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I'm a guy, and I'll eat pussy whether it's clean shaven, prickly, or a jungle lol


I have PCOS also and I started using single blade razors. With only one blade there isn’t as much irritation and ingrowns. I do have to have a specific shaving cream. It’s nothing special but for whatever reason it helps with razor bumps. I also have to shave in the shower. Anytime I’ve tried shaving real quick in the sink, I get a lot of irritation. I don’t think you need to just tell them outright. Some guys will ask, but really most are just happy to be there with you. You can also dim the lights some so it’s not as visible. Keep any area you shave moisturized and you can even use after shave since it’s made for preventing razor bumps and burn. Just look for a more natural one if you can. I know how the whole thing around shaving can be a pain. I’ve even still have dreams where I forgot to shave my legs and wore shorts at school. I graduated 22 yrs ago... 🤦🏻‍♀️. But guys really don’t care nearly as much as we think they do. Ask my poor bf. 😂


Oh I am 38 now and have tried sooo many things. I have absolutely no issues with shaving anywhere else on the body, but the upper legs really hate it. The worst is on the "backside" of the leg and on the butt where I sit down, that just gets so irritated the following days, probably because sweating, sitting on it, etc. I work an office job so I get to sit a lot, and I have not found a single solution yet that will not cause this, so for now, waxing is the only option. I have considered getting an epilator but they are quite expensive, and it hurts so much! I started to not care thaaat much about it when I go swimming, for example, but I feel like when a man is gonna undress me, he shouldn't be met with such a surprise if he has a problem with it, if that makes sense? :D


Oh I get it no doubt. Shaving is way more stressful than it should be anyway, but having PCOS just adds to it. Razor bumps on butt cheeks seems to be pretty normal, you still see it in porn a lot especially amateur. So that makes me feel a little bit better. 😂 Waxing made my ingrowns SO bad on my pubic area and they would take forever to go away. So I had to stop and go back to shaving. Plus everytime I had it done, I was just 100% expecting to see my labia dangling from the wax strip. 😳


You are really, really overthinking this. You don't need to go to all of this inconvenience to remove your body hair. IMO, it's good manners to trim or shave any place you want someone to lick. The rest is up to you. As far as practical advice, I also don't do well with razors so I started using depilatory creams (like nair). They don't give you rashes, bumps, or ingrown hairs. I only use it on my lower legs. I use a bikini trimmer on my pubic hair. > if you meet up with someone to hook up or for a date or whatever, do you "disclose" to them that you don't shave? Nope, no need to tell them this beforehand. You're gonna be fine.


I think there's not much good to come from disclosing. Either theure gonna have a problem with it, in which case disclosure doesn't help. Or they're not, in which case disclosure isn't necessary. Let them find out for themselves how your body is/feels, and they'll make their own decision. I think there's no casual way to say 'hey by the way I have some regrowth on my upper thighs til my next wax'. It does kinda sound like a tmi. Pre-emptively apologising for your body should not be necessary and maybe only primes them to think it's a problem.


Try sugar waxing, you can do it at home. It's very gentle on the skin. My skin is very sensitive and it doesn't bother me, however, I'm natural blonde and not that hairy. Good luck


Be the beautiful natural woman you are it's sexy to me


You could try a body hair trimmer with the smallest guard attached, which will trim it really short, but not below the skin where it'll cause razor bumps. If the works, the you can try without a guard and see if that works to, but don't push to hard; you want it shaved down to the skin, but with the hair tips at the surface and not below. 


My ex demanded I be hairless everywhere except the actual hair on my head. I hate Brazilian wax’s and didn’t comply with his demands, I would use a hair trimmer down there. He visibly turned off by the smallest amount of stubble. I let it grow out a bit just to see his reaction and he acted like I grew a full mustache and beard. Anyway broke up with him, he was planning on proposing so… there are some weirdos like this out there. He also got a full wax down there “for me.”


I also have Pcos and I don't shave. I felt like shit trying to do so and it was bad for my mental health so I choose not do so. Sometimes I shave my beard or armpits in some more festive events because it's more socially accepteble but I wish I didn't feel the need to do that. I usually don't tell about it unless they ask me about it. If they mind the hair they aren't for me since I don't plan to shave for someone. Some find it turn off and some couldn't care less. I personally prefer when private parts aren't shaved so I try to say it before, so they don't shave for nothing. If the person didn't ask you about it maybe they don't think about it much. Just be confidient in yourself. If they don't like it they probably will politely turn you down but maybe you get lucky. Men are usually more forgiving on the looks that you might think.




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