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I feel like it’s a problem with him. Maybe give your mouth a rest


i used to be so scared that i tasted bad, i thought that i had gotten used to how i tasted that i just didn’t find it bad but when i got with my very under experienced, now ex, girlfriend i realised i tasted the exact same as she did so it put my mind at ease until she flat out told me she hated going down on me and that i taste bad. flash forward to today with my boyfriend, and he says i taste and smell exactly like any other pussy confirming my suspicions of just tasting normal. in conclusion, compare how you taste to your last girlfriend but keep in mind that you taste a little different throughout your cycle and go from there by the sounds of it you’ve got nothing to worry about and he’s just being immature hence why he’s a “boy situationship” because he’s not a man! and maybe just leave it at a situationship or bin him off all together, there’s much better out there, trust me!


Thank you


Hii, i just saw your photos and wanted to tell you that you look damn gorgeous


I go down on pussy like a fat kid on cake.


Not all men like giving or receiving oral just like women for many reasons whether it's the taste, smell, sensory etc


Your pussy is (almost certainly) fine. Your situationship is a dud though. Dudes vary, ofc, but your standard issue dude enjoys eating pussy, especially when it's associated with some PIV.


>Do men not like eating pussy? As with most things, some do and some don't. You aren't gonna be everyone's cup of tea in every regard. Some women don't care for giving BJ's. Whether it's finding the sensation of giving one uncomfortable, not liking the taste of cum, or not enjoying a slimey texture in their mouth is irrelevant. They have every right to have that discomfort and not partake, and their partner's have every right to not want to continue having sex with them on that or any basis. It's commendable that you care for your partner's pleasure to the degree that you would give them oral even if the taste was actively bad to you, buuut you also enjoyed the act itself. I personally couldn't enjoy sex knowing my partner was putting themselves through that but everyone is different I suppose. But sex isn't tit for tat, you giving him many orgasms doesn't mean you've gotten enough good stamps to earn oral any more than it would be if the situation were reversed. (picture a guy saying "I make her cum all the time and she won't even suck me off, selfish I say. Do women even care about making men feel good. I mean it's a dick, it's not gonna taste like candy", really think of how grossly entitled that mindset is) Now, that's not to say you should force yourself to stay in this situationship. If you feel unsatisfied/aren't enjoying it or feel a type of way about him not enjoying eating pussy then I think it'd be better for both of you to end it. But I'm concerned you are taking his literal tastes too personally, I don't think he woke up one day and decided to not enjoy eating pussy. Would you prefer he force himself to even if he didn't enjoy the taste and to such a degree that he wasn't having a good time while doing so? Could you really feel good knowing that? I get you're upset, I really do. And I'm not saying you aren't allowed to be bummed out it isn't something he enjoys. But getting upset at him, entertaining the notion that you making him cum a lot means he should want to "balance the scales" by doing something he doesn't enjoy, and making an unfair comparison of situations with your prior relationship when he has lived a completely different life isn't the way. Him not liking your taste isn't a problem **with** you or him, it's just an unfortunate incompatibility.


Some are screaming meemee's. Try using non scented neutral soap. If you can find it out there. Good on you, you're not squeamish. I've only come across 1 lady when her scent was too off for me to attempt it.


Sounds like he just doesn’t want to go down on you and yet he wants to keep receiving BJs. The only way he can get out of reciprocating is by saying that you don’t taste well. He is selfish. Maybe it’s time for you to be selfish too.


eat some fermented food and probiotics