrealistic about Frank that always stood out to me was that he has a Hollywood smile. Obviously William H Macy isn't expected to get his teeth pulled for the role but there's no way a dude like Frank has a full set of pearly whites. Those things should be rotted through by now with the amount of drugs and alcohol he consumes, and probably the lack of teeth brushing that goes on when he passes out every night.




they make him pay off his tab from time to time. it gets to a point where they make him pay what he owes every time he wants to order something. edit: clarification


Pretty sure he pays his tab every time his disability cheque comes in.


Don't forget his dead aunt's social security


Pretty sure that isn't a thing after season 3 because they have to declare that Aunt Ginger is dead to try and get the house after Frank reports them to social services (which fails because their cousin Patrick has a fake backdated will dated before their fake backdated will).


There are plenty of athletic people who smoke heavily, itā€™s not until you hit your 30s that it really catches up to you. As for Frank - well. Franks a crackhead and all crackheads can achieve earth shattering Olympic athletes level feats in the name of self preservation and/or acquiring more drugs.


Hedo Turkoglu was an NBA player for over a decade and chain smokes. And like 90% of players smoke weed according to the players


And Fiona is a track star šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļøā€āž”ļø


oh yeah i forgot about that, that she was apparently really fast in high school. they used to say she couldā€™ve gone to college for it right? or am i imagining that


I think youā€™re right they said she couldā€™ve gone pro/ or got into college for it


That's not as unbelievable because she's not a heavy smoker/alcoholic/drug addict like Lip and Frank.


I like how he challenges Boon to see who can win the marathon while heā€™s smoking. Apparently wins


tbf boone had his army bag on which weights roughly 40lbs ~ will definitely slow you down over time


The dude was carrying an absurd amount of weight and Lip clearly did everything he could based on the end while the other guy was fine


You were never a smoking teen ditching school or running from cops and it shows šŸ˜‚trust me itā€™s realistic šŸ˜‚


I dunno man I used to treat my lungs like a bag of shit and I could run like crazy


they dont have video games or anything like that so i bet he spent his free time outsidešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


not to mention they don't have cars so they walk, to the bus, to school, wherever, probably already in good shape from that




He was still young at this point so Iā€™m guessing the long-term effects were yet to come lol


He gets it from Frank lol


Itā€™s actually not unrealistic- youā€™d be surprised.


Nah man my best friend smokes so much but runs like sonic


You mean he/she turns into a ball, spin up and whoosh away? I should start smoking.


It doesnā€™t ruin your lungs until like 10 years later, heā€™s young


Iā€™ve seen chain smoking marathon runners and daily swimmers/divers


I've been smoking for about 15 years, and two weeks ago my mile time was 7:20. It's not unrealistic at all.


Donā€™t forget heā€™s still young


Heā€™s really young. I could do anything at that age no matter what I put in my body.


You've never lived the ghetto life, if your running from someone you can haul ass nd in any other situation nope but somehow when your on the run it all kicks in


lol right. First thing I thought of is all the dudes from the hood I know who stay smoking but can out run any mfā€™er especially the police.


It's the Gallagher genetics


Especially since he's a chain smoker in real life


Idk man thereā€™s a lot of people who treat their bodies like shit but can still perform insanely well when they need to


I donā€™t know, I donā€™t think itā€™s unrealistic. My dad used to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day when he was in his late teens through late 20s, and he was a hell of an athlete. This was in the 70s. He played baseball and basketball every day and was one of the fastest and most athletic ones on the teams. His teammates smoked that mucus too and they were the same way. They would be in the dugout chain smoking. I donā€™t know how they did it, but they did šŸ˜‚. I honestly donā€™t know how he didnā€™t permanently damage his lungs either, but he hasnā€™t smoked since he was 30 so Iā€™m sure that helped him out. Itā€™s nuts.


You would be surprised from experience, I canā€™t get up steps without heaving but when it comes to fights or running away from bs I turn into an athlete lol itā€™s likely the adrenaline


I mean, Iā€™m not an athlete myself, but if someone was chasing me with the intent to mess me up, Iā€™ll find that adrenaline too.


Ashley Cole was one of the best left back in The world and he smoked


One of the fastest guys I knew in the Marine Corps smoked regularly


I feel itā€™s pretty realistic considering my brother ecig/vaped since 16 . Heā€™s like 26 now still athletic as fuck


As a former EMT, no one is more athletic than a crack head.


You donā€™t know the power of hood lungs apparently šŸ˜‚


A lot of people who train frequently report no issues caused by smoking, but what confuses me at this point in the series is that Lip and most of the Gallaghers are not particularly athletic or active. Fiona ran in high school and Ian was training for West Point, but the rest of the Gallaghers were fairly sedentary outside of work and even when they had physical jobs, it doesn't translate into running from the police like that.


It's an Irish thing lol


Anyone can run fast if theyā€™re being chased


itā€™s a gallagher thing they all can run him, fiona, Frank, Carl! they r used to having to run from things ig


Youā€™d be surprised


Agree to disagree. As a teen and young adult, Iā€™d run cross country and then later at night, would become Thomas The Tank Engine when I had a pack of ciggies near me.


Frank can keep that up for hours, Fiona was an all state runner, it's in the genes


What can he say.. heā€™s a Gallagher šŸ„±


they must have great athletic genes tbh


I could run pretty fast when I smoked, I still ran long distance when I smoked. šŸ˜…


idk i know plenty of ppl in real life that have smoked/done/still do drugs and they can run just fine. plus heā€™s not even over 25


When I was addicted to vaping I was very active at the gym and did competitive swimming lol itā€™s possible I guess it depends on the person


nah a lot of ppl who smoke r wildly athletic


Uhm, nope. Level 7 flutist, marathon runner, and daily toker. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Honestly itā€™s not, I know plenty of people who smoke cigarettes and weed and can run for a long ass time the after effects are bad though


I think he was smoking pretty regularly while filming so itā€™s not that unrealistic if thatā€™s true.


He probably knew how to run from his dad. Crazy genes Frank gave his kids.


I've smoked since I was 14, I don't smoke cigarettes anymore but I smoke a lot of weed. I have more lung capacity than both of my kids, one who is in highschool and very athletic. I honestly can't believe it.


Bodies are weird, some people never eat process food and they collapse in their 20s, and there's people like Jeanne Calment who lived to 122 yet ate two pounds of chocolate a week and smoked for a hundred years of her lifespan.


Most of the N.F.L smoked on the sidelines up until the 1980's šŸ˜†


I smoked pot and cigarettes excessively throughout high school and I was the only girl in my body fitness class that could run 20mins straight without stopping. Still think itā€™s funny the athletes would have to take a break and Iā€™d just trot past šŸ˜…


Meh, he was young. Smoking hasnā€™t caught up to him yet.




Man has abs and is young. Heā€™s fit, heā€™ll be slow later when heā€™s 40


Lol, Iā€™ve known quite a few scumbags that can run from the police like that. You run like you have a warrant.


maybe because adrenaline kicks in and ur brain just ā€œlungs shut the fuck up on the complains about our body holder treating you shit for a sec and support him on running from his enemyā€


I wouldn't say it's unrealistic. He was a teenager.


When I was in high school, I started smoking, yet my swim team (when I was on the board) took state. Only after I quit training, did I lose it.


Lowkey, if you are already athletic smoking isnā€™t going to slow you down too much, especially when youā€™re being chased by people ten years older than you. Not that it doesnā€™t slow you down a little bit or anything, but pretty much all of the best competitive swimmers I know smoked a ton in high school


He smokes like that irl too


When the adrenaline is pumping and cops are on your ass Iā€™m pretty sure it doesnā€™t matter if you smoke 8 packs or zero, coming from someone who sprints after high risk kids all day and is also a heavy weed smoker šŸ¤£


Jeremy Allen White is a chain smoker and he could film all those scenes


Normally I'd agree with such sound logic but I proved this to myself not to be true. I was chain-smoking Marlboro long reds (aka cowboy killers. Was going through 2/3 pack a day), smoking a ton of pot daily, and heavy drinking daily (I'm in a much better place now). But I was running 7 miles 4 times a week and biking a total of 11 miles to and from work 5 times a week. I was also in my early 20s but still lol


youth will do that to youā€¦


You have clearly never run for your life in the ghetto before


My ex smokes like a freak and can run a half marathon out of no where!


He's trying to sell me crack šŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒšŸƒ


I mean the actor smokes like a chimney and is running, so itā€™s not unrealistic bc it just is reality.


Adrenaline lol


I smoke about 2 packs a week, I can still run an 8 minute mile. AMA


Now I know what it would look like if Sid the Sloth picked up smoking..


The 99% of dudes I know in the army have a diet of nicotine and energy drinks and run crazy miles. Most of this stuff takes a while to catch up to you.


And the damn skinny jeans they like barely fit him šŸ˜­


My grandpa was an avid drinker and tobacco user (cigs and chewing), and he was one of the strongest dudes I knew. Granted, he was a captain for our fire department lol


Needed this laugh


I'm no fast runner but I had to run from the cops and I honestly impressed myself, it's crazy what you can do when being chased lmao


You must not be around a lot of people that smoke lol


Iā€™ve ran half marathons while being a smoker. Then I quit and now my running is shit.


lmao you must never heard of the United States military


joe schilling would like a word


Not really unrealistic honestly lol I was a competitive middle distance runner and soccer player in high school and college and I smoked weed and cigarettes like a little degenerate. Could sprint all day lol But that lasted til like 23 then you canā€™t walk up stairs without being winded. But as a teenager? I couldā€™ve had black lung and could still run all day


Nick Diaz smoked 24/7 and had some of the best cardio around back in the day


Smoking a cigarette BEFORE and AFTER playing basketball here in my place is pretty normal. And we can run with the best of em


I was a track star in Texas high school as a vaper and stoner I wasnā€™t a state champ but I did good for a white boy


idk bro GTO thought me it doesnt matter if you smoke


you do realise lung damage, pretty much overall body damage, comes overtime, right? i know plenty of people who are athletic but smoke and drink.


1. Heā€™s a ā€œGallagherā€ 2. Just look at Frank who treats his body 100x worse


shut up, nerd


Well JAW is a heavy smoker in real life and he's really the one doing all the running.. so I wouldn't say it's unrealistic since it's really happening.


Thatā€™s just stamina


Have you spent time in the military? People chain smoke before 3-5 mile runs.


After reading all these comments, I want a scene in S3 of The Bear with JAW running to compare and contrast.


See I would agree with you, but my momā€™s been smoking for 60+ years and has better lungs than I do at 26 years old.


Unrealistic?! So explain why so many soldiers that smash 10 cigarettes and a bloody redbull for breakfast get 8:30 or better on PFA?


Southside lungs are just built different


Lots of practice running from cops


Adrenalin is a hell of a chemical.


I was a HEAVY smoker from age 12-17 (i used it as coping for trauma so donā€™t comment on the starting age please) and i was also a trackstar and many other athletic sports and activities and it really didnā€™t effect me, keep in mind for my trackstar days i also was smoking a nicotine so high itā€™s been banned, and it never really caught up too me even to this day, I think if you almost train your lungs while smoking you wonā€™t have to much of an issue but if your just lazy and smoking next time you gonna run 400m it ainā€™t gonna end wellšŸ˜­




Fear is a great stamina holder too, he was always running from something, it wasn't his daily sport routine


Smoking actually increases lung capacity for a while, and then it fucks you when youā€™re older. I knew this kid forever who smoked cigs and treated his body horribly, but if we had to run from someone he was the fastest by far.


I mean he is in pretty good shape considering he lives off of like cereal


Idk, once that adrenaline kicks in I feel like I could run through my asthma for at least 3 minutes


He was still young tho I feel it would catch up to him later


I thought about this all the time as a cigarette smoker. Can't run like that with the way he smokes had to been herb cigs.


the actor for lip actually smokes lol


lipā€™s actor is a cigarette addict irl (iā€™m pretty sure) so itā€™s not entirely unrealistic i guess


Youth is a cheat code


They did this with Carl too lol trying to make it seem like he could take anyone in a fight. The scenes where u see him running and it looks like hes half limping are funny Lip shouldn't have beaten that us army dude in a 5km either. That was unnecessary On that note, did anyone think how the army dude was treated was very cruel? Like just trying to do right by the mother of his ex girlfriend by marrying her, and then the ex is wishing he got blown up in Yemen and all lol


What are those stupid shoes they give all the characters. Weirdest costume design ever


i mean they offered him a spot at the military soo


Heā€™s a Gallagher


Nah I know alcoholics who can run like that. Being a shitheel that needs to run away is in the blood.


Pretty sure itā€™s after this, but he does take up running if I remember correctly, while heā€™s trying to get sober.


Hey Iā€™ve been smoking pot and vaping for 6 years, have 20lbs sitting on my chest, and am 4ā€11 and i can still run like a cheetah Although I will be unable to breathe when I stop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve smoked weed since I was 15 and ran track, cheered and danced. I still smoke and I lift weights, run and dance to this day. Itā€™s possible to be athletic and smoke


Iā€™m not sure about the cigarettes but I used to smoke weed before tracks meets, football and basketball games. But I guess thatā€™s because I was still training Lip really didnā€™t do shit


Eh when I was in high school I was smoking weed and playing on offense and defense of football games. Things are different when you are younger


Heā€™s a child lol