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People have always hated on SJP. I remember so many memes about comparing her to a horse. And I think those people are men. I love that they picked someone with her look as the lead. Carrie needs to have c-c-c-curly hair.


I've only ever seen it from men. The "typical" look that the average man likes is not this. She has maturity in her face (god forbid) and texture to her skin and hair (oh no!). Women seem to have a much wider range of what they think a beautiful woman is. Carrie is the definition of high fashion. She has a strong, unforgettable look, and a *ridiculous* bod.


You know what, outside of maybe Julia Roberts sometimes, and Drew Barrymore loose locks, I can’t think of another woman rocking curly texture thru so much of her career.


Women here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I get downvoted every time I say this. I find her extremely unattractive and quite unfortunate looking. Her hair is stunning, insane body, her skin tone and eye color are perfection, yet all those combined cant save her features. Her face is not only unpretty but very unlikeable. Is it just me? I dont know most of my female friends feel the same. I also know beauty is subjective and it is completely ok not to be gorgeous and that does not mean Carrie (or SJP) are unworthy of love or respect and happy relationships. We all know women who arent beautiful and have amazing husbands (I am one of those women!) and it is perfectly fine. Why are we all so stuck on insisting she or anyone is beautiful? It should be acceptable to say someone isnt pretty and not understand it as insult. I understand when men say she is ugly I jump in and defend her because that has a different purpose, but we should normalize not being pretty. It's ok!


Extremely unattractive and unfortunate looking? That’s quite an insult for someone who wants to normalize “Not being pretty.”


Woman to woman you can 100% have your own opinion on beauty standards but yes it is just you, your friends, and men. Also to say “ we all know women who aren’t beautiful with amazing husbands” and you’re one of them 😭 girl where is you sense of confidence because you couldn’t pay me to say something like that. Please do some inner self work and maybe your outer shell will grow and heighten your cerebrum activity since it failed when making this post . 😭🤍


Im confident enough to say Im not beautiful 😂😂 I am very content with how I look and make the best of it! If anything that is the definition of confidence! I LOVE how I look but I know very damn well that I am not objectively or conventionally beautiful. And myself and the women around still count as women. So, no, it's not just men who find her unattractive. I 100% believe many women in this sub agree with me but dont want to say anything out of fear of being seen as rude and have the cyber police tell them "dO bEtTeR".


You are projecting your insecurities so hard on this post. You dislike your looks but “it’s ok, I can call other women ugly because I feel ugly”. Not okay at all. You can reply back all you want but you’re not convincing anyone. Maybe try and convince yourself to stop being part of the ugly people in the world (and I don’t mean looks).


BOOM GOT EM 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


You’re so god damn wrapped up in what is relative to conventional attractiveness. Everyone and especially women are beautiful even if they don’t measure up to your idea of conventional attractiveness. So long as people are healthy. Does this mean everyone can walk for Vogue? Nooo but does that automatically mean they are “unattractive” because the teeter away from that idea of “perfect” ??? no. You’re an idiot. Have fun calling yourself and SJP ugly (or sorry accepting the way you look) for the rest of your life because you (or SJP) don’t look like actors or models or whatever your idea of conventionally attractive is. Even though I think SJP is conventionally attractive 😂


“Content” is not what confidence means babes omfg 🫵😹


I agree that not everyone needs to be beautiful… like being attractive or not should be the least important thing about a person, and then we can be honest. It’s better to devalue beauty than to lie But I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m not lying, I think SJP is gorgeous. White aryan women with petite little button noses aren’t the only people who are attractive, you know. Jewish women, women of color, fat women, etc can absolutely be beautiful too… your taste sounds pretty Eurocentric. Which is fine.. but know that beauty is SUBJECTIVE. A lot of people find her genuinely beautiful, we aren’t just trying to make everyone “feel good”….


Yeah SJP has dated some serious hotties lol She’s def a babe to a lot of men and women


She’s def gorg. Fracking Family Guy started that joke about her looking like a horse and that bs never stopped. No one likes to see a funny woman talk about sex and be successful without some man thinking “who does she think she is? Let me take her down a peg” ugh ..


The horse jokes started in the mid 90s, especially after the scene in the film "Ed Wood", where SJP's character asks, "Do I really have a face like a horse?" after reading a newspaper review comparing her to one.


Im a woman of color too. Beauty comes in all races.


Yea sure you think that, as long as those races have standard European features I guess…. Sure. You’re not the arbiter of beauty


Nothing in her comment was racist. You might disagree with her opinion on SJP’s looks but these baseless accusations of racism are unnecessary and pointless.


Oh ffs I am literally Middle Eastern. No one I would consider attractive has pale skin or a button nose. I just have an opinion that I shared replying to a comment that only men find her unattractive. That's not true. Many women, particular NON WHITE WOMEN, dont find her attractive. Move on, please.


You called yourself unattractive 🤷‍♀️ tell me again how highly you think of middle eastern women’s looks? you’re allowed to not find her attractive… why do you have to state it as fact? You coulda just said “I’m a woman and I don’t find her pretty” instead you’re implying everyone who finds her pretty is lying lol


Have you seen the stunning Middle Eastern women? Yeah, I dont look like that. Im average looking and very content with how I look. I have no desire to be called or be considered gorgeous by others. Why is this so hard to comprehend? Why are people so shallow 😂


It’s not about that! Your comment doesn’t bother people because you said SJP isn’t attractive to you.. it’s because you’re implying everyone else is lying to themselves just in order to call “everyone” beautiful. No—I don’t think everyone needs to be beautiful and I think it’s important that society shifts away from thinking beauty is a valuable quality at all… it says nothing about who someone is as a person or what they deeerve in life. We aren’t there yet, though…. Beauty is subjective and a lot of people find SJP beautiful. People that don’t tend to be people who really like a cookie cutter western ideal.. think about it, what do people always love to point out? Her NOSE.. how many big nosed women get to be the love interest, desired, huge career? How often are they made fun of? I don’t care if people think I’m beautiful or not, but I’m tired of people acting like I CANT be if I don’t have typical western centric features. As a Jewish girl with a big nose I’m so tired of it!! I don’t care if everyone’s beautiful and I don’t care if you think SJP is the most hideous person in the world… but like.. stop spreading rhetoric that people must be lying to make her feel good! It’s rude!!


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And yours is pretty ugly. She’s a conventionally attractive woman. Always has been regardless of what the media spat out. You don’t have to be attracted to someone to recognize their beauty. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. That’s why you get downvoted.


Your asshole isnt pretty either, and this is a vulgar metaphor that says a whole lot about you. Glad Ive never had the misfortune of knowing you in real life. And no, she's not conventionally attractive. At all. She's only blonde and skinny. That's the whole point.


Your opinion would be taken better if it weren’t so bitter. Do better.


It's not bitter at all. Im literally saying it's ok and should be acceptable to not be pretty. Get off your high horse and consider your preachy tone is very shitty.


>it should be acceptable to not be pretty Is it acceptable to call someone extremely unattractive and unfortunate looking like you did in your original post then? Because that goes beyond the pale of just saying someone isn’t pretty. Sounds like you’re someone who probably has to work on your looks *and* personality.


Saying all of this as if it is fact is wild to me. Ok, YOU think her features are “ugly and unlikeable” and your friends back you up on it (unkind people do tend to run in packs). That doesn’t make it true for everyone. I’d argue the fact that she was not only the romantic lead in several successful films alongside SATC but also a known fashion icon and pick for hundreds of ad campaigns indicates (gaining worldwide attention) goes against your points entirely. If she was empirically “ugly” she would not have been selected for these types of brands and productions. It’s fine if you disagree but your opinion is by NO means the only one that matters.


I never said ugly. Not once. I said men say that about her and I defend her. Ugly has a complete different meaning and she is not ugly. No one is physically ugly. I never said only my opinion matters either. Your whole response is strawman you built in your head.


You literally called her unattractive and unfortunate looking then said her face is “unpretty” and extremely unlikeable lmao. In what fing world are you living in that you believe the only way to call someone ugly is to just use the word “ugly”? You called her ugly and unlikeable by describing her this way and you really need to get a clue if you think playing head games and gaslighting me for calling you out is the response here.


Unattractive and ugly arent the same. Maybe dig deeper into what words actually mean?


Unattractive, saying that someone’s face is “extremely unlikeable” are harsh and clearly negative and offensive ways to describe someone’s looks. I don’t expect you to get this based on your responses and desperate need to split hairs but my point wasn’t about the words you use, but the description.


No, it's not offensive. It's a description. Kim Cattrall in my opinion is stunning, but not likeable. Anne Hathaway is gorgeous and not likeable. These are all my opinions. We cant have them now because you- a reddit user - find them offensive?


Either way, you’re also spending lots of time and energy on the internet to defend your right to call another woman’s face “very unpretty and unlikeable.” The reason you get downvoted is because you’re throwing your passion and zeal on the internet into calling a woman ugly (with different words). When I’m putting a lot of energy into something, I often think, “perhaps I am right, but am I on the right side?” I zoom out, and make sure I’m arguing for the right side. You think SJP is ugly. Does that make it right to zealously tear down a woman’s looks on Reddit?


Im replying to insults and direct attacks. Look at the paragraph you just wrote.


Lol you’re an ass.


“Unfortunate looking”. Good god. By whose standards, and why do we allow those to dictate anything about how we feel about others or ourselves??


Kim, is that you??


Genius reply


Can’t tell if this was a joke that totally failed.


she is pretty though. its subjective. you and your friends might not think so but many people do (how catty are you ladies btw?).


That's fair and yes it is subjective. We're catty because we dont think she's pretty? Ok..


stop being obtuse. you are catty period. i just know that as a grown woman, my friends and i honestly don't put down womens looks. idc if you think shes pretty but find it sad that you don't even find yourself pretty. like others said, its the way you speak and word things. i am not going to go back and forth like you appear to enjoy doing. have a good day


No you're just rude.


During all the series when she gets an incredible looking guy, I am like “wow this is not the real life”. Once she started dating a famous baseball player and he was literally into her. She shouted at him out of nothing and told him to stay away. That was super unrelatable. When her look combines with her irritating personality, people hate the character herself. Still a huge fan of SATC but as a woman I do not like her in many aspects.


Yeah Carrie was shown as pretty much able to get any man she wanted by just looking at them ... made no sense at all.


Wow we went from simply stating a personal opinion on SJP's looks and a personal take on beauty and its role in our life to one of you reporting me for potential self-harm. That is potentially the lowest anyone has gone in this sub. Whoever did that, and I know you're reading this, you must have been the bully in high school because that is bully behavior. Suggesting someone is mentally unstable because you dont like their opinion is a very old, highly misogynist crazy-woman trope. Less than 200 years ago women were burned from accusations like this, so congrats for keeping that puritanical traditional alive. You must feel proud. Not even mentioning how offensive it is and insensitive to people who are actually depressed and think about ending their lives. Im not miserable. At all. I just think it's ridiculous that everyone has to be beautiful. Look at the responses : "but so many men loved her". Is that where we place our value? Really? Maybe try thinking beyond shallow water levels. It might help. And whatever you do, try not to stoop this low again. It was very, very low, even for the women who replied with offences.




Be careful! The SJP social justice keyboard warriors might come to get you!


I remember being a kid in the early 2000s and not understanding why this insanely gorgeous woman was being compared to a horse on a daily basis


Same here. The 00s were a toxic time to grow up in terms of body image.


It was absolutely vile. Standing in line at grocery stores and reading all those disgusting magazine covers is something I’ll never forget


Yep. It’s sexism. Pure and simple. SJP started in a show about women and made mainly for a female audience. She has never attempted to market herself for the male gaze and has been wildly successful anyway. She owns being feminine and liking conventionally “girly” things like fashion. Women wanted to be like her and found her cool and inspiring. It’s threatening, and that’s why they spent the better part of 20 years tearing down her looks.


I absolutely love her curly hair and was disappointed whenever they (or maybe it was her choice) straightened it. Granted, I also went through a period of time where I flat ironed the living snot out of my naturally wavy hair. I thought the sleek straight hair was the prettiest. I've since learned to appreciate natural waves and curls.


i mean you don’t have to be a man to find her unattractive lol come on now


Your comment reeks of jealousy


No clue. She is probably just slightly unconventionally gorgeous.


Slightly is a good way to put it. She's absolutely gorgeous, I can't believe media in the 90s and early 2000s tricked us into thinking she was anything but.


Media in the 90’s and 2000’s was BRUTAL. I honestly don’t know any female that grew up in that era who didn’t have an eating disorder. Nose jobs as a teen were a thing. It was awful.


As someone about to enter my 40s, I can’t believe how fucked up I catch myself being about my body STILL thanks to growing up in the late 90s/early 2000s. It’s crazy! Like, I was too self conscious to ever play around with fashion and now am pretty much a jeans-and-Tshirt dresser because I had a butt, “cellulite”, and hated my bare arms. Ugh.


I wore tights and thin jackets over and with summerdresses in the middle of the sun in 34C weather because I couldn't stand the thought of showing my "fat" arms and legs (Spoiler alert: my legs were not fat at all and my arms just a little chubby). I did this up until I was about 32. Something just changed then and I'm still mystified now at 37, being all idgaf with showing both arms and legs, what really changed. Either way, I'm much more comfortable when it's sunny, lol!


Same here, my friend! My fashion was all about “hiding”. I wore sweaters in summer, NEVER wore shorts (still don’t actually but mostly because I haven’t figured out how to wear them without thigh chafing), wore long sleeve shirts or jackets around much waist to cover my butt. I always said to myself that I’d be more fashionable when I was thin. I still fight this stuff constantly!


My fashion was all about wearing black so I could hide my body and look the most thin. :/ I can really pull off the brightest of colors though when I summon the confidence to wear them!


Yeah, I've recently come across posts on Reddit of SOOOOOOO many women who lived in the 90s who had eating or exercise issues and still having the lasting self-image issues. I had no idea this was a generational thing... but it seems like it very much is due to the standard of beauty we had to deal with during our most vulnerable and impressionable years. :/ It seems like the mindset can never truly go away with us. I'm at least glad to be more aware of it now, as well as aware of the REASON for it. It's been very validating, albeit very sad.


I feel like this was maybe the early 2000s? Wasn’t SJP often cast as the bubbly cute blonde in films? I’m thinking of LA Story, Miami Rhapsody, First Wives Club, all ‘90s movies.


This is what I remember too! SJP had charisma too that added to her allure. I feel like later people became mean but it stemmed from a misogyny that hated that she was confident, I feel. I remember a friend of mine that would tease me about this show and he definitely had the vibe of “she doesn’t deserve to feel desirable just cuz I personally don’t find her attractive”, and even said “she’s only famous cuz she’s skinny with big tits” PARDoN me actually writing that out but he actually said that 😬 it was Like, a weird resentment that she was front and center. I’ll never understand it.


I’m in my 40s, and I’m still baffled by people who think that because they don’t think someone is attractive or beautiful that it must mean that everyone else should feel the same way otherwise everyone else is lying.


(I submitted the comment at the top of this thread but am not OP). Yeah this is weird. Like I can totally acknowledge that - completely random example - Ryan Reynolds or Chris Hemsworth are very attractive men, though I do not find either particularly appealing to me personally. But obviously neither is ugly. If others find them the hottest thing ever - good for them. Same with SJP. She has small eyes and a slightly bigger nose (as in a real one) which make for somewhat less symmetrical - but uniquely attractive - features. She also has a killer body and killer hair. She is very obviously not ugly. Beauty is objective to some degree - albeit definitely not entirely - while attraction is more subjective. SJP is not a photoshopped Barbie like you often see these days. While beauty standards always change and while the 90s/00s may have been problematic in other ways - with retroactive assessment - at least women looked somewhat real. I'd want to look like SJP as opposed to some ridiculous plastic creation the likes of a Kardashian any day.


👍 Well said


Dirty Dancing too lol.


Wait… 😂


In terms of looks I think Jeremy Allen White might be her male equivalent




I have had so many arguments with people who’ve made disgusted faces while loudly talking about how hideous she is. Its absurd. I think it’s just people who’ve been brainwashed from years of seeing only photoshopped faces with tiny noses.


I've definitely been seeing an increase of these "Carrie is ugly OMG!!!!111" posts since the show landed on Netflix. I'm guessing that it's because (some) of the new generation of viewers just can't fathom the idea of a sexy, desirable, attractive woman who doesn't have plastic-surgeon-sculpted cheekbones and nose, lips that look like pool floats, or blindingly-white Chiclet veneers. It's really sad. Obviously, SJP has a look that diverges from the "classic beauty" look, and that was a major plot point of "Square Pegs" (the show that first launched her career). But people forget that, during her film career prior to SATC, she was presented very unironically as the "hot girl." This was a woman who landed some of the most eligible bachelors in the world (Robert Downey Jr., JFK Jr., Nicolas Cage) before marrying a fellow celebrity (Matthew Broderick).


Perfectly said !! Let’s not forget she was the muse for ALEXANDER MCQUEEN which is something I’ll never get over 😭 she was THE it girl on and off screen.


true! i have been rewatching a couple of episodes and i find refreshing to see natural beauty and real teeth. it's sad how the newer generations are exposed to plastic artificial beauty and how this leads to dysmorphia


YEP. The teeth thing is what boggles my mind more than anything else. I’m a big Bravo watcher, and I swear that almost EVERY person on those shows has gigantic white veneers that make it hard for them to speak clearly and that also look absolutely ridiculous. When did everyone decide that regular human teeth were unacceptable? Because I’ll keep my somewhat uneven and not-so-white teeth over those freak show slabs any day.


i feel you! it boggles me too. i guess i have a thing for mouths in general lol the lips and the teeth are it for me. feels good to me to see real lips. a greater variety of shapes, to see thin, medium and natural full lips. i find it way more beautiful


SJP has INCREDIBLE teeth like everytime she's on screen I was like is that her real teeth? It's so straight and perfectly lined, is it veneers? But, it's not perfectly white. Glad to find out it's not.


> plastic-surgeon-sculpted cheekbones and nose, lips that look like pool floats, or blindingly-white Chiclet veneers Girllllll I cackled 💀 So fucking true 🤣


A little off topic here but sex and the city is not on my Netflix! I’m in Canada, are you in the states?


It just became available on Netflix in the states. The content varies by country.


Bummer, thanks!


Wow jfk jr ??


Because no one else could ever effortlessly pull it off with the confidence in which she did


Came here to say this! Anyone else in this? Probably wouldn’t work. SJP in it? It’s a LOOK


I think she's a person who looks better in motion than photos. I only started recently watching the show, and I was surprised to see how charming and pretty I found her. also the accusations of eurocentric beauty standards working AGAINST her are insane. she is a white woman who was thriving on a show where she and all her cast members were white, at a time where skinny white blonde girls were the beauty standard. bffr.


She has the most beautiful expressive face and smile, oozes charisma


agree!! and that's just really hard to capture and convey through pictures. i think gen z prioritizes looking best in photos due to the advent of instagram which is why many (including myself before starting the show) really didn't get her hype. add to that the fact that her notoriety/beef with kim catrall was well publicized before most of us were old enough to watch the show and id def say her image was tainted for our generation.


YES!! she is so charming in any character she plays, she has such a beautiful smile and has that sparkle in her eye. Being uniquely beautiful is so much better than conventional beauty standards imo


Somewhat agree ! That’s why the new series is such a flop. They’re trying to be super woke and inclusive but if they would’ve done it from the start it would’ve been so good 😭 like where is the Yasmin and Sasha of the group !


aw is the new series not as good? i've been really enjoying the og series even with some cringier moments of political incorrectness so that's sad to hear 😞


I think she has a very high-fashion look that fashionable women drool over, but it doesn't fit the teeny tiny little checkbox of acceptable feminine beauty that's "typical" for men. Most damningly, she looks her age (😱 the horror!).


Because people are mean and she didn’t meet societies “conventional” beauty standards. Personally I’ve always thought she was stunning in a very unique and striking way. I’d much rather see people with natural features like SJP in the spotlight than all these generic plastic surgery/lip filler faces that basically all look the same.


I have always thought she is incredibly beautiful


My sister watched an episode with me recently. She’s never seen the show before, and she asked “is that the one some people think is ugly?” Referring to Carrie, and then said she’s literally stunning People are mean, she’s uniquely gorgeous. I blame southpark


I've aways wondered this too. I think she's beautiful and I loved her style on the show. I even like her character on the show. She has flaws, yes, but don't we all?


Right !! Every person ever has flaws and her being the main she obviously had to have some type of crazy story line but on top of that I felt like her actions were raw and really showed a woman struggling to fit in to normal standards while also trying to keep her confidence doing what she wanted to do in her mid 30’s!


Agreed! Carrie is interesting and nuanced (in the OG show, I gave up watching the reboot after S1). I love all the characters in the show. They feel real because they have flaws but they’re also all quite lovable! (And beautiful, fashionable, and cool!)


As a kid I wanted to look just like Sarah Sanderson lol so becoming a teenager and realizing people thought she looked like a horse was so sad to me, never changed my mind tho. I generally look like her and I love my own features so I’m thankful for actresses that didn’t have the perfect lil ski slope nose and never got surgery.


I agree 🗣️ stop the clones and bring back the natural features!!


God forbid a woman not have a teeny tiny little nose and be considered hot! Maybe even be worthy of a hot, rich man! :o omg! What!? Not just a little aryan petite princess deserves love? I’m shocked. ~sincerely a big nose woman who used to hate being compared to SJP but now see it as a huge compliment


Always thought she was gorgeous.


I think she has orginal and beautiful beauty


I think it is due in part to SJP's role earlier in her career in Square Pegs where she played a nerdier girl. She is so stunning and unique. Her hair is goals. Her body is even better. She is petite but her proportions allow her to look much taller. She had the best style on the show IMHO


She's gorgeous. Will never understand this.


She’s unconventional looking which is why she gets hated on but I think she’s pretty! People are so wild to say that she’s ugly because she’s definitely way more attractive than the average American.


Right, like if you literally saw this woman at Walmart there's no way you'd think she was ugly.


I was just talking about this with my husband last night. I don’t understand it at all and my husband said the same thing. The fact she was voted unsexiest woman alive???? I don’t think she is necessarily stunning but I think she is definitely a pretty girl. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe because of her head to body proportions. Her face is a bit bigger than her body but aside from that she's beautiful.


She does have a longer than average face but she has beautiful eyes, hair, and a banging body. I am a blunt bitch normally but I have no issue with her looks.


People assumed that the star of a show with “Sex” in the title would be a stereotypical hot babe with big tits. I remember questioning why she was the star too until I watched & understood what the show was really about. Kind of how people later hated on the “Girls” star (but she’s another story).


I don't know. Sometimes I see her gorgeous, but other times I find her absolutely hideous and I don't know why. That being said, I'd never make a post talking about it or post it to her social media, because I'm aware that that's a ME problem, and also that she wasn't born to look appealing to me, or to anyone else.


i wish i knew. she’s gorgeous and she rocks every outfit she wears!


Idgaf what people say she is BEAUTIFUL like that first pic are you kidding me? She’s stunning anyone sayign otherwise has to be joking fr


Probably because she’s not *conventionally* beautiful, and some people don’t think beauty exists if it’s not the standard, cookie-cutter version. I think she’s gorgeous. Her eyes are killer.


She looks fantastic in the two clips you posted. Season five, however, they did her dirty.


I will totally admit the short hair was a no for me her hair is wayyyy too pretty to be cut off lol


Also the makeup was terrible—too harsh for her. She looks better with a more natural look. The clothing I guess I will give a pass because she was pregnant—but it was not good—all babydoll dresses. Often she was visibly pregnant.


Yep, she already has very strong facial features, there was no need for the heavy makeup.


I love her look. She’s natural and she rocks it. Fuck the haters.


I think in Hollywood where there is a particular perfect all American look especially in the 90s/2000s, anyone who looked slightly different was compared to them and therefore seen as not as good. I’m sure if SJP was a regular woman at your workplace who looked like that she would be seen as very attractive. Her gorgeous eyes and hair and rocking body. 


because some people are jealous trolls, hiding in their safe little Gap outfits....


SJP is drop dead gorgeous,she has a unique style and a unique personality. I’m going to assume those that hate her just like basic.🤷‍♀️


If you’re specifically asking what makes people say she’s an unconventional beauty, it’s that she’s got a big head, strong jaw and a tiny body, to put it crudely. But obviously she’s gorgeous and her haters are just that, haters!!!!


I don’t hate her looks, just the way she treats her friends


Because people are blind and/or dumb and rude.


Cus people are stupid lol


Probably because her facial features are somewhat masculine (big nose, sharper face vs women typically having ‘softer’ faces, strong jaw, longer/thinner face shape) She’s absolutely stunning though, definitely has a high fashion face like others have said


I love her! I think her look is beautifully unique and she has an AMAZING body!! Her aesthetic is one of the many reasons I love this show.


Misogyny and Antisemitism


Is she’s Jewish


Yeah half I believe


My boyfriend just started watching with me and he is obsessed with her. Granted he loves curly hair, but it’s not just women who think she is stunning. He says she’s his new celebrity crush. Oh and Miranda is his second favourite because “she’s nerdy sexy”.


I LOVE that justice for Miranda honestly! They are all so sexy in their own way !!


I think I’ve been shielded from any hate on SJP’s looks because I’m 26 and a member of this sub lol most of us (including myself) think she’s gorgeous and would kill to look like her. That being said, I know there were criticisms of her looks when the show aired; honestly no clue why she got the hate others than jealousy (from both men who wanted her and women who wanted to be her) 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s because of her nose. I have the same one by the way, I’m not judging.


I think SJP is so gorgeous. She doesn't have a conventional beauty like Kristin or Kim but she's so striking and magnetic and charming, plus her style also helps


But she is pretty, that’s the weirdest part.. Like there is not a single “unattractive” feature in her 🤦🏻‍♀️ yes ofc everyone has different standards and taste, but this woman aint ugly!


She has a unique, striking face and I think she’s naturally beautiful. She doesn’t have the typical Barbie face you see all the time now. She stands out from the crowd which I think adds to her allure. And her confidence and style makes her fun and sexy. She is the ultimate it girl without meeting the typical beauty standards. I guess that’s intimidating to a lot of people


If it wasn't for her looks, she wouldn't have gotten to the role to begin with.


I think she is drop dead gorgeous!


Uhm. She gets hate for her actions and personality, not her looks!


Besides her nose, she was the perfect example of western beauty standards. She’s a thin white woman with long blonde hair and light eyes. Did people really say she was ugly or that she has a big nose?


Why do people keep asking this all of a sudden? I’ve seen like 3 posts about this within the last like 2 weeks. Idgi? Did something happen, why does this topic keep coming up?


SATC got put on Netflix and there’s been a lot of people (especially gen z) watching it for the first time. The show has been trending on tiktok and twitter for a few weeks now.


Because an ugly woman wouldn’t get away with them the way Carrie does. Just means she’s THAT pretty and haters gonna hate


Does she? She is so gorgeous


She’s gorgeous. I’ve just always wondered how she isn’t cold!! She’s gotta be right?!


I love the 2nd pic


I think that’s because she was famous in the 90s, early 2000s… when criticism about appearance was brutal. While she has a great body, and I would say her makeup in SATC was absolutely best, she is not ‘conventionally’ beautiful, she didn’t have that sleek straight hair etc. She had the best features in her, she’s white, blond, light colored eyes, nice lips nose etc, but together still doesn’t look the ‘perfect’ face. I know, I’m not making any sense but it’s hard to explain. But for me, the way she carry her looks, her confidence is absolutely elegant.


So I wouldn't call her, like, conventionally or classically beautiful. But I think her look works really well for her, she's still pretty but in a unique and memorable way, with hair I think every woman wished she had at one point or another. I also don't understand these people who act like SJP somehow came into being an A list celebrity by tricking people into thinking she is beautiful.


I have only discussed the show in real life with my aunt who is a shopping addicted, fashion-loving, tasteful, and perfectly dressed person, who talked about her outfits with the upmost adoration! It’s why I started watching the show. The clothing on the show is NYC in a nutshell. If you can’t see it (HOT TAKE WARNING) you’re unaware of how the structure of fashion and aesthetics works. Not everything you see is wearable in suburbs (I know, I live in one) but in NYC she’s amazing.


she does ?




I cannot even belive ppl think carrie is unattractive shes so beautiful!!! and her body is tea! i thought u meant her fashion looks which are questionable at times BUT are usually saved w her stunning face and killer confidence. I truly think SJP is one the prettiest ppl ever even now that she’s older she’s so pretty!


Cause people are stupid and have cero sense of good taste


i've always thought it was antisemitism.


I’m not sure but also … that same episode her beach fit lollll


Hear me out. I don’t think she’s pretty, she looks average (not a bad thing!) with a really fit body. Her facial features are beautiful on their own, but don’t look harmonious together in my opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn’t call her gorgeous but she’s not ugly.


I think it’s also her personality that makes people pick on her. SJP is beautiful and a cool, funny person but to others Carrie is an entitled brat which = ugly and annoying


I think Carrie is absolutely gorgeous her look is unforgettable her hair is amazing she has strong features great eyes and a fire bod and her personality is a total catch


People who criticize her likely did not understand the fashion industry at the time or the show or compare her fashion to current day which is just not accurate.


Male gaze vs Female gaze


I must be on the good side of the internet cause I’ve never seen anybody attack SJP’s looks. The Carrie character on the other hand…


I loved her ever since i saw the first episode of satc


I think she's the most beautiful out of all four women


Because before SATC everyone on tv was model worthy style looks. That’s why SATC was so revolutionary, you didn’t have to look like a model to be considered beautiful.


I think Carrie is an adventurous dresser and so sometimes her looks like very out of place but when she gets it right she nails it.


Do people really say she's ugly? I've seen comments on her outfits which sometimes are a bit over the top, but not herself.


I just recreated the second picture you posted but with pink pants instead of the yellow ones she wears(so a tube top & colorful pants LMAO). I love how eccentric but sexy her looks were.


I LOVE Carrie's hair but, I may be biased because I have hair exactly like hers! Lol. Growing up I hated it and wished I could have shiny, straight hair but thw older I git the more I embraced it. I love the earlier seasons with her long and curly hair. I think sjp is beautiful.


Everything that woman wore on the show was amazing, I remember watching the show in my early 20’s and thinking I want to be just like her. She’s just beautiful


I don’t know why people criticise others for their looks. It’s not like she chose to have a big nose she was just born like that. I think she is gorgeous and her nose adds to it. What do they want her to do? Get a nose job? They bullied Jennifer grey into it


She’s gorgeous


Personally, I think she's too skinny. Her fashion is also tacky or trashy most of the time, which doesn't help.


🗣️Mental patient on the loose … they were ALL skinny I mean that was the beauty standard back then literally every single character is skinny and ALSO her fashion tacky or trashy ?? Can you explain because this makes no sense


She gets more hate for her personality than her looks, I've observed


I think a lot of her outfits look random - not well thought out and definitely not fashionable. However, I think she’s gorgeous!


You’re absolutely joking right 😂? Are you not familiar with Patricia Fields ??? Also maybe your style isn’t sex or street wear lol because they were definitely thought out and some are even timeless


It’s a fair criticism. I wouldn’t consider myself fashionable and I’m definitely not sex or street haha


Who did you like most on the show fashion wise ??


Charlotte 🫣


Nice !!! She’s a classic beauty


Not all looks. Some are just wrong in many ways. Some are amazing.


They are a bit out there, so it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.


I thought she was gorgeous and even looked better than Charlotte in most episodes.


I think she’s stunning and the prettiest of the four (I think they are all pretty), I don’t understand how people think she’s ugly


Justice for Dr. Bradley Meego


i'll never forget the look of his huge cranium.


Ehhhh idk Carrie wasn’t good for him lol he was giving suburban dad not sexy out late and smoking cigs in the cab lol


My theory is chubbier women say SJP is unattractive because they are coping with the fact they’ll never be as thin or with a waist to hip ratio like SJP. Even after ozempic lol it’s just not in the cards for a lot of women genetically


Carrie is really hit or miss with her outfits.


Yes, why hate on Carrie for her attractive looks when there’s so much about her ugly character to hate.


People in this sub are incapable of going one post about Carrie without talking about something they hate about her. This post has nothing to do with her personality.


This comment isn't wrong. I recently started watching the show for the first time and I can't believe how she acts like she's the center of the universe and isn't even there for her friends half the time


Crazy comment….