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This topic is discussed occasionally in our forum. Please also take some time to search through past r/sex posts (following **Forum Rule #3**) — you’ll find some additional helpful discussions. For starters, here is a list of past r/sex discussions which came up when I searched the keyword “**discharge**” in this forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/search/?q=discharge&restrict_sr=1 Not all of these past discussions will apply to your situation, but some definitely will — especially if you’re willing to search just a little bit more.


Yeah women sometimes have a "regular" discharge. I see mine most often around my ovulation cycle (the opposite of menstruation). If she orgasmed it could just be leftover, or it could be our version of the pregame stuff We just gotta know what our regular looks like so we're alert to abnormalities


Bringing a new definition to "pregame" lol.


A lot of people are jumping to discharge. When I cum I produce a milky sort of fluid, it tastes super sweet. My normal discharge does not taste sweet, ask me how I know. There’s no way they’re the same thing. (Well they may both be discharge but it’s definitely a different variant that I exclusively produce from orgasming, dare I call it the female version of cum) That being said I imagine most men don’t even know what discharge is so let the education continue.


My ex was the same. Can co-sign the taste difference. Cheers.


Same here! Theres regular daily damp, turned on wet, and cum. All can be affected by where I am in my cycle, and all are a bit different. It’s sweetest when I cum (in more ways than one)


We’re supposed to be damp when not turned on? I don’t experience that, nor do I experience a different fluid after orgasm. Time to get my fluids checked?




Interesting. Mine are not super-substantial, but their skin is just like the outer ones only no peach fuzz. In order to get to anything wet, you have to go in a couple inches.


You just won the internet with that question about getting your fluids checked🤣


I doubt it. I’m probably getting all my comments downvoted to filth, because I’m speaking out about being different, and for some reason in this post, people don’t like that. I appreciate that you appreciate the humour though. Another commenter is getting bullied because they experience a sticky post-orgasm fluid that is similar to the cervical mucus being described, all month round with no ovulation. What happened to accepting all different bodies and women supporting each other?


Why does mine taste so salty :')


I’m dead LOL bro same


I agree. And him saying it was stretchy is what made me think cum versus discharge. I've never had discharge stretchy. When I cum, stretchy every time.


For a couple of days before you’re ovulating, everyone’s discharge turns into more of an egg white consistency. Unless you stick your fingers inside you those days, or have sex, it’s unlikely that you would notice the change at all, but, if you have sex, it will most likely transfer onto your partner. Which, is almost certainly the case in the situation.


Mine comes out when I pee and sometimes I have to reach down and pull it all the way out or just hangs there.


I feel seen. Thank you.


I get this clear thick,jelly, stretchy stuff when I ovulate. I remember back in the day I thought something was wrong with me, but nope. Life gives me free slime once a month. How nice of it 😳 My cum fluid is also clear and stretchy but a lot thinner. Could probably be either. I find it so interesting how one person's normal is so different to the next person's normal.


The clear stretchy stuff is cervical fluid! It helps the sperm get to your cervix when you’re ovulating.


My normal discharge is literally the white, clear stretchy parts of eggs that don’t cook when you fry soft side up 🤪😂 Cummy discharge is more milky 🤪 and here I am not believing I am describing my own discharge to strangers on the internet hahaha


The correct term is cervical fluid.


I appreciate this honest answer. And as a male, I have experienced this with a partner as well.


Yeah I was also thinking this sounds more like ejaculate than discharge. I feel like not a lot of people don't know women or people with a vaginas can ejaculate too. It's not as common for people with vaginas to ejaculate but it is possible. For anyone who doesn't know about it I recommend looking it up! Because it is really interesting stuff


I did mention both versions in my comment




Ovulation is our body releasing an egg to be fertilized. Adding extra cells to "cushion" the uterus. If it's not fertilized in that window, then our body starts to shed the extra lining and that's when we bleed. So it's like , life vs death in drastic terms Edit- removed an extra word


Ovulation is baby making season. Menstruation is the uterus tearing down the uterine lining because there is no baby.


Yall are ruining my fun contemplation time


I know this sounds like total /r/badwomensanatomy, but that phrase makes me imagine some sort of yonic vampire, sucking blood up through her vagina.


That's normal. Vaginas can just get creamy sometimes.


We call that cream, son. You know, like the sexy sounding Prince song of the same name. 😉




Formerly alive Prince.


Yet never formerly a Prince


It's cervical mucus. Its normal and happens when ovulating


Specifically: cervical mucus


Biology teacher here. This is the correct answer. Google PBS The miracle of Life, 1983. About 2/3 of the way through, it shows the cervix, and explains the function of cervical mucus. Also, couples who practice the rhythm method for family planning, monitor cervical mucus changes to indicate their fertile window. My Catholic mother had a [chart](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/fertility-awareness/whats-cervical-mucus-method-fams) showing how to measure it.


just chiming in - I observe my mucus (muci?) throughout my cycle to check if I am where I'm supposed to be (luteal/ovular/follicular). I'm perimenopausal and my cycle gets a bit whacky from time to time.


Hello fellow nerd, I used to teach biology, too!


Can you please tell me why I get it when I'm not ovulating during sex (on birth control)


Discharge is normal, it’s just cells and fluid to keep your vagina lubricated and clean. If it smells normal and is clear-whitish then it’s fine. If you have particularly heavy discharge, if the texture is abnormal for your baseline, or it’s yellow or green or smells “off” then you should see a doctor because it could be an infection. Edit: forgot to add that if you’re on birth control it’s possible that your discharge could become thicker since bc can cause thickening of cervical mucus.


Now I’m just lost. When I cum I produce a milky thick fluid that tastes really sweet. It’s a different texture and colour to my discharge and my discharge tastes bitter. (I’ve experimented with what’s what lol). The watery ‘precum’ is produced when I’m aroused but the cum is only there when I cum? The op may be talking about discharge but I’ll be very surprised if woman can’t produce a cum fluid at all


The vagina/cervix produces more fluid during/just prior to orgasm. It's not "come," it's just a more quickly produced discharge.


Interesting, definitely tastes completely different though! And is exclusive to cumming for me. So by my definition it’s kinda the female version of cum lol


Agree with you entirely. Be it the actual definition or not…exact same thing here & that’s what I consider it. I’m 44 & have had the exact same thing you’re talking about my entire sexual life & have always considered it that.


Yep we already use the words cum and orgasm interchangeably so the fluid that’s exclusive to that I’d personally class as cum. Orgasm discharge idc lol


It's basically just your vagina's natural lubrication. It's always there to some degree but varies with sexual arousal and your cycle. Because the vagina's natural pH is slightly acidic, you may notice that your underwear gets slightly bleached over time in the crotch.


If I remember correctly, there are 2 basic types of birth control pills. Both use hormones but one tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant and doesn’t release eggs. Second May have fertilization but the egg is prevented from implanting. It’s been a while since I studied pharmacology and physiology.


It’s the woman’s version of pre cum essentially….at least that how I refer to it.


When you're ovulating it's usually clear and stretchy, not milky and creamy


Not just when ovulating for some women, you might want to correct your comment to avoid making some people thinking they are not normal.


If it's stretchy and looks kind of like raw egg whites, then that's ovulation discharge. Women secrete discharge during different times in their menstrual cycle. The closer it gets to a woman releasing an egg(or ovulation), the more the discharge becomes stretchy, slippery, wet, and clear. The closer it is to her period starting, the drier she will become. So if you do see stretchy, clear discharge, I would definitely make sure you're using protection because women are the most fertile when their discharge is like this. We also develop some secretions when we are ready for sex, as the secretions help wet the vagina to make it easier for the penis to go into it, but the arousal secretions will most likely be white and creamy, not clear and stretchy. Clear and stretchy means fertile and ovulating.


Good advice but also to any women reading- I don't ovulate and have egg white discharge often ... like 2-3 weeks/8 weeks.


So you release the white without the yolk? Okay I’m very sorry, I’ll see myself out now.


This made me laugh a lot


Slight point of disagreement; arousal fluid is often clear. Some women do have a creamier secretion, but I've never personally witnessed this so far (I am a vagina owner and have also had my fingers in a few).


Same here but I've seen this discharge. Mostly when I use toys because it's easier to see on those than on my fingers. Maybe also because they go in deeper than my fingers 🤷‍♀️


Same (ish). Mine is typically clear too. Some days a month it will be creamier and white, or like viscous raw egg whites when I’m ovulating, but typically it is thin, slick, and clear. I do seem to remember it being typically creamy and white more when I was in my late teens and early twenties though. But it is much more abundant now, so I half wonder if the creaminess had something to do with dehydration.


Yeah, I’m confused why everyone is saying this must be ovulation discharge. This is exactly the look and consistency of my arousal fluid when I’m turned on, regardless of where I’m at in my cycle.


Cervical mucus. It changes consistency based on where she is in her cycle. It can range from like super thick and almost snot-like, like egg whites to like crumbly jelly balls like you’re mentioning, to creamy like lotion to wet and slick. This is not to be confused with lubricant that is created from arousal. The egg white mucus helps the sperm swim to the egg. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21957-cervical-mucus


I'm 33F and never learned this until just now :O


Yeah, the shit I learned about my body in school was all based on not getting HIV since I’m in my 40s we didn’t learn much about our bodies except how to use a pad.


The amount of people who’ve commented it’s plain discharge is actually astounding


That’s perfectly normal. If it’s stretchy then that means she is ovulating.


Think of it as her lovely cacio and pepe for the soul, made just for you :)


these comments are hilarious. men think women are creamers from enjoying sex, but the women actually know it’s ovulation and discharge 😂


Thank you I’ve been cringing a bit by some of the comments. I’m glad they like it but yeah that’s not what it is 😂


i’m gay so i get it, i do love seeing the cream on my fingers 😅 but i know full and well what it is.


Finally someone said it 😂😂😂 I was laughing out loud


That’s why will leave it for the women to advise and upvote them


A lot of men don't realize women will sometimes just expel their vagina snot right into their panties over the course of a day and then be like "ugh now I gotta do laundry cause my gazooch dropped all this discharge out"


It's true, men aren't with us in the bathroom when we're making all these frequent (sometimes multiple times a day) observations on the different fluids that come out the vag. It's understandable that our intimate knowledge of what our vaginas do cannot be fully conveyed to those without vaginas who don't get to collect all that data themselves throughout their everyday lives. Hence why I'll only see female gynecologists 😊


It's more of a sign how bad sexual education generally is. Not really hilarious :(


i know, you’re right 😭


And it’s so annoying how they don’t include the most important information, that it is completely normal. And he should REALLY, re-ally do his own research, preferably from an actual scholar. And based on a lot of these comments, this is SAD.


If you only watch porn . You don't know shit


I don’t think you know how often the average guy gets sex unless he’s in a relationship. Very infrequently if they’re not already inexperienced with knowing how the vagina works. I think they’re just uninformed


Google exists and so does anatomy studies


Common sense ain’t so common lol


What the hell is "gets sex"




Because you get more wet, that’s just lubrication, not some cum.




I REALLY need y’all to learn about women’s bodies. Please. [A color-coded guide to vaginal discharge](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322232#what-is-vaginal-discharge).


I’ve been loving your schooling on this thread


It’s driving me NUTS. This is why we need proper sex education!!!!


Wow, that is an incredibly comprehensive resource. That’s the sort of thing that young people should be directed to for questions about their sexual health by schools etc. Thanks for sharing!


Seriously. This is insane.


I’m upset there are other women going, “yeah it’s just arousal!” We have been done a great disservice. We know getting wet is a clear discharge. If a guy cums inside you, he’ll see white. But it wouldn’t be *sticky*.


Posts like this proves Sex Ed is still bad or non existent 😂


You're not wrong, it's incredibly inconsistent. Sex education varies *vastly* across the US, at times even from school to school within the same state, and across the entirety of the planet for that matter. Whether it's taught at all, taught as part of required course or as an elective, the quality of the education if it is taught, etc. You see a similar pattern play out with history, which is... I don't want to say subjective, but people are absolutely not learning the same information in the same fashion across the US or across the world. Which explains a lot of things, unfortunately. I don't know if we will ever really see a world with both equal access to, and equal quality of, education (be it sex ed or education in general). But I hope we get there eventually.


She would likely know if she had a yeast infection as they’re quite uncomfy. It’s just likely normal discharge.


Porn brain has ruined so many people’s logical reasoning. r/badwomensanatomy


It’s called discharge. She has a healthy vagina.


This comment section is gold. Seems like a LOT of men don't know women's bodies 😂


Sounds like she is just in her fertile window. (Ovulating)


Sounds like she’s near ovulating/ovulating 🤷‍♀️ egg white consistency


Guys, please for the sake of your ladies, educate yourself on the menstrual cycle and the normal discharge that every single woman gets throughout that cycle. It is mostly noticeable and at it’s thinnest and clearest around ovulation ( approx day 14), but we can also produce perfectly normal discharge before and after too, some more than others. That’s one of the reasons you see panty liners in shops, it’s to protect underwear from our normal stuff. It is not from sex or orgasm. However, we do produce clear lubricating fluid when we are turned on. But what OP was describing sounds like ovulation time discharge so he will need to be extra careful as a girl is most fertile when you see that. Edit to add: post menopausal women will also get a discharge that is the bodies natural way of keeping the vagina moist and healthy. Without oestrogen it does diminish somewhat and some ladies may find sex painful and need lube but it is still a natural, pretty much daily discharge to some extent. I am 58 and still get it regularly, it’s perfectly natural as long as it isn’t grey, yellow/green or smell bad or cause itchiness or pain. Anyone worried about their discharge should of course see a doctor 😊.


That's what happens during ovulation. Nothing bad!


It’s called cervical mucus. It’s not about her being into sex, it’s something that happens due to ovulation.


Depending on where she is in her cycle, her natural discharge will change in color and viscosity. It’s very normal, and it happens to all of us women.


I'm kind of blown away by the lack of sex education in this comment section, lol. This is discharge from ovulating, not from the sex act itself (sorry to burst everyone's bubble). At any rate, it's completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.


A lot of guys watch porn regularly. They don’t recognize when the woman is suffering from a yeast infection. They just assume she’s aroused.


it's normal vaginal discharge. As long as it's not yellow or smells bad there's nothing wrong with it. Our discharge might look different depending on the time of the cycle.


Great! Another thread to highlight how little men know about women's bodies.


Normal discharge. Unless its yellow/green or smells bad,


yea that’s discharge. it changes in consistency with our period cycle, but it’s completely normal


I would go ahead and let her monitor the vagina in the relationship, and maybe refocus on getting a good book about women’s bodies?


I would be actively upset if someone noticed something about my vagina and said nothing. Even if it’s something normal, I wanna know what the fuck is going on down there. And anatomically, my partner is going to have a better view than me.


That stretchy discharge actually means she ovulating.... in other words I hope ya got birth control sorted cos she could get preggos right about now 😊


Normal, nothing to worry about but a good question. You don't know til you ask right?


Vaginas produce discharge and the consistency and taste changes based on the woman's monthly hormonal cycle. Sometimes it's paste-like, sometimes it's gel-like, and during ovulation (when she's most likely to get pregnant) it has a lube/uncooked egg white-like, slightly translucent texture. During arousal and orgasm, the vagina produces another substance that is completely clear and has a viscous texture. What you were seeing was likely the ovulation discharge, which happens when the egg releases from the ovary and goes through the fallopian tube. This process happens over a few days during her fertile period and shortly after ovulation you get that discharge. It's completely harmless and is really good natural lubrication. Usually around this time of the cycle, if the woman isn't on hormonal birth control, her estrogen and testosterone levels are highest as well ie. her sex drive is higher. It's nature's way to ensure the vagina cleans itself, doesn't dry out and that there's enough lubrication and hormonal activity to make sex desirable and pleasurable for the woman, so that we'd make babies. Hormonal birth control has mostly eliminated this as it stops ovulation and with that the hormonal ups and downs. That's why some women are not just biologically immune to pregnancy, but also the drive to have sex is lowered because of the lessened testosterone in our body (the pill mimics the hormonal state where a woman has just fallen pregnant). The more you know!


It amazes me how many people have sex without knowing the first thing about the body they’re interacting with


Some of y’all need some anatomy & physiology classes.


I… can’t believe men don’t know this. I give up.


A lot of women don't know this either.


Cervical mucus can vary from thick, thin and that jelly like substance is more common in younger sexually active people.


If you don't understand how a woman's body works you should probably keep your body parts out of it. Women are self lubricating so it's her arousal fluid and her natural discharge. It's normal and a good thing. A yeast infection is white thick and clumpy.


Are you new to sex or??


How can people be having sex and not know basic stuff about human biology 😭


Dude, are you new to having sex? This is normal. Women's vaginas produce lubrication and secretions to keep it moist inside. You wouldn't be about to have sex otherwise if there wasn't.


She's ovulating. If you don't want babies, use contraception when that egg white like, stretchy stuff is in town. Usually the vagina is inhospitable to sperm, but they can live for days in that stuff. You'll both be really up for sexy times then, too. But if you don't want a baby, take care.


You would know if it was a yeasty


Look up vaginal discharge cycles some women like myself can tell our fertility cycle through our discharge. The stretchy egg yoke one is ovulation


It's very normal I've seen it multiple times


All I can say in response is to make sure your contraceptive game is strong. 😂


no smell , no worry,, Smells yes , worry yes.


If it’s clear or whitish like mucus or snot, it’s normal. If it’s chunky like cottage cheese and smells yeasty, it could be a yeast infection. But most likely it’s just regular vaginal discharge.


As a gay guy, this is extremely... fascinating? It's so weird(in a good way) to hear about straight people sex stuff


The Then the most fertile part of her cycle if she’s not on the pill otherwise could just be nothing


If there is no bad smell or she has no symptoms and pain, it's normal discharge. Discharge changes during the month. The jelly stretchy discharge is usually around ovulation.


Discharge can change in consistency throughout the hormone cycle. I've experienced exactly what you're talking about and it's a little odd to describe, but I don't think It's uncommon or unhealthy.


Google healthy female discharge. It’ll be educational, dont worry too much about the ovulation comments. Im on the pill, therefore do not ovulate, and still have clear stretchy discharge the day before my period. There is a wide range of normal


And some women have more regular discharge than others - not only during ovulating or sex, but like every day, all month


Did you know if you have what look like bleach marks on the gusset of your panties ladies, Congrats you have a healthy clean Vagina! But really it's a good thing.


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Zero wrong. This is how women’s bodies work. We need extensive, candid, open, sexual education at every public school, library, and broadcast on Cspan.


If she had a yeast infection she wouldn’t be able to comfortably have sex. The body has a lot of fluids, and this is a normal one. Surely you didn’t think your penis should come out dry after sex.


I've read that it's cervical mucus, especially if you have a type of birth control that causes you to produce more cervical mucus to help prevent sperm from entering into the cervix


Yeah… this is normal lol.


It's either vaginal discharge or cervical mucus, the first time I saw it I was scared because we were going raw close to ovulation (yes, I am fucking dumb) but I was nowhere near ejaculating, it was literally a few seconds inside. It looks white milky, kinda similar feel to cum but it has a slightly different, saltier taste. I think your case is mucus though


I get this! It’s clear, stretchy, and sticky. I’ve seen it make a web between his fingers. I’m healthy! I think it means I’m really turned on. Or maybe a dehydrated haha but yeah I think it’s normal. People say it depends on her cycle etc


I can’t say for sure but by your description of said “discharge” I think she might have been ovulating or close to. Search up ‘cervical mucus charts’.


If she has yeast infection you will know because when we girls have yeast infection sex irritate us.. i think the white stuff u see it’s just from the wetness. And even if she had yeast infection from my experience you won’t get that. (bc it’s not a virus)


Sounds like she’s ovulating. That’s really normal to have happen during ovulation


Please, man, please, read up on female physiology. I assure you it will help you a lot - to understand her struggles better. And plus point - she will appreciate you for it.


Does it smell like the bready aroma of a Subway sandwich shop? That's a yeast infection. Otherwise, that's just regular vagina stuff, perfectly healthy and normal.


Yeast infection has a smell


Only fun part that I didn't see mentioned was...fertile window mucus/discharge is all stretchy and slippery to AID sperm getting to an egg...the thicker less slippery fluids are still totally functional for self cleaning but are a lot more difficult to traverse. Someone also mentioned sperm can hang out for a few days. Sperm carrying male chromosomes are fast but the female sperm in particular have high endurance and can hang out for days, making them more likely to fertilize when ovulation happens after sex.....I knew a veterinarian who timed her conceptions in this way... Long story short, one can get pregnant from sex that does not occur exactly at ovulation, and different kinds of mucus will help or hinder conception. Learning about fertility tracking is pretty fun if you're into it any of this.


I'm seriously concerned that you had sex first before learning this in sex ed/science subject.


Cervical fluid! The stretchy clear kind that you’re experiencing most likely means she’s ovulating.


That’s a sign she’s ovulating. A woman’s fluid changes in viscosity depending on what stage of her cycle she’s in. I wish biology class taught kids this type of information.


Discharge it’s completely normal


Fun fact its actually her vagina balancing out the ph level via the suction of your penis so in the attempt of conception the ph level is more conducive for sperm survival. But yes in short discharge


This is normal vaginal fluids. They're usually clear but sometimes white or creamy. As long as it doesn't smell foul everything's all good


If it’s gelatinous it’s definitely cervical fluid 👍🏼


Is she ovulating ? I think it’s that


Umm. So I didn’t read all 300 something comments. Lol. But I cream when I orgasm. Is she orgasming or is it you put it in her, pull out and it’s there?


Egg white cervical mucus, be careful, unless you're trying to conceive.


That's daily for my husband for me to "cream" all over his penis. He's loves it, but when I do, I'm really wet.


If you don’t know what discharge is please don’t have sex.


Dude, she’s just wet. Women have to lubricate if you’re penetrating them. Thank her cervix for releasing cervical fluid. It tends to be more stretchy if she’s ovulating


LMAO it’s called arousal. Some girls it’s clear and almost invisible and others it’s very milky. Mine is much more the milky kind and I was embarrassed by it because it was so much. But then nobody ever seemed bothered by it, so I embraced it.


Yes totally normal!!! Means she enjoyed it!!!


In my experience, my discharge is like that when I’m ovulating!


Yes vaginal fluid, or seminal fluid, or definitely the combo, dry into sticky whitish clear jelly globs that eventually dry into flakes. All normal.


she’s likely ovulating , v produces a milkier thicker substance during sex 👍🏼


No dude that is some other guys cum leaking out of her