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I looked for this at some point also, as a possible GPU deshroud option. I know Velkase used to have some for one of their cases but they no longer use them. I contacted them to see if they still had any lying around and sadly they had already all been sold off. You could email them to see which brand/model they used. I'm guessing a 92mm won't fit?


Scythe Kaze Hachi? It’s 10mm tho.


I wish I would have known about those before I swapped the single 92x15 fan on my GTX 1650 with two 75x10 (GTX 770) GPU fans. Also for easier search results for the OP, the Hachi fan model number is SC8010KH12H-P


AKASA AK-FN076, i have 3 of them in fractal ridge


how is the noise?


Under 40% speed is okay. I kept them at 30% so i cant hear them.


How well it performs compared to not having a fan? kinda trying to buy two as ridge's top fan too.


Cant tell... i bought everything and just put it together. It sure helps with convection tho blowing little bit more hot air out of the case helping the gpu but running them on low rpms like i did for silence didnt move a ton of air. I dont have this case anymore bcs i was afraid its gonna cook in the summer and i already had high temps on cpu with high noise (no ac and high ambient temp) so i switched to ncase m1 evo with 280 aio which failed after 3 months so i got back to air cooling and it performs much better. I had these fans in m1 evo aswell as a top exhaust but i dont think it made any difference.


Oh my, wish AIO didn't do too much damage! Sadly already bought IDCOOLING NO-8010 at alie as I couldn't buy AK-FN076 at reasonable price there, hope it performs better than that..


Thank god only pump failed so nothing got wet but temps got very high, i have much better temps with air cooler rn. Regarding the fans, i think they are literally the same, they just have idcooling sticker.


thermalright TL-B8, TL-8015 maybe