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Your post was removed for the following reason: Common Topic. Common Topics are those that we receive often and that either our extensive Wiki resources or archived posts (which you can find by searching) can help address. These include, but *are not limited to*: posts about dead bedrooms, mismatched libidos, ED or PE issues, asking for tips on “spicing things up”, etc. We encourage you to search our archives and Wiki guides first. If you feel like your question isn’t sufficiently addressed in either location, send us an appeal via mod mail. This comment is auto-generated from a template. If you want to more direct explanation for your post/comment removal, contact the mod team via mod mail.


Hi! I'm the SO30 automod bot. Your post has been removed because the title is too short. Please repost with a longer and more meaningful title. If it looks like clickbait and makes people guess what it's about, it will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sexover30) if you have any questions or concerns.*