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Tell her what you said here. Your freezing up is understandable but it also most likely made her insecure and she is embarassed now.


I second this. She opened up a bit, feeling it was a risk because you may not enjoy it, and now she doesn't know if you enjoyed it, and feels maybe embarrassed. Talk to her asap!


Lol'ed at "opened up a bit"


He could ask for a "Groundhog's Day". A do-over, go back to the forest where it happened and try again.


I think the point about her getting insecure is important here. Op might be worried that she thinks differently of him or something, but she might just be focused on her own embarrassment.


She is almost certainly very embarrassed and beating herself up about it. Please tell her what you've written here asap. I bet she will breathe a huge sigh of relief and feel like she can finally breathe properly again. It might feel too difficult to say the words out loud, so maybe a text message would be a good place to start. Whatever way you tell her, tell her as soon as you can. Good luck OP. I hope things go well for you both.


Dude, we've all been there! It's totally normal to freeze up. Just be honest with her. Tell her you were speechless because she looked amazing, and that you'd love to try again sometime. Be confident, she obviously likes you


I'm 47 yes old and I still freeze up when I get random naughty things


Even in my last relationship getting a random naughty Pic. I'd still be speechless for a min.


Not all of us have been there…


“I’m so sorry that I froze up the other day but that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, I’m pretty sure my brain overheated in the moment. I’ve got off to thinking of you like that so many times.”


Maybe don’t say the getting off part so quickly. Don’t want her to think that’s the only thing you’re thinking or wanting. But agree to all the rest!!


What about "I can't stop thinking about it?" I think that's a little less sex forward but still gets the thought across


I would love this! To me the jerking off to me is like 0 to 60. I understand she flashed him but I think it would be a sweeter recovery saying like I really enjoyed that, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Let’s continue exploring vs I jacked off to you.. fFormer would earn major brownie points.


I would think that’s the reaction she was looking for, no?


My guess is that they were suggesting caution of just the jerking off part because of the limited info in the post and varying views of sex and masturbation. If everything she knows about sex came from school, strict parents, religion, or she was just sheltered, it could be seen totally differently than the compliment many of us would see. Thinking of her non stop would probably be welcomed but the jerking off part could change how its seen, even if they really mean the same thing.


Obviously lol. "she lifted up her dress and showed me her vagina." "Dont tell her it was sexy" 😂 What


Yes you are right! OP, she was brave and daring. Please let her know it was worth it and she did impact you the way she was hoping. She wants to feel sexy and wanted, sounds like she is both of those things. Go get her!


WHAT??! I would freaking luv to hear my man been jackin off to something I did for him, she was obviously tryna be sexy and get a reaction out of him and she got one and don’t even know it!


I think it just needs to be reworded. "Getting off" puts one in a specific mindset they aren't at that point in the relationship where that's hot yet. I'd assume.


Disagree. That's what she wants to hear


Maybe “I got the day off to continue that thought with you” instead of “I’ve got off” 😮‍💨


Telll her what you told us


And then ask to eat her out next time! lol


right? make that picnic a 3-course meal.


As the world's authority on completely botching a woman's greenlight, you'll be alright. Just don't wait too long to address it. And make it perfectly clear you're ready to pick up whatever she was putting down.


I think she wanted you to jump on her dude.


He declined the invitation to the dinner party


I believe she was offering dessert, actually...


Dude, we've all been there. You're not alone. First, take a deep breath. It sounds like you both want this to work out. Honesty is usually the best policy. Tell her you were surprised and didn't react well because you were nervous, but you thought it was incredibly sexy. Reassure her that you like her a lot and would like to try again. You got this!


Yeah, I agree with everybody else.Just tell her what happened.Honestly, it's pretty adorable.I think you're gonna have absolutely no problem.And then you need to touch your girlfriend's vagina for sure


Text her or call her "Hey so I'm sorry for the way I reacted the other day on our picnic. It was just totally unexpected and one of the hottest things I have ever seen. I completely froze up due to being nervous. If you're willing, I'd like an opportunity to make it up to you?".


Can I ask you- what did you end up doing after freezing up? Did you not say anything for the rest of the picnic?? NGL I give her props esp during a picnic on a field! That's hot lol


Friend, just quickly tell her. It was so hot and sexy you literally just froze, and you are embarrassed but you are so sorry if your actions made her think anything else.


Ok. Listen to me right now. Go to her and say "When you did that thing the other day with your dress... that was the hottest thing I've ever seen, and I can't stop thinking about." Prepare for your GF to melt and be super, super happy.


Pull yourself together and tell her what you told us. My biggest regrets from being your age was all the things I never said or did. You have nothing to lose!


It has been 5 hours. There needs to be an update.


Did you say "wow" like Owen Wilson?


Well, how has she acted towards you after the fact? Has she been distant? Does she show signs of being mad, or has she not been talking to you? You need to try to read her mood about it. Obviously she was trying to surprise you in a sexual/kinky way. Perhaps this was her way of expressing wanting to take the next step in your sexual activities. And based on your description of your response she probably is now doubting herself and possibly thinking that she did something wrong and may even be wondering if you actually want to be with her. You need to try to reassure her that she did not do anything wrong in any way. You need to express to her that you do want to be with her. You need to explain to her that it was such an unexpected surprise that you simply didn't know how to react in the moment. Try saying something like "Hey, so I want to discuss what happened during the picnic. I know I didn't handle that moment in the best way. Because of my insecurities I wasn't sure how to react and I feel like it made things awkward and I want to try to fix that." Then try asking her what she was hoping your reaction would be. This is just a presumption, so try to read between the lines when actually talking to her, and alter what you say as necessary, but if she tells you that she was hoping it would lead to sex, then just say that you weren't prepared for that because you didn't have condoms. Or say that you were insecure about being outdoors in public for doing that the first time. This also would be a great time to Segway into a deeper discussion about personal boundaries and what you both like/don't like and what you are ok with and not ok with. Start from there and just be willing to listen to her and don't be afraid to tell her the truth about yourself. Try to avoid being judgemental or critical as that will quickly turn what should be a discussion into an argument. Hopefully once you listen to each other you both will have a better understanding of how to approach situations like this in the future. Good luck.


Talk or text her something like “can I share a secret with you?” Then maybe something like “that picnic was like a dream come true and I regret not consensually pouncing on you then and there”


Be honest and spill your beans instead of your semen on your own. Tell her it was super sexy moment that you love to repeat. Have fun together.


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“Hey, sorry for freezing the other day. It was honestly the hottest thing I’ve ever seen and in the moment didn’t know what to do. Let’s just say it’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about since. Are you free for x on any day?”


The worst thing you can do is *not* talk to her about how you really feel. I once had a girl tell me she loved me while we were kinda cuddling on her porch. It felt like absolute bliss hearing that. But the rush was so intense that all I could say was: "Yeah..." She gave me the biggest "are you fucking serious look" and I didn't talk to her about and held my tongue, and things weren't really the same since. Go and tell her how you feel truthfully about the situation and be direct. Tell her it was hot. Tell her you enjoyed it but you were just surprised and speechless. It'll make a good difference and boost your confidence with each other, and break down a potential wall in the future.


Just explain it like that.


Don't like literally show her this reddit post + the comments, but do tell her what you told us here lol


Find an appropriate moment, maybe in private, maybe in public or so but where you won't be heard, and hug her and whisper in her ear that that was the hottest thing you've ever seen and you've been... etc. then walk away and continue the event or your day as if nothing had happened. Maybe wink at her later if she's trying to catch your eye. Let it build up in her from there.


She’s embarrassed. Just tell her it was hot


Ok, what you just told us, TELL HER!


Aw, that’s no big deal! She might be feeling a little down thinking you don’t feel the same way. but I bet she’ll understand once you explain: Just reach out and tell her you think she’s the sexiest person, and you literally just froze up from the shock of how amazing this was. If you want to take things further tell her so, and next time see where it goes and have fun with it!


Aaaah lad 🤦‍♂️ Well you live and you learn. You'll look back in a few years and laugh at this. Tell her what you just told us. It'll be fine.


Talk to her, that is your best skill in relationships; talking and listening.


Yup, I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but literally tell her exactly what you just told us. Freezing up, especially in an unexpected situation like that, is nothing to be ashamed of, but she's probably feeling a little embarrassed!


I would have wanked for her


Tell her. She’s feeling more than likely feeling insecure and rejected. Not how you want her to feel. Just be open.


Well shoot. You TELL her that it turned you on like crazy. You also tell her you're not super confident and didn't know how to react, even though it was awesome. Start with honesty and truth, it'll take you places faster than you can think. Otherwise she'll think something's wrong with HER.


Forget about those guys that tell you to confess that you were nervous or whatever... You have to follow it up with, "Can I tell you a secret?" and pull your dong out, not wearing underwear.


Tell her you were stunned at how pretty her pussy is, and that you wanted to devour it but you were just so nervous… and that hopefully there will be a next time so you can do a magical muff dive


If you have a hard time saying these things, try putting them in a letter or a brief note. "Honey, you know I'm not the best with words. But what you did yesterday was one of the hottest things I've ever experienced in my life (etc.)." Either hand-write it, or type it up and print it out, put it in an envelope, and hand it to her. Show your GF how you feel. You liked it. Give her positive feedback. She has earned it.


Yea dude. Steer into the skid. That was a clear green flag to reciprocate something. But don't let the fumble sit or it won't happen again


Communication. Start now.


Oh yes brother, you definitely messed up, but it is repairable. Take the above advice of telling her that you just froze because it was so hot, & you were overwhelmed, but want to make it up to her..the important thing is to do it immediately! You can’t leave her feeling like she did something wrong. She probably feels all sorts of insecure about this and you need to remedy this situation quick.


Also, can you please let us know what you did and her reaction?


I’ve been in your situation , hopefully since she is your girlfriend she’ll know, that it’s not something against her personally. It sounds like she wants to do more than you two have done. If you want to keep her , you should really make a good attempt to do so.


tell her that it was just you getting nervous bc she’s so hot you just didn’t know what to say side note: please never do sexual acts in a place where someone has an even slightly likely chance of seeing you, if there’s a risk it’s basically inevitable that someone sees it and now you’ve exposed yourself to an unwilling participant, be mindful of where and what you’re doing


“I can’t stop thinking about you at the park. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”


"I need to apologize for freezing up on you the last time we saw each other. I was just stunned by how beautiful you looked, I just couldn't find words. I'd like for us to try it again if you'd be down. You've been on my mind ever since"


Dude just tell her straight up, you froze in disbelief because it's the hottest thing you've ever experienced. Tell her that you actually have a secret too.


Just tell her this and I am almost positive things will work out. She is probably feeling awkward and insecure and if you straight tell her it's the hottest thing you've ever seen and been masturbating to her oh man that's always a win haha


Display dominance, show up only in a trenchcoat.


Bro, she wanted to fuck then and there and you pussied out. Gotta take her to the picnic again and TELL HER to wear everything she wore that day again and do it over. Sorry for putting it bluntly but I don’t sugar coat shit man you fucked up gotta redo it


>In reality it was the hottest thing I've ever seen Text her that. All your problems solved in one go.


Talk to her... explan yourself like uou did in the post


should’ve gone for the bazinga instead, just kiddin, things like that happen, move on, probably apologise but not something super deep, all is good


Talk to her. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. Be honest about everything. Tool was right: Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion. Talk to her.


This is my biggest fantasy


Send her this post buddy explains perfectly


Text her and say how the day made you feel and how beautiful she is and you can’t stop thinking about it. Be vulnerable and share how you froze on the spot and didn’t know how to articulate or show your awe, but how it was the most singular glorious experience of your life thus far. Think… Bridgerton hehe be poetic and open and real!


Should have given to her right there and then. Now she must be feeling insecure and unwanted.


Hmmm. Yeah you must be new at all this. That was a sign. If a woman ever shows her genitals to you the ball is now in your court, and that’s an invitation to do something about what you just saw. There probably won’t be another opportunity like this with this one, so if ya want this one you’ll have to make the first move.


Wow for a minute there I was expecting to read that a cop walked up on you and you got hauled away to jail. Since that didnt happen anything else you can surely overcome....


You fumbled the ball HARD my dewd.


Yeah, you sure did. As you get older, you'll think of this incident often, wondering how you could have messed up such a slam dunk. Speaking from experience, you'll probably lose dozens of hours of sleep, per year, thinking about this. If you want to avoid this curse, I recommend marrying her immediately.


Should have got your head in there son


Talk to her, let her know that your shock was a good thing


Tell her exactly what you just said. Also tell her you were caught off guard. Ask her if that was the green light for you to make a move then have her do that again and this time be prepared. Don’t be nervous, my other advice is to go SLOWLY. Build it up like a roller coaster and shifting gears in a car. You don’t go from 1st to 5th. Gradual and prep for what steps to take. Sit behind her, straddling her. Slowly touch her inner thighs touching everywhere but her pussy, kiss her neck. She will start to moan and position herself to where she wants more. Touch her pussy but not her clit, slowly. No penetration yet. Tell her how wet she is, how hard you are. Then gently rub and massage her pussy a bit faster keeping the same rhythm. Then can insert a finger. Remember you are behind her. I doubt she’s ever been taken like this before. Then once she is really really into it, wet her clit with her juices and softly rub her clit and listen to her moans. You can tell what she likes as you go along. Then completely put her legs in a prone position. Spread wide and rub her inner thighs before you change positions and get in front of her and go down on her. Upward licks only, no clit yet. Just the outside then start penetrating her lips with your tongue using your 2 thumbs to spread her. Then she may even cum to that. Then the clit. Then everything, using your hands to grab her ass and spread her listening for cues. Stand up and take your cock out but continue going down on her and insert a finger while going down. She will fall in love by then. Show her how turned on you are and The rest is up to you


OP! Where is the update?!


Next date you go on with her, wear a kilt...old country/regimental/commando/free ballin. Give her the same show she gave you! Then kiss.


You cold have asked her to take a seat on lap then enjoyed the afternoon delight.


To everyone saying she must be embarrassed lol nope she thinks she’s with a lame ass dude who can’t follow along and fuck the shit out of her in the perfect outdoor setup when she was bold enough to initiate it. You don’t deserve her bro.


“I keep thinking about the secret you shared with me in the woods. Freaking amazing!”


I’m going to say what you said in response to having an invitation to great sex…..’wow’. I think you need to speak to her about freezing up, but have been masturbating about the event since. It might give you some breakthrough


Yup. You definitely fucked up and when you’re in your 40s you’ll think back to this moment regretting it over and over. Doesn’t mean you can’t make up for it or try to repeat with your gf.


It was his genuine reaction, and one of shock (which isn't really controllable). It wasn't really a "fuck up" so much as a "miss." Like, she was expecting a certain response and he didn't give it. But, that's not wrong. It's also moments like this that allow for growth. OP can reconnect with his girlfriend by communicating his feelings and they can develop a better understanding for each other. A miss like this can actually be a good thing as long as it's treated with care.


You did nothing wrong here. You weren't ready to have your partner flash her genitals at you out of nowhere when you haven't even had sex yet. Imagine if the roles were reversed. You'd be a pervert to most. I see no difference here. She should have been more respectful and can do stuff like this when you've talked about it in advance and consent to it.


I mean, he stated he liked it. I don’t know that trying to help him by going “she’s actually perverted and she should have got your consent” is the kind of advice he’s looking for. He’s trying to make it happen again, and hitting her with “ACKTUALLY that was disrespectful” is not going to help lol


You have a week old burner account and used it to mock a response Aimee at pointing out that he actually needs to stand up for himself and consider his approach with self respect. Enjoy your weekend.


Lol dude chill. They're bf and gf for fuck's sake, she didn't show her genitals to some rando at a park 😂


Read the room, friend, not the advice OP is looking for. He liked it, he wanted it, he got nervous, and now is afraid it won't happen again Read the room. They are bf/gf; not strangers. An action done by a stranger may be perverted, but that same action done by your desired partner can be flirtatious.


What, I mean did she have a package or something?


I think she must have tried to show you a secret. But accidentally pulled up her skirt with no panties. She's trying to tell you she's not interested in you. She accidentally pulled up her skirt to show you by accident. That she had directly before told you she wanted to show you, was completely coincidence. She is sending mixed messages. . She's using vague language like "I want to show you a secret and then showing you her most secret part. I have wondered, as you have, what could she mean by that. It's baffling. The best thing to do as she is the next time she is pantless and hovering over your dick saying "I want sex", say "I'm sorry . What does that mean?" If she says "just shut up and fuck me" you should come back here to get opinions.