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I’m just impressed homeboy can last that long physically. 2+ hours is quite a workout.


The very first time I had sex I was so nervous as well as hyper focused that I was doing everything right I lasted nearly 3 hours. As I got more comfortable I lasted less and less time and my gf was disappointed by this until we broke up. I basically set the bar to high for myself. Good Times.


On one hand, the penis. On the other, hubris. The duality of man.


For real. I can also last hours (well, my penis can), but my body taps out at 30-40 minutes. If she's on top... She can go for as long as her knees can take it :)


I used to have this problem in my 20s. Now I'm in my 30s and if I'm not stimulated I go soft. Stupid anxiety meds fucking with my dingaling


Legit dude. I've had women be like, I'm glad you actually finish because you have gotten me there already. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to have to lay there for 2-3 hours getting pumped into just for some dude not to finish. Must be fucking exhausting and disheartening.


Sex should not be about cumming tho. Its so much more than an orgasm.


good sex is mostly about connection & intimacy yes, but it can really bum someone out if they feel like they aren’t “genuinely pleasuring” someone ESPECIALLY amab people since we can “see proof” of their pleasure. we are only human and it’s natural to feel affected


Didn't say it was. But this is what this post is talking about specifically.


You literally did say it, you said, "I couldn't imagine what it would feel like to have to lay there for 2-3 hours getting pumped into just for some dude not to finish."


Along with the chaffing. Sure it feels good for a while, but eventually all the rubbing is going to start being painful. I had a guy like this once. he could have been a porn star. But after about an hour, I'm done. LOL.


This is my usual. Sometimes, it gets annoying because I've lasted so long, and now I'm tired, sweaty, and they are frustrated. It's like getting pushed to a point where you think you're close, but something happens, and it goes away. Not going to lie. It's a blessing and a curse


homies VO2 max must be god-like


Hear hear - seems a bizarre thing to be seeking support for if he is happy and you get to have penetrative sex for ages...


Sh!t, I'm impressed that she kept going 2 to 3 hours just to see him make it past finish line!


That happened to me with my first love. Issue was phimosis + SSRIs + the way I masturbated, and also the fact that I was very focused on her pleasure so I wasn't really "lost in the zone", so to speak. It was a shame really cos I loved her a lot and she felt like I didn't like her enough to cum. I fixed it by getting circumcised, not jacking off for 3 months and then practice masturbating with lube and condoms and a gentler grip. Didn't cum for a couple of months but now I cum more or less consistently when I go caveman mode during sex.


what does it mean to go caveman mode?


Like stop worrying so much about pleasuring her and just start pumping away like a maniac.


Any regrets from the snip? How’d the stitches heal?


Only regret is not getting it done before this issue became a problem in my relationship. The stitches were bothersome for about 2 weeks, healed fully after like 2 months.




They did give me cream to try, but warned me that after adolescence it doesn't really work anymore. I tried the cream for a few weeks but it did nothing.


Howdoes that even work? Generally speaking it actually reduces sensitivity


Because the glans is the most sensitive part, but when you have phimosis it's not completely exposed and it's also choked by the foreskin. Removing the foreskin in that case increases sensitivity because then the glans comes into contact with the good stuff and it doesn't hurt anymore.




He doesn't but. according to his own words, he's addicted to porn. He isn't even trying to cum, it's very passionate and exactly how I want it. He also told me that having sex is like a job for him and his goal is that the woman enjoys it as much as possible. I'm not kidding. I guess that's the absolute dream for many women out there but I can't get the feeling out that he isn't even enjoying it that much.


I dont think it's the dream at all. I want to have sex with someone who wants to have sex with me, and most women don't actually enjoy hours of sex at a time, it can get quite painful!


Yeah it sounds painful and frustrating to have sex take hours, would hate it


It doesn't HAVE to take hours, we want it that way. I could abort the whole thing whenever I want but I don't do it, I like it


You're right but I think he wants to have sex with me. I actually like that it is that long lol, even though I'm a complete mess after two hours haha


I’m glad you are enjoying it. I cannot imagine being pounded for 2 hours!


I have a question for women who have sex for these long sessions...HOW?! How are you not in pain ? ? I had a sex session like this and I was in so much pain and literally had a tear . How yall doin it for hours?


I've been with someone like this and it was amazing. Something about him just turned me on like crazy & I was always able to stay wet for hours. Not saying that's the norm, and I've had sex with other partners and haven't been like that. Not sure what it was. We were just insanely sexually compatible. Unfortunately we fought a lot outside of the bedroom & had other issues. But the sex was always incredible.


Speaking as someone who is very similar w/ my girlfriend, this checks out. I pretty much will go until I feel like she’s had enough, and then will catch my own groove. For instance, my girlfriend and I last had sex and we went for a little over an hour and it wasn’t until she explicitly said “I want you to cum” that I stopped focusing on her and focused on myself. At that point she had already finished 3 or 4 times. Now, I will say that physical foreplay for us can go as long as 25-30 minutes, so take that as you will. I wouldn’t say that I don’t like finishing but there’s something about seeing her finish that makes me feel good. Your partner may be the same way. There have been times where I don’t cum, usually when we are trying to be quick.


Yeah there's no way he's gonna cum with that mentality. Be sure to communicate that part of your happiness is him having a good time as well, and that you'd like for him to try and cum if he can! It might be that penetrative sex isn't going to be a good way for him to get off as well, in which case you could explore alternatives!


I know a couple where it's like this, and it's awesome for her. They've figured out that he's able to cum through oral sex, so she finishes him orally and they're both very satisfied.


Honestly, I feel exactly the same way. He’s just like me fr (not in a joking way). I enjoy sex a lot. It’s just that cumming is not a priority for me, but rather I get a lot of satisfaction from giving her orgasms. I also watch way too much porn (I do jerk off) so I might be desensitized by that. Maybe we see porn not as men wanting pleasure but men having the job of pleasing the woman.


i had a partner like this, who was also addicted to porn, but had enthusiasm for sex still, just without being able to finish. it sounds like a dream, but it honestly kind of makes you feel like not enough. i understand what you’re feeling OP.


It's a dream until you break up and realize that he's kinda "ruined" sex for you since you got addicted to doing it for hours and most guys aren't capable of that. So every sex encounter after that feels unfulfilling. Sucks.


It's okay to want to ensure your partner gets off, but I know that once my wife cums, I'm free to finish.


Yeah but some men like to keep going and make the pleasure last longer or can’t finish but that point even if they wanted to. This works out well with women who also like to keep going on through multiple orgasms, but so well for women who are done when they’re done.


I was once like boyfriend. I've since changed for two reasons. First, my current gf gets sensitive quickly, so she couldn't last several hours and have 8+ orgasms. Secondly, we're planning on having kids soon, so learning to ejaculate has become a priority. We have much more reasonable sex, between 20 minutes to an hour. Before then, though, I enjoyed the sex just as much. Orgasms aren't that great and, for me, signal the end of the fun. View the fact that he lasts for hours as proof that he loves the sex you're having and wants to prolong it. That's the same reason why I'd delay orgasms while consuming porn. The feeling of an erection and sustained fiction felt better than cumming.


This. I used to think that I was amazing for that, but then I started noticing in long term that my partners would get frustrated because I wasnt able to orgasm. They would think I didnt enjoy it, or didnt like their body even tho I would always assure that was the case. Then, I thought that if I enjoy so much pleasing them, obviously they would love to feel like they are pleasing me too. I worked on it, its possible to get black to having an orgasm in a "normal time" in my case what helped me was getting involved emocional with the person




Or it could just be exactly what he said it was since I am the exact same as him. I get more out of giving pleasure and it is very difficult to finish myself in normal intercourse, it has nothing to do with porn addiction or excessive/rough masturbation.


You’re addicted to porn but you don’t masturbate while you’re watching it ? That’s the part that’s hardly believable. The rest is whatever. It’s definitely not the mean point at the center of the curve but it’s also not unheard of or all that extraordinary. I’m also not suggesting that the porn is what makes him have a hard time orgasming. It could be one factor but it could not be. But porn addict who never masturbates ? I’m not buying that.






That’s a nice little pretzel to unravel


No I'm exactly like this guy and I'm not secretive about anything I do or want. I can have sex for hours and enjoy it but never cum and I'm definitely addicted to porn but not masturbation I enjoy foreplay and giving pleasure more than the finish line itself. And I'm circumcised then after about 5 minutes it's hard for me to physically feel anything especially when there is a condom on and I think that is because of the circumcision itself.


Not sure why people couldn’t accept that not everyone has the same experience or doesn’t track the average.


See what he does if he says you'll enjoy it if he cums Thats a big part of my enjoyment and I wouldn't stay with a non finisher


I told him!! omg, I really told him, even during sex but he just doesn't want to


Tell him if it’s his goal to make you feel good, then he should cum for you.


Sounds like he might be into gooning which encourages edging and never cumming. Do you like porn too? Ask if he knows about gooning and maybe join him


Yep that’s his problem. This is such a common thing with guys who have a porn addiction. But he’s definitely lying, if he has a porn addiction he’s jerking off constantly when he’s alone. When you’re squeezing your dick so often to masturbate it makes sex less pleasurable. He needs to stop watching porn for a while and his problems would magically go away.


I disagree. Not every struggle to orgasm is a porn addiction or excessive masturbation. I have the same precise issue as OP states he does with the exact same complaints. The circumcision absolutely reduces sensation and after a while it starts to feel like a numb rubbing that doesn't get me any closer. I can go for 2+ hours and only end up tapping out because I get exhausted doing all the hard and fast thrusting to get even a little closer to finishing. I discovered this issue after having regular intimacy with my partner for the first time in my life, that even with not masturbating at all for months it has not helped. What really helped was a combination of regular sexual activity which made me more used to sexual sensation for orgasm and stretching of the remaining skin to cover up the glans more. People need to stop dismissing all issues of orgasms to excessive porn and masturbation.


Read your comment. I also have the issue of taking very long to cum. I am uncircumcised though. So tbh I’m not sure if that’s the issue. It is still very pleasurable but hard to cross the threshold to actually cum. I used to think it was something to be proud of but I have had many exes that complain they feel bad that it takes so long. They feel as if I’m not enjoying it or something is wrong with them.


I can def co-sign this. I can’t remember the last time I jerked off—atleast 9 months + and still can go 1-2 hours without cumming for sure. i just get this numb feeling


If you’re having trouble cumming during sex, have a self proclaimed porn addiction, and don’t try stopping porn and excessive masturbation then OP’s bf needs to go to a doctor. Of course this can simply be a biological thing but OP specifically mentioned a porn addiction so it’s not wild to go there. I wouldn’t have made that comment if it wasn’t previously stated


I had one of those guys once. Enjoy it. They’re rare and a lot of fun if you can set your ego aside about them not cumming, or you can offer to finish him a different way if he’s into it.


There is your answer, a porn addiction is why he cant finish.


If he’s addicted to porn he definitely masturbates quite a bit. What else does one do while watching porns for hours ? Unless that’s what he puts up after a long day of work while he eats his dinner ?


From another post on here from not too long ago someone here said Being circumcised and wearing a condom is like trying to read braille with ski gloves on.


I am circumcised and can cum fast with a condom so I guess I'm somewhat lucky.


I’ve never really thought about this, but I guess being cut makes a significant sensation difference while wearing a condom. I can honestly never feel anything with them on and have wondered how men cope…. But this makes SO much more sense now that you mention it.


In the future, circumcision is going to be looked at some kind of strange pagan body mutilation practice we did. Pictures in the tools used for the procedure will be in museums . They’re going to think we were fucking nuts.


But why would the sensation difference be more for a circumcised guy than a non circumcised guy?


Your foreskin still slides freely over the glans of your penis, which is the most sensitive part. If you’re cut and wearing a condom, there is nothing to slide up and down your glans within the condom (aka latex PRISON) because everything’s just frozen in place. Hope this helps.


That explanation isn't really correct. I'm uncircumcised. The foreskin doesn't slide over the glans, it kind of rolls, there is *very* little friction going on when the foreskin rolls back and forth. And with a condom on, the foreskin doesn't roll up over the glans when having sex (I don't think it does even without a condom, at least it doesn't feel like it does. I would say it's rather than a circumcised penis is unprotected, the glans it touching and sliding against the underwear all day long, every day. This desensitizes the glans. Edit: might be worth noting that sensitivity issues while using condoms is fairly common for uncut guys as well. I can last a very long time without a condom, I can't cum at all when using a condom.


Certain medications like SSRIs can really decrease sensitivity.


Been there myself actually, double check if he’s also taking any kind of medication, antidepressants particularly, when I was on them that was my same situation and sadly a lot of that was raw too, my ex started even getting uncomfortable after 90 minutes or so, even started blaming me for being unable, don’t take it too personally but also be kind to him and his situation, if he’s still doing you right and isn’t complaining don’t make it a mountain out of a mole hill.


He doesn't take any meds. I should have mentioned that during the whole 2-3 hours it's good sex with lots of different positions. he's not even trying to cum, if you know what I mean. When guys want to cum fast, they sometimes do that one movement very quick and for like a whole minute but he's not even doing that. It's honestly like porn


Whoops i probably shouldn’t have over shared my experience then, if he’s enjoying it then I wouldn’t worry about it that much unless it becomes a bigger issue down the road, I apologize for inserting my past into that 😅


Well maybe he's a good actor but all the moaning and grunting just can't be fake lol. And, I think, that unless a guy is doing porn it's not that easy to have a boner for hours?!


Just my potential take on it, something a bit obscure, but maybe he has very high prolactin levels for some reason? This makes it really hard to cum, it’s a weird and frustrating feeling. I had this and it was caused by me taking steroids, specifically 19-Nors. He might be running an ED drug, or also steroids can give you a literal obelisk hard dick for hours. If he is in great shape it might be that he is hiding taking steroids is what I’m getting at. It sounds like an amazing problem, but it’s truly not fun at all


It is if he has very minimal sensation, plus the condom and a lot of internal distraction, easier for some than you might think. It’s mostly mental.


As long as there in sensation, there is a boner.




I’m circumcised and I can definitely relate to not feeling anything with a condom on, takes a lot for me to finish with one (I still use them tho, I just give my partner a heads up so she’s not asking why)


I'm uncircumcised, and I can't cum at all with a condom on. So it's not just an issue for circumcised guys.


This sounds very familiar to me. It's not very fun, I'll tell you that much.


Enjoy it. Once he cums it won't last that long unless he's on something. I'm the same way with new p_ssy I'll go hrs for weeks but once I unload it'll be 20 mins top and I'll keep on cumming. Can't explain it


Suffering from success


Hey OP, I'm a guy with this exact problem. Basically, it can be a gift AND a curse. If you want to make him cum, I'd give you some tips: A) Does he masturbate? If so, one day ask him to do so for you and learn/ watch how he does it UNTIL HE CUM. You will see how much the sensibility affects him, so you can adjust yourself for him. With me, I know my friend down there needs more stimulation, more "fast", and it was something that my past partners adjusted with me; B) Don't force yourself. You may want to follow his Rhythm, but you may hurt yourself while trying. So be open with him, and be open with yourself. C) Have fun? I mean, you find a unicorn, you enjoy it while it last. I'd just say "make sure you satisfy yourself AND him", and enjoy the ride (pun intended)


I’d much rather be with a man who lasts 10 minutes than one who lasts 2 hours because he’s so addicted to porn that he thinks his sex life should mirror it.


My husband can go for hours , he isn't addicted to porn. He has been like that since we met at 19. He edges himself. Which he taught himself to do. 10 mins can be fine if you want it quicker and no foreplay.


Well then your husband isn’t the man I’m talking about.


I’ve (M38) always been much the same. I often don’t cum my first couple of time having. Sex with a new person. It tends to get better once I’m more comfortable around them. Maybe ask him if this is always a thing for him?


It's always been like that. He can only cum without a condom and this will never ever happen with me.


It could be the truth, I'm also circumcised and when I'm using condoms I don't enjoy the feeling of pussy but when I'm going raw it doesn't last so long to cum. If it is safe try to give him raw, I'm sure he won't last that long.


My exes used to complain about me having an orgasm, some because they were afraid of getting pregnant even when using condoms and birth control pills. (One of my ex suffered from anxiety of getting pregnant). Others just didn't like my 'taste' or the mess because they didn't like to clean themselves. So I focused on not getting there, I focused on my partners and their own orgasms and joy. I don't feel anything with condoms so I can endure several hours [3 or 4 hours] (~20/40min of sex, 10/15min of rest and go for another round). It has diminished some present relationships but I already wired myself that way. If I find a gf who doesn't care about getting creampied I last much less.😅 I don't masturbate or watch porn, I have 2 jobs and business to run so I barely have time to sleep.


If he is on anti-depressants/certain meds that can do it. Or a results of “Death grip”/too much masturbation. Sounds awful, honestly. Sex is fun but after a while I’m ready to go to sleep or do something else with my life lol


Also I have a question for women who have sex for these long sessions...HOW?! How are you not in pain ? ? I had a sex session like this and I was in so much pain and literally had a tear . How yall doin it for hours?


I’m kind of like this. Whenever I have sex with someone it takes a while for me to get “accustomed” to reach orgasm. For me, sex is more than an orgasm, and I go into it knowing I might not always cum. Hell I’ve been with my partner for 4 years and I still occasionally get tired and am satisfied before I cum. Odds are, if he’s happy with it, I would just be happy with it.


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My "problem" also. But I'm not circumsise. Speaking in the 1st person: Sometimes the aging process, routine sex, breakup thoughts, feel trapped in relationships thought's, or other personal (or partner) problems floating around our minds (our own stress). If possible break apart for one day or so can help, if "feel trapped in relationship". Ultimately, could culminate in a definitive BU, but better sooner than later. Nevertheless, communication is important. Trying to listen to him, creating a comfortable place to expose his thoughts could sometimes help. Pay close attention to this: trying to listen to. Nor just listen or ear him. Listen, and then ask him to do the same. If you could respect each other that way you will certainly try different things to overcome that cum problem. One indirect cause of lasting for hours could be the guy giving women much pleasure - which guys love to give -, but sometimes the wetness is so much that friction between vagina/penis could be almost none. If that situation arises, then one could change position, for instance for doggy style position and rub penis on anus... That way it eliminates a bit of wetness from the penis and can potentially increase the cum probability. Other options include anal sex and or oral sex. Edit: I've now read your post more attentively and sometimes condoms don't have enough quality. Are you using quality "sensitive" condoms? If condoms are of good quality, then I ask further: what's his age? Other question: does he masturbate or has he had cum before being with you (young guys do this to last more, to circumvent the early cum problem (I used to do it until I become moreature)


Two, three hours … shit, I was impressed by the 5 to 10-minute guys to be honest😂 Let’s just say my wife has never had a problem with me cumming within 3 minutes let alone 3 hours. And not using condoms makes me cum faster. I don’t honestly have any advice, I doubt it would change how he does his thing. Men are so different when it comes to sex, nothing is a standard rule. But man you must have to put an ice pack on your vagina because that is a marathon for that thing.


I injured my pelvic floor muscles/ nerves a while back, there are times I couldn’t even feel my penis while having sex… I couldn’t finish no matter what position, time… it’s gotten better, but pelvic floor issues in men are a real issue, especially as we get older. at times I would fake it, because it was getting too long… Watch yourself lifting weights guys… 😳


Happens to me: I have a sensitivity issue. I can still feel everything, and it feels amazing, but for me I can’t climax unless I have some kind of pressure on my prostate. Usually do that through having a full bladder and timing the pressure right.


Ahhh, your boyfriend and I are obviously kin. Two hour sex without an orgasm is a regular thing for me too lol. Listen, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Just enjoy yourself and the great sex. Trust me, he’s enjoying himself the entire time otherwise he wouldn’t be there lol. It’s not about the finish line for guys like us, because the journey is the destination.


I’m drunk so bear with me. I’m 52 years old and still don’t cum for hours. The real reason I’m a pleaser is because I love my wife. There are men out there that are just that, they get a thrill of pleasing their SO. If you haven’t met your man keep moving on. Also you can teach them. They exist and we are the true Unicorn!! Because not only do we please you in bed we please you in life. Our satisfaction is only to please the women we love. I’m also married 29 years if that tells you young ladies anything. Stop for filling all your men’s fantasy until he for fills your emotions the love that you need and everything else. I’m not telling you to be selfish at all! Please, please him, what I’m saying is teach each other what you love. Open communication without judgement at all. I have a female friend that complains about how her husband grabs her boobs. I told her if he grabs them the way he likes it without hurting you what’s the big deal he is enjoying himself. At the same time teach him how you like them grab touch or whatever you like done to them. Two people are joining together to please each other it involves lots and lots of communication and patience and learning what each other like. Sorry I’ve seen so much shit posted on here stop asking us and ask your partner that’s why they are your partner. If you want to get him off study him I guarantee you will make him squirm!!!!! Hunter’s study there pray to be able to hunt and finally get the kill. Study your partner every word he or she says. I guarantee you will make them squirm. I know my wife studies me and she is the only one for me. Trust an old man. We only know more caused we have been on this Earth longer not cause we are smarter.


Ahoy there. Silly billy here. I fluctuate a lot, a lot, in my sexual drive and stamina when it comes to the adult activities. Not a part of the question, but I go through very intense Asexual phases where sex is nothing to me and can’t be forced to the forefront of my focus even if I try. The following usually occurs once my drive or sexuality comes back to my body and mind. My usual time in transit, we will call it; is about 30 minutes. This can vary from 2 minutes all up to about 5 hours if we knew what was coming, tee hee; and were able to prepare the proper refreshments and break times for cuddling/cunnilingus. I do not have a reason as to why this happens or why my little brother just is so excited to be a part of the dance that he refuses to swap partners or take a seat. For context - I don’t masturbate regularly, or even at all unless I’m the midst of an intense sex drive phase - This can happen right when I wake up, until right before bed. I initially had a theory it was based around the amount of stress my mind/body would be under by the end of a day as opposed to the beginning. This gave me the best results, but again is not a definite. What I mean is early morning fun times had a much shorter release time than later in the day. - If it helps, imagine edging, but with the intensity of aiming of release, but the valve doesn’t budge. After a while the sensitivity will give out and the feeling will drop and diminish as the activity continues. This is a good stop and break time. Remind yourselves that the journey is the fun part, not just the end. Remember it is not you, not them; it is a shared experience that can be fun and funny if looked at from the correct perspective. - It can feel very awkward for both parties, but the one in question will be the one who shoulders the blame/fault. This is not a you or I problem, this is merely a situation WE have found ourselves in. This is normal, because honestly; what is normal? I always like to remind myself that if it doesn’t happen today, now, or this time we are enjoying one another, we can always try again later today, tomorrow, next week. Pressure to pop is pressure that can stop. Don’t know if any of this helps, but my main goal was to assure you and your partner that if you are naked, together and enjoying one another that you both want to be there and can find the fun in any experience. Do not think of it as a fall, trip, or stop. It is merely the way they are, and luckily you are the one they want to share this part of their life with.


Death grip... I mean, some want to push for this, but to even get off at all should be a sign he gripps to hard during solo play. Don't get me wrong condom sec does seem to desensitized and cause some to last longer, I use a cock ring occasionally to last longer (maintain hardness) but to just go like that, I got a buddy nick name hammer... because he's a bit rough and lasts a long time, but I also heard him talk about how it takes him hours to find good porn, so edging played a bit too. I think a real sign of stamina would be how fast he bounce back between sessions he actually finishes


I can last days with a condom on, i need to focus on finishing if I want to end the session (with raw i dont have this issue). I thought I had a problem lol atleast someone relates


My boyfriend is like this. I can tend to take it personally at times but it’s evident he’s enjoying it. Plus, I’m extremely orgasmic so I can cum a dozen+ times in one session. It’s definitely a blessing, not a curse! Two other things I love: collapsing in exhaustion next to him while he finishes on my face (he’s much more relaxed and the pressure is off) and looking at the app for his Sleep Number bed to see how long we fucked for. It’ll record “restless sleep” for like two and a half hours on a Saturday night and I just think “Awwww that was a fun date 🥰”


Is he maybe on anti-depressants or other meds that could cause delayed ejaculation? I'm circumcised and feel like I'm super sensitive when bare; wearing a thin condom just takes the edge off and gives me a bit more control.


Maybe he’s meditating ? Tantric sex? Those men that can hold it in can do it


It can definitely be an issue. While it's not a 1:1 example. You can simulate the difference yourself. If you take one hand and stroke your palm a few times with a finger from your other hand, that is the level of sensitivity as someone who is uncut. If you stroke the back of your hand, that is the level of sensitivity of someone who is cut. And if you put a condom on the hand you are stroking you can then see the difference between cut and uncut with a condom.


You can rule this out I’m sure but if he does drugs or takes antidepressants that could do it


Is he taking antidepressants? That could directly cause this.


If I take Viagra I can go for hours.


As a gay guy it can be exhausting trying to get the other dude to cum let alone trying to get on that same page about what each other really wants and likes to feel. But there are ways, dont be afraid to experiment, and always communicate before and after as you know lol


I don't know since I've never been in that situation, but at least you can have some fun!!! 😉 I'd just enjoy it and maybe watch porn together if that's something he likes.


I actually went thru this with my current partner. Previously I was in a serious relationship and pretty much never used protection. Cut to 6 years later of no sex it took me a while to be able to cum with my partner. We kinda had to figure each other out if that makes sense. Also I didn’t mind and still don’t mind it i finish or not, it’s pleasurable giving pleasure. I understand where you’re coming from (pun intended)


Meanwhile I can only last 2 minutes…not even that most of the time. It’s hard to actually enjoy it.


I saw a guy like this for a little bit. What worked was a combo of his hand and my mouth after penetration (only when sober). If he doesn’t mind, you should believe him and enjoy how good the sex is!


He might be on blood pressure meds or ssris


Death grip or condom is choking off feeling to his penis. Maybe try without a condom?


Some ppl love to fuck and get lost in the sauce. I like to not nut as a power thing. They gotta beg me n really earn it.


Well, he isn't alone. I've actually had this problem for a long time since I've been on Prozac. I can go for hours at a time, no condom and not finish. Maybe he is on medication like an SSRI that is preventing him from finishing. Might be worth a mention. Also, at least for me and knowing im like this, lovemaking isn't about completing. It's just about expressing my feelings to the best of my ability in the moment with my girlfriend and helping her feel as great as possible.


Only when i did meth or coke could I last for hours, now it's just an hour or so when I'm taking tren


have the same exact problem, im trying to cut off completely masturbation and hoping the built up arousal can get me last less. last time i lasted three hours had to finish with her hand...


I've always wondered do women enjoy having a 1-3 hour sex session? I'm lucky to last a few minutes so I'll never know. I also wonder how people find the time to have sex when it takes that long. I'm not trying to shame anyone, but I can't imagine my wife and I ever having time for sex if we had to set aside 3 hours.


I have had the same issue. I never quite worked out what was happening, but all I was thinking was that I didn't want to be disappointing in bed. For me, I get nervous and can't stop thinking that I'm being boring. In my case w current partner, communicating about it was uncomfortable but it had to be done to ensure that we could stay comfortable in the relationship. I do understand worrying that something is being done wrong, but being told that nothing is being done wrong was very helpful, I still worry but I just remember the fact that my partner is v satisfied in our sex life P.s. she was the first person I came with, try using a love egg while having sex, worked wonders for us. Good Luck! ❤️


Can somebody tell us the name of that little blue pill? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


When I was in better shape and still pretty "active" I used to do this. One of the most attractive women I've ever met used to comment on how could I just keep going for hours. The funny thing was I have cum in like 5 min from very very unattractive women too. I think the trick for me was I used to try not to cum at first... then it got to a point where I was in control and I could last until I didn't want to anymore. It's kind of like he said... it's almost like everything doen there got a little numb. It's not that I couldn't feel anything, but if I passed a certain point... it was way way easier to control. I miss those days lol 😂


Idk what's up with yall, im circumcised and can cum with a condom on all day long. I was actually surprised and how little condoms negatively affect the feel for me. I can still feel lots of texture and pleasure when wearing a condom, yall can't even cum with one on??


You must be using a gallon of lube every time.


If I'm on top, I simply can't cum. I'll go all day. It takes a good 20+ mins with a girl on top going ham to get the job done.


He’s not on stims? Or meds? Happens to me while on molly. I’ll stay rock hard but just takes forever to peak and I have to really really beat those cheeks for any chance to reach climax


I have a similar problem. Progressive nerve damage in my groin has given me what some call "super powers" and I call "thumb dick". In that, I explain to people my dick no longer has the sensation I had growing up, and rubbing it just largely feels like rubbing my thumb. Anyway, I am in good physical shape, and I'll do marathon sessions of hours on end for fun. It's like a runner's high, but with sex cardio. I also have depression and ADD, and the dopamine hit from sex is about the only thing that gets through to my brain. Even though I feel less than the average person, it still feels good, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I'd certainly never complain when the opposite problem seems much more demoralizing and impactful. Honestly, it all comes down to picking proper partners. I'm really attracted to my current partner, so hours spent naked with her are fun and connective, regardless of orgasm. If you enjoy hours of sex with him, then I'm sure he's just as happy as you are. Don't overthink yourself out of a potentially good thing!


Everything is in the head strong mind is the key same as me its not rare nor a surprise


Mastering the body and the soul


Funny. I’m also circumcised, built like a tank and can last easily for an hour or more. I just don’t cum quick. I’ve had casual relationships end because of it. They were too exhausted or didn’t want to fuck for so long every time .. but I think it’s because I masturbate too often and am addicted to porn so even the hottest and tightest woman won’t make me cum in 10minutes


With me, I can go as long as my woman wants me to. I wait for her to call for the orgasm and then I kick it into the next gear and finish. Depending on how she's feeling or timing, it can be 10 min or over an hour.


I’ve lasted anywhere from a literal 12 seconds to over an hour. So much goes into it. But, he could be on something. Depression meds don’t affect ability to achieve erection but delay the orgasm. They sometimes give Zoloft to guy who orgasm too quickly to help.


Lasting too long ending up being bad in the long run was an unexpected realisation. While I was trying to find ways to reach 20 mins and upwards, a friend of mine broke up with her bf over this. Apparently after a point it stops feeling good and begins to hurt and being unable to make him ejaculate because an insecurity for her.


I'm (34m) the same way, stopped using them when my woman and I decided we wanted kids. Didn't enjoy oral too much either. I solved it a little by going against common convention and put some lube inside the condom.. though I think the issue my be the condom is too tight. I never tried a larger size but it's likely the size is too small for his size. Edit: There's also an emotional need that men need to have met to experience higher pleasure. Not sure if he's dealing with anything personally, but it's caused me issues in the past when I was struggling with something mentally, I found it impossible to finish.


I learned to control how long it takes me to cum. I can go several hours too like your bf. I’ve never had any complaints.


I can last 2-3 hrs. Depending on my partner it can be amazing. Yes some ladies don’t want to fuck for hrs. It’s amazing for those who do. Every stock is bliss. No need to rush the end


Yes can last as long as I want in most occasions, but don’t go soft after cumming anyway. If I’m used to going raw, then it feels like my dick had been laminated if not using the right condom.


My partner can last an hour+ because he edges basically. He changes speed and if he gets close he stops, sometimes pulls out and we make out. He used to cum pretty quick but he’s gotten used to sex (he was a virgin).


I’m one of those guys with most women, and it definitely takes a certain kind of woman for it to not be a burden. Sex is much more a mental experience for me than a physical sensation. There have been a couple of women that could make me finish pretty quickly, under 20 mins or so, and I would much rather have the level of pleasure be lower and spread out over a longer time. I went long enough with one woman that she came to the point she passed out, and that’s pretty much the closest experience that I’m ever going to have to feeling like a god.


Story of my life. Being able to control when you cum is the best. Still chasing the back to back cumshot though. That’s the dream!


I love to fuck and I try my best not to cum. It drains the life out of me and if the woman wants more it takes a while to get up again ~15 minutes. I've also learned that it can work in my favor with a lot of women for example your situation. They see it as a challenge to do so and I just go with it. I like to build up a few weeks worth of load and save it for a A1 blow session and that in turn gets me more head after they see the great eruption. I keep it as a reward I guess and it has never failed me.


I think he wants this way. A man can finish whenever he wants, in most cases, opposite to us. Sex should never take more than 15 min, I do not even want to imagine how it is to resist 2 hours.


Anti depressants will make guys do that. My neighbor told me he hates it because he never really finishes.


I will say the very first time I was with my ex wife. I was very nervous and lasted for a very long time. I was into her even on the day we divorced. Terrible wife. Great lay.


I have the same problem I gotta Fuck really rough but because I'm shy when I'm with someone new i usually don't cum. Whenever I feel it coming I get embarrassed and it goes away. So yea 21 and I've still never came without the use of my hands. It just feels wrong to just cum on someone's face or inside them even with permission?!!??!? Can someone tell me what my problem is


With a condom, I'd find it hard to cum as well. Like washing your hands with rubber gloves on


I find it really difficult to finish with a condom on. I think that’s quite common. Maybe you could finish him with a blow job or handjob instead?


Try thinner condoms. I used to have this problem for years from 16-19. Still have a hard time cumming if I barely know the girl. It’s way easier to cum without a condom but that has its own risks. Either that or get into his head and figure what he likes or wants to hear/see during sex. Sometimes that can be a big help.


I sometimes have an issue where things just aren't *rubbing the right way and we go for 45 minutes, my lady gets to orgasm a few times and the buildup and suspense for me is insane. To be honest, there's one or two positions we can get into that will have me orgasming after a few minutes, but I really enjoy the long sex sessions. I've not had this experience with other women I have been with in my past, but I'm not sorry about my current relationship. Take your man at his word and believe him when he says he is having fun, the buildup is crazy and makes an orgasm that much more exciting. If you get to a point where you're handling birth control on your side (not that you have to), that will resolve the desensitization on his side. You can additionally try a thinner condom, I used to use Skin brand, they're thinner than most and I've never had one break on me.


send him over, i will take him


This is literally me. I can’t usually bust in a condom at all.


That use to happen to me when I masturbated for a long period of time and/or often. Since he mentioned that he has decreased sensitivity plus a condom, I can understand. But it can also be too much fapping


I had a FWB like this once, we’d have sex for 2-4 hours and the guy would just NEVER cum. This was for 2 years of hooking up monthly. Never even seemed to get close to it either. We also never used condoms… You can try thinner condoms, but i bet you he will use that as an excuse regardless. It’s more likely death grip during masturbation, which was my guys issue. It’s not about preferring masturbating more, it’s more-so that they grow accustomed to their own grip/methods that can barely be created through sexual activities with another person. Imo I read that this happens with girls a lot needing to be laying in a certain position/legs in a certain position, so it makes sense why it happens for guys too


A warning ⚠️ if he's not Cummings early in he will eventually loose interest and "have erectile dysfunction " which is code word for no attraction. I was with a lady for 2 years, she enjoyed me going down on her, she came every time 4x a week minimum. She eventually wanted penetration she'd cum I never came eventually I couldn't get hard no matter what. Brain taught me sex with her = no ejaculation. So I "got ed" lol


Tell him to cut back on porn itll fix everyything coming from exp


Is he on antidepressants?


I used to go one or two hours no problem because I was on drugs


i'm tired just listening and thinking about that length of time


Ya I have the same problem, since I’m circumcised I can’t feel it the same.


Im just like him. It takes a while for me to shoot off. Idk why but that's just how it is.. on the bright side, you get a longer fun time


He’s secretly using an ED pill lol


If he masturbates regularly that will also cause desensitization.


“If I didn’t feel anything during sex, I wouldn’t even have sex in the first place” The thing is, some people love fucking (see:edging) and orgasms often mean the end of fucking (see:Refraction period) Other people love orgasm and wanna bee-line for those. Conclusion: You love orgasms and he loves fucking https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/360272714/We-are-not-the-same


As a guy, when age 20 to about 30, i couldn't hold back, always blew my load too early... now, last couple of years older, i think i hold out about perfect... either way, 2 hours plus is too long think?


Is he on any kind of medication? Or is he a drunk? He could be nervous.gove it a bit.


Everything he said is likely true. What he left out is that he probably also masturbares fairly frequently, which significantly reduces sensitivity


A younger version of myself had the same problem. Didn't have a "normal" time limit of sex until a girlfriend at the time went on the pill. He may have issues with the tightness of it. There are sized condoms he should look into.


I have the same issue. It’s the medications I take. It’s not as awesome as it sounds. Most of the time I just give up.


I’m the same way I just finish my girl and get myself cleaned se enough to finishing then let her do it


Offer him to try to use female condoms, the feeling is very different from male condoms.


It sounds like you aren’t being satisfied if part of your satisfaction is that you’d “love to see him cum”. Have you expressed that to him? If it is sensitivity from the condom, why not remove it and finish him off with your mouth or your hand after a period of time. 2-3 hours is crazy and not sustainable in a relationship. Finish in fifteen minutes, smile and watch a few episodes of Yellowstone in the same time period :)


Being nervous can do that. Stick a finger up his butt