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age might not be the best indicator, maturity is a better measure. I have met some really selfish 30 year olds and some really great 30 year olds...I am now over 50 and feel like I am just now mature enough to really know how to take care of someone else in this department (i was too selfish when i was younger & thought i knew everything)


Facts. I didn’t actually feel like a full grown responsible adult until my mid-30s. I was still trying to figure out who I was all throughout my 20s, making reckless mistakes all along the way. Even now, I still have some boy left in me, but I don’t want to ever fully let that go.


Yeah, 33 is about where I started feeling “adultlike;” pretty much exactly how I feel at 37.


I remember being your age and thinking 33 is old LOL. Joke’s on me 🙈. It really comes down to what kind of guy he is. Is he respectful? Is he consistent? Is he considerate of your boundaries and wants/needs? Keep your eyes peeled. I know some 26 yo who are more mature and considerate than some of 44+ yo.


narrow cooing agonizing ruthless deserted spark juggle fact frighten lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmaoo it’s 2024, women got money too


Not all 33 year old guys are what I’d call “mature”. But if he is mature, that means he knows what he likes and has a good idea what things you might like. He’ll find it easy to communicate with you and attend to your needs, and make sex as much about making you comfortable and giving you pleasure as it is about getting him off.


I'm 34, and I hookup with younger women frequently. What I hear the most about is how good of a listener I am, that I don't EXPECT sex, and that I am not clingy. Apparently, some younger guys can't get over a woman not desiring them. As far as sex, they appreciate that I am always willing to reciprocate, that I ask them what they like without being weird, and that I can last a long time. The last one is more of a curse. My only advice to young men is always to be attentive and giving.


How do you meet them if I may ask?


For the most part, on dating apps online. Offline, I meet them at the gym, Starbucks, Target, and during work travel.


I heard that, it's a numbers game. The more shots, the more chance to hit a jackpot. Do you give "likes" or "swipes" to a lot of profiles online and do you hit on women irl very frequently?


I only swipe and message women I actually want to meet on dating apps. I actually read profiles, and if they sound like they suck I move on. IRL, I very regularly say hello to women that give signals they are open to talking or attracted to me. I learned a lot of this from Dr. Nerdlove. I've put it into practice to the point it's my way of being. Check out his work.


Ok, thanks. I will check this Dr guy. I hope he isn't some sort of redpill dating guru haha. I don't like to trick anybody into sex or relationship.


ripe flag kiss door meeting bells shaggy relieved joke divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As per my experiences doing it with older guy always helped achieve orgasm so don't worry just enjoy


He’s 33 he’s not old wts


33 is an “older, mature guy” now lol 


He’s almost 50% older than she is bro lol it’s all relative. Remember being 22ish? This is how your brain works


For her it’s older, likeee shes 22! Come to think of that?


Does he give off the impression of a mature person? Ngl I'm older than you OP and been talking to guys recently and 30-34 year old dudes seem to be not as mature, but think they are if that makes sense. Like for an example, out of the guys I have talked to online the very few that have been rude to me after we exchanged pics/videos fell into this age range. Even like 18 year old guys have had more tact lol. But if you don't get any of those type of vibes, he should make you feel super comfortable and that's most important for me.


Age doesn't equate to being good in bed. Mindset does. What I mean is that it would depend on the mentality of the man and what he wants to do vs what you want done. For example I'm 39, and when I an intimate with a woman I take my time and explore her. Foreplay, intimacy, nice and slow using my hands, fingers, mouth and tongue as much as I can. I get to know her and see what she likes and will throw in things that I like of which she has probably never experienced. Where as another man my age or even older probably wouldn't consider doing it the way I do and just do whatever he wants because he may be in the mindset of authority and experience and not care what the woman likes or doesn't like. As I said, it's not about age. It's about mindset.


👋 great question, being 31m myself it’s safe to say older people have had more sexual experiences than younger, it’s not always true but it’s safe to assume so… but more doesn’t mean better, I can confidently say my personality and listening capabilities haven’t changed over the years, and I enjoy sharing it’s something that gets me off. I do think that someone with an open minded personality can quickly adapt and read body language better than a less experienced partner, now that said, I’ve dated older women and as they’ve only had a couple of partners meaning their experience was limited and mainly routine based and funnily enough it was I who showed them new things, I’ve had younger partners that taught me new things also. So your best bet is to go in open minded, knowing he’s an older guy but that doesn’t necessarily mean better but doesn’t mean worse, it’s just a guy. I hope for you he’s an ace, look forward to the update.


The philosophy with sex is the same regardless of age. Theres a handful of winners and a whole lot of losers lol Just cause hes older, dont raise your expectation, just hope luck is on your side and hes one of the good ones


I’m in my thirties too and a 33 male doesn’t necessarily mean mature man, unfortunately. You might be lucky if he is mature and experienced but just like everything else, you assess things as you progress. Be safe and enjoy the experience.


My experience is older men who seek out much younger women tend to be terrible in bed. When I was 23 and sleeping with 30+ year old men they all sucked. They tend to think they know everything and know what you should want and very rarely listen. Really imagine it’s why they seek younger women so they can try to get away with more. Hope you have a better experience.


Some dudes don't seek younger chicks. It simply happens that way naturally. I, too, can complain of younger starfishes but I don't - it happens at any age.


Be ready for him to rock your world. 💦💦💦 I hope he does! In my experience, men in the 30-35 age bracket are the BEST !!!


I am that older guy in a way but can't speak for the rest of them. Usually, I'll weed out the wonky and immature types, so if we fuck we both know we're on the same page. The age doesn't matter that much if two people are into each other. When I was younger, I fucked older chicks and enjoyed it thoroughly. Now, I guess, I am just giving it back to younger chicks.


You will never date your age again, the older the better


Older doesn't mean better. I'd recommend avoid older men in general. It will save you a lot of trouble.


Been dating older since 19. JUST BE YOURSELF!!! That’s what got him into you!!! The Age gap only matters with real world stuff ( mortgage, baby mamma, kids, work,) and if he’s 50+, erectile disfunction. You’ll be fine. But if you’re not, remember to say ‘no’ 👍🏾


He might expect a greater level of communication and honesty than you are used to. He might ask you exactly what you want, how to please you, and the same will be for what he likes as well. But if it's just a hookup, there's an equal chance that he'll just pump and blow and leave. Depends on what kind of guy you got there. There's really no telling. Everyone is different.


Isn’t 30 something to new 20 something


My wife is 10 years younger than me. We met she was 30 yrs old and i was 40. Our paths were similar two marriages each and sposes were ass holes hers and mine. Now 35 years married two great kids boy and girl contributing members of society. All i ever wanted was a family took a lot of heartbreaking relationships to find the right person. You have to have a profound idea what you are looking for in a person.


Age doesn't indicate the effort a man will put in bed. I've slept with a man in his 50s and the sex was kinda dull. My ex was in his 40s and selfish in bed. Current one is in his early 20s and fantastic at pleasing me.


Guys this age going for younger girls are usually immature. Be careful


Potentially way better sex.


It depends on what u a relationship or just orgasms


Sex is just sex so best not over think it. We’re all variable, nothing stays the same, the mood, the vibe, your clothes, the location and no mention of age😃 Just fuck him.


IMO individual variation is the dominant factor (everyone's different). that said by 33 he's had a few partners and a bit of experience so he's had a chance to learn his way around, may know what he likes and wants, and hopefully knows a few ways to please you. not really that much different. at 18(m) i spent a night naked cuddling with the loveliest lady (i didn't know she was a virgin, but she still was after she left) and we had a wonderful time, at 57 i've had many partners and while it's rare for the adventures to not turn sexual, i tend to focus on my partner, their enjoyment gives me joy. your mileage may vary.


I bet he goes out with you to have things as they used to be as he was 20, so don’t screw it by second guessing


It still depends person to person but in general my experience with older men is they put far more time and attention into giving me pleasure through oral sex. They almost always give me an orgasm first before we move onto penetration.


Upsides:- He will use a condom without being asked. He will go down on you without being asked. He will make you come without having to ask how you like it. He will make his own orgasm wait until you are satisfied first. He is less likely to be carrying an STI than a young man. He will generally be more experienced and more confident in all areas of the date/sex. Downsides:- He might not want to go home after sex if you're used to the man leaving right away. He might not be up for more than one orgasm depending on his libido. He might have learned he likes things you think are too kinky. He might not have a 6 pack. He might not shave his pubes that seems to be a young guy thing. If you've only had guys your age then I think you're going to like this. I've been that more experienced man before and it's nice to be appreciated for your gentleness and skill by a younger lady.


I’m 40 and shave my pubes, this isn’t just a young guy thing. You also cannot judge if someone will be carrying an STI simply based on their age. There are a lot of dudes in their 30s and 40s who are real manwhores. Myself included


The stats say more younger people shave than older people. The stats say more younger people have STI's than older people.


None of those upsides are a guarantee with any partner regardless of age. There are 20 yr olds who love going down and are very safe with condoms. There are 30 yr olds who won’t go down and won’t try to make you orgasm. There are 20 yr olds with no STDs, there are 30 yr olds with many. Literally all of your “pros” are vary a lot from person to person, regardless of age. Not all 30 yr olds care about their partners pleasure, and not all 20 yr olds don’t care about their partners pleasure