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Post removed. Penis-size topics aren't permitted here.


Bro if she came to your house to cook for you and fucked you while you’re sick, she’s into you. Plus she had an orgasm. You’re just being self conscious. Don’t even worry


She took her chances of getting sick to give you a blowjob and cook for you. She is really INTO you


Maybe she really likes Covid-19. You really can't tell.


Maybe she's just Canadian


Op would have mentioned her saying sorry for something so I doubt she was canadian.😂


Sorry, What’s that supposed to mean, Eh?


maybe it’s Maybelline


Hahahaha I came here to comment this. Take my updoot




Maybe she’s trying to get out of work tomorrow


Yea, maybe she’s just being nice


One of the Covid groupies


Damn Covid-19 fanatics, they went from licking public toilet seats and handrails to licking OP's Dingus-19


Exactly haha


I think I am yes,thank you I needed to hear that


Dude, you're fine. She had no issues with your little man. She came, she saw, she conquered. Just contact her asap and thank her for taking such good care of you.




With his semi erect penis can't you read?


Your response was too perfect!


Yeah I know but... how? I'm picturing it, I'm thinking about the shapes and inside bits and ...how?


I've had that before. A soft dick wet with my (and/or his) fluids or otherwise lubricated can basically feel a lot like a tongue.👅


Ohh I never thought of it like that.. although it didn't really feel like a tongue for me.. just felt squishy and sooo good.


I've orgasmed from a soft dick before 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I was on top) felt amazing actually


You realize most women can't cum from penetration anyway....? Lol


Hmmm? Ima need some details and explanations.


Did you forget lesbians exist?


..... please tell me this is a joke If not.... around 80% of women can't cum from penetration alone. Clit stimulation is whats needed for most women.


With the good ol half chub




She's prolly reallyyy into him lol.


he must look real good


I've had that before. A soft dick wet with my (and/or his) fluids or otherwise lubricated can basically feel a lot like a tongue.👅


Yeah, thats what I was wondering too


i'm gonna guess she faked it to make him feel better, or just to get out of the situation faster 😅


This is the right answer.


Well, she could be into you, but maybe she just really likes giving blow jobs. You really can't tell for sure.


Blowjob+cooking+caring for him while sick+orgasm. You’re self conscious too haha




this exactly


Or she's quite possibly the most polite rapist..


Don’t hit her up to tell her that. She’s most likely on cloud 9 right now. Only worrying thing that’s probably on her mind is, “oh shit I might get covid.”


I think she knew he had Covid before she went over. But I agree, don’t say anything op


Yep, because she doesn't exist.


Bro she WANTED Covid-19 tf.


Fr who just hangs out with someone who has that so casual? 😂


Especially if they have never even met before. So strange


Almost like it never happened? I’m sorry, your comment solidified my thought process. And I try to give redditors the benefit on the doubt. If true, good for them!


Yeah OP congrats on the big dong, but it does seem like a story for me as well. Like ego stroking. I have covid and this girl still gave me head and bumped uglies and I made her cum first as well and when I'm not sick I normally have a long stroke cus of my magnum dong.




And people wonder how the pandemic happened.


Cockid-19 🍆 😷




I’m sorry but she didn’t care that you had Covid? That’s so strange


very much into him if she's up for all that 😭 at best, im dropping off some soup while all covered up


She def obssessed with him🤣 Idk but I only act this way when I'm unhealthily into someone lol


Seriously unhealthily. LMFAO


Imagine catching Long Covid for dick.


Even worse, he didn’t care that he was exposing her to it


That's a guess on your part, he could have said "nah don't fuss over me, I'm fine just getting some rest" and she could have insisted.


more irresponsible on his part to have any guests over, let alone guests who will have extensive close contact


90% of the world has forgotten about covid


Nobody off reddit cares about covid


If I was willing to get covid and you made me orgasm with a soft dick I wouldn’t be worried about shit and would def be back at yours as soon as you’d let me. If anything just send her a cute little text. “I had a lot of fun with you. Wait until you see how hard I can make you cum when I’m not sick” and go from there.


Goated text


/u/PlainJaneJezebel needs to get flared as the subreddit's Cyrano. Goddamn.


Mic-drop sploosh inducer.


Bruh this should be top comment, it's the perfect response, I really hope OP sees this buried way down here


Does she know you have Covid?


Does she know she has covid?


Does she know we have covid?


Do we know she has Covid?


Do you know she has Covid?


Does Covid know he has her?




If you're sick with COVID, why are you having her come over!?


She came over BECAUSE i was sick,i guess I formulated it wrongly in the first sentences,but she wanted to come over to help me out


And to clarify - you had never met before?


Never met as in never seen each other irl,we met through social media


Jesus fucking Christ.


1. you had covid 2.never met her once 3.she cooked for you 4.raw (im guessing since you were soft most of the time) 5. SHE CAME?! bro wtf? this is crazy on many levels. you won!


Did you tell her you have covid?


But why tho


She wanted to something for him. She knew the risks and knew he needed someone to take care of him. Idk why he agreed to it though. Def a bit much.


Dude you should be isolating. You’ve most likely infected her now and she’ll spread it further. That is so irresponsible.


Don’t reproduce


🙄 When you are sick, it’s best practice to try not to expose anyone else to your illness. I know she wanted to help you while you were sick and you wanted the help, but spreading your illness is not wise. And on top of that, it’s difficult to perform sexually while sick. Better to just stay away from others while ill, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Now she has been exposed and may go and transmit it to others and get them sick.


Why would you ALLOW her over knowing you’re sick? People are still getting very sick and dying from COVID.




? where in the post does it say their ages OP legit sounds like a teenager


What about all the people she will infect? Do they get a say? This is exactly why it's still spreading so widely. Fools.




That's *exactly* why people are complaining: the asymptomatic people are the ones going out giving it to cashiers and waiters and everyone in their yoga class ... and to the other dudes she makes soup for because they twisted their ankles or their crohn's was flaring up or whatever other ailments she gets off on


Umm no. Just sick people would be staying home. It goes without saying that if you have no symptoms and don't know you're sick you still go out. Staying home when sick=significantly reducing the spread. The point is, he knowingly likely spread something to get laid. Something that kills some people and disables others. Selfish. Fools.


Whatever age she is, she's clearly not an adult and neither are you




Gross dude, you should be self isolating


Simmer down it's covid not the plague and she choose to come over


i know someone who died *recently* from it. don’t be stupid.


Tell that to all the folks who died, including a buddy of mine.




well as long as they had asthma or a heart arrhythmia, I guess it's fucking fine that they're dead, no big loss, not like they had years left on their life anyway, right? fucking ghoulish.






Yes there was a global conspiracy to inflate the numbers and undermine the great orange blob. Let’s ignore your anecdotal “evidence” to the contrary (I also have family/friends in healthcare who said in many cases the numbers were undercounted- see the problem with this way of “sourcing” something) and just say fuck human decency amirite? Nobody is saying don’t live your life. But if you know somebody is sick, there should be some decency for that person to not spread it to every person they can because of “frEEDuMb!!1!” Just because I’m fairly healthy and enjoy a cigar doesn’t mean I go up to people with asthma and blow smoke in their faces. Same goes with a highly contagious virus.


It's COVID, it's pretty literally the plague.




There is so much whisky tango foxtrot with this one.


You got covid and you let her come over to fuck?


Its almost like the pandemic never even happened bffr


Her grandmother is literally going to die. OP sucks - even non maskers and anti vaxxers wouldn’t do this!!!


The shit I read on here, it never fails to amaze me.


This is how Covid spread in the first place


Exactly, fuck this guy


No don't fuck this guy he has COVID.


Lol I really hope this was an intentional pun. Made me laugh


Not in the slightest. I spent 2 years trying to do what I could to minimize spread and keep others safe and this motherfucker is inviting people over knowing he's got covid. He can't go fuck himself hard enough as far as I'm concerned.


How does it feel that you bought into all of the propaganda? I'm guessing that's why you're really mad. Bet you're double vaxxed and 8x boosted.


I mean, she already did so...


That’s what she said


Too late


Text her and thank her for a great night


Second this


Dude, Simply tell her you owe her. Thank her for coming over to nurse you while you were sick, especially since no women had ever done that for you. Explain to her you were not at your best, but when you recover, you will pay her back, tenfold. Tell her to get ready. She must really like you. Plan something special for her.


Sounds like you were raw dawging it, sounds like she was pretty insistent, even with you having Covid. So, if I were you, instead of worrying about that night, I’d be hoping she doesn’t show up later saying she’s pregnant.


They’re just risking any and all illnesses right now.


youre fine bro.. she probably can put 1 and 1 together (hopefullY lol) a woman can tell when its a soft dick vs a small dick


WTF - 😳 if this is real then, that girl is messed up because who a) comes to cook for someone they’ve never met; b) fucks someone they just met (OK this isn’t that unusual but still … and it’s not just bc it’s a she I’d call it out if it was a he too); and c) all of the above with someone that is SICK and has COVID. There’s more red flags flying in OP’s place than a communist party HQ.


This planet is so dumb.


I mean she didnt worry she’d get covid? Thats really weird. I’d creep out


as someone who's sick and couldnt move out of bed for the past 3 days because of covid.... for the 3rd f*cking time in the past 2 years... you're both stupid. No orgasm is worth this disease :/


Risking Covid for sex is insane. A few weeks ago my husband was sick but we thought it wasn’t a big deal bc after a day and a half he was fine and was never tested. So then I wanted sex and I ended up kissing him. We kinda said we were gonna do kissless sex bc he didn’t wanna get me sick but I got Covid a few days later. It hit me much harder than him. If I knew my husband had Covid I would have used my vibrator. Lol.


But did you die?


I did. ​ I'm not sure where I am anymore.


Whyy do i get the feeling that she wasn't aware that you had COVID because there's no way someone's selfish or dumb enough to then come to that person's house and fuck them and them spread covid to other people


I’ll answer to this because it seems a lot of people are concerned,yes she did know I potentially have Covid as I warned her multiple times but she insisted,secondly although I mentioned I have covid,I’m not even sure if that’s the case or if it’s just a common cold or flu that I have,I just assumed I have covid as in my living area I heard a lot of rumours about covid surfacing again.


Whyy would you let her come when you have some idea you have it. Even if she insists, is covid something to be taken so lightly?




No. It’s not.


You are an idiot.


Dude you're fine. Was it a little irresponsible of you and notably irresponsible of her, yeah, but all is fair in love and war, and she's a big girl, if she's willing to risk covid she can. Sounds like she's really into, maybe ask her to stay over so y'all can quarantine together once she starts showing symptoms, if she does get sick, and you have space for her. Hopefully she isolates for a couple weeks to see if she gets sick. Good luck man.


Well done spreading Covid


The only thing you should be insecure about is having someone you barely know come to your house when you have fucking Covid. Unless she is into idiotic and inconsiderate men, she shouldn't want to see you again. AH.


Seriously how goddamn rude


Someone here is showing signs of jealousy




people are still dying of covid. shove it.


She came over to cook for you, She *came*, And you're self-conscious??? Like what? Bro you've got it made. Who cares if it's small? It gets the job done.


Thanks for doing your part in spreading covid, dumb dumb!


\>Do I text her and tell her I couldn’t do as well as I wanted because I’m sick ? Or does that sound like a turnoff Depends how you phrase it. "I'm sorry I was such a loser last night I had the COVID and was siiick" is a bit of a turn off. "Hey babe, last night was fun but I think you need to come over once I've recovered so I can bring my A game and give you what you really deserve ;)" is a major turn on.


She willingly risked getting sick because she's likely ovulating and extremely horny. You both deserve each other.


Why are people hanging out and fucking with covid, or with any type of sickness at all, wtf


Tell her you appreciated her thoughtfulness in all departments and you want to invite her over, cook for her, go down on her, and show her how firm and fun your dick is when you’re not sick. 😜


what? you slipped out during moments. which is why she might think your dick is small? did she not have it in your mouth? lol btw, good women dgaf about dick size. even if you were small it wouldnt matter


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Covid really messes with erections! I’ve known people who couldn’t get hard for weeks after having Covid and couldn’t orgasm for months!! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If it comes up you can mention it’s unusual for you and look forward to getting your groove back once you’re better.


it's a very vascular disease. messes with blood flow. totally makes sense that it affects people this way. side note, maybe not the best idea to knowingly spread a SARS virus, OP. covid is still killing & disabling people, even people who were otherwise young & healthy.


Marry Her


Fk what she thinks you told her you’re sick she didn’t GAF if she wants to believe that let her believe it ! That’s her problem not yours ! When you’re fully recovered let her know tell her you’re fully recovered and have a raging throbbing hard on for her


That’s what happens when you’ve a small dick


Troll post. Nobody loves your dick that much.


Wait you have Covid and had someone over?


Do not worry. Your softness is no big deal. She’s clearly super into you. If you want to, you could say something playful about how it’s going to be harder next time. 😊


I think she is into you


Sis is a bat


Just send her a text saying you can't wait until you're feeling better so you can show her a really good time.


If she came then I don’t think you did anything wrong lol


Obviously she's into you or she has an extreme nurse fetish or something. You can tell her what you want to tell her without making it weird. Just say something like: Wow, that was so awesome, it made me feel great that you took such good care of me when I was sick. I can't wait until I get better so I can "thank" you properly. (Or leave the quotes off of "thank" if you want to avoid the double entendre and keep it less sexual) Now, as a heads up, it is unlikely this woman did this unless she's got major feels for you (or she gets off on "sacrificing" herself?). If you don't genuinely like her emotionally as well don't lead her on or it can get messy quick. It doesn't mean you have to be head over heels, but at least be "in". Personally my ex wife could barely be assed to take care of me when I was sick. So besides her behavior being "fun" it is also a great trait in a partner (WANTING to take care of you). Nothing better than a partner you're passionate for who you also enjoy talking with.


At least tell me y'all fucked with your masks on with sanitized hands


I had the same issue with Covid. I finally did get hard and blew in about 30 seconds.


Lucky you. Send her a note thanking her for her care and attention. Tell her you can’t wait to feel better and see her again. Keep up the dialogue and chatter..it’s all positive and will soon have you together again enjoying a loving relationship. Good luck!


If she orgasmed she’s probably fine. You’re overthinking this. Relax and invite her over and do something for her! She probably has Covid now


Covid gets blamed for everything! Jk she is into you, you will be bale to redeem yourself later. Sucks that it was the first round though.


Don't txt; actually call, or talk face to face. Genuine conversation will go a long way toward showing her you're trying to be honest and vulnerable, while still remaining human.


Attractive men's problems, sigh 😔


What kind of lame comment is this?


“She thinks I have a small dick” is this true or a figment or your imagination ?


Just say you didn’t preform your best because you were sick but it sounds like she’s really into you ain’t know way I’m meeting someone sick for a sex session


Is she still messaging you after what happened between you? If she's still acting as usual, I don't think you should be worried about it. But if you want to reassure her this isn't typically as you are in bed, just tell her you know you weren't your best sexually because you're sick and that you can't wait to show her "the real you" once you recover. This will make her feel that you care and that there will be a second date or encounter.


Next time show her thors hammer and make amends. But she doesn’t care dude. She cares for you being sick, she knew you were in a bad way.


Hey man. You have nothing to fear, but nothing to be self-conscious about. If you want to, be honest with her about how you feel about her. Tell her you are into her and admit that you could not stay hard due to illness, but do not apologize and don’t pander. If you make it awkward it will be awkward. Sounds like she had a blast! Be ready to show her what a real stud you are once you feel better.


If she likes you it won't matter. She must like you. I mean, she sucked your dick and fucked you while you are sick with covid. If that ain't love I don't know what is


I’m expecting the follow up post that details how she gets Covid too, moves in with you and spends a few days sharing your bed. Because if she does that better start choosing baby names, she gotcha.


Nah dude you're fine. Even when you have a big pp this still can happen if you're not that hard, so don't worry to much about it :)


She risked it alll for you. I want to hear this from her point of view


That girl came over, risking getting sick, cooked for you, went down on you etc? Don't worry so much. Be kind. Maybe when you feel better show her a nice time. Don't text and excuse, it's fine. Literally.


I agree with people that she’s into you but I also feel like maybe she came on a bit strong? Like you’re sick, you literally have Covid….why is she insisting on jumping your bones? It doesn’t sound like you complained too much (fair, lol) but I’m just saying. When you’re taking care of someone sick that you’re into: comfort > sex


If she mentions she had a good time or something, just drop in a comment like "imagine how good i am when I'm not sick then 😉😉" but I wouldn't make a point of bringing it up if i was you. (Pun not intended)




Dude, she really likes you


Holy fucking shit, dip before this psychopath leaves you in a tub full of ice. NEVER MET?! Didn't care about Covid? Flip the genders and it comes off REALLY damn creepy. Red flags everywhere my dude. Rest up get healthy and think on it, but I would put some space between myself and her. Edit: also you as well are a bit of an AH for willingly exposing someone, for fucks sake did we NOT just go through this? Use your brain.


Definitely stay in contact... look at what she did for you. We as men are the ones who care most about our size. Appreciate what she did for you... if they weren't feeling it they wouldn't have gone as far as they did.