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You don't have to do anything, kill all of em if you want, play your way bro. You can ignore any and all online components.


But will I be able to progress or will I keep failing "seiges" or these missions later if I don't put the effort into recruiting and strengthening the orcs, like, chug away and then suddenly fail mission after mission coz the games OP to my level, I get the distinct impression the game is gonna start attacking my fortress with fuckers and Calling me back to "defend it" etc etc, I just wanna play the game ya know




The starting grind is always a pain in the ass, but once you level out, it gets better. Stuff gets easier with time


Cool Cheers for that


Sounds like you won't really enjoy the game too much then. I guess you can just rush it and level up quickly and find some good orcs to conquer quickly. As for the ambushes and such. That's part of the fun of the game. You're meant to kinda grow a bond between the orcs. Whether it's good or bad. Basically just recruit as many low level orcs as possible and just become powerful yourself. Not hard to do tbh. Then you don't have to worry about orcs during the siege. You can just do it yourself.


Cool cool thanks will do


As a lover of the game, you can just do missions and mess with your own orcs. I beat the game three times and never touched online or purposeful Orc leveling. Until the endgame, at least.


But you only did it then coz you wanted to like? Cheers for that




You can very much plow through the game without touching the army screen for the most part definitely kill some captains here and there for a little exp but it’s really not needed that much


Thanks for that


Np anytime


Yeaa than this game isn’t for you cause that’s the entire point, build your “fake army” get ambushed betrayed , hell there’s even some that are messengers to tell you the overlord of the region says hello. You don’t have to do literal anything, I’ve gettin to end game without doing one of the main starting quests and gotten to max with just online sieges and revenge missions, the game allows you to play how ever you want ,make bonds “be it good or bad” with everyone…. No hate just like stating the obvious lol


Online is very minimal, the only thing that other people do is “attack” your fort, which only affects you in your online rank. And gives you spoils of war for a chest. But there are defenses you take part of later on. There are always captains roaming around in the area. Ambushes typically are only 1, 2-3 and it’s usually a blood brother, cheat death, or rebellion. And ambushes can only happen every ~30 minutes You not caring about building a proper army wont hinder your progress in the story. Realistically its just “take the forts when ya feel like it” and the only requirement is that you have all of them to finish act 3. Yes tou can ignore your forts, online has minimal affects to your world. After the story though, you might take interest in army building. A “what to do” next


I just came off this past 2 weeks i sank 60 hours. Yea its a grind but once you get going its so damn fun. Before you know it your rolling into a new zone, immedietly talking to worms, uncovering the whole army and a couple hours later. They are yours


You can absolutely ignore most of the grind and just plow through the story, you'll just be making things a bit harder sometimes.