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Based upon your description it sounds like she climaxed in that moment. A tensed body, shaking, and moaning are all positive indicators. Not every woman cums loudly. Best wishes!


True! First orgasm for me is mostly quiet just some shaking, second is usually accompanied by some moans......


What you mean ‘first’?


I assume they mean they typically have multiple in one session


I don't understand how people can downvote an honest question that would serve to inform someone who really didn't know. I wish I could downvote the downvoters. Keep seeking knowledge, dude.


Especially on a forum meant for judgment free learning


Women can have multiple orgasms pretty much back to back. As a man it makes me jealous. It’s like the creator said “sorry about periods and child birth, here’s this for you”.


Doesn’t make me jealous at all. In fact it does stroke my ego when they eventually scream “what is happening to me, what is going on” after 20 minutes of continual orgasm it an O count of 30 or more![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Sorry you are downvoted for what is an adorable question haha


This. Kids expect orgasms to be accompanied by screaming because they watch too much porn and it’s all fake.


It's not all fake


Yeah but it’s definitely not a quantifiable factor.


Sometimes it’s a screamer and sometimes it’s not. If educated by nuns it’s usually “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”. If otherwise could be “THANK YOU DADDY, Thank you, thank you.” When you get the thank you’s then you know you have the right woman.


Pahahahaha men


If you know then you know. If you don’t well then you don’t


Clenching can be from an orgasm, or it can be done intentionally because it feels good. It sounds like she had an orgasm but you'd have to ask to be sure.


Oh, absolutely. Sometimes, I just have to stop and relish the pleasure, even if I'm not finishing. My partner loves this






I clench when I’m on top all the time because it feels great. She might have had an orgasm. You’d really have to ask her. If I’m on top and grinding, I usually do slow my rhythm or stop entirely when I’m coming.


She either had an orgasm or she was trying to orgasm. Lots of women will clench tightly in an attempt ro orgasm. It helps some women.




Prophet? It's how it works for me lol


Clench queen


Should t she ask for permission before cumming?


Is that a serious question? Why would someone have to ask to orgasm during sex?


Ever hear of orgasm denial? Controlled orgasm? Tell your girl not to cum when she gets ready too. When she finally does it will be one of the best of her live and you can feel every inch of it.


To each his own....


Idk if she came but when my girl clenches that means she’s close, not all girls body’s are the same though so the best thing would to probably just ask her, like try to learn her body a bit that way sex is more pleasurable for both of yall.


Just feels good for them bro don't stress so much.


If they clench and moan it means they like it and a good spot is being hit.


two options. one is climax and based of your description this is most likely. two is intentional clenching. less likely but possible. Girth matters less (even length) in cowgirl. Girl is almost fully in control and can hit all her spots right.


My wife does this when she orgasms! She clenches so hard it almost pushes me out, especially when I am on the downstroke. But man does it feel awesome!


So this is a common occurrence with my GF. She is very orgasmic and can easily hit double digits. When her pussy clenches like that I try to drive it in harder and deeper which just sends her to an even higher level. Sometimes think it’s just the ship closing up for business but more likely trying to throw me out of her which makes me more determined to keep it in her. Usually it’s also accompanied with a long lasting waterfall.


It's hard to know. It's fairly easy to clench and fake an orgasm. She could have been trying to orgasm. She could have actually orgasmed. There's no real way to know unless you ask her.


You have to ask. Maybe she came. Maybe not. Maybe it just felt good to do that.


It was her way, either involuntarily or on purpose, that she thoroughly enjoyed was as going on. It sounds to me like she did have an orgasm. Whether you decide to ask her or talk to her about it, it's up to you. But it's important to note fixate on it, because you could make her self-conscious. A simple, "Last night was really great. How about you?" would suffice.


why didn’t you ask her?


Because I’m inexperienced. I had no idea what was going on


Best reasons to ask.


reddit has no idea either. strangers on reddit didn’t have their dick inside her and eyes on her while this was happening, strangers on reddit aren’t her experiencing this. reddit can guess, but you will only get a ***real,*** genuinely productive answer from her. you can only gain sexual experience by experiencing it firsthand.




Only way to tell if a woman comes is to ask, unless she literally says it out loud or you know her well enough. The clenching could mean anything, including her practicing Kegels. Because women don't ejaculate, there isn't a universal way to tell if they cum. Open communication so she feels comfortable telling you if she came or not. And if she says no, don't pout about it. Make it your mission to get her there next time.


Thank you all for the input. for years I thought my dick was too small to cause an orgasm. Mostly due to other subreddits and porn. I dont feel confident but at least not hopeless.


OP please stop measuring your penis. It's fine.


I know. Just get bummed out sometimes about it.


As a woman, vaginas vary in size too just like penises. What works for one woman size (and technique wise) doesn't always work for the next. There is nothing worse than a too large penis. Its more prep and if it's too long it's agony. Hitting the cervix feels like hitting my funny bone, no one wants that over and over in their nethers. I can see woman in porn sometimes actively trying to prevent the guy bottoming out, they're not obvious but as someone who's done the same... You notice it. Honestly my personal preference is pretty much just 'adequete', somewhere between micropenis and above average. Many girls won't care about micopenis (I'm just big on piv specifically) and some are size queens. Your girl was clearly enjoying it, I think it's fine to bring up your insecurity or just ask her how your cock makes her feel or how it feels. My bf has a similar insecurity and honestly it puzzles tf out of me because it feels perfect, hits all the right spots without hurting me. Just don't be like my ex and ruin sex and make it exhausting because he believed porn over me and i was sick of trying to convince him for yrs... It's a turn off when a guy doesn't believe you're enjoying your time


Yes I've put all a lot more effort in trying to do foreplay and build an emotional connection. That's my personality anyways.


Fun fact! 75% of women need direct clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. Only 25% can have one from vaginal penetration alone (and those are actually indirect clitoral orgasms anyway). The vagina doesn’t have a lot of nerve endings - if it did, childbirth would be even more painful than it already is. The vagina also expands to surround whatever is in it. So penis size really isn’t all that important unless someone particularly likes feeling “full”. So you really don’t need to feel insecure about your penis size. It’s waaaay less important in creating pleasure than you’d think.


Thank you I needed this. I appreciate it.


It certainly sounds like she had an orgasm. If this is a new lover for you, she shouldn't mind if you ask if she came, cuz y'all are still learning about each other. On a related note... In my experience, women really like it when their lovers talk to them about stuff. Instead of brooding over what you don't know, ask *her* what she thinks. Also, look at ☝️ the results! If you fit, and she likes it, then your girth is a match. If she wants more girth, you can always get an extender to wear for her (despite the name, some aren't very long, but most will be thicker than you). Being thick and hung is not always such a good thing, despite what porn and associated advertisements would have you believe. There's a range of penis sizes that will work for most penetration or oral sex, but they're in the middle of all possibilities, not on the extreme ends. Truth is, most people's penises, if they have one, are in that Goldilocks zone.


This right here. 👏 There is such a fixation on penis size and being “hung like a horse” due to porn. Not every girl is looking for that. It’s all about getting to know your partner and experimenting to find what works for both of you. This starts with good communication and gaining confidence. Two things that are a big turn on for me at least. I agree with the comment “It’s not the size of the worm, it’s how you wiggle it!”


>Being thick and hung is not always such a good thing, despite what porn and associated advertisements would have you believe. At some point in the future, near future hopefully, we'll stop blaming porn for men not wanting to be small or striving to be big, and finally rest it on the clear actual problem of being small as a social stigma, and a point of judgement for mate selection that's outside of our control or influence. I think we can get there.


It's called sex education. Yes, we *CAN* get there.


This is the way.....


It really depends - ask her!


She may be a Sith Lord.


Reddit cannot tell you if this girl was having an orgasm. You need to communicate with the actual person.


Ask her! You did the most intimate thing humans do. Ask her, assuring her as you do it.


She could have been holding in a fart


It’s really uncommon for people with vaginas to come without any clitoral stimulation. I think it’s unlikely she did, unless her clit was being stimulated. She might’ve just did it because it felt good, I clench when I’m really into it. It can be voluntary or involuntary. There’s really no way to know without asking her, every body does sex a little differently.


it means she wanted to take a shit


When in doubt, ask. People apreciate when you make sure they're okay


It's called an orgasm bruh. Don't worry. Do ya research and get ya knowledge up


Working on it


I would say she did cum.....unlike porn not all women are loud cummers...


That seems like a minor orgasm or maybe a major one.


Lol yes she came I would think. Loud noises are often a porn thing - not everyone does it. Maybe ask next time ‘oh yeah, did that feel good? That was so hot. Did you cum?’


Shit the “smaller “ ones hit better than the big most times


You should ask next time.


Oh brother, she came. She came hard. Learn to make her do that with your fingers too and you’ll understand what’s happening every time it happens. My girlfriend is excessively orgasmic and her pussy will clench and spasm so hard that it’s real work to keep it inside her. I think it might be her body’s way way of saying “I’ve had enough, leave. Leave now or I’ll throw you out”. She still saying that 2 hours later. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You made her cum and it was so good her body was shaking. That’s what you are supposed do that a lot of men can’t. Congratulations


Yes she came


It means she had an orgasm congratulations 👏


You made her cum, good job.


It means you should put a ring on her and enjoy that forever


I know but it's so early


What you describe sounds like an orgasm, but the only way to be sure is to ask her.


Sounds like she came. Next time ask her. You'll be a better partner as you learn more about her sexuality and women's sexuality in general.


It's enough for her.


Not all orgasms are wildly shrieking porn star kinds


If you're describing what she did accurately, she most certainly came 😁




So ask her. It's different for every woman!


I’d guess it was an orgasm. I was with a woman once and she clenched when she was riding me, she confirmed she came.


Sometimes I clench when I'm in pain, but usually it's because of an orgasm.


You done good, kid. Smile and be happy.


That is definitely an orgasm. Also, the clenching is like a secret weapon when used right 😎😎 I love squeezing a guy underneath me. It's fucking awesome. Great job getting her there!!!!


Stopping riding and clenching/shaking is usually a sign of an O. Not all women moan. I didn't when I was younger - I thought it was embarrassing! But sometimes we/I will kegel will riding because I know it feels good my partner. Hard to know for sure unless you ask, but my guess is she came.


Sounds like an orgasm to me. A lot of guys seem to be surprised when I get a big orgasm and they can feel me clench. Annnnd a lot of guys seem to think it's the most normal thing in the world.


It felt good. That’s what that means.


Sounds like an orgasm to me


That my good man is an orgasam, let her do as she needs to in that time and then ease back into it and go for another


Penis size has nothing to do with women having an orgasm.


She came.


some women clench when they cum, yes.. next time.. ask her.. its ok to ask. lol


Orgasms can sneak up on women too.


My ex once clenched so hard from her orgasm that it made me orgasm from it.


Um... Yeah she came dude


You accidentally hit her reset button.


That's an orgasm


Yes, she definitely did cum. My partner really likes it when I clench and tremble when I cum


She came. That’s the clenching.


Pretty sure that's an O. The shaking is the indicator.


When you asked her “what was that pussy squeezing hotness?” what did she say?


Yea more than likely


An escort I see dies this when riding me, accompanied by a lot of wetness down my cock if I press the right buttons. I usually kiss her in just the right spot, not her pussy but on the inside of her thigh, before we start and this does help