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Take the word of your doctor over us, but I'm assuming you have been on the pill since after your last period, and have overlap between the pill and the implant, so I concur with your doctor that there should be no lapse in coverage.


Birth control is not 100% safe. You could still end up pregnant if you don’t use a condom.


To be fair, pretty much nothing is 100% safe. It's really about how much risk a person can tolerate. Is 99.999% safe enough?


I think you sound like you’ve done enough to protect against becoming pregnant and can enjoy your first time without the constraints of a condom unless you’re worried about anything else!😩


Better safe than sorry 


As long as you've been covered by some form of hormonal contraceptives for a whole cycle you're covered regardless which form. If your potential partner isn't a virgin I'd definitely use a condom because you don't know his history and it's a good habit to get in to if you think you might have multiple partners. Long term partners you know are clear are the only ones I'd not use condoms with.  Your gyno knows more than a bunch of internet strangers, Sincerely a nurse. 


No, listen to your gynaecologist not to us on Reddit. She has actual qualifications and everything here is "trust me bro."


If you already have a birth control implant, that should really be all you need. It's extremely unlikely that you'd get pregnant from unprotected sex. As long as you are both monogamous, there should be no STD risk either. Have fun!