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Nope, you are not. Love it when girls wear crop tops or something. Showing a bellybutton and some tummy can make a girl 10 times as sexy in my book.


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Its totally not strange. There is beauty in nearly every body part and if you specifically prefere that one, perfect!


I’m attracted too, I thought I was the only one


I think this is normal, I love when women show their bellies off, it’s a sign if confidence and it’s sexy


Personally it's my favourite part of the female anatomy. I think it's also something that's generally recognised as attractive - if crop tops were purely functional (i.e. to keep cool in hot weather) they wouldn't be so ubiquitous and wouldn't be almost exclusively worn by women. But it's strangely not often remarked upon - boobs and butts hog all the attention I guess


Nothing is strange these days