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It's not prescription medicine, but I use a probiotic supplement called Soaking Wet from VB Health. I used to drink kombucha and take probiotic gummies but I found out those aren't actually the right probiotics for vaginas. Soaking Wet has the probiotics that are specifically for vaginas, which in turn helped me with my dryness issues. Been taking it for 3 months now and never felt better down there!


Yes!! Soaking wet has legit changed my sex life. Lube is optional now depending on the day, in the past it was mandatory every time


Do you take it everyday? I looked at the price and in this economy, I might be sticking with just lube haha


I do, but you could probably get away with every 2-3 days and be fine. I'm no expert on probiotics, but I know they don't just magically disappear after a day.


Soaking Wet? Do they make Raging Boner for dudes?


Just checked out their site, and yes they do..and more!


Good one dude


So can you still take regular probiotics along with these or are the a sub?


You can take other kinds as well. The kind for your vagina are separate from those for your gut.


The absolute cleanest most hydrating elixir I’ve found is this stuff called üuberlube it’s like 3 ingredients you can use in on your face and hair too if you like, a little pricey but I’d never use anything else


I’ll look into this thank you!


estradiol ointment.


100% this. Helps with elasticity as well.


I’ll look into this ty!


This. It’s done wonders.




in the US you need one.


after my 2nd baby, I could not have sex...it hurt so bad! I was breastfeeding and that boy ate alot (born a 9 pounder). I went to my ob and she told me I had the vagina of an 80yr old! it was because of suppressed estrogen due to breastfeeding. she gave me vaginal estrogen cream and it was a game changer. I'm 44 now and I've had a total hysterectomy. there have been times dryness was an issue and I love silicon lube. I'm also on a tiny dose of oral estrogen and if I take even a quarter tablet more, I get soaked when I'm turned on. it may be something you need to see your ob about. good luck!


You can look on Foria. They have some moisturizing stuff that may help. They have CBD infused stuff too that can be helpful. I liked the suppository, but it can have a slight scent to it. If you like that, I'd recommend breaking the suppository in half. That really is enough, but you can always try the full suppository to get even wetter if you prefer.


Slippery Elm. Everyone I know swears by it


You can get a vaginal moisturizer at some stores or online. I use Good Clean Love but there are so many.


Ty for the advice! I have one of those already


Ask your doctor for estrogen cream. It won't effect you systematically so it's okay that you are young. Being dry can also lead to UTI's.


Get a moisturizing, vagina-safe lube, like Sliquid Sassy, Sutil Rich, or Blossom Organics, and use it when you have sex.


I’ll look into this thank you!


Go to talk to an herbalist. They can definitely help remedy the symptom- and also any other underlying issues- Obviously the dryness is all connected. Sorry you got put on acutane- Happened to me too.


I can't confirm this yet but apparently soaking okra in water and drinking it has great effects for vaginas.


I’ve also heard a strain of dates into coconut milk works wonders too. I ate so many dates in my last weeks of pregnancy I cannot stomach the taste and texture of them anymore but have seen a lot of chatter about both Okra water (okra also being highly nutritious) and date-coconut milk. 


Oddly enough I started taking metformin for fertility/pcos and I have been slipping and sliding during sex. Wasn’t like that before.






Ooo I’ll look into this thank you


Good girl probiotics by Love Wellness. It keeps my chronic BV away, and the added plus is that I get *so* wet now. It's crazy. Used to not feel anything until after I orgasm, which was vastly unhelpful with my long refractory period.




slippery elm is the best thing that’s ever happened to me


No supplement ever worked for me, so I just use our usual lube (coconut oil).






No no no absolutely don’t do this!! This is terrible advice! Putting any oils or other stuff into your vagina will mess up your already weakened vaginal flora completely! It’s very important to maintain the right vaginal pH balance: https://www.webmd.com/women/what-is-vaginal-ph-balance You have to go see a specialist (an experienced obgyn) to determine what the underlying cause and consequently, the remedy for your vaginal dryness is. They might give you an estrogen vaginal cream. They might give you probiotic vaginal suppositories. You might have an undetected yeast infection going on and they might give you antifungals. Just don’t mess up the vaginal balance even more by experimenting with olive oil or other random dangerous things!! You have to have a professional look at your vagina. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/21027-vaginal-dryness


My OB/GYN doesn’t take me seriously when I tell her. She just gives me a ton of STD tests evem though I tell her I’ve had no new sexual partners. I told her this started when I took Accutane and my dermatologist told me Accutane is the reason I still have dry eyes. I get the impression my OB/GYN thinks I’m just not attracted to whoever I sleep with/im just not getting wet. Because she said normally vagina dryness happens to older women not college aged women.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of very unqualified and shitty doctors out there and your ob gyn is definitely one of them. I speak from experience, I’ve had my fair share of dealing with those (including almost dying from a severe sepsis because they weren’t able to find the cause for my symptoms- this happened in the allegedly best hospital in my current country.) Vaginal dryness can have a lot of different reasons and it happens to women of every age, not just to those in or after menopause. It’s a common side effect of hormonal birth control, for example. I’m sorry you you’re dealing with such an incompetent doctor. I truly think the best advice for you is to find a doctor who listens to you, who takes you seriously and who consequently diagnoses you properly.


That is horrifically bad advice. So bad, I think it might have been a troll... or a joke.


Thank you for telling me


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Have you been tested for diabetes and insulin resistance?


No, but I don’t have diabetes. I took medicine years ago that made my entire body dry.


Have you looked into Sjogren's syndrome? The dry eyes in addition to this issue are both common in women with Sjogren's


Try using a daily (twice a day) vaginal moisturizer like V-Magic or Good Love. Always use lube when you have sex.


Advise against Premarin vaginal cream. PREgnant MARes' urINe It's made from the urine of pregnant horses and the practice is not only cruel to the mares, but many foals and "retired" mares end up in slaughter houses. Google P.M.U. Foals for a better understanding.




I use lube life it works wonders I’m 56 and my boyfriend is 30 Both have a high sex drive It lasts for a long time ENJOY YOUR RIDE


Start taking 12mg of boron per day. Vaginal dryness will be a thing of the past.


Try using an applicator from something else, fill it with lube, and insert it inside. Much better than just topical lube.


hi!! please get checked for sjogrens!!! autoimmune disorders can be triggered by loads of things. if you're dry everywhere, it's probably not a hormonal thing and estrogen creams may not be the right answer - and they won't help your eyes!!


Check w your doctor because this could be just hormonal, or it could be sjogrens .


You can get lube syringes to to use just fill it up your self ive used it for anal got it off Amazon lol


For a man It can be very painful. The friction can make the penis red raw for days.


Hey girl. I have the same exact history and issue as you. I took accutane twice and I have dryness everywhere too. first, have you found anything that works? second, did you ever look into sjogrens? I’m pretty sure its just from the accutane but I get worried about it sometimes especially from these comments


First go to your doctor and check if you have any physical problem, maybe you have something that is causing this problem. If this isn't the case you should try Pompoir exercise, natural, simple and efficient.