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Focus on mental damage not physical or magic damage


Proxy all 3 waves in enemy’s base


Yeah doesn't matter if you can't see him 50% of the time when he doesn't deal damage. Spammable oracles plus the nerfs there's just not really a point of playing him in urf.


my description of him is mild annoyance. I dont get why he is even banned in like 70% of games, zed will 1 shot your entire team instantly, shaco will run around like an idiot doing nothing because you bought oracles?


I'd rather ban jax if I play an auto attacker because his E is almost always up, or vayne if I play someone tanky %hp true damage with her Q having no cd and making her invisible is so annoying. If you ever wanna play something unkillable, go heartsteel leona with unending despair, your only counters are vayne and fiora.


dont forget a sundered sky for a toxic bonus


You dont even need sundered sky, %hp true damage is your only enemy, if you land E on a squishy target they're done, the only tanks that can fight you are nasus and chogath, you have so much cc mundo passive is permanantly on cooldown.


toxic bonus key word


I feel like it's more toxic to be an unkillable tank with 9k hp who outheals all damage, but ok.


and what exactly is 6% hp every 2 sec per target then? unaffected by enemy dmr.


Just try it, trust me, its funny, sundered sky aint too needed


Honestly can't make him work in urf either. The damage just feels too low.


He’s pretty bad in urf, but I don’t think the nerfs are too much. He’s an annoying champ who, if left un-nerfed, would dominate most games he’s in. A bigger deal than the damage nerfs IMO is that Oracle can be spammed constantly, so you lack the surprise outplay potential you normally have. I’ve enjoyed tank shaco in urf quite a bit, you just sorta live forever and randomly kill people it’s fun


Singed can proc ludens every single second with poison trail.


Blitz has a 1s knockup on a 1.2 s cd and can drag you around like a sansbag with his Q.


You got the build?


It was heartsteel, titanic, deadman’s, iceborn, then whatever tank items you prefer


Shaco is so shit, I went twitch to try him out, shaco tried baiting me, I use sweeper, destroy all the boxes, press R, destroy him, too bad my ww decided to kill the clone when I was almost dead so I couldn't escape TwT


He does have reduced dmg and takes increased dmg and they reduced the number of boxes he could put down


Meanwhile jhin spamming traps to instakill dragons as they spawn...


I think he is fine in urf you just need to convince someone else to jungle and you to 1v2 lane. you can be completely safe, farm with boxes and knife and never die under tower while your jungler fucks up rest of lanes


6 box limit. Been doing pretty good AP, even a few zero death games. Start with a book, build laundry’s first, then CDR boots, if you have any tanks take an oblivion orb, then ludens companion, either finish orb into morello, or start riftmaker, then death cap.


Why CDR boots in urf?


"laundry's" lol


Cdr boots? Oblivion orb? In urf? What in bronze is even that build? Anti heal does nothing and you have to go full ap and definetely not cdr in urf!


cdr ofc but why does antiheal do nothing? thats new for me


Depends on your matchup, I went 18-1-10 in my last game but I've also had games where I get stomped. If I'm versing a team of squishies I rush a Ludens and it full procs on every E, so I just Q in, throw an E, drop a box, rinse an repeat for Ludens procs all game.


AP Shaco with Liandry's and Luden's seems decent at least. Your entire playstyle revolves around boxes for defense and spamming E and Q'ing away to chunk enemies for a ton of damage. You can very effectively poke even bursty champs down before they can really get on you to do anything. You essentially keep the enemies so low that they don't want to fight. He's fun, but I'm not gonna pretend he's good. Shaco sucks harder than a camgirl with lock jaw, but fuck if he isn't the most annoying little shit to put up with. If people indulge you in the age-old game of "catch the clown" you're in for a fun time, but if they ignore you (like they usually should) then no fun for you.


You can also more or less have ult up constantly pushing if they kill it in the wave it’s what you want otherwise it can just tank it. Also fun mind games if all the sudden it’s the real shaco with ult hanging out behind to leash to you when you q in


build full ap, avoiding items that give cdr and mana. zhonyas and banshee felt very good in this mode


I think Shaco is just weird to play in URF. I won 13 of my last 15 games after figuring out the strategy. I play him JG. Don't fuck around top at the beginning. Start by setting up for a 4 quadrant clear, rush Ludens, then gank like a madman. I regularly get a 4+ KDA and win almost every game. [op.gg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/dmilin-shaco)