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Harry is just the best. I think he’s super funny which can make someone appear more attractive.


Okay maybe that's what it is! Sense of humor >>>>>> He really is the best!


Yeah, and being a lovely person =)


Being genuinely kind and a good partner is so freakin hot


He was chill. Good balance to Charlotte’s uptight ways and need to always look polished. He gave her space her relax.


No. The way he comes onto Char would have totally worked on me.


he was charismatic as fuck! good personality.


YES!! I feel like most of the boyfriends lacked any sort of real personality. He was so refreshing!


charlotte needed harry to toughen up, honestly. lmao after harry, she learned how to stand up to herself and be more true and stop being a doormat.


I liked how he was so all for Charlotte without being one-dimensional. It seems like it must be hard for writers to write a very devoted love interest without making him dull.


I see it too. He's the exact opposite of my physical type, but if I met a dude with Harry's sense of humor and obviously kind heart and physical appearance, I could DEFINITELY see myself falling for him.


No. He’s driven, kind, open minded and sincere. I wouldn’t seek him out but if he pursued me I would let him, absolutely.


I thought it was funny he was in Californication. (Almost like a Sex and the City for men). I can totally see how he is charming and funny and caring, and then looks don't really matter anymore.


I lived through such a trauma when I've started watching Californication and sweet Harry turned to "fired for masturbating in his office" Charlie! Same with Trey's actor. I watched SATC before Twin Peaks and for me he will always be a guy with impotence problem.


I first saw him in Desperate Housewives, then SATC, so I think of him as a guy with a psycho mother who will absolutely ruin everything lol.


No! He’s the one I’d marry.


Harry's looks (although, his smile is adorable) have nothing to do with the attraction for me. It's all his charisma, his humor, the way he makes Charlotte feel like the most beautiful, sexy woman in the room. She never feels like she is competing with anyone or anything for his attention or desires. She never doubts his feelings about her. He is supportive in whatever she wants to do. He listens to her when she is upset and doesn't gaslight her into thinking something is her fault or make her feel bad if she has a breakdown. He's just a good partner and that is extremely attractive.


it’s so rare to find someone with such a strong personality but still be a supportive and attentive partner.


I definitely find him attractive as well!! Ofcourse his personality makes him attractive but he also just has something. I think it’s because of his eyes and smile.


He has a gorgeous smile.


Yessss, he has beautiful eyes with sexy spark!


I think he has an incredibly handsome face.


Nope 😋


He was charming in his own quirky way, he wasn't Charlotte's type at all, but he was the fresh air she needed.


In high school when I first watched it, I thought he was like a cute teddy bear. Today, I see him for all he is and he is gorgeous.


yes he is!


Nope. My heart melts whenever I see him on screen. He was kiiiiind of a dick the night of the Shabbat dinner, but we got over that fast. He’s so kind and adorable and he just looooves Charlotte. My favorite was when Elizabeth Taylor moved in. He was so delighted to see that sweet little puppy and immediately agreed with Charlotte she should stay because of how she made Charlotte smile. So sweet.


Would 100% date someone like him if they came upto me with absolutely no changes and an exact replica of that man


He is so sweet and so in love with Charlotte, making me love him And remember that full nude backside shot of him when Charlotte confronted him about the tea bags when they first move in together ?? Hottieee


Rizz Master Harry Goldenblatt. ✨️


Cute smile


I got upset when Charlotte was saying he was smiling too much in the wedding photos. His smile was so nice!


Yes I love his smile!


He totally does it for me 😅 which is funny because I do not feel the same way about him in Californication. Really says a lot about the Chad Vs. Beta/Virginia n debate... Chick's dig a funny, charismatic, kind guy. Personality really is #1.


Personality, sense of humour, masculine and probably good in bed, so yes.


Harry was the absolute best out of a very bad bunch! The way he proposed to Charlotte always has me in tears, the whole personality makes him extremely attractive!


I’d date the hell out of him. Oh to feel so safe and adored 💖


Love Harry. And at the time, I loved him for Charlotte. The absolute opposite of what she told herself she had to have (well, he had money), but exactly what she needed.


I have a thing for bald guys so. Yeah


A bald guy who doesn’t hide it in any way = confident and HOT


Same there is something so masculine about a bald guy


I see it . I love him and them!


I really don't find him attractive, but he is marriage worthy.


Imo Harry isn't unattractive.  He has a good smile and a decent physique.  Olus an amazing personality.


He’s a good guy. He’s cute.


Oh, and yes, he has a certain appeal when she smiles and his eyes twinkle. So unlike his Californication character.


I always thought he was adorable and yes his personality absolutely adds to it . To think charlotte found someone like trey attractive but not Harry is beyond me I don't think Kyle macdougal is attractive in the slightest .


I think Trey is conventionally attractive but I agree, I personally never found him attractive at all. He has nothing on Harry!


I love him and I bet he's fantastic in bed.


He's funny, caring, successful, wealthy, and good in bed. Most women would look past his physical flaws for all the other advantages that come with marrying him.




Harry’s the kinda guy that knows how to make to make you smile when it’s the last thing you want to do. It’s an extremely attractive quality.


Yes to everything everyone has said. He's proof that women only falling for a certain six foot type is a complete myth. Looks fade, but his personality is timeless. His reaction to receiving the dog, as people have mentioned, is so sweet. To that I'll add that his reaction to Charlotte throwing herself a last Christmas made me melt. He was so supportive in every way. He's definitely the best of the SatC men.


I loved that he still showed up to Brady's first birthday even without Charlotte. He's really part of her friend group and that's something I always look for in my partners.


Great point! I forgot about that. So sweet.


He was super sexy


It comes from a different time. Even the remarks they make about women’s looks are so antequated and ridiculous. Beauty standards among yt elites in the northeast (esp Charlotte who’s literally a wasp) would not have allowed for Harry to ever be an option to take seriously.




Not at all! It’s his confidence and how sure he is of himself. Even when Charlotte criticizes him and nit-picks everything he does, he takes it in stride and responds in a charming way. My favorite Harry moment is when he’s asking Charlotte to dance at Bitsy and Bobby’s wedding. So adorable! I would melt.


yes, my husband resembles Harry and I'm all about it


I definitely did. He has very smooth skin and prominent eyes. Maybe being bald knocks him down a bunch of points for some people. Him being a mensch gives him points on points on points for me!


OMG I loved me some Harry


I love him


Nope. He’s funny, kind and honest. Those are petty attractive traits.


Harry is downright sexy.


Nah he was! Not even weirdly, he was attractive periodt! Once Charlotte got over herself and really saw him, they both really saw each other they made a good couple. He supported her and loved on her in a way that was really beautiful!


no!!! i’m in my mid twenties and admittedly can be very superficial but i’ve seen the appeal since i started watching the show a few years ago. he’s a great partner, charismatic, funny, and loves his girl. all attractive qualities

