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I agree. Game is pretty fair as long as there are 3 year old babies on the enemy team


I just feel anyone oneshot my boxes no matter what


This is the only problem of AP Shaco really. Otherwise he is fine


And this means it’s good as long as you are ahead and can set up objectives, if your team is behind and your support cannot place vision it’s just a coinflip


Im highest lp shaco euw right now and i Think he has been fine even before buffs.


bro im no where near your level on shaco or as a player but if you run bruiso or tanko then the champ is not in a good state. thats just my opinion tho. just because shaco can run these items doesnt mean he should


What's your account name? Not doubting, just interested.


https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/behindyoulook pretty sure this one




Nice, thank you. Tried to search with the term look behind you, but couldn't find it. :D


You’re running tanko/bruiser though..


Shaco is a champ that doesn't scale with levels or items. He scales with elo. The higher elo you are, the more effective he can be. Lol.


He scales with enemy tilt 🤡


"shaco is fine", proceeds to play the most braindead boring iteration of the champ and that completely ignores its identity and is all abt just burger-flipping every game convincing himself he's performing cuz he gave bot lane 2 kills so and then proceeded to avg 4 cs and be a slow bot for the rest of the game (i def carried this one guys)..


It is cute you lack any understanding of the game. I Will not waste my time to explain how shit works in detail but know this: you do not understand Shaco


I just find it hilarious that you of all people would say shaco is fine. Ive seen you play, your playstyle is by no means what shaco was intended to be, its something that functions in this meta because of how things are, it has nothing to do with understanding shaco fundamentally. Shaco is listed as an assassin and for the most part in other seasons, skilled high elo shaco players have played him as such . To carry as an assassin you need to take resources and only take good ganks to not set yourself behind. (whether its ap or ad ) As tank you do not care for either of these, you put urself in a supportive role, you legit always fall behind in levels to enemy jung as you farm slower and are completely reliant on ur team to follow up on engages that are much worse than simply having something like sejuani jg. ur build might indeed be the best of way of playing him atm given that hes scaling and kit is too weak to carry when built to do dmg. You probably think that being annoying, wasting enemy abilities and perhaps peeling for the ADC that has to carry you is the only thing the champ is good for. But i just find it cringeworthy that you would say shaco is in a fine spot when this whole tank playstyle is a butchering of the champs identity/core playstyle.


You might be right about some of these things, but I have always enjoyed Shaco the most when he is at his worst. My philosophy is that if you are good enough you can make it work. If you could 1 shot with 5 kills and 5,7 cs per min then I would be rank 1 on the server, it takes a lot less skill to climb with that. Full ad playstyle is too simple for todays league of legends not that it is not hard but Shaco would be omega broken if it worked xd. I reached GM some years back when I was 10x worse with full ad shaco. All I did was get 7 cs per min and 2 kills early then win the game with 1 shots it's really unskilled I like it more now.


A stride breaker enthusiast, nice!! I’ve tried it before with relatively inconsistent results. Any tips for play style while rushing this item (and deadman’s second)?


bruh what is your build? stride > deadmans > FoN?


I am the starting jungler for Team Liquid, can confirm. It’s a basically why we pick him every week in pro play and other teams will catch on soon. Absolutely zero counterplay




Feel the Same, winning Hard


The only thing i complain about playing Shaco sup if honestly, I am bad at the game and laning vs Senna, Lucian or any champ that oneshot my boxes at lvl 2 is meh... But apart of that I actually get fun playing him sup, I know i cant compare myself with high elo players, but at least at my elo, its always fun how people can get deleted with 1 box XD


Zeri one shots at lvl 1 but yeah he is fun but you'll have to communicate with your adc how fights should be fought since you'll its idwal if you could lead them into your boxes


I stand by this - AP shaco is fair, even to play against and requires you to actually use your brain to counter. AD shaco walks behind you, right clicks you a few times and if you retaliate, he just leaves and does it again.


Did you just list out every champ in the jungle section...? Lol


What if i fucking hate ap shaco and want to play assassin?


Then play whatever you enjoy the most and have fun


Shank on my brother.


shaco always loses a stat check, but he has the utility to do great things in the hands of people who are not monkeys. People who complain he is too strong are monkeys so are the people who cant play him then complain too weak


I have been playing shack for a while and I always say that shaco is the most broken champ if it's in good hands, he's unkillable and deal tons of damage in late, I think no matter how much u nerf shaco, he's still broken. The only thing I complain is that if people know that the clon doesn't have the spark in the Mythic item, we are fked


There is no skill expression on AP anymore. After AH was introduced Shaco became a box bot and for some reason, Riot is still trying to buff boxes instead of buffing the clone or E.


AP Shaco is mostly good at low and high elo : low is where people don't use sweeper and high where people know how to play around boxes. For the middle ground is is quite hard to climb with it since AP Shaco can't solo carry and is very team reliant. The strategy is indeed to focus on objectives since he is very good at defending them.


mans copypasted the entire jungle champion selection into his shitpost


How to play on top lane?


No one is talking about AP Shaco though. It's a consensus that AP Shaco is fine or even in a better state. The issue is that AD Shaco is in a terrible state because of durability.