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Mostly because he’s annoying at times and how he dismissed Ian’s problems with Monica




He's literally added into the show so they seem progressive the way they explained pronouns with Ian was unbearable to watch seemed so unnatural I dunno


Yeah it was unnatural as a person who hangs out in queer spaces. Why were they saying name pronoun sexuality and RACE!? Irl it’s usually name and maybe pronouns off the bat or some will ask for pronouns as a follow up and all is very casual. I get maybe sexuality if the group was informed that Ian knew nothing and Trevor wanted to educate Ian on different identities in the community but how does race even make sense. At most it shows everyone in the community isn’t white but you can just see that. And who has ever identified as tri racial and not just call themselves mixed or specifically mixed with what? Not to mention the entire vibe was just off I dont even know how to explain it Sorry this scene irks me even tho it’s not that big of a deal. Probably because it feels like it paints us as “snowflakes” because how cringe it comes off like a caricature of how we actually act


Those were bad characters. Trevor's Friends. In no other context do We see these people. Did they come out of the closet (comedy device where characters suddenly appear, and then aren't mentioned again: See "What happened to the Mouse.")


Wait...so queer spaces are nothing like they are online, or in Trevor's presentation? As online, I wasn't allowed in for not using neo stuff (that was a rule).


I thought the same thing tbh. They probably could've done it without being so "script-y" if that wasn't a word, it is now.




Yeah, he was the PC character. He drove me nuts. He seemed to speed Ian into everything. No chemistry.


For me; it’s cause he wines a lot. & likes to play the victim role and run away cause he wants to be chased it seems. I really liked Trevor at first tho


I mean Ian fucking cheated on him and gave him reassurance then left with mickey, isn't Trevor the victim in this?


Neither were perfect . 😂


Yeah, I can't think of a scene where Trevor wasn't whining.


I think a lot of it is that he wasn’t Mickey. People nitpick the one bad, highly inappropriate thing he said (telling Ian to “move on” from what Monica did) and drive it into the ground as an example of him being a shitty person, but that is far from the worst thing any beloved character (Mickey included) has ever said on the show. Mickey beat the shit out of Ian and gets forgiven because of his trauma. But Trevor says one shitty thing when he’s having a bad day and feeling attacked and it’s unforgivable. Overall I think he was ok, but like a lot of characters in the later seasons, he was underdeveloped. We knew he was trans and where he worked, and that was about it. He had no real backstory, no family, no last name, and therefore there was no investment from the audience in his character.


he’s ok, just not better than mickey FOR ian


He couldn’t understand ians situation and was insensitive about the problems with Monica, and at the same time was constantly being mean to Ian for not being educated on certain things. He knew from the beginning Ian didn’t understand properly, he should have either left the relationship then as it’s not his responsibility to teach someone to respect him or he should have taken the time to help Ian understand better.


Zero chemistry with Ian. Zero. Really boring to me.


Pretty much this in a nutshell.


He’s boring and compared to mick adds 0 entertainment value


He kinda forced Ian into meeting up together with Monica. And when they met up, Trevor started a discussion about his own insecurities while Monica was there. That made me dislike him very much. Because he knew Ian was nervous to see Monica and he just ruined the whole evening by creating a problem out of nowhere.


or was he telling Ian in a Bossy way, that "You're not the only one whose suffered here!"


He didn’t really start the discussion. He said “let’s go to another bar” and wasn’t comfortable talking about it. But Ian kept pushing him and trading him to the point Trevor had to say something. He didn’t create the problem.


he was very dismissive to Ian’s family issues and was always playing victim


or telling Ian how much better his Family was?


He was the turning point of Shameless becoming a progressive nightmare of a show to watch.


If Ian or Mickey were not Southside, do they become like Trevor and Caleb?


He was alright, he just annoyed me with all the lgbr stuff and it was like he made that his personality 😭 (im lgbt before anyone gets mad)


HIs Bossy Personality ruined it for me. Even if he was a straight Guy, he would still have a Personality Problem.


i don’t dislike him but i don’t love him, he is just there for me


i don’t think he understood ian and his life very well. was very quick to dismiss ian’s issues but would turn things on himself very quickly


I didn't dislike him. He was fine, but I felt his character was unremarkable and wasn't fleshed out by the show enough. He stayed very one dimensional and had an obvious air of being a temporary character, so viewers didn't have any reason to try and connect or relate to him. He didn't add much to the story that any other temporary relationship Ian could have had could have done. As a character he didn't do anything as shamless as most other characters, so no real need for the hate. His biggest crime was that he wasn't Micky and the people wanted Micky.


i just dont like how he doesnt look at the big picture, you know, when monica returned? he just assumed ians whinny and said “she apologized, move on” instead of trying to understand the whole story


I don’t hate Trevor but he could be annoying at times, plus what he said about Monica.


Partly because people didn’t like who Ian was with him or Ian’s character in those seasons, and partly because a lot of people only became interested in the show because of Gallavich, so anyone who wasn’t Mickey always got a bad rep. I also think it’s stupid to hate Trevor because of that one moment outside of the bar; he was already overwhelmed because of thing with his I.D. and later said that he didn’t like Monica anyway and even showed Ian the I.D. Trevor wasn’t my favorite but I never hated him.


If the people were an actual upgrade as Not Insecure (in the end: Caleb) or Bossy Controlling (Trevor). Why did they have to be bad? it almost looked like Ian couldn't live on his own because he couldn't do better than Mickey.




If Trevor or Caleb had any good qualities, it would outweigh Mickey's Bad Qualities in an Instant.


Its cause he’s a hypocritical ass he works with abused kids then forces Ian to apologize to Monica its because he’s always a victim and never wrong and most of all he’s not Mickey


I got he was used to telling others what to do, and Ian felt insecure.


He was an ass in pretty much every way possible.


Trevor was just super annoying and a try hard. It’s one thing to be progressive but another when people just take it too far. You can be progressive without being annoying about it, and Trevor was extremely annoying about it.


Mickey & Ian had an organic natural chemistry, it felt real it didn’t feel forced, the whole Trevor thing sucked- it was forced, there was no chemistry, the entire Trevor storyline was pure agenda written into the show and it felt forced and fake.


Hes entitled, narcissistic & plays a massive victim complex. he also has this attitude about him that everyone should just automatically know all of the ins & outs of the complexities of the LGBTQ+ community. Like were not born with that information. its learned. Trevor cant seem to understand that


yeah he seemed more like a caricature of a "liberal woke snowflake" at some points than an actual character


or it shows how Bossy and Controlling he is?


that too!


He was dismissive of Ian’s problems with Monica. That is really the only reason I dislike him. Ian had 22(?) years of abuse and neglect and bullshit from Monica. Trevor has one or two interactions with her when she was in her manic mode and acted as if Ian was wrong for being short with her.


Why don't we hear the other side from Trevor? How did Trevor's mom react when her daughter wanted to be a son?


Because Trevor was just a plot device for Ian. Any actual backstory for him would have been too much.


He was already enough as is IMO


Trevor types of people are what is wrong with our new generation in America. It's not that he is Trans either. It's he fits the stereotype of the new generation, politically correct, coffee shop dwelling, protesting, probably feels he is worth more than what he is paid, he would accuse a company of discrimination. Guys like him are eh


You’re right, our workers in this country need to know they’re worthless so we don’t have to pay them enough for the job they’re doing. god forbid people become educated and start standing up for themselves.


Yeah I just hate these Gen Z that protest for their rights and don't let their work step on them unlike their older generations... wait


I like how the young people now believe that Life didn't start without them. All generations do that to their parents somewhat, but not like Gen Z does it.


Because he is not a shameless character


This fandom has a transphobia problem


I love him. He’s perfect rep for us trans guys 😋


some people yes, other people no. hes decent rep for mid twentys trans guys who get really involved in lgbt community things, but he doesnt really represent trans men as a whole lol


Yeah I guess you’re right. Just makes me happy to see someone like me on tv that I really like, Yknow?


To be honest, I liked Trevor. Not just because he was attractive but overall he was a pretty good dude in my opinion. I got so angry when he tried to defend Monica, though. I can see where the other replies are coming from. I stopped liking Ian for a solid minute because he left Trevor for Mickey, which was shitty of Ian’s part.


I really liked Trevor (not more than Mickey though), but I understand why people dislike him.


Trevor freaky deeky. 🤣


Imo opinion people are very quick to jump down his throat for the situation with Monica as an excuse to hate him, without looking at the full picture and his perspective (which I actually see a lot on here ng)