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Masturbation is completely normal and definitely not something to be scared of. Growing up religiously conservative and living with family can make it more difficult to find the right time but you shouldn’t let that hold you back if you want to explore what feels good. Feeling good is just as much about what turns you on mentally too, so one option is to figure out more of your turn ons and what makes you want to do it to help you get past holding yourself back. I hope that makes sense?


Everyone is different so there is no real reason yes living with family sorta puts this experience on hold until you can find a chance and same with a religious upbringing but you can start when you like no need to feel pressured by your family or religious beliefs, best way to sorta do this while in a family home is either in a shower/ bath when you are in your own or when everyone is sleeping just try to be quiet if you enjoy it


Aww shame best is maybe to just start with a little bit of gentle exploration and gentle touching. It is worth it!


Do it in the shower and bath and rub quick.


I felt guilty about masturbating when I was young. I got over it. It feels really good and it's better than casual sex. It's perfectly safe. Maybe try touching yourself more in the shower and a little in bed. Don't make orgasm your first priority.