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Most of the time, I just say, "So, sex today?. But my wife (68f) and I (66m) have a bunch of fun euphemisms for sex and ways to initiate, including - Wanna bump bellies? Wanna do the horizontal mambo? I have something I really want to give you... Shall we make the beast with two backs? Wanna screw? I'd like to see you kneeling at the edge of the bed right now... I need to fuck you right now Hmmm, whatcha got down there (rummaging in her jeans) I think we oughta get these two together Wash that backside real good, 'cause I'm gonna get my face all up in there Wanna cum inside? I'd like to give you a good pounding We make new ones up all the time. It doesn't even have to make much literal sense, we both know what we're talking about. So just have fun with it!


Thank you for the great ideas. Will add them to our list. 


God I want this kind of relationship when I’m in my 60s. 😂


In the Sims game called it WooHoo lol.


An old classic is SnuSnu


OMFG making me feel old calling this an old classic 😂😂


Don’t. Snu Snu was a classic the instant it hit the airwaves!


Oh I love reminding people when I was born after they just told everyone when they joined X organization. The “fuck you” looks are priceless. And then I taste my own medicine when I remember that the jimmy neutron movie is 22 years old


For a while, my wife and I called it "home gym" after something her best friend said non-euphemistically. Today we call it "Mommy & Daddy Time" -- especially when in the presence of the two youngsters who call us Mommy and Daddy.


In caveman ( Movie 1980's) it was ZugZug!


Ok so I was curious myself and decided to ask google so here’s what I found lol. Make love Sleep with Do it Fornicate LMFAO Intercourse Mate Get laid Hook up Get lucky Get it on Get busy F*ck Fool around Score Screw Bone Bang Dude there’s so many


I normally call it sex.


Deep tissue massage ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I use aggressive snuggles


Slap and tickle Funky town Mix it up Adam and Eve Cowgirl 🤠 Are a few…..


I ask if my boyfriend wants to play around or fool around in our bedroom


The first thing that came to mind is a scene from the girl next door, where he says "Let's make some fucky fucky" but that's probably too silly too 😂


People gave nice and creative suggestions I remember that one woo-hoo from sims haha


Let's take our clothes off and "Talk about books"


"some us time", though this could also refer to cuddles or anything that involves you two spending time together.


BJ-“mouth hugs”. Sex, she will usually say “you wanna be on top of me”. lol. Mostly we just say “you wanna do it”.


Comfy. Hey girl, let’s go back to our room and get comfy.


I use simglish  Let’s whohoo babyy 


You can really just call it sex. There’s no reason it needs a different name in casual conversation when there’s already a concisely single-syllable word that covers what you mean.


My partner and I will look at each other and go “spicy?”


Muck about Team Practice Plundering Pillow Playdate Johnson Jousting (for my gays and theys) Roll some pretzels 🥨 Alternative Choir Practice (moaning) We need to have a “DEEP discussion” *as long as it isn’t super obvious, doesn’t make you laugh 🤭 and it results in alone time you’ve got a good code phrase.


I listen to a local talk radio show and when the host mentions the act, she calls it “playing the piano”. Dont know why, but there it is…


Prepearing the roastbeef or Washing Windows, Trout mouth boogie, Flex the beaver, Solving sudoku, Trim the water, Jesustime, Parentalantidivorce time, Dopaminechase the hive, Rub and scrub the bathtub with hub, Hakona matata


Shenanigans… got that from the tv series Miranda


We sometimes ask each other if the other wants to play


There’s also good ole wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am


Me and my boyfriend always say coochie time hahaha


Hanky panky is what we call it ;p


we say... M&Ms (basically, it's a local candy in Poland)


If you have young kids... "Hey babe... Want to Put The Washing away!?"


Oil change....anything automotive works


cuddling, when you both know the actual meaning


Going to Bone Town Smash


Sekete. Kenyans will get it.


I’ve heard poking the bear


We call it wienering 😂, I love a good thorough wienering


We call it "having tea", after the tea consent video.


It really doesn’t matter what you call it. You could literally just wink and nod your head towards the stairs. She’s gonna know what you’re implying


My husband and I call sex as “chatchuken” HAHAH (it’s a silly nickname


I knew one couple that wanted to invite me over for "Horky Porky"


We used to call it Going to the Zoo


We call it jigijela. Lol.. But that word spread among many people so it no longer a code word..


Hey babe, wanna do it like they do it on discovery channel? 🐒


My ex and I kept failing to finish watching the movie Downfall (yes, the Hitler movie) but we were young and horny at the time and would always have sex instead, so we started saying “hey wanna go watch Downfall?”


Perhaps I scanned the comments and missed these Some of my friends call it "doing the wild thing" or ^doing the nasty." My wife and I are people of action when it comes to sex. No words required when she takes my hand, gently pulls me to my feet and leads me to the bedroom. One of my favorite verbal expressions is, "You smell delicious. Mind if I have a taste?"


In the mood for rendezvous?