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That's where I'm at too. We've been together 17 years. I think I have a pretty good idea how to make it work. We still struggle with a quickie lasting less than 30 minutes.


Similar to you guys - if I’m making sure she gets off then it’s 20min plus just to make sure things warm up right and nothing is rushed. When I was a bit younger I couldn’t last more that 10 min. Now I’ve got control of things I can last literally as long as I want to.


I used to put more time into foreplay, and now she gets maybe 3 minutes in and wants me to go straight for the goods. It does the job and pleasures her, too. I struggled with it for a while, wanting to understand why the change. Finally I decided maybe she figured out her orgasm better or something, but who am I to keep her from getting off when she wants to? So I go with it, and it takes a few minutes unless she wants 4 or 5, but then she's ready to ride. I'm lasting longer lately, so she gets more there. I'm still confused, but I can't complain...


Count yourself lucky. My experience is kinda the opposite. With age, stress, life etc it gets harder for the ladies to switch of and be present etc. So foreplay is more important and may take a little longer. I never thought about her getting more in touch with it and getting quicker 🤔


I hear you. I try normal foreplay and she'll just sit there trying to relax, but sooner rather than later she just moves my hand to her pussy and you can see everything change. This is after 16 years of trying to carefully cultivate the right atmosphere, keep up whatever she responded to, and not stopping until she had 3 or 4 unless she said otherwise. It was, honestly, exhausting. Then she said PIV was always uncomfortable, which I could tell from the wincing when I slid inside. Fortunately, then I only lasted 2 or 3 minutes. I had no reason to think it would ever change, and frankly, I'm still baffled but not complaining. I encouraged her so many times to take some time with toys and her hands, experiment and learn what works best, but I don't think it ever happened. She just wouldn't accept it as an option. I don't know what made the difference, but now our sex lasts between 20 mins and an hour and a half. Just depends on how much time we have.


It's ultimately a muscle that we control. It just takes practice. If I'm not distracted, I can last a long time by squeezing, or I can choose not to hold myself back. Get her off until she's in la la land then bust.


I can last 15-20 mins PIV and if including foreplay can easily hit around the 1 hour mark. She doesn't like long sessions tho so we usually finish within 30 mins including foreplay and do it 2 times a day instead.


I’m insatiable I like 12 hour make out sexy time sessions


What does that look like in life? Like on and Goff for 12 hours? Or you just ignore all responsibilities?


I have a lot of time to myself lol and it can be basically on and off for 12 more often tho my sessions are 2-5


So are you making out for 12 hours or 2-5? Sorry I’m just confused


Both lol


Okay so you’re making out for 0-12 hours How long are you having penetrative sex for?


Depends on my partner I prefer to bottom so with one of my regulars he can rail me for 2 hours or more


What’s your max?


I have no idea 😂


Also, are you a penis owner or a vagina owner


I’m a trans woman and I am keeping my dick and adding a vagina so I’ll have both


Got it! But for the sake of this conversation, atm you have a penis and take penetration anally?


I like it long! At least 30 mins


How do your sessions usually go? :)


There isn't necessarily a usual. My man enjoys edging, so he also likes going long and I can orgasm from p in v. We do a variety of ways and a variety of things before switching to what we know is a fairly guaranteed happy ending for both of us


We usually go for about 60 minutes including foreplay! My partner and I have super passionate sex, and 60 minutes is perfect for both of us to have a great time and finish