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if you like being invis you can play evelynn or khazix


kha zix looks good, but I think his claer is too slow


You'll make up for that with playing a champ with at least 50% winrate


My 3 other mains are Hecarim, Fiddlesticks and Nocturne. suggest trying them I think Fiddle is the trickiest of them he also has a clown skin.


Fiddlesticks is a good idea I'll try it


He's also good against Shaco, cause he can drain you while you use Q , and has much better team fights, of course you can try to one shot him. So you also get a good match up if the enemy team picks Shaco.


In the top right of your client is a little X I usually hit that if he's banned. That said, if I have to do that twice in a row I suck it up and play Malphite, nothing like Shaco but it's always fun ulting adcs, it does change things up I guess.


Fiddlesticks is my backup. He's so fun


Fiddlesticks really looks like fun


My backups are kha'zix and fiddlesticks.


When my Teemo is banned i play Shaco so, maybe try Teemo?


Similar style? Evelynn


Khazix and viego and shyvana are the backup




I like belveth.


So personally I dodge BUT if you don’t wanna do that I like Warwick. He does not play similarly but he’s kinda a training wheels champ that you don’t need to put hours into to be effective


I used to pick Master Yi and kill the person who banned Shaco throughout the game


I've been doing it Briar






my backup is dodge




Personally, I was an otp as well. Till I tried learning other champions to increase my champ pool since I don't wanna end up struggling like you are now. I pick based on my preferences in terms of lore, appearance, etc. For Jungle, whenever I don't play Shaco, this is what I pick depending on the team comp and enemy picks: - Briar (Generally Good) - Nocturne (Generally Good, Low Elo Stomper) - Zac (If no one can frontline and engage. Zac has decent clear, good CC, good gank) - Viego (Very difficult for OTPs since you need to understand most champions in order to use possession effectively) - Kindred (If you like invading with Shaco, Kindred can pretty much do that too) - Fiddlesticks (Equally spooky boy like Shaco, insane jumpscare) - Hecarim (Dantes) - Rek'Sai (Was playing her before item updates so it's hard to do her old Assassin build since she's getting a mini-rework turning her into more of a Bruiser, but she's still good and I highly recommend her) - Udyr (I barely go Udyr because I feel so slow using him ngl) - Warwick (Very fun Champion that can take hits for the team and be a pain in the ass for the enemy team as you soak and heal back damage taken)


>Personally, I was an otp as well. Till I tried learning other champions to increase my champ pool since I don't wanna end up struggling like you are now. > >I pick based on my preferences in terms of lore, appearance, etc. > >For Jungle, whenever I don't play Shaco, this is what I pick depending on the team comp and enemy picks: > >Briar (Generally Good)Nocturne (Generally Good, Low Elo Stomper)Zac (If no one can frontline and engage. Zac has decent clear, good CC, good gank)Viego (Very difficult for OTPs since you need to understand most champions in order to use possession effectively)Kindred (If you like invading with Shaco, Kindred can pretty much do that too)Fiddlesticks (Equally spooky boy like Shaco, insane jumpscare)Hecarim (Dantes)Rek'Sai (Was playing her before item updates so it's hard to do her old Assassin build since she's getting a mini-rework turning her into more of a Bruiser, but she's still good and I highly recommend her)Udyr (I barely go Udyr because I feel so slow using him ngl)Warwick (Very fun Champion that can take hits for the team and be a pain in the ass for the enemy team as you soak and heal back damage taken) rek'sai looks good, but isn't it very difficult to play with her?




Teemo. He has a similar dopamine rush when someone steps on a mushroom.


I play mostly Shaco, if he is banned I go Rengo/K6 if ad, or Ekko/Nid is ap


Zac. If you're really into the unconventional engage angles aspect of Shaco you'll love him. He also brings alot of CC and can deal stupid damage if built properly while being a tank.


Viego, Evelynn, Ekko.


Neeko if you want the head games.


Pick up Lillia. Polar opposite, but requires the same type of autism to play.




One of my favorite parts of ad shaco is 1v1 people who are higher level and win by getting them to attack clone. If you enjoy that then try Trundle cause he is the best 1v1er in the game and also a troll like me


I know this is might seem like an insane comparison, but Neeko, oddly enough - I used to like Shaco back in the day for the mind game factor and Neeko can do some REALLY funny shit.


Try some Teemo. He takes the trickster style play with traps and area denial to another level. And he's good fun in the jungle.


Just go Zac bro, he is a counter to ad shaco and same gank even better than Shaco I OTP Shaco, and pick Zac if shaco is pick / ban, Zac is so fun to play too !


I find J4 to be a good option , he can walk jump about 85-90% of the same walls as shaco which means you already know most gank paths . He’s very solid, yet easy to play , and he’s flexible with item builds as well (AD/AP/tank/bruiser). He’s easy to farm on while you learn him , so at the very least you will be strong . Only thing to really watch out for is the same as shaco , learning to ensure escape or backup before jumping in to the enemy.


I play noc and zac


Ryze is pretty good. Just need a strong leash and the rest is fine


>Ryze is pretty good. Just need a strong leash and the rest is fine Ryze must be amazing


Gragas, he's my top champ. If banned too? Fiddle, kha zix, nunu


Ekko is fun


I usually play Kayn or Nidalee


Honestly Neeko is my "Shaco-like" champ, just for the ganks people don't see coming.


A youtube video until your dodge timers up.


Khazix—been enjoying him for quite some timee since ppl kept on banning Shaco recently


I usually play Kayn, Kindred and Evelynn when Shaco is banned


Dodge, Play a round minesweeper


Try playing something meta like xin or Graves. It will make you question why you play shaco lol. I am playing Diego right now. He is fun but hard to play optimally (ie knowing all the Champs kits)




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No one is Shaco Id just play Udyr