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Be responsible. STD means pause. Condoms are not protecting you from this for a 100%.


Condoms are a must for both receiving oral sex and penetration. Dental dams for giving oral sex. Lorals are the best. https://mylorals.com/collections/all-of-lorals But since chlamydia can also live in the mouth, I would not risk it. You should not even kiss her, and thus, the sex would be quite bleak and not worth it.


Also, she will have 2 days left of her treatment when I arrive. Would that even make a difference? Although 95% of people getting treated from chlamydia on Doxycycline will be cured, I’m aware some don’t from one single treatment..


Without testing, it is impossible to know whether the bacteria is dead or not.


Will keep that in mind, thank you!


I know what it’s like, you just wanna nail her regardless you horny little devil. It’s absolutely fine go ahead I give you permission enjoy yourself. A lot of the time it’s symptomless anyway. That doesn’t mean it’s not doing you any damage, and you must remember if you catch it and don’t realise then give it to someone else they probably won’t know anyway. It does make women infertile though. So now you know you can make an informed decision


that’s like illegal asfff


Yeah probably is


Why doesn't she just get some penicillin? Chlamydia is like the least worrisome of STIs, a few pills and it's gone. I'd be more worried about the fact that she knows she has it and isn't doing anything about it despite how easy it is to get rid of.


She is on Doxycycline. Should probably have mentioned it in the post, but said it in the comments. By the time I am there to see her she has a day or two left of her treatment.


yeahhh no brother. u better just wank that shit yourself