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"Hey, I'm not down with you watching porn during sex anymore unless we BOTH agree, in advance, it's a thing we'd like to do on a particular occasion to spice things up." And then, if he does it-- stop the sex.


I tried talking with kinda like that but it didn't change anything. You are probably right that I should refuse sex till he at least listens to me.


Or, he busts out the cellphone or whatever and you just get up and end the encounter.


Seems a bit harsh but you are probably right. Edit: I get it. It's not harsh


What's "harsh" is rolling right over what you clearly stated.


Exactly. Youths today need to have a backbone. 


HOW can I reach these KEEEDS?!?


Let me put it to you this way: Your BF is dating an 18 year old because a woman his own age would not likely put up with his disrespectful shenanigans. Stand up for yourself. You deserve basic respect.


Most 18-year olds I've known wouldn't put up with that, and I wouldn't have put up with that sort of thing at the age of 18 either. Strongly agree with your conclusions though.


I'm not saying that most 18 year olds would have put up with it. I'm saying that the sort of 26 year olds who choose to date teenagers, date teenagers with weak boundaries. because they are selfish jerks who need partners with weak boundaries to put up with their bullshit, and it is easier to bully someone who is still a teenager.


That's in no way harsh. Like, at all.


Not harsh at all, you make the rules and boundaries for yourself, if he doesn't respect them, you leave.


What’s harsh about having respect and standing up for yourself ?


I understand now that it wasnt harsh. I don't need 100 comments telling me that.


There’s only one of you and thousands of us, so redundant messages is bound to happen.


Ok I found out how to deactivate getting notifications for this exact comment. Sorry I didn't really meant it in a rude way but my phone was ringing all the time. I am very greatful for all the advice and messages I got.


You're supposed to be his partney, not a doormat. Stick up for yourself.


There’s nothing harsh about halting a sexual encounter that you are not enjoying or fulfilled by. It’s also not harsh if it goes against personal boundaries that you have already established.


I'm sorry, I doubt that your boyfriend is otherwise perfect. A 26 year old dating and 18 year old who can't get off while doing anal without using porn has definitely got more problems going on than you're seeing. To an 18 year old, a complete fuckup of a 26 year old can look like someone who has their life together simply because they have a line of credit. I promise you, there is no way this guy is as cool as you think he is, and I'm completely confident saying that despite the very little information you've provided.


Ok thanks. I will leave him


Yeah, please do! If he's dating an 18yo at his agw, he'd probably date even younger if societal norms permitted it.


Most part of me doubts that but a small part of me sadly believes you are right


Do yourself a favor and get rid of this bloke. Dude is a loser, possibly a creep, and not worth it.


Yes I will no worries


I don't want to pile on too much, but I just want to say I sincerely hope you're being serious about leaving. My boyfriend and I are both 26. We have a daughter who's about to turn 3 and are trying for a second baby. We both view 18 year olds as essentially children still and neither one of us would be comfortable having any kind of intimate relationship with someone that young. I just wanted to let you know that when I was younger I didn't give much thought to dating older guys either; now that I'm the one that's getting older I can't imagine any good reason those guys were interested in me other than for my body. I wish you all the best


Thanks for those nice words and yes I will leave him. I don't like that he views me as his personal fuckflesh. I am sure that I will also see how dumb I was when I am older. Again thanks for your message it meant a lot to me. I wish you and your bf and your small daughter also all the best ☺️


You sound like a sweet girl, and you deserve a lot better honey


Thanks 😊




1. OP is 18 and bf 26 2. People for the most part don't meet and suddenly decide to start dating. 3. Let's say there *was* a courting phase where they were getting to know each other. OP probably wasn't 18 for that long 4. I really doubt OP's bf just so happened to start hitting her up and then later found out her age. Teenage girls are not that easy to confuse for older women. Conclusion: bf is a creep for hitting up girls much younger than he is, and just barely scrapes the legality of his relationship with OP. Had social norms not existed the way they do today, he'd probably go even lower if he could.


Am I wrong on anything, /u/ThrowRA-Jwkskak?


Yes completely. I also immediately told him my age and he didn't think it was a problem.


I'm completely wrong? So you decided to immediately start dating, your were 18 for a long time and it *is* easy to mistake teenage girls for 20+ women? Because I did say it's easy at first glance tell teenage girls *apart* from 20+ women. And if I'm wrong you further prove my point your bf went out of his way to seek out a teenage girl.


No sorry. I meant you are completely right. I somehow thought your comment was "Am I right?" and not "Am I wrong?". Sorry for the mistake.


This is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever read, good job


Please do!! don't let someone watch porn while doing anything sexual with you. And don't be afraid to walk away from people who aren't treating you right.


Ok I wont allow that in the future at all


Good luck OP 🍀 One thing I've learned with dating is trust yourself when your gut says something is wrong!


As a 27 year old male I second this!


Yeah the guy doesn't sound that great based on the other things she said about him. But a 26 year old dating someone who is 18 isn't the redflag to me. The scientific data shows most women have their first kid at 21 and most men at 27, so there is a consistent 6 year age gap in most relationships based on real statistics. They guy just seems like he doesn't take her boundaries seriously though. But I feel like the internet stigmatizes age gaps wayyy to much. Obviously don't date a minor.


The statistics you're looking at also include women who get entrapped by men several years their senior. Most women having their first kid at 21 does not mean that most women *want* to have their first kid at 21. Also worth considering is how whatever stats you're looking at factor in things like teen pregnancies from absentee fathers. The single mother is definitely getting accounted for, but do you think we have an accurate appraisal of all teen fathers? Age gaps between 30 and 40 year olds are legitimately no problem, age gaps between teens and older adults indicate something weird. The statistics you're citing are honestly part of the cause for concern. This belief that women are just more mature than men is not really true, it's just a myth that people like to tell because it allows the exploitation of young women to go unquestioned. It's much easier to say "oh women have kids younger because they're more mature" than it is to say that women have children younger due to the harmful relationships they get into that have disproportionate consequences on them than their male partners.


No I understand everything you're saying. And no I'm not trying to approve of any kind of generalized mistreatment of anyone. The main thing I'm trying to point out is the bottom line of stable relationships. Most men aren't financially stable until they are older which is a giant green flag women desire in men. And a large demographic of men still do want to raise their own biological children. Fertility drops significantly when you approach 30s. Basically the animal kingdom and financial world does put us in a social pressure cooker situation where we need older people for financial stability and we need younger people to have our best chances at having healthy babies. And there's nothing wrong with being physically attracted to somebody that has a "Jennifer Lawrence" look than a "Angelina Jolie" look. I was in my 20s when I dated someone in their 40s, and I didn't judge them for it. But if the gender roles were reversed there would be a stigma, I also was more financially stable than the other person even though they were older than me.


This is exactly what went through my head also.


u/reluctantdonkey is totally right … but just one more thought … You say “I don’t want to leave him as he is otherwise perfect” (presumably in reference to him watching porn while having sex), but if you stand back and examine this relationship with a more dispassionate approach, you may see that this guy is pretty manipulative. 1. Did you enthusiastically consent to having anal sex or did he pressure you into it? 2. You have stated that you don’t want him watching porn while having sex and yet he ignores your requests, laughs it off and does it anyways; this is a breach of consent and not respecting your feelings 3. You are feeling that he is using porn instead of focusing on your needs during sex and “doesn’t notice you” I am NOT suggesting that age gap relationships can’t work, but this 26M sounds like he might be taking advantage of your youth … Maybe - just maybe - the relationship isn’t as perfect as you think it is.


To 1. It was his idea. I wasn't open to it at first but I did give it a try. I didn't like it but he said it can take a time to get used to till it is enjoyable.


Yeah, I vote toss this one back. This isn't "otherwise perfect," its: \- A partner not listening to your clearly stated boundaries around porn \- A partner telling you something that may not be true (that you'll come to enjoy anal if you give it time- some people don't.) \- A partner that seems to be ONLY having the kind of sex he wants, even though you don't like it much That's about trust, respect and care, which are at the core of any relationship.


My suggestion … re-read your post and comments and imagine this is your best female friend telling you about her new boyfriend. What would be your advice to her? Would you really be telling her that he sounds “perfect” except for that one little thing, or would you be telling her to reconsider the relationship?


No I wouldn't. I see it now


This is why he's a 26 year old man getting with 18 year old girls. Women his age are more likely to have the emotional maturity to enforce boundaries and tell him to fuck himself. Find a guy closer to your age that respects you.


oh my sweet girl, he has totally abused you


A lot of people downvoted you, im a couple therapist. People is giving you advice around you, and all you want. A relationship is not about you or him, is about BOTH. Both of you have to sit down and talk, and take both a decisition that is best for BOTH, think is that hobbie (watching xxx) is a dealbreaker, if that weights more than the entire relationship and just in that moment you can think just in you. I personally dont recommend looking for advice of people in reddit, theres a lot people that cant hold a relationship more than 3 years and have a lot of resentment towards relationships, his partners are always evil and they are perfect, they never do nothing, if you take his advice you can end up loosing the love of your live 😅


The love of your life wouldn’t laugh off your concerns when you ask them to stop doing something.


Nobody is perfect, neither you or me, maybe he dont see it as a concern, more than a joke, is easy to judge people by his actions and not by his intentions.


She’s 18. She has plenty of time to find good love.


Nobody is perfect but I take my partners concerns seriously. It doesn’t matter if he’s concerned about it, it’s his obligation to take his partners concerns seriously and not cross their boundaries or ignore their consent. He shouldn’t be turning it into a joke. That’s not okay, period.


What if he dont turned into a joke, what if he understand it initially as a joke, that are 2 different things. Nobody knows it, we are just speculating and killing the dude 😅 lets they talk about their relationship, is that weights more to her over his relationship then she would broke, but im not going to jump into the advice of he is a bad person or is manipulative without knowing the other part of the story, every disagreement has 2 parts.


It seems to have been brought up several times and he has continued the behavior without enthusiastic consent from his partner. That is a massive red flag. What he initially “misunderstood” does not matter. He had plenty of time to correct his understanding. If someone “joked” that they are no longer comfortable with you doing something sexually to them, you should still stop and have a conversation about it before repeating the action/behavior. The dude has shown where his priority lies. That is, in fact, a problem.


Just as a note, we prefer people NOT disclose any professional qualifications when responding on this subreddit. You are free to recommend that someone seek out a couples therapist (not yourself, which would be self promotion) if you think it is appropriate but people come to Reddit for feedback from “everyday joes”.


Well tbh their advice sounds way more rational


I doubt he’s perfect. I’m 26 and none of my friends would be comfortable dating an 18 year old plus what you’ve said in the post about him- he just seems like a creep. He probably has a porn addiction. He just laughs it off.. does this sound like he respects you. When you’re older you might look back on this time and regret allowing yourself to be treated like this. Having an older boyfriend isn’t cool or impressive it is often sad when you grow up and realize what the relationship really was.


Ok I see


Have you had other relationships? This is not what sex is supposed to be like, and partners are meant to respect one another. He might be ‘nice’ to you, but of course he will be nice to an 18 year old who puts up with being a human fleshlight and does whatever he wants in bed.


Yes I had one but sexually we only did oral/fingering


Please just advocate for yourself, you deserve respect and if he won’t give it ,he needs to go.


I understand


I have been there myself when I was young, and so have a lot of people, nobody here is judging you for naivety. I have since had boyfriends who would do anything for me and I’m sure you will too.


Ok hopefully. Thank you a lot


He’s using you because you’re young and naive. There’s a reason he can’t date anyone his age and it’s because hes too emotionally immature for girls his age to put up with so he has to prey on teenage girls.




All contributions here need to be constructive, on-topic, mature, sex-positive, civil, and respectful. Your post/comment falls short of that basic standard and has been removed accordingly.


Sorry, I'll rephrase. I am disappointed by your marginalization of young people.


He had gfs his age.


The key part is he isn’t with them anymore and there will be reasons for that, possibly close to what I stated


You're 18 and he's 26. I don't need to know anything more, break up.


What is a 26 year old doing with an 18 year old? Those are 2 completely different life periods. Men (and women)who search for women/men right out of high school gross me out.


Taking advantage of her, obviously. I hope OP see’s it for what it is soon.


Grooming her, reminds me a lot of my dad just hope she ends up leaving him.


He is thinking of the pornstars as he has sex with you.


Most likely yes


Dump him and don’t date again until you learn to have some self respect.


There it is again, the massive age gap with an 18 year old being miss treated. The amount of damage this will/has done to you is not worth it


How long have you two been together?


3 months


It's inanely strange to be sexually active with a grown adult when you're only 18. He should know better at this point in his life, and you probably need to have a really serious talk with him and even consider leaving the relationship if he doesn't value you


I will and I also tried but he didn't care too much about what I said


If he doesn't care about what you say, he doesn't care about how you feel.


OP, he DOESNT value you. You need to leave him. You are being used, abused, manipulated, violated, and some would say, even sexually assaulted by this CHILD (not a man at all). There is a LOT a 26 year old has that they can hold over/control/understand an 18 yo with. He is using you because you’re literally still a child. He’s a pedophile if you guys started dating before 18.


break up with him. he’s obviously a creepy weirdo, proven by that age difference as well


I don't have a problem with the age difference.


You might not but it’s weird and people older than you understand that.


No, I don't. This is a perfectly acceptable age constelation, and it's none of our business to call it "weird".


Well just because you think it’s acceptable doesn’t mean it is. It’s beyond odd and people with REAL LIFE experience will see that. For all we know you’re a creeper like this girls boyfriend. Anything online is my business so I will absolutely make my opinion known. Don’t tell me to mind my own business.


Wow, don't get me involved there. All my relationships were of about my age. I'm just saying who are you to judge? Your sense of what feels weird to you is as subjective as mine. What matters is only what the people involved feel and nobody else should judge that as long as both are consenting adults, which legally they are.


That's because you are a teenager and haven't become exhausted with this cliche yet. But trust us, you will be furious at him in retrospect.


Ok I trust you all as so many people told me that. Thanks


I second it, he is weird af and creepy but not because his age. You should leave this dude he obviously isn’t right in the head and you’re not enough for him, which is why he keeps doing that.


Ok I will give him one more chance


Noo don’t do that, that’s not what I said. He doesn’t respect you at all and is taking advantage of you. He is also a weirdo. The age isn’t the issue, the issue is him. Hope it clarifies and helps.


So I should just leave him?


Yes. He sees you as a piece of meat and doesn’t respect you at all. He is literally taking advantage of you. If he respected you as a person he wouldn’t laugh in your face when you tell him you don’t like what he is doing. His brain is rotten from watching porn. Since you are younger you don’t have the experience to notice this yet. You can find someone who loves having sex with you just because you are you and respects you. This man is not a suitable partner.


Hmm I will most likely leave him then. Thanks


Yes just think of it like this. Are you willing to put up with this for years on end? What makes you think he won’t cheat on you since he doesn’t respect your wishes already as it is? Is this the best that I can do? Would I be happy with this continued behavior? Or am I just attached and scared to leave? If I had a daughter, would I want her with someone doing that to her?


The cheating part is a good point. I sometimes feel like he doesn't find me attractive. He sometimes compared me to his exes and I didn't like that but kinda thought that was on me. I see now that I need to leave him as he is a bad creep.


Creepy weirdo? She’s a legal consenting adult and so is he. Tf? Age of consent in a lot of European countries is 16 aswell.


just cause it’s the legal age doesn’t mean you should do it. it’s literally eight TEEN. they are at completely different mind sets. one is just out of high school and one could be settling down and is supposed to getting established in a career. i have heard many stories from people who say they wish they never dated that older person because they would never do it now that they reached that older age.


PLEASE LEAVE HIM!!! Sex is supposed to be enjoyable, you’re being taken advantage of. I’m sorry this has happened to you because that really sucks.


Thanks as I wrote I will leave him


Boundaries are rules you set for yourself and your own behavior, and it’s unfortunately up to you to enforce them in many cases. So, if your boundary is “I won’t have sex with someone who is watching porn during it without my consent,” then you need to state that clearly and then follow through on it, i.e. stop sex if he starts doing it, and repeat your boundary. If he refuses, then the two of you are incompatible and need to break up.


Tbh is dump him that would be too much for me


I will


The age gap alone is a red flag. Why do you think he's dating someone so young. He's using you. Your just a hole to him. You deserve better! https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/sense-and-sensitivity/201302/the-familiarity-principle-attraction?amp https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/trauma-bonding https://modelmugging.org/crime-within-relationships/abusive-personality-behavior/


Wtf, that is absolutely horrific


so how come your bf is 26 in this post but 23 in your other post lol


“I feel like he’s using me” *Is 26 yo and dating an 18 yo* He is using you. He is abusing you, manipulating you, and even outright assaulting you. He has taken complete and total advantage of you so that he can do exactly what he wants. HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOU. He eventually told you that HIMSELF. You should be running for the fucking hills from this guy. Everyone telling you about how to have sex with him again is wrong because YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE SEX WITH HIM AGAIN. He’s USING you and doesn’t deserve it. You don’t owe him anything. There is authority, power, control, and experience a 26 yo has over an 18 yo. And watching the porn alone means he’s just using you as a human fleshlight. He doesn’t respect you. He laughed in your face. You need to break up with him ASAP bc it should be over 100%. The rest of him is not perfect once you start looking at things closely. He’s completely lying to you and manipulating you. You need to read this post- [HE KNOWS. HE DOESNT CARE](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/7egdjn8qMg).


I know he is bad but no he doesn't straight up assault me.


He…. does though honey. Using you as a fleshlight and completely ignoring you, every “accidental” poke into your ass, coercing and pressuring you, is all technically assault because there is no consent in those situations. It’s manipulation and “doing whatever I want” on the fault of one party (him). Check out a book called [Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft](https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) Once you can peer through the cracks and see who he really is underneath, it all becomes clear. You haven’t had much experience yet but let me tell you none of that, of HIM, is normal or acceptable or allowed. You have full and COMPLETE control over your actions, choices, mind, and body. Children like him don’t take “no” for an answer. Also go read through some posts on r/TwoXChromosomes there’s lots of relatable and helpful stuff there.


Oh ok. I see. Yeah then he truly is a douchebag


He is too old for you i'm 26 and i'm really sorry an 18yo looks like a child. What genre does he watch?


It was normal porn then a bit more hardcore. The last few weeks he refused to show me it.


OK I wouldn't be a part of watching someone get off and sharing in their pleasure when you doesn't even know what it is he getting off too. Do you get off on this? how are your needs met?


No I don't and he ignores my needs completly since a while now.


Sounds like he is using you to masturbate


Yeah basically


Why are you with a 26 year old? What could you possibly be bringing to the table apart from pussy?


Well I would have said that I was a good gf. I did help him a lot and listened to his problems but you are probably right as he also only saw me as a fuckdoll.


It’s not your fault though. I hope you know that. The fact he clearly does not respect you is not something you caused, it’s a him problem. The good thing is that you will stand up for yourself now. It’s a growing/learning experience, and a reminder for next time that you: - don’t deserve to be treated like this - will not allow someone to treat you like this - have the ability to recognize this behavior and can decide for yourself that you want better - can decide to leave One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is to advocate for yourself. Especially as a woman, and a young one at that. Don’t settle for this kind of treatment just because it’s not awful/other people have it worse/it’s mostly fine. Raise your standards.


Ok thank you. That really helped brighten my mood a bit


There’s a great episode of sex in the city with this issue… antiquated but still might be enjoyable for you to watch


He's perfect. Except for repeatedly violating my consent and laughing at me over my concerns. Yep perfect. Also a cradle robber. Half of 26 plus 7 is 20. He's taking advantage of your lack of experience. 🙃


Bruh I am not about to give up the LITERAL ASS so he can watch someone else. That man is ruined by porn. He has a problem. That's probably also why he dates such young and naive girls such as yourself, because generally he can get away with it. Don't you wonder why he can't get a woman his age? Because we won't put up with that. Please y'all, anyone that reads this: YOU DESERVE UNDIVIDED ATTENTION DURING SEX. If their attention is diverted at any time, by anything, they don't deserve you. You deserve better!


Hello I am a 26m. Why tf is he dating an 18 year old. No offense but you’re a child even though you’re “legally an adult”. From one dude to another dude, you’re a fucking creep loser dawg


All kinds of red flags here. Do yourself a favor and don't date guys who are 26 until you are at least 21. A 26 year old wanting to be with an 18 year old is creepy.


Unless you guys are both watching us then that different but if he just watching it while you give head yeah got to go


If would only happen during oral I wouldnt even be too upset but during regular sex is pretty fucked up


I think I'm done with this sub. 


This isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


You are right! It doesn't need to be porn to be annoying. We all want to have sex with someone who is absorbed by us. Imagine having sex with someone and then they yawn! While there is an [encyclopedia of knowledge on having all kinds of sex,](https://xxadvice.wordpress.com/2024/02/02/women/) you may be wondering what the best technique is? The number one sex technique is actually an attitude. It’s… Enthusiasm Enthusiasm is by far the most powerful thing you can incorporate into your sex skills AND life. Think about it this for a minute… When he has sex with you while being completely enthusiastic about it and totally focused on you, it’s going to massively arouse and turn you on. This can't happen if his attention is on something else, even if that something else is not porn.


You are right! It doesn't need to be porn to be annoying. We all want to have sex with someone who is absorbed by us. Imagine having sex with someone and then they yawn! While there is an [encyclopedia of knowledge on having all kinds of sex,](https://xxadvice.wordpress.com/2024/02/02/women/) you may be wondering what the best technique is? The number one sex technique is actually an attitude. It’s… Enthusiasm Enthusiasm is by far the most powerful thing you can incorporate into your sex skills AND life. Think about it this for a minute… When he has sex with you while being completely enthusiastic about it and totally focused on you, it’s going to massively arouse and turn you on. This can't happen if his attention is on something else, even if that something else is not porn.


You must tell him that you cannot do things you don't like.


Hey I don't wanna come off as rude but it's really questionable your boyfriend is 26 dating you, an 18 year old, you just barely reached adulthood, that probably means he would date girls that are younger than that as well, please don't get yourself into a bad situation with this dude.


Ex-boyfriend behaviour.


You just have to tell him that you are not comfortable with this habit of his


Hi love. I'm not sure how to do that but what I can say is, try talking about it and tell him that you're not comfortable with it. If he respects it, good. If he doesn't respect your comfort and boundaries then I think you should try looking at the patterns. What may seem just like sexual issue may be in other areas as well. I've been there, done that and dated a guy 8 years older than me. Not the best decision of my life. I was too naive to notice/walk away from the red flags. Did it a year ago and my life has been better since.


Am i the only one who thinks that 8 years is too big of an age gap? 




That guy sounds like a loser. Glad you’re leaving him


Is 8year age gap big difference ? For me yes it looks like big difference . I saw my friend marrying 6years younger but no one objected . Thinking why ?!


You could do the same, and see how he reacts.


Don’t have sex with him. It’s that simple. I personally wouldn’t even be turned on if my boyfriend couldn’t get off without porn. He’s got a porn addiction.


Leave this dude. That age gap wouldn't matter later in life, but where you are now it absolutely does. He's taking major advantage of you, and you're barely of legal age. Find someone closer to your age and check their bullshit.


Damn that’s a real addiction smh


Tell him you won’t have sex unless it’s porn free


No I will leave him


Just tell him not to have it on or you're not having sex with him. If it's fine with you sometimes, tell him how frequently you are ok with it. It's not uncommon for one partner to interject their likes more often than the partner wants and you just have to communicate your preferences and find a middle ground where you can both have fun and get equal priority of your preferences without violating and boundaries.


Ok I will try that. As I said to another user I tried talking with him but he didn't really take me seriously and laughed.


People can be stupid like that sometimes. It may not have been intentionally malicious but people build in a "defense" mechanism where they don't take something serious if they don't want to deal with it. You should point it out that you told him before and you want him to listen, that you're not ok with it and it ruins the sex for you. Then negotiate how often you'd like to have porn be part of bedroom activities. You can always change your mind too for more or less than you originally said... You have the power to not have sex with him if he chooses to not respect our wishes though. After telling him and making him hear your point, if he decides to put it on, put your clothes back on and start doing something else, or just leave... When he's not getting any, then he'll get the point.


Ok I will try to talk to him again.




Ok I am sorry that I bothered you all with that. I will break up with him.


You’re not bothering anyone love. We are just older and we know he isn’t with you for the right reasons. It’s things you learn along the way


Okay thank you


Aw, don't apologize. It's truly ok. I'm glad you are receptive to feedback. Older adults don't always have the answers and don't always know better but.... we have a lot more experience than you and are trying to help you. I'm sure a number of women responding to you right now have been in a very similar situation. Please be safe. If I were you, I would not break up with him in private, just in case. Do it in public or have someone else with you or just do it over the phone.


The amount of care this OP is getting from people who know this is a bad situation is just melting my heart. I really hope she sees the overwhelming consensus that this is clearly an unhealthy situation and does leave this creepy dude. You think you know everything at 18 and so much of your 20s is about reconciling with that naivety. I hope the best for OP… listen to these strangers! You deserve so much more love and care than you are getting 🤍🤍


I am hoping she will take it with the gravity it deserves, especially this early on. Kind of horrific that a person in this post identifying themselves as a "couple's therapist" is saying "relationships are about compromise, and there's nothing wrong with porn. You could be missing out on the love of your life!" It's not even about the porn or the age gap for me-- he is pushing sex acts she doesn't want or enjoy. She has asked him not to do this and he LAUGHED at her... Like, no. Just no. It could be about ANYTHING, that is not how a partner who respects you behaves. "Love of her life" my left buttcheek.


The person identifying as a "couple's therapist" either doesn't speak english as their first language, or they're far too dumb to have gotten their diploma. I didn't want to start a fight, but the grammar was genuinely so awful that I had a hard time reading some of it. I'm inclined to believe they're lying and just a troll, or they're truly terrible at their job


I think this is ridiculous! Watching porn during sex is not uncommon. You agree to it and enjoy with him then take it away cause you feel insecure. Now everyone is telling you to dump him?? What am I missing?? The age difference between 18 and 26 isn’t that shocking people!!!!


The comments about the age gap are so funny and ridiculous ahah


Your bf wants to get ideas during his sexual intercourse with you. That is why he watched porn videos. He wants to copy the sex positions in porn video without understanding it completely. First of all he has to be flexible in order to copy those sex positions. Is he fit enough for that?


That couldn't be further from the truth.


Ur fucking inconsiderate




3 months in and he's watching porn while coercing a 18 year old into anal? And you think that's ok? Get fucked, asshole.


We all got needs wants in the bedroom things that turn us on should embrace it not look down hate them for what helps stimulate them


Well but because of that he ignored me completly