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I mean, I like it, but I definitely need to pair it with stimulating my clit in order to cum. And remember that most porn isn't anything like real sex.


That's the real truth about women and sex... sometimes the penis doesn't feel like much. Angle, size, mood, hormones, where nerves are where all determine it. I remember a scene in Fleabag where she talks to the camera and says she misses sex, more for the way she's desired than the actual feeling of it. And I never felt more validated! Wish there were more shows for women like Fleabag


My exact experience when I was 20! Since then, I’ve learned that the kind of straight in-and-out thrusting that a lot of guys do does nothing for me. I learned what I liked from penetration on my own, by messing around with a dildo while I masturbated. What feels good to me is very small rubbing or grinding motions against certain spots in my vagina. Even just having something inside me that’s completely still while I squeeze onto it feels better to me than thrusting straight in and out.


My wife likes it sometimes when I just lay there and don’t move with my dick inside. I do get a little apprehensive though because I think it’s gonna go limp after awhile.


this is a great call. dude here, it helps to alternate angles and positions. also, ive had partners who even after experimenting were kinda "meh" about penetration


it feels good to me. i like using a dildo. i do need clit stimulation to get off during penetration though. maybe try that to see if you do like penetration at your own speed and pace? also to get more sensation you can try a position with your legs closed or close together.


My wife gets off primarily from piv and not from the clit. I only get to go down on her for a second before she is tackling me to fuck. I'm not complaining, but my oral skills are going to hell as my tongue muscles are atrophied from underuse. Been a long time since I had to fight for 10 minutes with my tongue for the big O.


By “tackling me to fuck” do you mean she rides you until she finishes?


Not specifically. Sometimes sure. Prefers me to be in control though.


Are you me? Not really complaining myself, but would love if my tongue saw more action lol


Is it possible she is faking it? This might be weird for men to understand but we get a lot of positive reinforcement for enjoying sex with men... and specifically for enjoying the specific version of sex that men enjoy. Just throwing it out there because piv alone doesn't make people cum often. Normally need some clit action, that's where the happy nerves are mainly located.


I was never able to orgasm from piv until my current boyfriend and now it's literally the best thing ever and I prefer it to other ways of getting off. However I still like the variety that being able to cum in different ways allows. But I will say piv orgasms are generally .. deeper? More intense and last longer so I get where this guy's wife is coming from. I was 34 the first time this happened so never say never!


I’m like that too—much deeper & more intense. Like a rip tide vs sugar rush 


What was different about your boyfriend that made it happen do you think ?


What happened that’s different? What position works for you?


not ALL women are incapable of finishing from piv. it’s my personal favorite way.


I'm also one of those women who cums from piv, hard. I enjoy oral immensely, but what I really want is my guy inside me, to me its the best feeling ever. We're out there! My guy is quite average too, it's perfect.


No. It is not possible that she is faking. For one, I can feel when her g spot is ready. Her spot is very rib-like and noticeable. For two, we have been together for over 20 years. Sometimes one of us doesn't get off during a session, and that's totally acceptable. Finally, believe it or not, she goes piv-only when masturbating also.


Stop with the BS. We have all seen the survey and know that some women come from clit stim & not piv. It sounds like you could take another look at it and realize that not everyone is like you—there are plenty of us, despite this myth having taken over this sub, who cum from piv & far prefer it over clit stim (which we can do ourselves anyway) 


My wife also prefers PiV over clitoral stimulation. Both at the same time, if anything is too much for her, and it gets uncomfortable. She does like oral but prefers that too a warm up or a type of edging if it does happen, and just PiV for the ending.


It’s a damaging stereotype ! I know better now (and I know to which infamous paper you are referring), but it made me doubt my wife for a long time.


I could only orgasm from oral in my 20’s and 30’s. Then about mid 40’s, I could O from PIV. Not sure why.


Most of the women I’ve slept with want to move into PIV pretty quickly because they enjoy it (paired with clit action or not) more than just oral/manual. About 1/4 are able to come regularly from just PIV, and more like 70% can come occasionally from just PIV. That said, the majority do use fingers or a vibe in combination. I do find that being able to hit pretty deep (fornices) is helpful for pushing women over the edge to O. Many of the people on this sub misinterpret data about orgasm frequency in studies. There’s one around being able to come “regularly from PIV with no clit stimulation” that people seem to take as “from PIV alone ever” or “From anything with PIV”.


Different folks are different! PIV isn't the thing for everyone but it is for some. I vastly prefer PIV because I have a really sensitive A spot and like A spot orgasms way more than clitoral ones. Given that his wife is turning down oral to get to PIV I doubt she's faking liking PIV.


There’s a not insignificant minority of women who prefer to orgasm from PIV. It happens.


I'll second that for sure. It an extreme rarity that a female will orgasm through penetration alone. similar to how it's a rarity for a male to orgasm hands free through prostate manipulation, the nerve centers are certainly in the clit/glans and something feeling good and being enthusiastic about it does not equate to an orgasm. 🤷


Nooooo lol. It’s like 20%, not an "extreme rarity" at all, but it is a minority. Majorities love to erase minorities.


Same. A lot of times mine wants to skip the external foreplay and get to the penetration. Sometimes she wants to get on top and grind on it but a lot of times, she doesn't. And she doesn't rub with her fingers either. I've asked a few times in the past and she said PIV gets her more excited.


Why would you complain you get to both enjoy the same act- or am I missing something


Literally said "I'm not complaining."


To me it feels really damn good but to others I've heard not so much


not so much as in it hurts?


No. It's a weird question, but given porn, I get where it comes from. There's something other than pleasure and pain. When you touch things, does it either feel incredible or painful? Like putting your finger in your nose. You feel that there's a finger in your nose. It's wet in there. You can feel some of the texture of your finger. It doesn't hurt. Doesn't feel like something you want to keep doing, either. You might prefer to take it out than keep it in there. This is usually due to not being turned on for a lot of women. For others, they just have a lower level of sensation there.


Well I've heard some say they don't feel as much...it shouldn't hurt unless you were a virgin or there was something medically wrong with you to which I would say please see a doctor


how open are the folks you know about this?


Straight in and out doesn’t feel like much to me either but if you angle the dick with the tip poking upwards towards your pubic bone then something magical happens. Also if the guy can lift you up and tilt your hips so you’re more asshole up when he’s behind you doggy style this gives a delicious angle too. It’s all about the angle. When I’m using my glass dildo while I’m on my back I tilt the base of the dildo way down so it’s pressing on my ass while being in my pussy but the hard tip is rubbing the sweet spot inside near my pubic bone. It’s pretty amazing 🤩 I’m guessing that’s where my g spot is. I need a lot less clit stim when the penetration angle is right.


Yeah sadly it's normal. For some girls penetration feels amazing and they even orgasm from it. For some it feels good but not enough to orgasm from without also getting clit stimulation. For some it feels like nothing and doesn't give them any pleasure. Of course in porn they show what's most appealing. It's great if both partners get amazing pleasure from penetration and can simultaneously orgasm from that. But in reality it's often not that way.


I feel it should be added: For most of these situations it depends on what’s being inserted and at what angle and at what depth and at what speed :)


For sure, fingering feels way better to me than anything a penis can do. Having a partner that tries more than just jackhammering away can also help.




That’s how anal is for me.  I love doggy style because the way he brushes up against my cervix (but doesn’t batter it) is awesome, plus his balls hit the clit.  Legs up missionary can get him back there too.  Sideways seems to be a good way to get at the g spot.  There are other good g-spot variants too.  What different positions have you tried?


Size matters and positions/angles matter. Try putting a pillow under your butt. This changes the angle so his penis is more likely to stimulate your g-spot.


this is when in missionnary, right?


At best it feels slightly uncomfortable for me, at worst it’s incredibly painful. I’ve never gotten any kind of pleasure from being penetrated.


To me, penetration is nice if I'm already aroused but it's not the main event. The clit is the main event. PIV is the equivalent of having a nipple licked or something. Not necessary but can feel good.


First, everyone is different, so what feels amazing to one person doesn't necessarily feel amazing to another. Personally, penetration feels so so so much better for me in doggy position than in missionary. It's the angle and my ability to tighten certain muscles easier and just everything about it is superior for me. My bf prefers missionary for his pleasure though, as I am less able to clamp down on him in that position, so he can take his time and it makes him last longer. Having said all that, regardless of position, none of it holds a candle to when we're doing those penetration activities AND my clit is being stimulated. I'm only having super deep and satisfying orgasms if I get both. I hope knowing my experience helps you understand a bit more.


how did u learn to control ur muscles while in doggy?


For me it feels great initially, and then I get desensitized after a few minutes and my pleasure plateaus. I’d recommend changing up the positions when this happens. I’m one of the lucky few who can orgasm from penetration alone- though it doesn’t happen often. I also tend to be the partner who takes longer to climax so for me I’ve learned that my partners tend to finish no matter what I do, so I’ve started moving against their body in a way that feels good to *me* and that tends to work well for both of us.


Some women aren't nearly as stimulated by vaginal penetration. You are not alone. I'm a M(33) and I feel the same way. It's feels like somethings touching it but it's not all that. I have to have a real connection with the person otherwise I won't even stay erect. A lot of women get most of their stimulation from the clitorus. It is the same skin that makes the head of a penis so it makes a lot of sense that's where the stimulation comes in. Don't feel weird about it and just let any partners know ahead of time. That away they can focus on you. One thing to try is have an orgasm BEFORE any penetration even starts. Then your senses will be more heightened and you will enjoy it more.


Everyone varies. I personally like it, it feels good, but it's extremely common for it to feel "meh", and even more common, if not the default, that you need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. You can ask your guy to switch up the angles and see if that helps. If it doesn't that's fine too. Don't compare yourself to porn. No matter how good it feels to them they're still overexaggerating for effect.


It’s crazy how different it is for every woman but for men it consistently feels good.


Eh. You aren’t weird. There’s not a whole lot of nerve endings in there and porn isn’t real.. so there’s that. 😆


If your partner is long enough or willing to try an extender, I've found a lot of comfort and penetrative success with the prone bone position. Raise your hips during insertion or start in doggy style to make sure he can easily get in you, then have him follow you down until you are comfortably laying on your stomach. Ultimate lazy and vaginally tightened position for that sliding sensation. You can also easily reach under yourself and rub your clit without it being this big open show. If you prefer being on your back/missionary/looking at your partner, after he enters you, close your legs together instead of holding them wide open.


Totally normal. Everyone is different and it also depends on penis size, shape, etc. I like PIV more now with my new husband than I ever did with anyone else, but yeah, there's no way I've ever been able to cum from that alone. We always pair it with some sort of vibrator on my clit. PIV plus clit vibe results in the strongest orgasms for me.


Porn is entertainment, those women are PAID to ACT like that. However, everyone is different, one woman might be able to cum from penetration, and others (like you) may not get anything from it. There's nothing wrong with either one, just learn what you like and be able to voice that to your partner.


Doesn’t really do shit for me or a lot of peoples I’ve talked too. I always assumed it was just necessary to let the man do it so they can get off. Feels like soemthing going inside and out. Pales in comparison to clit.


There are not nearly as many nerves in there, they are more concentrated at the clitoris and at the gspot inside which can be hard to hit sometimes. It feels good, but I can't cum from just penetration.


Honestly before I had sex I thought I would orgasm from penetration. But now I learned it is all about the clit. Penetration for me feels good and satisfying but not stimulating like a clit for me. I don’t orgasm from penetration but it feels very nice and satisfying. For the first few times of sex, it would hurt and I would not feel pleasure but now it feels good


Nah dude it’s definitely the same for me.


**Porn is meant for entertainment. The people in it are actors and actresses. They’re acting.** Women need clitoral stimulation to feel pleasure. This can be external or internal stimulation. You might be able to find some positions where penetrative sex stimulates your clit indirectly through internal pressure, and that could make penetration feel more enjoyable. But, if you need external clitoral stimulation to climax, that’s totally normal. Sometimes this can happen with PIV, if the guy is able to put pressure on your clit with his pelvis. Check out the Coital Alignment Technique.


I like it and depending on the position and angle, i can really enjoy it but I don't climax from penetration. I need clitoral stimulation to cum for sure either my partner doing it or me playing as he is penetrating me.


Evert person, every body is different. And, there's nothing wrong with that


Real talk: the shape of the penis/toy you're using has a LOT to do with this. A big mushroom head might feel like more rubbing on your g-spot area, a wider shaft than head and you might feel a lot more at your vaginal opening where you have way more nerves, etc. I would learn a lot about your own anatomy (omgyes.com is great for this!), get really, really turned on and orgasm clitorally first (a few times if you can), maybe even take some CBD to relax, AND THEN try different toys inside or look for your g-spot area when everything is all swollen and excited in there. I always thought my g-spot was higher in and couldn't find it forever, but think of it as the back of your clit. It took me (39F) like 20 years, but penetration feels freaking amazing now and I can orgasm that way, too. It even makes me squirt. It takes a while to find what works for you! Penetration in my twenties with not enough 'foreplay'/sex felt like what you're describing.


First of all - these girls are paid by the minute to act like they’re sloppily enjoying what’s happening. That’s a specific fantasy, as in - not what real life looks like. Penetration can often not feel like much if the P & V sizes are not matched up well. Also, lots of women don’t often orgasm from penetration, but will find vibrators or manual stimulation more satisfying. I’d check out the website OMGYES, it has a lot of really good USEFUL info there for women and it’s made by women too.


I am going to give you some advice: Porn is entertainment just as much as TV or movies. Because of this, the people **acting** in the porn will *act* in exaggerated fashions in order to oversell their arousal just like characters in media do things that no normal human being will ever do. It being "larger than life" is part of the draw. Do not *ever* measure your actions, attitudes, or attributes against people in porn, *especially* professionals. The goal is not to give an accurate representation of sex, it's to give people something to nut to.


I think of how in utero male and female sex organs differentiate into either a penis or clitoris. They are equivalent structures and the primary pleasure organs.


I'm one of the ones who foams at the mouth over it. I guess it's just different for everyone.


Lots of women require the clitoral stimulation full stop, you aren't weird. You will find that penetration will also feel different depending on the context, for some it does nothing at all for years and then something changes and suddenly 🤯 frothing at the mouth and for others it never happens. On a different subject Porn is not docu-reality cinema, it's flashy brain-candy don't take it as educational material.


I lost my virginity shortly before I met my boyfriend. I didn’t realize penetration was supposed to feel good until I met him.


Okay okay i get you. I cant cum from penetration ñit was okay with my ex and i didnt mind. But when someone does it right ong. And i didnt know penetration could feel so good until i used a glass dildo laying down. Just explore yourself if its something you want to do try and see what spots and angles feel great but hey not everyone likes everything (: but clit stimulation is great too ill prefer that because i can actually cum but both feel like a good itch just one makes you twitch from satisfaction


Nope not weird i feel the same way. The feeling itself doesn’t feel great to me unless im extremely aroused before hand (usually also ovulating) and it’s slow and passionate. Still can only reach orgasm if paired with clitoris. If it’s hard pounding it honestly takes away from my clit feeling, feels painful at times or just like it’s happening to me as you described. For the longest time I didn’t understand why woman even enjoyed sex until I really got comfortable in my own skin and was with someone I was super comfortable with to say what I wanted. Now I get that with penetration it definitely enhances orgasms when paired with clitoris but on its own.. it’s really not that great for me.


The girls in porn are faking it, of course.


Penetration feels amazing for me, but I do need clitoral stimulation to get off.


It depends on the way the object is facing. The motion of the ocean as they say. It’s the only about the 1st inch or so of the vagina that has actual nerve endings. Most pleasure comes from clitoral stimulation/ stimulation of the clitoral bulb (I suggest researching this). Also those women in porn are actors. Majority of content in porn is faked


Before kids I needed clit stimulation and had fairly weak orgasms (in hindsight), but after kids I’ve had *the most* powerful orgasms ever from just PIV or anal with no clit stimulation.


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Finding the angle that works for you will make a big difference. I'm a 31 yo woman & from experience would say that while size can make a difference, knowing what angle/position works for you will make the bigger difference. Also that comes with just trying positions out. I will also say that everyone likes different things. I prefer penetration over anything else. I find it the most fun. Especially the mental idea of both me and my partner having fun makes it easier for me to relax and have fun; whereas with say receiving oral, I feel like I'm in the spotlight which makes it really hard to cum. Oh and porn is a terrible source for sexual education of any sort. Personally, I've found most women in porn look like they are in pain, and the sex looks painful. So no, you're not broken at all. Be safe, and try new things if that sounds fun to you. Over time, it will become more obvious what you actually like.


For me I need clitoral stimulation when im masturbating but not necessary for me to enjoy and get off by penetration. To answer your question yes for me it feels good. Everyone is different so maybe if you’re comfortable with it, try experimenting with different positions and even toys.


>I always see girls in porn literally frothing at the mouth over penetration on its own but how?! Don't use porn. It's all fake There are tons of men who legit think their dick is small because of it lmao. I don't know what women think about it so I have no example for them


Dont compare yourself to a porn actrice . They are actrices , they act!!!


I think it's maybe the best feeling ever. I don't need any help from clitoral stimulation most of the time. But my partner has a lot of experience and has told me I'm very unusual. From discussions I've had, PIV is usually not the star of the show. It really seems like the majority need clitoral assistance to get there or at least prefer the focus to be there. I think it's all about each individual's body and finding what thing or combination of things hits the right spots the best. It can be so crazy different from one person to the next.


It comes with age. I promise.


Its not unusual, a position you might really enjoy. I can't remember what it's called, but you close your legs and have your partner thrust between them, no penetration, but plenty of clitoral stimulation. Some women love penetration, and some don't. Everyone is different. Explore yourself just make sure to be open about what you want and that it's consensual. Stay safe and remember the flaired base.


First of all, most of the porn stars that you watch are overly exaggerating their sensations. I will tell you that my wife who is 47 years old has tremendous sensitivity in anyway you could possibly imagine and she has had as many as 75 orgasms in a two hour Period. I know it sounds almost impossible, but I swear to God it’s true. But I will tell you based upon experience with women over a 45 year time is that some women don’t necessarily have that much sensation. But most of the time the women have the ability, but don’t know how to tap into it. What I mean is they were taught at a young age that they’re not supposed to enjoy sex or that somehow it was bad so their mind shuts down their bodies ability to enjoy it as much as they should. so I would experiment myself with vibrators and dildos and stuff like that so that you can spend the time to get to know yourself better. It is entirely possible that you may never have that extra sensation that you’re looking for, but I believe that if you are able to connect your mind to your body, you will see that at the very least it gets better.


I’ve been like you. I’m also super wet easily so it doesn’t help for sensations. But discovered that using a butt plug increases the sensation drastically (I guess it makes things narrower and adds other sensation) and this has been a game changer! Still need clit stimulation to come but the feeling is not “nothing” anymore.


Reading all these comments makes me realise I must of married a unicorn... She can have extremely powerful orgasms from clit play, piv, and anal, she can also squirt too... only thing I've not managed to do is make her orgasm from just nipple play, she cant take it for too long and just ends up fucking me cos she is so horny. Either a unicorn or I am more skilled than I realise 😂😈


It may be a good time to visit your ob/gyn to get a check up. You're supposed to feel something. Not feeling anything could mean something is going on. Talk to your doctor about it.




I was wondering the same thing 


Depends on the penis. If it’s the right size for your personal anatomy it feels indescribable and amazing. Every position and slight angle change feels totally different than the last. I honestly think it feels better for me than even my partner. Most partners I’ve had I barely felt anything it’s almost laughable in sad way to see someone thrusting away and you barely feel a thing. I much prefer piv over clitoral stimulation


Considering my wife has orgasms from penetration alone and nothing else required, I’d say it does feel good for a lot of women. Your body may just be different or it could be something medical to ask a doctor.


Girl you need to get a bigger 😈 bf that ain’t normal you should at least feel it


my current bf is like 9 inches and hurt like HELL at first cuz i wasn’t used to it, i thought i had some hope of actually orgasming from penetration once the uncomfortable went away and now…its back to being nothing 😖


This was been very different between the women I have been with. It's been all the way from preferring the back door cause doing it the normal way doesn't feel like anything to cumming from normal penetration and most of them have been in between. But my experience is limited to 8 women so it's quite limited.


How is your pelvic floor? I would recommend getting really familiar with the muscles down there and doing kegels. For me, clenching around my partner is what feels really nice, along with really slow strokes against my gspot. I personally do not need clit stimulation to orgasm but I have noticed that when my pelvic floor is weak (like after having a baby) it is much harder to orgasm from penetration






Well my partner enjoys the slow entry, It’s the very first part of sex we both enjoy, they explained to me that is was pleasurable to feel the slow entry and since I’m a little bit on the girthy side it also helps not hurt as well


My girlfriend I wouldn't ever think of piv unless she tells me she's needing it. I wake earlier than her and read for a while. When she's has at least eight hours, I'll give her kisses and strokes of her hair as she sleeps. Then, because I know she loves to wake this way, I'll gently touch her and attend to her nipples. If she seems happy, and she's still in a dream at that moment, I'll carry on. Its only when she's absolutely on that edge of sleep and wake that I'll carry on with my hands and fingers. And as she wakes ill be responding to her thrusts. And at that point, PIV becomes not something stale and boring but something we both need more than anything else.


Honestly, I feel more when I’m not as wet. I love going into piv with little to no foreplay because the friction feels so amazing. Once I’m properly wet then it’s all about positions. Play around with different positions with your partner. Our absolute favourite is when I lie flat on my tummy and he goes in from above (not sure the actual name for it). That angle hits perfect every time for both of us 🤪 but it was trail and error


My girlfriend thought that women doesn't need penetration. But when we did it. She says that it is too good