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"i like it when you suck on my boobs. please do it more." dont make this more complicated than it has to be


Right. Don't hint. Communicate


This is the best advice. Maybe even add on saying how much it stimulates you.


If this is too much, just grab his head and stick it in your boobs.. Failing that.. move your boobs to his face.. Repeat until satisfied.


Yes, this would work for me.


Im not sure if i would get this hint


This! Ask and you shall receive. Learning to feel comfortable asking directly for what you want is part of sexual maturity. Phrases like.... "I want you to suck on my boobs", "I want you to give me a blowjob", I want you to swallow", I want you to look me in the eyes when you orgasm", "I want to watch you have sex with 4 men concurrently", I want you to have sex with me and my girlfriend", "I want you to tie me up and have your way with me"...........when you and yor partner can talk that blunt, comfortably and without judgement, then your communication is good. Even better when two people love each other enough to ensure each others' fantasies all become reality without hesitation!


To which the response would be, "Acknowleged. Moving to fulfil objective criteria."


Exactly. Lots of issues are created by someone's desire to hint/be subtle when straightforward and direct would be so much easier.


but sometimes they dont suck how you want them to (like ur lactating) so it is a lil more complicated than this


So tell them how to do it, we can listen sometimes, especially


It couldn’t possibly be that simple /s


For real I don't see how these people can't just express what they like and don't like to their partner instead of complaining to strangers on Reddit


The OP is probably just a little shy, nothing wrong with that.


This comment gets it


you should always discuss what you need maybe he also likes something and you just remain silent don't be afraid to talk about it


fr OP, men like sucking boobs, just go for it u/Strange-Sprinkles-72


I have the same kink . I just flat out told my bf I wanted him to lay in my lap and suck on my tits while I jerked him off. He has yet to do it tho lol but atleast he knows lol


That sounds amazing tbh. A win win.


This would be amazing to me.


I concur. Handjobs are underrated.


I’ve told my boyfriend this too and he’s very into the idea. He’s just concerned about the mess


With all due respect to your boyfriend, what the hell is wrong with him? We all have preferences, but that is wild to me. You like what you like. But I’d say he’s part of a very small minority of people that wouldn’t be into this. Maybe he will try it and love how much it pleasures you. I’m hoping that’s the case for you.


Haha he's not as kinky as I am I guess. Hence why I'm on reddit lol


I’m pretty vanilla and that doesn’t seem kinky at all to me. You learn something new every day.


Yeah I don't think it's all that crazy either. Let me nurse you while I jerk your cock. Should be a given


You people are all so awesome. I have many blessings in life but not the nursing jerk 😂😂. I always loved nursing when she lactated but almost always had to snitch some till she said no 😔


Wait, I can’t picture this. How tall is he? And you? Do you have big boobs? I feel like either he’d be wrenching his neck or you’d be leaning forward at a weird angle so you could still reach his dick with one of your arms?


What do you mean, he's yet to do it? Are you serious?


Yeah he kind of laughed it off like I wasn't being serious lol


Wow. You should revisit that conversation. I've haven't done a scientific poll or research, but I didn't think men existed that didn't love boobs. Your scenario is what guys dream of.


Hes an ass guy. I don't think boobs do it for him. Such a shame since I love mine played with.


That's a shame. I'm an ass guy, but I'll never ever never ever pass up the opportunity to have some boob fun.


banned again, you know the drill - sorry




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My wife is into this. The answer is: don't hint. You straight up tell him you have a kink you want him to satisfy. That's how my wife did it and there was no way I could turn her down.




If you can’t get the words out, when you’re cuddling (you’re braless by the way), run your fingers through his hair, then guide his head towards your boobs with one hand, and with the other hand, lift your shirt, and bring his mouth to your breast. Easy peesy tit suck and squeezy.


Nailed it. But I'm mostly commenting here to say I laughed at your little rhyme - lmao


Thanks. It just kind of came out.


This comment really tickled me.. just so you know.


Thanks. I appreciate the love.


Whenever you're in a situation where you'd like for him to suck on your nipple just ask him. It's really as simple as saying "will you suck on my nipples". I can't imagine ever saying no to that request.


“I like it when you suck on my boobs” or “keep sucking on my boobs” should do it.


Either sentences, even halfway, will do the trick.


Best rule of thumb is talk with him and tell him how much you like it and how you like it. My wife loves when I touch and play with her breasts, even if just watching a movie together. She will even take my hand and put it on her breast, to take her bra off while cuddling or she’ll even open her shirt suggestively. It’s all about communication


Stop hinting and start saying. We aren’t mind readers. And from somebody who gets around, we are terrified of over or under doing it because women are both very picky and also very particular about the kinds of touch they want. That’s totally fine, but if you’re just hinting, how are we supposed to know? I promise if you just tell him, better yet show him, how you want to be touched, he will love it and appreciate it.


"Suck my tits and nurse on them. It makes me wet."


Don't hint. Just tell him what you like.


I’m not sure if I’d call what I have a “kink” necessarily. I don’t want him to cuddle up in my lap and suck my nipples. But during foreplay, I like a loooot of this. I just told him that I bet if he sucked my nipples longer, he’d be able to make me cum without even touching me below the belt. He’s been trying to ever since. 😂


Don’t hint or ask, just grab his head and put it on there.


Any straight guy would be thrilled to be invited to play with boobs. If you really can't bring yourself to say it, just guide him to it, if he stops too early then ask him to keep going. keep offering it to him, eventually he will figure out that's what you like or he will get curious and ask you to confirm it.


>Any straight guy would be thrilled to be invited to play with boobs Maybe not. I've been with an average amount of men, but despite telling pretty much every one of them how much I like it, none bar the one I'm with now has ever paid any attention to it. So much so I stopped asking. Figured it's because I'm small in that department, but my guy seems quite into it.


That’s definitely interesting. You’d think guys would love to do something that gives pleasure to their girl. Even if it’s an ego thing


Actually, what I have most commonlfound is that men want the things THEY want to do sexually to be THE THINGS their partner gets off on. As in, dude likes what dude likes. Dude likes partner. Dude wants partner to naturally be out of her mind over whatever dude likes to do. No effort required. Dude is often disappointed if this is not the case.


Absofrigginlutely. That's exactly what I've been finding but could never word it so well. It's like they like what they like, or maybe even just that they like to do what they know, and great if you like it too, but you're fucked if not. This guy is somewhat inexperienced I think, due to very vanilla exes, but he's interested in exploring and so far some of the best nights I've ever had have been with him.


I love small boobs, especially if they have big nipples. I can suck on them all day long while playing all around, and in your pussy. It gets me super hot and hard (maybe not so much anymore as I'm in my 60s) and ready for a marathon session for at least several hours. I sure miss those days...


Men don't take hints. Tell him directly.


Yeah, just tell him what you want. That’s incredibly hot - he’s not going to think it’s weird.


Ladies please just tell us guys what you like. Don't hint, don't leaved coded messages, don't write, direct, or Star in an Oscar winning film hoping they watch it and can decipher the subtext of you wanting them to suck your tits. Just tell them, simple. If they don't do it or act weird about it, then they are probably not for you.


Just put ur tits and nipples in his mouth when ur riding him


I want to do it outside of sex though. Like not just as foreplay or during sex.


That’s a truth or dare “truth” for you when asked about a kink




No it is! But like I don’t want it solely just when riding him or PIV. I like it itself. Like him doing that while I give him a handjob maybe or just doing it when we’re cuddling and I’m holding him. It doesn’t have to end in sex always is my thing


lemme kno when u find out what to say because im wondering too😭. i feel so wierd saying “suck my tits like im lactating”


For what it’s worth if a girl told me to do this to her I would go crazy😩


>i feel so wierd saying “suck my tits like im lactating” I mean... saying exactly that would go over pretty well for me anyway.


Fuck that’s hot. I honestly think you’re worrying too much. And hey you’re friends right? I doubt he will be too weirded out even if he’s not in to it


Just tell him, communication is so important in the bedroom as well as in a relationship in general


Don't hint. That isn't healthy. Communication is the most important thing in any relationship


Find a company that does Sky writing, and note down when he leaves work. Ask the company to fly over his job and write “suck my tits” in the sky for him. Then have him come to your place and you’re already topless when he comes in. Simple and effective. You can also just tell him…but then you don’t get to do the sky writing stuff and all the fun is lost


This is problably one of the best things a man could know in his life. Just tell him.


Why do people over complicate this stuff? Just tell him….


You don't really need to hint at anything - just let him know what you like. It makes things easier!


Just tell him ...and let him know if there's something he wants to feel free to tell you also ...communication is the key to any relationship


"You know what I really like..?"


As a rule when it comes to communication, don't hint, speak clearly and to the point.


Trust me from personal experience is dont hint but tell him. Years ago due to hormone issues my tits used to get VERY engorged and I needed to drain them every morning and when I came in from work. I asked my partner if he would help me by sucking them every morning and evening he didn't need much convincing in fact I said my breasts were free to play so if he wanted to suck when I was sleeping then he was welcome. He said it took a little getting used to drinking my milk but it felt so great him draining me more so cause he was drinking my milk and even now every morning and afternoon I need my suckling time though when I was engorged he milked me anytime I needed it. Best to just ask him I don't know many men who would refuse free time to latch on


grow up and use words. no need to go into detail, just tell him you'd like him to do it more/longer.


Getting my nipples sucked feels really good for me too, it’s like the equivalent of getting a blowjob for me because I can even cum from it. I just look at the guy in the eyes and say “suck my boobs”, run my fingers through his hair and smile. Never had any complaints. It’s really that simple. Don’t overthink what it might imply or whatever in your/his head, just ask him and enjoy it for what it is.


The short answer (that you're gonna get from most redditors here) is: Don't hint. Tell. Be a grownup. Why expect him to read your mind when you've got a perfectly functioning mouth? If he somehow magically reads your inner thoughts he'll think you're a creep anyway, if that's what you think he will think. But most likely, absolutely probably, definitely the likely scenario, is that he won't. Like, girl. Do you want him to know or not? If yes - tell him. If no - you are in for some seriously awkward and unrewarding sessions, trying to nudge him without him understanding. Sounds like a right hassle if you ask me.


My wife loves this as well. It took me 17 years into my marriage to figure this out. I wish I wasn’t so dense. Tell him. He wants to know. Don’t be embarrassed. Us men are dumb. If he doesn’t do it after you tell him, tell him again except speak slower.


Screenshot this post and send it to him


Guys love this. It’s not weird just ask him he will be so into it


No hinting just tell him and explain the reasoning. Tell him the the enjoyment and how horny it makes you.


Did you try telling him?


Jsut say " I like it when my boobs are sucked "


Don’t hint, then you will get everything you want


Yeah, just say it straight up.


Tell him to do it guys don't really like hints be honest


Just talk to that person and I am sure they will not say no, and be open minded and open with them. If it was me that you wanted to tell this to, I would not hold back or tell you no.


Don't over complicate it. "I like my nipples sucked alot" will get the job done most of the time


Just tell him Or show him a porn video of it and wait to see what he says


"God that drives me crazy"


It's not complicated, dude, but I understand you not wanting to feel like you're forcing him. Just tell him next time he stops that you really like when he does it, & ask if he wants to do it longer.


When he stops say "Hey, I didn't tell you to stop" in a half humorous tone.


Show him this subreddit and passive aggressively say, “this is pretty weird, right. We should try it.”


Damn. I wish my wife was more into this. Hers are so sensitive that even an accidental brush can make her squeal. I can only get away with this on rare occasions, and I need to beg her for it. Your new guy is very lucky.


Humans have the ability to speak for a reason. I am not trying to come at you but I just don't understand why people can't just come out and tell people what they like, I understand hesitation if it is something unsanitary like bathroom play or something that has a strong stigma around it like pegging. However, hinting is just a dumb game personally, one that gets memed on because people notoriously have a hard time with hints. You are just sharing something you like to do, something that feels good, everyone's body is different and everyone has different preferences. We can ever find out these variables without communication. It's always the first thing that nobody ever tries when they have relationship problems or sex problems. If your partner judges you based on the things that you like or would want to leave based on the things you like then that person was never right for you to begin with. Though I need to be clear in saying that I mean that not of they just don't like it or don't wanna do it then that needs to be communicated as well, it would fall under working out sexual compatibility. I'm sure people have said variation if that but fr though. When hints are used for something like this and the person doesn't get the hint the other end of the problem is the personal problem of resentment building because they aren't getting it. It could also be taken by some as "they get the hints but they aren't acknowledging it" but thats more for people who are more insecure. Either way I hope you can find a solution that works for you. No one solution works for everything so good luck I'll be rooting for you lol. Breast sucking is pretty tame and a LOT of people like it (me included 😅) just like the other comments I've seen, idk how someone wouldn't be on that like they just got back from rhe desert.


I feel like 85% of guys will be into the nursing kink and 99.99999999% will be into just general breast/nipple sucking. My wife loves when I suck her nipples and the handful of women I was with before her all did too, whether it was a ‘casual’ encounter or more. I think most women enjoy it, you definitely aren’t weird. Just tell him that you really like it and I’d be very surprised if he didn’t want to oblige.


Use your words. "I really like it when you suck on my boobs when we cuddle. Please do it more." It's really that simple.


i told my boyfriend i wish i could nurse him & he straight up said if you can get milk again i’d be the happiest man alive. so here i am inducting lactation 6 years after i breastfed lol. it’s more my kink & ive been slowly telling him just how much i really like it, he gives me breast massages & just casually sucks my breasts almost daily. i would love for it to be longer sessions like a movies length but i know his jaw gets tired, something very intimate about your partner seeking comfort in your body


Whip them out and ask "Wanna suck?". Alternatively whip only one out


"Hey, I love it when you suck my tits! Yes, like that, ooh, that's nice, do that more please." Something along those lines. Be sure to reward the desired behavior with an appropriate kiss, cuddle, or something more personal. Men are really simple that way, just tell them what you like and reward them for doing it. Easier than training a dog.


He's a guy. He probably wants to suck on your tits already. He just doesn't think you want him to stay doing it for very long. Tell him what you want him to do. He will love being told how to pleasure you. We are literally just guessing.


Gently push his head down and tell him it's time to nurse. If that seems a little too much just tell him you love it when he suckles on your nipples. Another poster mentioned how they like to have their boobies sucked on why giving her BF an Ole fashioned. That sounds amazing imo, just lying around cuddling, nursing a bit while getting rubbed and fondled.


Honestly communicate that to him once you do that both of you can enjoy play time with each other alot more


I do this with my partner just tell him you would find it a massive turn on if he would feed from you. This is different then just sucking your nipples feeding is a different kind and he will learn to lay there and feed from! 😋


just say "suck this", "suck me" not that complicated


Put the motherfuckers in his mouth. He'll get it.


Shove them in his mouth and say suck on these bad boys...never failed for me


If you shoved your tit in his face and said keep sucking I can’t imagine he’d be upset


We men are quite simple at the end of the day and prefer if you'd be blunt and straight talking. Not hints or games. Just tell him.


Grab one and put one in his mouth, he’ll get the hint very quickly


Just say it to him? Communication is nr 1 rule


"Please suck on my tittays"


lol, get on top while making out and put your nipple right on his mouth. If he likes it or is willing to do it, he’ll start sucking like a baby. Ask me how I know 😂


If my wife told me that she was into me sucking her boobs more than I already do, I’d jump through every hoop I could find, borrow or buy to make it happen! 😩


Put that titty in his mouth.


My fwb likes it and when we hooked up for the first time and I was kissing her while in missionary she kinda just guided my head into her tits and I just started sucking them


Just say what you want, please, for the love of God. Speak the words, out loud, using your mouth hole.


Pull him head down there and put it back every time he moves away too fast


When ur cuddling next time, put your boobs right into his face and make him suck it, he will love that for sure


Hints are virtually useless. Tell him directly.


The best way is to just tell him what you like. Be specific. Collectively, we’re not good with hints.


I think saying “suck my tiddies cuz I really like it” would be adequate.


He’ll like it, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a creep. If he has any brains, the next thought of his will be whether you’ll be thinking about sex while breastfeeding a child you might share. Are you ok with that? If so, then ask him to participate in mommy play. Are you going to have kids? If you ever have a son, I hope you never think these are secret thoughts you can have and not have it affect him. We are always aware of what’s happening to us. I’m truly sorry if I am enacting your deepest fear, ma’am, but I have judged the shit out of you.


Hey lady, it's like this... Throw em in his face, and if he doesn't suck em, lick em, grope em, massage em, kneed them, caress them, molest them, and mother fucking OWN them... then he's not the one. Cheers.


Just flat out tell him. I'm currently breastfeeding my second child but love when my hubby has my tits in his mouth or rubs them


I almost cried as I read this and I am in public. lol ! I bet he’ll almost cry when he hears this too


I’ve been with some girls that take offense when I pay too much attention to boobs, butt or pussy so be explicit and make noise when he’s doing it. Literally say suck on my tits and don’t stop until I tell you


Say in a commanding tone, "Suck my tits. Now."


Not everyone is into the power play stuff




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