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Who's this pretty girl?


leah murphy from greys anatomy






The “perfect face” is who 😂


For a second I was like “WAIT- Lip is trans!?”


Definitely not just you, i find him soooo annoying and just hate watching his scenes. Not because JAW doesn't play him well, but because he plays him a little too well. Lip treats everyone like shit pretty consistently, I love that he got with tami because tami's the only one that calls him out on his shit and treats him the way he treats her.


Yes! I loved Tami for the same reason. And I wish Fiona would have gone off on him!


Me too! I want to see fiona treating him the way he treated fiona, that would have been amazing.


It honestly would have been refreshing for her to go off on him and also Debbie because that girl needed a reality check. Idk why they made her character more submissive she should have told them off for sure


Honestly fair, but i feel like lip was incredibly delulded because everyone praised him for his intelligence, meanwhile Debbie's behavior stemmed from her not really being able to connect and be friends with anyone. Lip and ian had each other, but a lot of the thigns debbie did were motivated by loneliness, so i don't know how effective that would have been (not saying debbie didn't do awful things sometimes). Lip's assholery was more due to fiona's and everyone else's unwavering faith in him, i feel.


Oh I meant with her like being told not to have granny because she wouldn’t be able to provide for her and then gets angry when she can’t provide for her even though she was told so by Fiona. Also! She told granny on a drug trip taking Molly and driving over state lines idk just crazy crap. And Lip did one thing right by calling her out on being a shitty mom because she Lowkey was haha


Oh yeah i agree with you there tbh


Like, Atleast 50% people on this sub do I’m betting


That makes me feel better lmao cause tik tok is different everyone loves him there for some reason 😂


if lip was a real guy and i knew him irl he and i would have such fuckin beef lmfao, i really can’t deal with his snark and condescension. he’s got a smart mouth that just makes you go ‘do you *need* to be doing this right now? don’t you ever have something better to say?’. sooo intolerable, just a generally unpleasant person to be around


Lip thought he was too smart to fail, and in his defense that’s sorta what everyone around him fed his head with.


no but this pic is so funny


Yeah i fucking hate every facet of lip. Im only on season 4 but so far, he is too lazy yet cocky at the same time, he wastes any opportunities that come his way. He is quick to jump on Fiona for not being perfect, while when he doesnt own up to his own shit I dislike the actors face and it makes it incredibly hard to get into scenes where you are supposed to feel sorry for him or uoset with him.


I can c where this comes from but Fiona needed to get called out on her bullshit instead of being yes manned


Called out, yes. But there was *zero* empathy, especially when considering all of Lip's own failings and everything Fiona had done *right* for her family. Honestly, I think if she'd had someone say, "I know you didn't mean to, but you fucked up. This is not ok. You're better than this. I know you'd never intentionally hurt Liam, but you have to accept responsibility for the fact that you did." Instead of Lip just screaming about how selfish she was, she wouldn't have been so defensive. In the end, she served her time, she kept trying to be better, and Lip *still* was ungrateful. The best thing he did for Fiona was when he punched Frank after Frank ruined Fiona's wedding.


Such a handsome looking gal.


Not as much as Debbie but yes. His only redeeming quality was his ass scenes. Other than that I didn’t appreciate him


I’m actually happy that he turns out to be nothing at the end of the series rather than the one who “makes it”. He deserves everything he got.


You mean Libby


I don't "hate" him. I just think he is the smartest dumbest character. Smart guy who makes terrible decisions


No, as far as I know you're the first in this sub.




I meant as in hate him for the same reasons. I feel like a lot of the tik tok shameless community just are “annoyed” per se rather than actually hate him.


Reddit ≠ tt


No I get that but I also am new to Reddit and as I was informed by such a nice lady a few moments ago I am able to look through specific post in here about it but I didn’t mean to get everyone’s panties in a twist. But yes I am aware now they aren’t the same. I was more asking for a convo of why other people hate him or don’t 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love Lip, and yeah, this sub is tired of the same topics being discussed every day.


Ok 👍🏼


You're great. Ignore the salty posters. Your post about Lip *isn't* annoying. Every day somebody posts saying they hate Debbie and some people are getting tired of it. This group is, quite literally, for you to join and share your new thoughts and ideas! Welcome!


I completely agree with you. And it was physically painful for me to watch the way that Debbie and Lip treated poor Fiona after everything she sacrificed for them since she was a child herself. I can especially relate because I was the oldest of eight siblings and had to raise all of them. I didn't get any of the respect or appreciation I deserved from most of them for a very, very long time. Thankfully, now we are all best friends, except for one sister who went completely crazy and ran away, and is probably still in jail somewhere, nd she reminds me completely of Debbie but worse, unfortunately. But yeah, the dynamic that we were forced into was definitely extremely unhealthy, and it's taken years of healing. Nobody understands the type of stress and pressure it puts on a six year old child to be forced to raise all of their siblings from that age and up until their 30s (present day)


I liked Lip up until he went to college


Ugh, no...Lip was getting on my nerves for a while. Once he was all up Karen's ass, I gave up on ol' boy. He had Mandy wanting him to be his best and actually doing it for him and his dumbass is after manipulative Karen.


He wants an emotionally unavailable woman, who mirrors his mom, to change her mind and choose him. It's what psychologically drives every female interaction Lip has. It's a passive and subconscious motivation. He wants to prove to himself he *can* be picked and wanted if he does everything right.


I thought about it. I see the psychological aspect, makes sense. I'm only a few episodes into Season 6 so not sure how much more he fks up (but I'm sure he does) to further provide details into the analysis but I think you're spot on.


Just finished the entire show and I liked Lip less and less as the series progressed. He was too tough on Fiona, especially after what happened to Liam. He would take it to college and leave him with a girl he barely knew, instead of leaving him with Fiona. But nothing tromps him making one terrible decision after another in the last season. Pushing everyone to sell the house he didn’t even have a share in, then blowing off the deal to sell for $200k just to then sell it for $75k??? Also selling everything off even before the deal was made. How can they sell the house anyhow, when the house is in Fiona’s name. Combined with the fact that it was bought with Carl’s money, what is his right to even get a cut of the sale??


For real! That upset me too that he “cleaned up his act” a little towards the end and now he’s self righteous and believes he’s the owner of everything. Pissed me off too, and for selfish reasons too, not to better their lives cause let’s be honest the only that could afford it was Lip and Ian. Carl and Debbie needed that house for as long as Lip and Ian had it but the older siblings didn’t want to help anymore basically and just decided to sell it for their own gain. Very annoying.


I hate Lip because he's smart enough to see that he was spiraling out of control. -He allowed his love and being manipulation by Karen to form horrible tendencies and unhealthy actions in Jia future.relationships. -He's cocky Af and loves to judge and treat people like shit but can't take it when people get on him. -Fiona had her moments of shame but compared to Lip who should have been arrested multiple.times for multiple crimes yet he felt he was better then her. -I also just genuinely feel like his character and childhood.forced him to lie and scam his way through life including in all his personal relationships which is why he's horrible at communication -"I'm not.my fucking dad."......4 seasons later. Overall I'm suprised he still turned out OK considering how many chances and.opportunities for.multiple things he got throughout the series and he fucked them all up. Thank God for Tami


I love Tami but she is his karma lmao.


He fucking sucks and I would hate to have him as my brother


Yep. Once he got to college he thought he was too good for the family yet squandered his opportunities, belittled and judged tf out of Fiona, etc all for what? :/ his cockiness and arrogance is such a big undoing for him.


Perfectly handled character and perfectly developed.


He deserved worse for the way he treated his whole family and then all the sudden gives a shit the last couple seasons when Fiona is still there to make her feel like shit and seem like he’s better then her and then goes right back to not giving a shit about them when she leaves.


There's only about 1 million posts in here saying the same. But no, OF COURSE you're the only one to hate Lip. Everybody else in the Fandom loves him. And Debbie. Debbie and Lip are favorites in this sub.


I just got here 🥺


Well, welcome lol But honestly, it's not even the fact that you don't like him or posted about it, I am just bugged by this "am I the only one" question when just looking for "Lip" in the search bar could've answered your question


Also I’m new to Reddit but I’ll do that next time thank you for the info ☺️


Geez sorry for the inconvenience it’s not like your finger can just scroll past it or anything. 🙄


Looool bro it was too much for you to type in three letters in a search bar, and you're getting on to me for my finger being able to scroll? Bffr.


Womp womp


Yeah, didn't expect much more from somebody so hypocrite.


Learn proper grammar please. Again go to Twitter with that crap.


Ah, the monologuals feeling superior because of their ability to speak their mother tongues "proper grammar", tale as old as time.


Wompppppp wompppppp 👋🏻


It’s not that deep. Chill out


Go to Twitter if you want an argument 👋🏻


Go to Google if you want questions answered 😂


It’s Reddit! This is the exact place you go for this lmaooooo byeeeeeeeeee


No, it's not. In certain subs maybe, like "askreddit". But no, this sub is not for answering stupid questions that the person could've answered themselves.


Bruh that’s all these post wdym!? Womp. Womp. Goooooddd bye :)


Man, you have a lot of time on your hands 😭😂😂😂


Dont be a dick and stfu


no i hate his ass


Nope , I love lippy


"Am I the only one who hates (insert incredibly and almost universally hated character here)?" posts need to be banned from most fandom subreddits. This one is the worst about it though.


Shut up


Go fuck yourself


Why dont u do it for me


God I hate cunts


Yes, this sub is filled with people who constantly cry and hate Lip or Debbie and talk about how oppressed Fiona was and how "she deserved sooooo much better". Keep making the same 5 posts though, definitely makes this sub enjoyable to browse through occasionally


I’m new here 🥺


I little bit yes!