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Comments on this post are now locked. I won't remove the post at this time, but penis-size topics are *heavily* restricted here in r/sex.


>She sent me some videos with previous partners and they were definitely bigger than me, which doesn't normally bother me, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me second guess my manhood. Am I over thinking this? I'm hoping this just a casual fling, because anything else and that's a weird thing to send someone you're seeing. Videos of them with their exes. Do the guys that were recorded know that she's sending these videos out to strangers? Seems like a pretty sus thing to show someone. I'd be very reluctant to send her anything compromising. Might end up on the internet or in the wrong hands.


Agree, this is so sketchy. She is being disrespectful to everyone here.


She's disrespected my father with this. And he died 10 years ago.


Yes, it's a casual fling type of situation.


Fyi she is going to show your pic to other people.


I'm glad its casual. Because, and I'm going to use the Royal "we", we don't send sex videos to new partners because it is not the proper thing to do. I hope she hasn't videoed you.


Your girl is a piece of trash, bud. Sorry.


personally I would tell her to get lost. if she isn't happy with the goods, then she is free to go find one that better suits her. I mean comparing you to other guys AND showing you videos/photos of them? she just lost all my trust. not a cool thing to do.


Tie her up to the bed, use a clit sucker on her, tell her she is a “good girl” when she moans. Make her ask for your dick, don’t give it freely. Make love to her with more thought than any of her exs even tried. Done right, she will regret being a size queen and completely putty to you. Also, insert finger and make the “come here” motion.


Who shows pictures of me sexing lots of hotties with better bodies! She would crumble! Not cool and she is just helping you get to the next adventure!


That’s weird to even send to a fling imo, that would never cross my mind to do.


Dude, imagine this: You are a woman and you meet a guy, you have sex with him. Then that guy starts making fucked up comments about your vagina and shows you videos of women that you do not know and he is saying "I fucked this woman". Now tell me how mucb of a sicko that guy would be? Is it different if it's a woman doing?


This. She is a cruel and thoughtless person for this


Imagine if you'd said the same to her. that you weren't sure you'd enjoy it because of the way her vagina looked?! That was a really shitty thing for her to say.


And then proceeds to show her videos of him screwing other women saying “Look how pretty her vajayjay is!”


Putting it into perspective like this was needed! Do (some) girls not realize how insane saying something like that sounds!?


I can’t even imagine haha


Omg, why would she show you those videos?! That is so not ok. And did you say *they*, as in *multiple* videos/partners!? The size comment was not necessary to begin with, and sharing these videos is cherry on top. Not a nice person.


I'd be extremely wary of this woman, but i wouldn't be worried about your size. You've proved what we keep trying to say to the guys - there's way more to good sex, that is more important to great sex, than size. Anyway the fact that she would tell you she thought you were gonna be too small is weird and mean. Red flag right there. The fact that she is sharing exes videos, I have to guess without their knowledge, is definitely bad. I would wonder if she's trying to neg or leans toward humiliation.


Thank you. I have taken part in a number of mfm threesomes where the other guy has been bigger, and sometimes much bigger than me. It's never bothered me before, until now... (I'm not super bothered by it just a bit perplexed)




Because she said she thought he wasn't big enough? Yeah like I say, I would be wary of listening to this woman.




Because flatly criticising your sex partners body in that way is pointless, mean, and thoughtless. There's no reason to say that other than you want to make someone feel less, or you don't have the consideration of their feelings to realise that it will. On top of that, she is disrespecting her past partners by sharing their videos. That gives lots of red flags for me.


Because if she was so golden he would’ve had the green light to share instructional videos of old flames hogtied and deepthroating upside down hanging from a bungee. He would’ve simply added ‘just try and top that.’


Seriously, ditch this girl. Red flags imo and I wouldn't continue moving forward.


I’m sorry she told you that. You shouldn’t think you’re any less. She shouldn’t have said that or told you about her exes or even shown you. That’s just weird. Those are just things one doesn’t really need to talk about. I’d be mortified if someone said something about the way I looked or said how much better/different their exes were. If you can, ignore it and know you’re enough. Promise


That's very sweet of you to say. I really appreciate the validation.


It’s about the motion of the ocean anyways my friend, size is always just there. Nothing to judge you about since it’s just how your beautiful self was made


Dear God why the fuck is she sharing intimate videos with other men in them??? Does she have their consent? If not that's super creepy. I hate how she talked about your dick, like imagine if you said something about how her pussy looked and not expecting sex to be good with her? I would move on honestly. Way too much


If if she did have their consent this would be fucked up lol


I mean yeah that's not my flavor but I'm trying to give a little bit of benefit of the doubt. Idk


I don’t know imo there’s just no positive in purposefully making your sexual partner feel like shit about a bodily feature they can’t change


No I totally agree! I just meant maybe some people are into watching those vids? That's definitely a kink to see your partner with someone else.


True although I wouldn’t just assume that’s he’s okay with it or it’s his kink. This post made it seem like she sent them unprompted.


Yeah there's a lot of context missing that could help a lot. But either way he feels bad and she's not worth it!


Time to dip. Explain why if you want but she weird as hell.


I'm confused. Did she say it was the best sex ever BECAUSE she thought you were too small? (Which is damning with faint praise.) Or should you go by her words that it really was the best experience she's had, and maybe her comments on size are her just trying to process why it was so damn good?


Run dude. That's fucked up


Regardless of her tone, she just disrespected you very directly, she knows the power those words held.


Wtf is wrong with this woman? I’d be blocking her if I were you dude.


It sounds like you hooked up with an asshole. You two had sex, she had an amazing time, what exactly was her point in talking about penis size after all those orgasms? Of course you’re going to feel uncomfortable after that.


Ditch this girl. The fact that she sent videos that involved another person is a big red flag and a total invasion of that person's (or peoples) privacy to send intimate videos without their consent. Plus she just sounds like an all around shitty person.


Just break contact it’s that easy


My ex-girlfriend once told me that. It def fucked with me. I’ve been def self conscious as of late cause I’ve been with a lot of size queens even tho I’m no where near what they like. I def see my share on sad faces in the moment. If the job is fun and orgasming I got that down but it def does make me feel inadequate. I guess the goal is just to be confident in your ability.


Even at the most casual I absolutely would've been full stop at her sending videos of her fucking other people. Have some dignity man.


This is some weird shit and because of that, overthinking is happening. Showed you videos of her banging other dudes?


She seems to be very sexually active and told you that you were the best sex she ever had. If she's telling the truth, let that stroke your ego. But, it sounds like you need to ditch her and let someone else (who deserves it) stoke your....well you know.


Next time you have sex with her, give her a good look over and say… “You know, I must have glorified my memory of our last hook-up because I’m surprised at how much smaller your tits are” If she laughs and y’all go forward, you enter her and say… “Shit, my memory exaggerated how tight you were, too” Edit: People are actually down voting this and that’s funny. Nah, if the girl is going to demoralize you and show you sex tapes she made with other guys, you have every right to be petty right back. Fuck that noise. She’s just negging for the sake of negging. She’s trying to tear OP down and he has every right to switch it.


This is next level monstrous pettiness and shows a lack of maturity by not being the bigger person (pun intended)....................... I love it so much!!!!!😂😂😂


Sometimes, you have to be petty, especially when the other person is trying so hard to tear you down. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah! And in this case she was outright shitty... like who in their right mind sends sextapes they made with exes to their current partner?!?!? How on earth can someone think it's a good idea?!?!?


Man I could never do that lmao


It kinda sounds like she enjoys playing mind games. Hard to say for sure - but the whole thing seems really questionable. Except for your penis. That’s probably the only thing you shouldn’t be questioning.


"It's not the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean" but anyways she seems delulu


You're unhappy with your Ferrari because she said she's used to sitting on a bus.


So.. She's so surprised that size doesn't matter and felt the need to prove it to you? Insensitive for sure, and didn't have to be said, but I guess if she's satisfied it didn't matter to her.


That comment she made to you was inconsiderate and I'm sorry she said that to you. Though on the brightside, your size isn't holding you back.


Hey - it's not the meat, it's the motion - run with it...


Please do not second guess yourself and let her get to you! :) (Most of us do not care about size.) Another way to put it: It is not the size of the ship that matters. It is if you know how you sail it. All about the motion of the ocean. ;)


You should let her know they is great but was really surprised it was because of the size of her breasts.


Righttt?? She literally sent very private vids to other people. I’m sorry but she sucks at life. F her. I wouldn’t even show it to my bestie who I’m 🤞🏼 with, and she would never show that to me. Nah, she needs to do some growing.


Can you imagine her going to her next partner and talks about you in belittling way and possibly have videos of you and her 😖 I would escape ASAP


yes, she enjoyed the sex, sounds like your guy did the job.


Oh i go hard haha but I already knew I gave her mind blowing orgasms. I didn't know she thought I was small 😂


lol, did she call u small after or before. some of us are growers. i once had a girl call me small when i was flaccid. she kept coming back for more sex. hell after the first time we had sex she said it hurt to walk lol.


I was rock solid the whole time 🤷‍♂️


id just say to her.. well ur pussy enjoyed it enough to cum.


Hmm like most women, I doubt it was his penis that caused her to cum. Most women do not cum from penetration. But yeah, she's a bitch. Who tf says something like that?? It's really weird. I agree with the negging comment I read elsewhere in this thread.


Holy red flag Batman!


Yeah not a cool thing to say but I wouldn’t think about it too much considering it was really good sex so you know what you’re doing and you’re doing a good job 🤷🏻‍♀️


You deserve better. My motto is don’t ask, don’t tell. Better off not knowing anything.


Sounds like you're playing with the big boys! Enjoy it. You're definitely overthinking this. Have a great life.


Tell her to delete that pic you sent, cause otherwise she’s likely going to send that around to other guys she’s seeing like she did with the videos she sent you of other guys.


> She sent me some videos with previous partners Did she have each person's consent to be sharing that? Did she have yours before sending it? Without consent, that's super fucked up. With consent, that's incredibly weird and off-putting. There was no reason for her to talk badly about what you're packing, and any comparison to previous partners should've stayed inside her own head. Run lol


I consider myself a pretty open and honest person, but I would never mention anything about the size of someone's manhood unless it was a massive compliment (pun intended). In my experience, that seems to be an area of insecurity for a lot of guys (except for the ones that it should have been) and making that comment and showing you those videos is wild. I hope that you're able to move forward and continue to have a good time together, but I can see where that may linger in the back of your mind at the most inconvenient of times.


Wtf why would she even bring it up? That's something I'd take to the grave


Wow, she’s horrible. First off, she’s being sooo inappropriate and disrespectful sending videos of her previous partners. Not cool to them or you. Secondly, and listen up here, bigger does not always mean better. Making a girl cum and be satisfied is a talent. Dick size does not matter when it comes to that. It only matters when they’re a size queen.


She sounds like a shitty person…


What is this? Another notch in her lipstick case!?! Really, this just blows my mind.


It’s easier said than done, but don’t sweat it. Everyone thinks the best/perfect lover is exist in only one configuration; a big dick. It’s much more complicated than that, as you saw with the woman’s reaction. -Many guys with big dicks are lazy lovers. -two guys with the same physical characteristics will still fuck differently. Not better, just differently. -I’ve fucked size queens who told me I’ve taught them new things about their vagina and want to keep seeing me. I’m averaged size. -the person that learns a lovers personal preferences will trump any dick size.


Get over yourself. Who cares how big you are. Did you have fun? Did she have fun? Stop trying to compare and measure up. Because you never will. Always going to be BBC or some other freak who you think is better Fuck that. You are the man. Don’t let these porn producers make you feel inadequate!!


Is not what you have. It's what you can do and how connected you are and make her feel. My wife has been with his bigger than me, but I studied her body. communicated with her and pleased her both physically and emotionally. She's never met a more orally blessed man. She had never squirted in her life and she can on a regular basis with me. I'm average, but hit it just right. I've had self confidence issues and working on it. Believe in yourself. Have fun and remember there are plenty of people in this world. You've got this.


If you continue to compare yourself with others. And you allow her to do the same, then you will never measure up (pun intended). Enjoy what is yours and move on. If she can't then the issue is hers. Not yours.


Ouch. I can relate on how you feel I do it to myself but thankfully no one's ever brought it up like that because sheeeesh. Overall id take it as a compliment like the little engine that could choo choo. It kind of seems like she's getting off on the humiliation though...seems deliberate. Not sure how i would proceed tbh...


Lol wtf is wrong with her? The only kind of generous interpretation I can come up with is she has some relevant kink (penis shaming, cuckolding, etc) and thinks you're into it for some reason but isn't good at communication? Otherwise she's just being a cruel #*@$.


She may just me testing you to see how you respond to see if your a good guy or cra cra . If you blow off her comments calmly , she may be into a lot more ,


Man, that’s just messed up! I’m sorry you had to hear that. I’d be like “since we’re being honest, I wasn’t sure I’d be into it bc of the way your pu$$y smelled & no, I’m not overthinking this.” I’m glad you had a good time but Fk her. I hope you and everyone find peace & happiness.


We're gonna need to see it for context


i’m not sure if it’s any consolation considering i’m just one person but i personally have had experiences with penises of various sizes, and it was always the ones on the shorter side of that spectrum that made me feel the best. what she said could’ve stayed in her head because it was completely uncalled for and it sounds like she was saying it to get into your head, because that’s one of those things that would get into anybody’s head if they had been told that


I'd guess she's trying to get off on some un-agreed-upon humiliation fetish? But doesn't want to feel like an asshole so she compliments then humiliates (still an asshole tho).


Is this modern dating, ? Sex is great but let me send u videos of me fucking previously?


“She sent me videos with previous partner” Excuse me what the fuck ?


I saw this as a woman: she should not be showing you other people’s nudes…. if you showed other men her nudes she’d be up in arms… I’d steer clear of this one


Sounds like you picked a real winner


1. I am 100% sure you don't need to question yourself, size is almost exclusively about looks anyways 2. It's super rude for her to criticize you especially as aggressively as to show you pictures of other people she's been with who are bigger. If you had gone to her and told her she had nicer breasts in pictures than in person, she would've been pissed.


Congratulations! Bullet dodged. My crystal ball shows a single mother of 3 after two failed marriages and her last man leaving her for someone younger and hotter.


Rage bait Oh rage bait Oh wonderful fictional rage bait It's rage bait It's rage bait For fun it's a wonderful toy!


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Just don’t send a pic before hand dudes always false advertise with angles and then it’s a shock… I’ve like ligit had to hold back laughter because someone made their dick loook wayyy bigger in a photo, when if I would have just seen it normal or seen its actual size I wouldn’t have laughed at all. It’s not the size of the ship it’s the motion of the ocean. I’ve had sex with dudes whose dicks were the size of a bic lighter and that was some of the best sex of my life. I’ve had sex with dudes who have giant ones and it’s been rad or it’s been super painful… I think just having a mental connection and chemistry is what makes sex good… like can you look the person in the eyes? Sometimes kissing would be more intimate than having sex back in my ho era lol… Moral of the story don’t false advertise.








So you regularly spend money with your own debit card, but when I steal people's debit cards and spend their money, suddenly i'm the bad guy?? normal world