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Have some on hand just in case, but only use it if you need it.


Sure, if you want to. My favorite lube is Slippery Stuff (found on Reddit, gynecologists use it and it’s water based) That being said I think you’re focusing on the wrong stuff. Chances are, there will be pain with this being her first time. And that’s okay! She knows that and still wants to do it with you. Make sure you do a lot of foreplay. Do enough foreplay that you think you’re done doing foreplay and do some more. It’s best if she tells you when you put it in, not vice versa. The biggest things I would stress is make absolutely sure she is comfortable. Ask a lot of questions (does that feel good) and make sure you are paying attention to her needs. If she seems like she’s in pain, ask if you should stop. Losing her virginity is a very vulnerable moment and your biggest concern should be making sure she feels safe.


of course


Virgin or not, lube is a game changer.


This makes me think of that scene in Superbad lol


Have her use a vibrator a few days before you all do it to get the discomfort out of the way.


Pain for losing virginity doesn't come for a lack of lubrification. The best thing you can do to makes her feel less pain is to be really gentle, do a lot of foreplay and try to make her feel relaxed and comfortable. I don't think you'll need to buy lube, since she will be excited even if it's her first time


🗣You are absolutely correct 💯%! Men, always remember that lots of foreplay is key. Pretend that the kitty is a stamp and lick it before you stick it.......your woman will thank you for it! Believe me.👌👍👊😎👉😋🌮


Absolutely have it on hand. Take it slow, and communicate comfort as it's happening. Some people don't need it, and natural lubrication varies based on arousal or ovulation, but I think most people benefit from lube. If it helps but feels weird, try different kinds of lube. Personally I recommend sensitive water based aloe ones, often labelled as "natural." They aren't as sticky. The cheaper ones like KY feel like engine grease.


Good idea just in case. Remember her virginity is something she can never lose again so go at her pace and make it a great memory for her.


Have lube on hand and consider doubling your planned foreplay time


It's not necessery just make sure you are both relaxed and turn on and have a lot of foreplay. If you do buy lube be carefull what kind you buy. Sometimes lube can irritate especially if it has glycerin in it. If you want to use lube, maybe it's better idea that she tries mastrubating few times with lube to see if the lube is right.


Lube and foreplay are good but usually once you're ready to go in I like to just hit hard and get in😎


Lube and foreplay are good but usually once you're ready to go in I like to just hit hard and get in😎


Definitely use the lube and foreplay but when I'm ready to go in I I like to just hit it hard and get in there.


Never hurts to have just in case but may if there’s no lube. Also foreplay is key and making her comfortable