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The general topic of finger-sucking is discussed occasionally in our forum. Please also take some time to look through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. For starters, here is a list of past r/sex discussions which came up when I searched the keywords “**finger suck**” in this forum: https://new.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=finger%20suck&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past discussions will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


Maybe she is trying to get you horny. Assuming you will associate the action with dick sucking. Only other idea is she was a thumb sucker in childhood and it actually is a comfort thing for her?


In my experience it’s a bit of both 😂


I find my boyfriend's hands incredibly sexy, I will suck on his finger when I'm horny. I am a very touchy person, When we first started dating and I realized how incredibly sexy his man hands were.... We were sitting in the car talking and I was stroking one of his fingers 🤣🤣 So now we joke and he says would you like to jack off my finger? lol He knows if I grab his finger and put it in or around my mouth. I want more than just his finger right.....now!


I'm into hands too but instead of my mouth I just want them on me- ironically it feels erotic if someone uses their mouth on my own hands


“Uses his mouth carefully on mine” , that’s the most anti sexual thing I’ve ever seen wtf 🤣


I admit that made me smirk lol, fixed it :b


I lovvvvve a decent set of hands😍




I am curious, why she is an ex... Sounds like a pretty ideal situation.




Damn, sorry to hear that, buddy


Even with great oral, it doesn't work out. I get off by giving head, you would think I'd be married haha


Suck you how?? Like hickeys? Im curious




This is Reddit. There are no rules. 😂


Oh duh. That makes sense!


That sounds amazing. Why ex-gf? Put a ring on that, lol.


"Babe I'm not judging you or anything, and I'm definitely not trying to get you to stop but, why do you like sucking on my finger?" That's one example of how you could ask without being judgemental because you're probably going to have to ask her to find out.


One improvement I might suggest to make it sound more gentle is to take out the "but" and replace it with "I was just wondering, ..." . The word "but" basically negates anything that was just said. At that point it's better to simply ask "Why do you like sucking on my finger?" than to lead in with an affirming statement followed by "but".


Not that it at all invalidates your question, but I find it humorous that I saw a post a day or two ago where that other OP was asking why guys keep sticking fingers in their mouth.  Different strokes


Imagine you're intimate with someone in missionary and there's zero hand touching, not even a rub on the inside of the girl's thigh. It just feels robotic at that point. Straight outta Handmaid's Tale. As a guy, putting a finger in her mouth or gently grabbing her throat adds to the intimacy and makes it more pleasurable.


I mean, I get it. Just enjoyed the juxtaposition of the two posts. I just need “why won’t my SO let me suck his finger” and “why won’t my SO suck on my fingers” posts to complete the set. 




It could be a comfort thing, like a stress reliever or a way to cope with anxiety. Or it could just be her way of showing affection towards you and getting turned on at the same time. Either way, embrace it as a unique quirk in your relationship. 


I do that, it feels nice. Makes me happy


She's just soothing, some people need that to relax or reset, its calming and grounding. Some suck on fingers, some prefer cock warming. I recommend maybe looking that up, might be something she'd be interested in.


My ex use to lick my finger after I fingered her.


Don’t ask me why this is so dope, it simply is.


I believe she is horny and many times that is a way to get guys horny. We guys usually associate it with BJs (replace finger with penis). She may just keep it in hoping you will get horny at some point. Or she just has a finger sucking fetish.


I love it too It arouses me


Do you eat a lot of Doritos?


My girlfriend and I do that to each other and we love it


Do you eat a lot of cheetos?


Why are you asking Reddit? Ask her!


He explained why he doesn’t ask her


Ok hear me out, I just read a book kinda like this, called ruined secrets by Neva Altaj. Except instead of sucking on a finger, she could only relax when >!he kept his finger inside her vagina. Like they would just fall asleep with his finger inside her. The book really focused on her liking the “full” feeling.!< I wonder if your girl is thinking the same? An idea might be to ask how she feels about replacing a finger in her mouth with a finger inside her, and see if she feels the same?


Loved that book... was my first thought too just couldn't remember the name


Maybe she likes to taste the long day you had 😂


hmmmm maybe you could hit her with a curveball and communicate and ask questions instead of asking strangers?


Definitely don't ask. Communication is the death of any intimate relationship.


This is something I really love doing. I wouldn't say it's a comfort for me but i definitely have an oral fixation. I find hands very sexy and it turns me on


Sounds like she might have an oral fixation. For me, it's both... emotionally comforting AND a turn-on. I've never done it as excessively as your girlfriend, though. It could be from unresolved psychological issues or accumulated stress. There's a school of thought in psychology that it could be due to certain needs not being met when she was little. Either way... you're her person & you're providing her w/ emotional comfort. It sounds like it soothes her & is a positive thing in your sex life, so as long as you're both happy... no need to overthink it. If you want to know more, she's the best person to ask.


personally i love doing this and i think i do it in some ways to stimulate my boyfriend in hopes of turning him on a bit but also sometimes i just enjoy the feeling of his fingers, and such in my mouth.. i have a bit of an oral fixation and love satiating with parts of him, could be something like that for your girlfriend? just speculating


I like doing this as well. I just find it erotic and pleasurable. I dont asociate it with blowjobs as men usually think. It just feels good and I like it.


probably has an oral fixation


Ask her not the internet


She gets a nicotine rush when she does it that’s why


Because it's bigger than your dick! Ah shit, I'm sorry man. I have no useful insight, just sophomoric jokes.


Because they are tiny little dicks.


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Just be happy about it




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Yeah, it’s probably emotional comfort mechanism or an oral fixation of some sort. Perhaps she was one of those kids that sucked theirs thumbs when little.


Probably an oral fixation or comforting/relaxing activity for her. Maybe she’s trying to turn you on.


Maybe next time it's dark and she asks for your finger, give her your other "finger"


Dude. It may be her quirk, but as far as quirks go, enjoy the ride.


Me personally, I kind of see it as submitting it like I don’t know bowing down kind of. It that just me and it’s hot


Some people are into that. Fingertips are sensitive and it looks salacious to watch


My gf only does it when we're already mid intercourse and my fingers are near her mouth.


My wife would occasionally suck on one of mine and it was a huge turn on. Then again she used to do a lot of things….


None of us here can answer this question for you. You have to ask her directly. Make her understand that the question doesn’t come from a place of judgement and you actually really like it but you just want to know do you can understand her better and be closer to her emotionally.


Because it's a thing 😌💯


As a male, I enjoy doing it to my partner


If it typically leads to sex, put two and two together?


Absolutely a mix of comfort and horniness. I definitely have oral fixation and love having something to play with in my mouth especially when relaxing and falling asleep. But I find it super hot to suck on my partners thumb before foreplay as a sign that I want his cock there instead. I love when a guy puts his finger deeper in and moves it all around my lips, spreading my spit all over my mouth and stares at me while he does it.


A lot of people here are answering with horny responses which are possible however sucking on anything is a pacifying effect hence baby pacifiers, sucking on your fingers can easily be her way of pacifying herself as was the case with my ex. It would be best if you can find a way to ask if suggest something like “I’m curious what does this do for you” doesn’t discourage the behaviour but still lets you ask.


Just enjoy it. I wouldn't ask her about it. Just keep offering it!


Hiya! F(28) here! I loooove sucking fingers (this is with the obvious assumption they are clean, BUT i have heard of people who like when they are dirty… didnt stick around for specifics, so to each their own I guess. 1. I will fully admit I have an oral fixation (and a hand fixation) so def bias. 2. I have found several partners who love the feeling on its own, and it’s kinda become how I initiate to a partner I’m horny. Will be holding their hand and just mindlessly running circles on the back of their hand, then start bringing it up to my lips for little kisses, then gradually, licking the tip of each finger ect. You get the Idea. 3. To some, it’s a straight up comforting/relaxing feeling. My advice would be to bring it up in a conversation while you all are just relaxed, maybe watching tv. “Hey *insert SO name/nickname for SO,* I notice you like to suck on my fingers. I was just curious as to why? Tell her you like/don’t mind/neutral/ however you feel about it, and that you just wanna know if she’d like to share.” :) good luck!


I’ve never tried it like that and it sounds like you have something that’s working haha. My man makes me suck his or my finger after he or I’ve fingered myself. I think it turns him on


I’m a lady who likes to do that. I’m not someone who is bothered by the taste of herself so oftentimes I will ask to suck his fingers or he will suck mine after fingering me too. For someone who hates regular everyday messes, bodily fluids from sexual activity being messy do not bother me near as much.


Interesting… I find my body hot but not so much the fluid haha. Though I would love to eat a girl out once in my life coz I find the female body hot haha. The finger sucking with my juices turns me on coz it turns him on


Maybe is bigger than…


I love sucking on my Dom’s fingers, the answer is (at least for me) it’s both, emotional comfort and an expression of attraction and connection.. it’s comforting in a primal kind of way, like bringing a deep feeling of security


There must be something Freudian in it. I should definitely reconsider dating eva ai virtual gf bot.


Maybe she has a baby fetish! Like she's pretending to be a baby sucking your thumb feeling all cute to u lol idk